
RALLY THE TROOPS [ludi self defense lesson]

Magnus 1


03-03-2014, 01:36 PM

The lesson had been shunted back by quite some time due to the fact that he had lost his foot. Which had screwed things up. He was so annoyed at himself. It had all been his fault, and he would have drowned if he hadn't been found by Sage, he owed the people of Ludicael so much. They had given him a home, Song had introduced him to his wife, Aurora had given him two beautiful children, Song had given him the ranking in the pack that he had desired for so long, and Sage had saved his life, the list went on and on.

But now it was time. To call them, teach them how to defend themselves. He hoped that there would never be war, but if it came down to that, that was what he was preparing them for. But they needed to know how to defend themselves for certain, there may not have been monsters out there. But there were people that came pretty damned close. That he knew for a fact.

He would not be able to actually take part in any demonstrations, but he hoped that there would be a few able bodied fighters among those who showed up that he could ask to take part in demonstrations. He had only just gotten the rhythm for walking correct, and he wanted to get this lesson started as soon as possible. Magnus glanced around the clearing, the same one that he had spent so long teach himself to walk in not long ago. He tipped his cranium back and howled, summoning the wolves of Ludicael, the ones that wanted to learn the arts of self defense. He stood, waiting to see who would show.

Awesome table by Seren ^^


03-03-2014, 01:56 PM

Red temptress found herself laying on her back among the mangroves, swollen belly having grown too large for her to lay comfortably on her side or stomach. She was ready for the daemons growing within her womb to get out and care for themselves. She wanted her damn figure back. Legs splayed in a rather unlady like fashion, laying limb in random directions in an attempt to get comfortable. It wasn't working. Maybe that was why when she heard the call for the wolves of Ludicael to gather for a self defence lesson she almost threw herself to her paws, wiggling and twisting to get herself up. Done, she was done with this crap. So slender legs that now seemed almost too tiny to hold up her round frame propelled her forward to search for the mysterious summoner.

"Greetings good gentleman. What are we to learn today?" She would ask as she approached, head tipped and lantern eyes taking in his missing limb. But she said nothing of it and took a moment to seat herself before him, having to work around her swollen belly. How big were these beasts that she had grown so big? Or how many? God damn it how many little beasts would she have to feed once they came out?!? She almost groaned at the thought but realized she was in the company of another still and kept her mouth shut.



5 Years
03-04-2014, 03:30 AM

Novella was certainly glad that they could take part in multiple lessons rather than focus upon the one area, she'd certainly make the most of that opportunity, attending each one so far, aside from the one Cherokee had recently called specifically for the Divine Guard. She had indeed been a little tempted, eager to learn more about self defence but with her ranking nowhere near that high, she'd restrained herself. She was quick to move however upon hearing Magnus calling them. A self defence lesson at last.

She hadn't quite been speedy enough though, another had already beaten her to the area. She'd met Vi properly for the first time not too long ago now though she was certainly surprised to see the heavily pregnant female here now. Novella didn't mean to be rude, though she didn't think it didn't look like she'd be comfortable at the best of times, let alone training. She kept her mouth shut however and simply gave a quiet greeting to both of the wolves as she awaited for others to arrive and the lesson to begin.



5 Years
03-05-2014, 12:47 AM

This time she girl heard the call, and heeded it; the young girl had not seen too much of Magnus around as of late but was glad to hear his summons. The yearling lifted herself to her paws, done day dreaming for the moment. Finally she could feel useful, or at least like she wasn?t lazing about the pack. Heading towards the call she drew in the site of the clearing, three figures already there. The girl recognized two of them, one being her aunt Novella and the second their teacher, though she was surprised to see him missing a limb.
The third wolf was a stranger to her, a woman draped in an elegant cloak of red and white, her belly swollen from the pups within her, she was simply too big for it to be anything else. She quirked an eyebrow for half a second, her expression returning to its usual neutral mask as she moved to her aunt sides, giving her a small smile and nod before giving the other wolves a little less friendly dip of her head. Not that she thought bad of any of them, just that Canta was still much more comfortable around her family, and certainly Novella felt more like family now than she had when she first arrived. Silently she would wait.


Goodness Gracious Great Balls of Fire, Thank you Nine!
[Image: oLGAaTF.png]



6 Years
03-05-2014, 09:26 AM

Satu was in the middle of stalking a pika in the rocky forest around sunset falls when the call came. The little short-eared lagomorph had finally popped out of hiding and relaxed, nibbling on plants as it bounced further and further from safety... it froze at the predatory sound, but as it faded away it went back to it's nibbling. Satu, however, bounded up from her hidden crouch, startling the pika into bounding away, but she ignored it. Self-defense lessons? That was much more interesting than hunting. Sure, there were pregnant or nursing wolves who couldn't hunt for themselves who would really appreciate the meal even if it was small, but Song had said that students needed to attend classes. She promised herself she would hunt afterwards to make up for it.

Bounding up to the small group, Satu spotted her cousin among them and grinned at her. But manners dictated she introduce herself to the teacher before anything, so she quickly scanned the remaining three wolves, none of whom she recognized. One heavily pregnant female, a yearling female, and a male - the call had been obviously masculine, so Satu bounced up to him. "Hi!" she greeted him. "I don't think we really met before... I'm Satu. I'm Novella's cousin. It's nice to meet you! I'm really looking forward to your lesson," she chattered quickly before turning and bouncing over to Novella without waiting for an answer. She didn't want to hold up the lesson by making him feel obligated to make small talk, so she quickly seated herself by her younger cousin with another excited grin for the girl.



03-09-2014, 04:45 AM

He was still consumed with jealousy and anger from the litter that Song was carrying. Dhiren had been withdrawn from the pack, not really doing anything but scouting the borders and making sure the scents were still intact for them. He had to keep the feelings he still carried on his shoulders to himself, for if he let them slip through words or actions, he was sure to regret them. Being wrapped in a veil of invisible negativity was not fun, but what else could the boy do? As if an answer to his question, Magnus's howl broke through the air...and his thoughts.
His large head slowly rose to the direction of where the man's call had come from. Right white ear perked with its black brother to make sure that the location could be pinpointed along with his other senses. Curiosity peeked through the veil and Dhiren allowed it to pull him towards the summons. Whatever it was, he hoped it would be worth abandoning his murky thoughts.
Lanky form didn't take long to break through the foliage and the woods when he appeared in the small clearing. Magnus's brilliantly white coat stood out against the dark background and Dhiren dipped his maw to him before taking notes of those whom had appeared before him. Aunt Novella, a cousin he hadn't met yet (Saku), and a very pregnant Viridiana. His eyes lingered on the pregnant belly before they moved towards the familiar form of his sister. For once, his face broke out into a smile and he padded towards the girl. Coming up on her left side, he nudged her in the shoulder and gruffly voiced to the group, "Sorry I'm late. Didn't want to miss a lesson." Even though he was upset with his mother, he didn't want to let down the pack.



03-09-2014, 07:20 PM

Sha was probably late, and she hated that. Only distracted by the world around her she would quickly rise to her paws and move along. She was slowly getting used to all the wolves, also feeling safer. She would not slack off though, and self defense was the perfect thing for the little dog to learn. Even if she couldn't do much of it, being 20" in height. She would still like to watch for how they fought so she could dodge and have a chance to run away. After all she doubted she'd ever become a fighter. Maybe she was better off learning how to heal. She certainly would be able to handle the injured on battle-fields or even just anything else.
Nervously the dog would walk up to join the others, looking at Magnus. "I'm not late am I?" She asked the nearest wolf frantically. She was a bit nervous, but being as she was only just getting used to them. Learning names and faces, it was no doubt she would be nervous. Getting used to things was slightly scaring her more than being alone. Because what if they didn't like her? Saw her as baggage for being only a dog. That was one thing on her mind.



03-18-2014, 10:20 AM

The man licked his jaw clean from blood as he trotted along the borders of Ludicael. The meal he had shared with Aria and had left her around half an hour before to do his duties. Green orbs scanned the land around the borders diligently while his nose raked the air for any alien scents. The man reached the main river that ran through Ludicael and stooped to take a long drink. The summer was harsh and unforgiving. You had to drink frequently to avoid dehydration. The water was finally free from the terrible ash that had infected his mate. His claws twitched in anger at the thought. The sudden urge to fight reminded him of a conversation he'd had the day before with a man called Magnus. During the same wretched bout of ill weather the man had lost his front foot and was still unsteady on it. Magnus just happened to be the self defense teacher in Ludicael but until he regained his sure-footedness he could not demonstrate. Haku had volunteered to help the man in any way possible and had agreed to attend his lesson later that day. In fact, that lesson would just be about starting...
As Halu entered the clearing, the gathering of wolves ready to be taught was numerbe. He nodded and smiled to each in turn before sitting beside the ebony paws man. No worry. I'm here to help with whatever you need. Tbere was no pity in Haku's voice, rather the opposite. Respect.
