
Here comes the sun



4 Years
03-03-2014, 02:13 PM

She had changed her mind, well that and it bothered her what her sister said a little. How could she have been so rude to their parents? It wasn't like they had the right to judge them on any account. Well no matter, point was she has sat and thought about it for a while. And thought about where she had been what she had done. She had helped two females give birth that being her own mother and Loccian. Then she had plenty of broken bones to deal with and more in amenti at the time. Those wolves didn't know when to stop trying to show their strength and the fighting that happened was ruthless Arian had learned a few of those moves from her cousin. Arian sighed, well she was back and she was here perhaps to do something far more useful then sit around and watch the others toil their lives away.
Standing at the borders the young girl tilted her head to one side. She gave a small bark as the thirty six inch tall girl waited. While she had a lot of things on her mind. The best choice right now was probably to just get things sorted out so she could get busy. The more experience the better, and the higher chance of creating a story where everyone would know her name. Like her father Natsu, she wanted to do him proud. Her mother and adopted father too Epiphron and Maverick. She didn't see them as weak like her sister did. They were strong, and had the right to make their own decisions just like she did. Her tail flicked as she puffed out her chest sighing and then replacing that with a smile.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


03-11-2014, 07:12 PM

Most of the wolves of Seracia had been spoken to by now of what tasks they could do and of matters such as apprenticeship. She still needed to check in with Squall, Pacifica and Dragon, though she was hoping that news had spread to them. All the same though the Queen was trying her best to track down the remaining older members of Seracia and inform them of their duties. Since Maverick and Epiphron left Seracia felt a bit more empty... to make matters even worse Loccian's mate and one of her children had disappeared as well. The once large, nearly overflowing ranks of Seracia had dwindled down into almost nothing.

A summoning howl would reach her ears, and, with a bit of confusion, the woman would pad towards the call. Arian hadn't been gone from Seracia all that long... what could it be that she was calling for? Confusion would be evident in her single orbed gaze as she approached the femme, raising a brow. "Welcome back Arian. What can I do for you today?" Her voice was calm as she spoke, coming to a stop and sitting down.




4 Years
03-12-2014, 07:18 PM

Soon enough she was being confronted by the queen. Arian bowed respectfully, her blue crystal eyes looking seriously at the woman for a moment before she gave a large grin. She definitely took after her father that was for certain. She wasn't sure what they'd think of her leaving and appearing just as quick, but she figured she'd be better off here. If she'd be allowed to help with her experience after all. "I don't want you to think of me as someone who gives up, I changed my mind on going to Olympus it just isn't for me. My heart is still here, even if I didn't want it to be." Arian wagged her tail back and forth. As she tilted her head for a moment to think. Well, she wasn't entirely an adult yet, but she was fully capable of taking care of herself and others for that matter now.
"So I am here to join again. But I don't wish to be a filius anymore. I know that usually they stay there until two years of age but I feel like I'm ahead of the other pups. I don't want to boast I'm sure they're all amazing after all." She gave a nod of her head. Ambitious was she? Probably, but not dangerously so that was for certain. "I'm of noble blood, not just from adoption, my father was a prince and was raised as one before he came to Ala. And then I was raised as a princess under Epiphron and Maverick for nearly my whole life. I've helped two litters into this world, healed many injuries including broken bones and burns of the such. Syren my cousin also took me to amenti where I learned how to fight. It wasn't exactly the nicest way of fighting....they were pretty ruthless and scary. But I know how to defend myself and others. I'd like to put these skills to work for Seracia!" Arian finished with a smile. Her tail wagging back and forth furiously now.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


03-14-2014, 06:55 PM

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The young wolfess would bow, and Destruction would calmly wait, a smile spreading across her maw the moment she saw the grin. Arian?s visit back to the lands was of good news, that was for certain. The Queen would listen, ears pricked as the girl spoke. Her words remained respectful, speaking her mind, speaking of her decisions. All of this would be taken in by Destruction, whose duty was to listen, hear, and understand the position of Seracians. Even old members. It would seem, however, that Arian wished to come back into the ranks, and Destruction would welcome her.

Arian would speak her piece, and Destruction would nod here and there as she spoke, until it was finally time for the Queen to speak in response. Her smile did not fade, and there was a sparkle in her single, crimson ringed orb as she spoke. ?You are most welcome back in Seracia, Arian. I may not have seen your skills firsthand, but I do not see you as the type to lie or boast. You will be welcomed back into our ranks as a Priest, and, should you continue to work hard, perhaps something greater in time.[/coior] The alphess would swish her tail, turning and looking over her shoulder at Arian before padding onward. [color=#Eb0000] ?Shall we return home??


{{Ooc:: End thread?}}



4 Years
03-20-2014, 03:45 PM

Arian's face broke out into a large smile, she nearly began to jump around but she stopped herself. Giving a wag of her tail she happily re-stepped over the border. This was her home, yes this was definitely her home there was no other way to describe it after all. Her friends were here, her family, there was no telling what she'd be able to do. The bright woman who was the daughter of a man slaughtered in cold blood was making a place for herself all the same. And now she was priest, being able to use her skills to her advantage.
"Yes, thank you so much." Arian said as she walked next to destruction. Though it was clear she would soon split off to work. Work, automatically, she would connect, she would learn. Do the things she loved and ultimately try to save all those she could. Maybe she'd learn something new as well. Who knew, she was a bright and insightful child.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.