
let's paint the town red


03-03-2014, 11:39 PM

Head hung low so nose almost dragged along the ground, sickly green eyes flittering to and fro across the frozen wasteland. He moved with a disconnected purpouse, legs stiff and gait rocky as he made his way in no direction in particular. He needed to move, needed to leave but there was no leaving. Running was no longer an option. So skin streatched and strained above shoulder blades as they rolled and moved to absorb the shock of massive paws pressing against the frozen ground. At times it almost felt like his skin would tear, already hi spelt was patchy along his spine, shoulders and hips. Though muscles still lined his entire form there was nothing else aside from that, no a single ounce of fat left on his diminished frame. Once he had been well groomed and quite the looker but now his pelt was matted with stick, mud, burrs and other things he had yet to pick from his pelt. Black pelt now seemeda muddy brown and silver markings could barely be seen. Really his only notable feather was his green eyes and even those seemed more dull then usual.



03-03-2014, 11:50 PM
ooc- poor ky -cuddles- Cat will fix him up

Everything was set. Her numbers were growing rapidly and she hadn't even called the pack together. Anticipation made her massive frame quiver with pleasure. Soon. Power was within her grasp. A malicous grin split her features. A low chuckle vibrating her chest. Shoulders rolled, hips swayed, all with a lazy grace. Power rolled off her in waves. Already, the thought of being Queen had her head spinning.

Her dizzying thoughts were interrupted when a foreign and almost foul odor invaded her nostrils. Before her stood a strange object, one she had never seen before. Powerful limbs pushed her forward, furthering her exploration of the structure.

The sound of anothers approach had her stopping, coral gaze searching for the source. It was a disappointing sight to see. What appeared to be a man, a poor excuse for one, treaded along, his nose nearly dragging, his movements stiff. A brow lifted, looking distastefully at the being. But perhaps he could be of use. She would approach, blocking his path.

"You are quite pathetic looking. I wonder, what could possibly do this to a man?" Carelessly she threw her words at him, she had no regards for his feelings, it appeared as though he had none anyways. Her crown would lift, causing her to look down at his dull verdant eyes. Tail remained locked in its usual place of swaying at her hocks.

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03-04-2014, 12:25 AM
ooc;; poor cat doesn't know what she's getting into XD

He wanted to be alone, silence and solitude all he craved at the moment so when the woman forced her presence on him he would halt, massive paws planting against the hard earth and immediately stance would widen, neck scrunching rather then lifting his skull to meet her gaze. She was smaller then him, by less then a foot like most but still considerably smaller. And where his frame was packed with muscles her's was more dainty and petite. What was she to him other then a mere fly and yet here she was fixating on him and forcing him to respond by barring his path. For a long moment green gaze would hold hers, unwavering and unblinking. Finally head would lift, drawing higher and higher until it was above her own. He didn't care who she was or where she came from. These were rouge lands and she was in HIS way. So as chin tipped down and head continued to raise in a constant reminder that he was in fact protecting his neck and ready to fight he would continue to stare her down. What could possibly do this to a man?

"Maybe I keep myself smelling this bad in hopes that whores like you might leave me alone." So many words it made his throat hurt as tongue forced itself to work for the first time in over six months. Tone was raspy and harsh, not at all inviting or pleasant to the audits and so his would fold to his skull nose wrinkled in disgust. She was a harlet, a worthless whore who thought far too highly of herself. Her stature alone repulsed and disgusted him not to mentioned she had ruined his walk. So for that reason alone he would take a step forward, drawing almost uncomfortably close to her in an attempt un unnerve and possibly rattle the female. He wanted her to shake, wanted her to beg and plead for him to grant her mercy. He wanted her to know he could and would kill her if it came to that.



03-04-2014, 11:33 AM

He would come to life before her, unfolding himself, lifting himself so that he towered over her. There were few wolves that could look down at her, and he was one of them. His shoulders scrunched, muzzle tipped so it protected his throat. Was he expecting an attack? Even so near water, it was blistering hot with the summer heat wave. Amusement trickled into her gaze as he spoke, referring to her as a whore. She brushed off the insult without even a blink. Did he think she would roll over so easily?

He would step towards her, invading her personal space. Did he honestly think he could frighten her away like a pup? She would hold her ground, if not leaning forward a fraction to further invade his space. For a moment a tension bubble of silence enveloped them. Coral gems mingled with his verdant gaze, silently assessing the man.

"You could prove to be useful." Not a muscle would move as she spoke, it was a challenging to keep hostility out of her voice and posture but she had no desire to fight in the dead of summer, and this one would need a different approach. "Would I be wrong to say that you have developed a taste for blood?" Lightly she would prod at him, speaking fluidly, giving him little chance to interrupt. "What if I told you of a pack that would love you?"

Toes would spread, claws flexing to dig into the earth. She had been recruiting nearly nonstop since she had spoken with Basilisk. And it was starting to get boring, but she needed the numbers and strength. The way she saw it, if this man was willing to invade her space, challenge her without knowing a damn thing about her, then he could be a valuable asset. She just needed to convince him.

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3 Years
Extra large
03-04-2014, 12:38 PM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2014, 12:41 PM by Neios.)
OOC: saf gave me permission to throw him in here, hope that's okay dio :)

Protracted limbs would push the boy onward as he pursued the winding trail of his new adviser, her robust perfume guiding his eagerness to be by her side. She had been the only bitch capable of dominating him besides his mother, which in the end had proved to be a short lived victory. Little had the wench known he was a very obsessive little boy, who often tracked those he felt would benefit him to the point of madness. He seemed to always be there now, following her about like her shadow, only leaving her a few hours here and there to herself. He was oftentimes silent when by her side, as he only wanted to be with her, and would often attempt to push all other company our of their world when he was. He wanted her to himself. Just as he had with Newt, he would obsess over this woman emotionally, while desiring her physically. She would be his reason to persevere.

A small figure hung lifelessly from tightly clenched jaws, the cub's blood staining his curled lips and throat as it seeped through the corners of his mouth. He had managed to stealthy abduct the pup from a rogues den while searching for something to capture and experiment on, and had left only his distinct scent for the mother to grieve over. Should they cross paths again she would remember his unmistakable scent, and he would kill her just as he had her pitiful child should she seek revenge. He was not afraid of consequences, he anticipated them.

Tongue would roll over the pups fine hairs as a snicker lifted his lips, his head tossing back as he threw the body into the air, making a game out of tossing and catching it into his mouth. The wenches scent was overwhelming now, an indication that Cataleya was very close. Hopefully she would be pleased with the prize he had brought her, as he planned to dissect it and teach Cataleya things he had learned while in the moor. He would break free from the vegetation and a large ship would come into his vision, two figures standing a few yards away from the towering boat. He would sprint toward the duo whilst throwing the deceased pup into the air, continuing his little game as he effortlessly strode up to them. He would slither beside his adviser, his mouth agape as he dropped the lifeless pup at her paws, a peace offering to say the least. He would pay no attention to the stranger or the business being conducted before he had shown up. He would remain silent, his amethyst gaze rising so that he could see the first expression to overtake her features once she realized what he had brought her.



03-07-2014, 12:42 AM

Sickly green gaze was unwavering, unblinking it seemed as he stared down the vile temptress before him like a rattler curled in his path ready to strike. She chose to try and make him feel uncomfortable but simply he would continue to stare at her, ears pinned back as if refusing entrance to the words that slipped from his tongue for him to hear. She seemed to not care for the harsh words he had thrown her way, instead brushing them off almost like they were a compliment. Instead she called him useful. Useful. To her? All of a sudden a sneer would stitch across his lips, vile and sickly like a poison was spreading from his throat and bubbling over jaws. Sickly. Everything about him was sickly. There was a deadness to him, a viral disease of hatred and rage boiling inside him and threading to overflow. It was almost like he couldn't filter out the emotions anymore as they washed over his face, going from that sickly sneer to a blank face with nothing more then a twitch to his upper lip. A taste for blood. He was born and raised to taste nothing else. Having tried and failed to leave that life behind him now there was nothing left but blood.

No real tangible emotion touched his face until the mention of a pack. A pack he would fit into. Eyes narrowed slowly as if waiting for her to throw in a catch or a ploy or say that she was joking. But no words followed that statement and for a long moment he simply stared at her."Tell me more." Words would start from somewhere deep in the core of the beast and rumble like rolling stones up his throat until they almost rattled through his teeth. His voice had never been pleasant before, always scratchy and rough but after the last few months of avoiding others and not speaking it was worse even. Maybe he had been born with something wrong with his throat? His remembered the goddess feeding him herbs for something when he was young but as with all those memories that didn't involve blood or training it was faded. He could grasp it no better then he could try and grab water with his paws. It just flowed past him and disappeared from his grasp.

But it seemed before she could even speak another would join them and it was then that everything went to shit. The small form that hung from the bastards teeth was the only thing wide eyes could focus on and once more it was like he couldn't move. All he could do was stare for a moment that felt like an eternity. Kaios? No he knew the man was dead? No. This was one of his bastard offspring perhaps? Offspring. Everything fell into place suddenly and a wicked smile slithered over dark lips. "The only queen I will ever bow to is the one who ripped his fathers throat out." Words were as close to a purr as could be with his scratchy voice. Massive pillars were moving suddenly, lumbering gait renewing as he moved around them to put the woman between himself and the boy. Dead green eyes turned to him as he moved past and three words slipped from his tongue. "All hail Jupiter." The smile he wore was the diseased one he had shown before and with that he would set off once more, more then willing to put this meeting behind him.

-exit Kylar-



03-07-2014, 01:01 AM

He remained unwavering, but slowly a sneer would cross his face as her words caught his attention. Something shifted in his expression, she wasn't quite sure but it was, but whatever it was, she liked it. His scratchy words invaded her ears, but she was all to happy to share more. Jaws parted to speak, but the thundering of paws interupted her. A low growl vibrated her chest with annoyance. Neios. He just couldn't stay away.

She would turn to look at him, when a soft thud caught her attention. Gaze traveled to the ground and immediately her blood ran cold. The battered body of a dead pup lay at her feet and the boy seemed all to please with his offering. Lips would curl back in a snarl, tongue rolling against her fangs. Hackles lifted, audits falling back against her skull. Her behomth form would step towards the boy, rage turning her vision red.

"You dare bring me a child?" Dangerous words slid off her tongue like poison. She closed in on the boy, her tail rising to curl above her lips. The strangers words barely registered in her mind, diverting her attention only briefly. But the name caught her attention. Jupiter. How did he know her? For now that would not be her concern.

As the man slipped from her grasp, her rage would only grow. Until finally it snapped. Muscles would coil before her launched herself at the boy. She would attempt to knock him to the ground, simultaneously, her jaws would hinge, aiming directly at the side of his throat. She would not relent until he was beneath her, forced into submission, forced to suffer her rage.

OOC: Forgot cat had a soft spot for pups XD

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3 Years
Extra large
03-10-2014, 03:50 PM

The raspy voice of a stranger would bring his audits to fold, his lips creasing into a displeased sneer as his gaze swung toward the male. He did not know who this man was, nor did he care. All he knew was he was interrupting his time with Cataleya. A growl would bubble within his chest, the venomous words of Jupiter and his father going into one ear and out the other. Within him rage was building up, and his cheeks would begin to burn as his breathing became labored. Flames arose within his gaze, and he would feel the sudden impulse to lunge forward and attack- but suddenly, he would be forced onto the ground, beaten into submission by the woman he was oh so obsessed with. Not a sound would spill through his sealed lips as he clenched his jaw in protest, grinding his teeth so that he resisted the urge to fight back. He would simply lay there until she had her fill, and when she would release he would simply rise as if it had never happened. Surly blood would drip from his wounds, but he did not mind it. He enjoyed the pain, and it encouraged him to treat those lesser than him in the same manner. He would follow her wherever she chose to go next, his jaws unhinging as he attempted to scoop up the deceased body once more. He didn't want to leave it here, he had gone through obstacles to get it for her.



03-10-2014, 04:19 PM

He would crumble beneath her without a fight. He would no protest, he would take his punishment without question. His blood would spill across her tongue before she released him. Lips remained curled in a vicious snarl, growls bubbling in her throat. She would step away in order to let him rise once more. Her blood still boiled with unsatisfied rage.

"Bury it." Words were bit would between clenched jaws as she strode way from the boy. Long limbs carried her away from the boy, there was no need to stay here any longer, her possible recruit had vanished. But the dark man still held some sort of importance to her. He knew of Jupiter, he pledged her allegiance to her. But he appeared to be easily swayed. She just needed to find him again.


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