
Tell Me Again [Sokee bbys]



02-27-2014, 01:19 PM

She had fallen asleep not too long after Dhiren had come to see her, her strength drained more than even she realized. These pups were taking everything she could give them, and she happily would offer it to them. They were worth every moment of time she had to spend confined to the den, and if it came to be that she had to give up her life for them she would do that gladly as well. Song was not worried however, the pack held some very talented healers. She knew she was in good paws. As a great pain overtook her she would jolt awake, hopefully finding that Dhiren was still with her in the den. She couldn't tell as the pain was so intense, but she had to hope. Otherwise it would just be she and the gods during this birth. "Dhiren, go find your father." she would whine as another wave ran through her, "and tell Novel I need her." she didn't want to move because of the intense pain.?
Something was very wrong with this birth, it was no where near as easy as her first. And she had been completely exhausted then, having been confined to her den recently there was no reason for her energy to be so drained. The pain concerned her more, childbirth was painful yes but there was something more that was causing her agony.?




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-27-2014, 02:10 PM

Erani padded along the edge of the Ludicael border, before finding a relatively stable place and settling down. She took a few moments to catch her breath, having traveled a fair distance to come here. The time had come to reach out to the other packs and see about making alliances. If Glaciem decided to make yet another attack on her family, they would need all the assistance they could get. There would not be a repeat of the last war. She would do her best to see to it.

She set the herbs she?d been carrying between her paws, still wondering why exactly she?d decided to bring them. Birthing herbs weren?t something she was going to need. Still, she?d started to leave them behind, and her spine had tingled with an odd sense of dread. So, they had traveled with her the whole way, as Alsander had as well. Speaking of Alsander? Her head swiveled, ears perking to catch his approach until he came to a stop beside her. ?Well, nephew, we?ve made it alive, and I haven?t dropped dead yet.? Deep blue pools twinkled with amusement, even though there was a feeling of unease that was making her spine tingle again.

So she lifted her muzzle and sent up a long howl, calling for the leaders of the pack to meet with her. It was a friendly call, though held the note unique to an Alpha; the resonant thrum of strength.



9 Years
02-27-2014, 02:19 PM

The pale misty silver male followed his aunt and Alpha Primary, surprised that he was the one having trouble keeping up with her. You?d think someone her age would be slower? He grinned slightly through a panting maw, mismatched eyes of green and gold trying to keep track of his Aunt, and of where his paws were being set. Mangroves were a very new thing to him. He?d never seen them before Alacritia, and walking on them was quite the exercise of balance.

He heard his aunt?s paw falls stop, and gladly came to sit beside and just behind her. The Digamma Secondary peered over her shoulder at the land of Ludicael, ears perked until his aunt gently teased him with her voice and sparkling eyes. He licked his lips, grinning at her. ?Aye, Aunt? I think.. That it was most likely me that would drop dead of exhaustion if this place were any further away.? He gave a chuckle, Irish brogue laden words coming to an end as he looked at the sky. His aunt tilted her head back, and he listened to that thrum of song as it rolled through the mangroves, a friendly request for an audience with the leaders.

He didn?t miss the fact that his aunt was uneasy under her amusement. He hadn?t missed that she?d brought birthing herbs. A gift of friendship, maybe? He?d just have to see.



10 Years
02-27-2014, 03:17 PM

Novel was still with her aunt Symphony as Elohim made his way back to Song's den. He was worried about the pregnant she wolf, he felt as though something was wrong the whole time she'd been pregnant. Only convincing the woman to stay still very recently, he hadn't checked in on her because of Symphony's sudden appearance with her newest brood. Now that everything was becoming settled there the small primate was off to make sure the Oracle was still in good health. The sudden streak of Dhiren made him worried as he would swing from the tree branches down to the alpha's den. Her writhing form told him she was in pain, hopefully from labor but something seemed amiss. ?"Song? Will you be okay until I get back with help?" he would come to her side in the den, his paw coming up to feel her forehead. She was very warm, "I'm fine Elohim, but you should get some help." he would nod, and head out of the den. As he was off to get Novel and probably Bhaire a call would reach his rounded ears. He didn't know where Cherokee was and Song was obviously quite incapacitated. He wouldn't have stopped out of curiosity, but they were on the way and he had a strange pull to check things out.
His path would stray slightly as he swing from branch to branch gracefully. ? Two figures coming into view, both he did not know but one just so happened to have herbs with her. Birthing herbs. He would approach them carefully not knowing who they were but hopeful try could help.?"You there, you smell of herbs and authority. Our Queen is in distress, her pregnancy, it scares me and she needs help. Will you follow me to her?" he would not wait for a reply, but would hope the figures would follow him back to Song's den. He hoped they would be the healers he needed, because he didn't think Novel or Bhaire could handle the situation she found herself in.?

"Speech" Think "Elohim"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-27-2014, 03:52 PM

Erani and her nephew didn?t have to wait long for an answer, though it came in the form of a strange little creature covered in long bushy golden fur and an odd face, with no long muzzle and two large eyes, with a long tail. She didn?t let her puzzlement show beyond a slight turn of one ear, taking in the creature?s word instead with both ears pressing forward. The Ludicael Queen was in danger? She glanced down at the herbs she?d brought on a feeling. That explained a little bit. She looked over her shoulder at her nephew, nodding before turning her head back to the creature. ?Take me to her, please.? Velvet tones were gentle, but urgent, as she dipped her head and scooped up the plants her intuition had bade her to bring.

As she followed the creature, she introduced herself. ?I am Erani Adravendi, Alpha Prime of Valhalla.? In the back of her mind, she was tempted to ask what the creature was, but curiosity was set aside as they reached a den. Erani waited for the creature to announce her, before slipping into the den entrance, low on her belly to allow light to stream in above her. ?Lady. Have you had anything for pain?? She dropped the bundle of herbs she had brought along with her, eyes taking in the form of the Ludicael Queen. Her nose said the female needed something to bolster her strength, and the obvious pain said pain relief was needed. Efficiently, she separated the plants, setting those needed in front of the female. Something for bleeding as well? She added that to the little pile in front of the Queen.

?Those will help with the pain, strengthen your contractions, and help to stop heavy bleeding. The peppermint will focus your mind. My name is Erani Adravendi.? Her explanation was given in a calm, relaxed voice, as she let the feeling of calm radiate from her. Her movements were relaxed efficiency, almost a dance, as she checked the female over with skill. Not invasive, but there as support and strength. Alliance intentions were out the den mouth right now. For now, she was a healer helping a wolf in need. ?Alsander, see if you can find fresh water. The Lady will need the liquid.?



9 Years
02-27-2014, 04:03 PM

Alsander wasn?t sure how long it had been before a strange creature answered his Aunt?s call. His mind had wandered to a certain albino healer, as it was bound to at regular intervals. He hadn?t seen Io since they?d weathered the hurricane together. How was she? The arrival of the creature brought him out of his reverie, ears perking as he took it in. The scent said it as a male, but it gave no introduction, instead asking Erani to come help. That would explain why Erani had brought birthing plants with her? He wasn?t ever sure how she knew when something was about to happen? She just did.

As she and the creature took off, Alsander fell in behind, doing his best not to fall in or break a leg between the mangrove roots. As they reached the den, He hung back as his aunt slipped into the den, not quite sure what to do, until his aunts voice called his name, telling him to find fresh water. He nodded, looking around, not sure where to start in another pack?s territory. Maybe the creature would assist him?



02-27-2014, 04:59 PM

Even through the pain it seemed only moments would pass before the strange golden tamarin was back in her presence. Dhiren must have been successful in finding Novel, but no. Elohim's words would announce a different creature. The white she wolf would make her way into the large den, her words calm and sure. The alpha of Valhalla.. The reason the primate brought her here became apparent as she swiftly asked her of pain management. "Nothing yet." she would breathe heavily, "I'm... Song Destruction.. Oracle of Ludicael." The pain from the next contraction would stutter her words, but Erani would spread some herbs before her and introduce herself. She would nod, still trying to catch her breath but eagerly accepting the plant matter.
She would cooperate with the she Wolf's examination, impressed by the skill and kindness she was able to show. She would begin to breathe easier as the herbs started to take effect, but she still felt as though she was working quite hard. Another contraction would start not long after the last. Their speed increasing, the pain lessened by Erani's herbs but still more intense than she ever would have anticipated. She wanted to ask the healer what she thought, what would her prognosis be? Was this not to be a concern? She would continue her rhythmic breathing and became ready to do as Erani told her.?




10 Years
02-27-2014, 05:12 PM

Elohim would usher the wolves to Songs den, the healer allowing him her name and rank. His wolf speak was not loud enough to allow him to tell her his name on the run, but he would remember to tell her later. He would rush into the den, telling song of the wolves he had brought to her front door. He would only worry that Cherokee might get nervous with two strange wolves so close to his birthing wife. But even he would be able to see Erani's skill at a distance. He hoped. He would allow the woman to do her work, his golden tresses disappearing from their presence.
He would look to the male, they did need water. He should of thought about it before they came to the den. The closer to the borders the cleaner the water, but all was well. He had grabbed an old sea sponge from Song's den, they were wonderful puppy toys and held water quite well. He would look up to the man, "My name is Elohim, I accompany the young healer, Novel Destruction. May I ride on your back so I can carry my sponge better?" he had to ask before he jumped on a strange Wolf's back. He never knew what kind of reaction he would get from wolves.?

"Speech" Think "Elohim"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-28-2014, 01:09 PM

Erani?s lips curved in a gentle smile at Song?s introduction. ?A lovely name for a lovely mother. I had heard there was a change in leadership of Ludicael. The rumors were true, it seems.? As she finished her inspection, judging Song to be fully dilated, she stepped back, taking a respectful seat to the side and watching as the plants began to kick in. It did concern her that the pain still seemed so great, even with the strong pain reliever. ?May I ask where the pain is most notable??

She counted the seconds between contractions. Not many. They were fast, and she guessed that the first pup would be showing it?s face or tail soon. From the way Song seemed drained, she guessed this had been a hard pregnancy, and hoped that the longer acting herb she?d given for the contractions would help soon in strengthening them. Gently, she rose again, running her muzzle over the swollen belly. ?How many are you thinking there are?? it was a question that would help add to the happy side of the birthing, and help a female see past the pain to the ultimate goal of seeing the unborn faces nestled up to her belly.

She dropped another plant in front of the Oracle, one that would get her milk flowing, before going back to her gentle probing of the belly, as she tried to get a sense of how the pups were aligned inside. There was a sense of wrongness there, but she?d need to probe a bit more to pinpoint it. Perhaps a pup in the wrong position, possibly blocking the canal.



9 Years
02-28-2014, 02:05 PM

Alsander?s guess was well placed as the creature picked up a strange thing that looked rather like a pumice stone to him, then looked up at him. The question caught him off guard, though he was glad to have a name to put to the creature. ?I.. Aye, I suppose. Anything to save time. You?ll have to tell me where to go. I?m Alsander, Digamma Secondary of Valhalla.? He lowered himself slightly to allow the creature to climb upon his back, feeling the long primate fingers curling into his fur with an odd sense of wariness.

The fact that this creature could grip things with those paws of his was not a fact he?d missed. As he straightened, assuming the creature was safely secured on his back, he started off, hoping the creature would direct him to the water. ?My aunt came to see about an Alliance with Ludicael? I think she?s making a good impression?? It was an off hand comment, something to spark conversation to quell the nerves the birthing was giving him. He couldn?t help remembering all the failed pregnancies and stillbirths Amber and Laoch had endured before they had been killed.


02-28-2014, 04:11 PM

They were coming. His second litter of children were nearly here. It was surprising to the ebony man to think that he was going to become a father for the second time in his life. He and his wife had done good with raising their first littler of children; they were marvelous little creatures. And now they would do it all over again with these new pups. Cherokee had gone out that morning to fetch his wife something to eat, knowing that she would be hungry when she woke up. He had been in the middle of the hunt, about to secure the rabbit when suddenly the figure of his only son appeared beside him. Mom is about to give birth dad! You have to hurry! The knight didn't even bother giving his boy a response, abandoning the hunt as he raced back towards the den.

The first thing to hit him upon arrival were the sights and smells of the strange wolves that were surrounding his den. Immediately his hackles would bristle, ebony and ivory ears flattening against his skull, a low rumbling growl vibrating through his chest as he thundered onto the scene, bi-colored optics running over the figures of his daughter and a strange man. He would give the stranger a passing cold glance as he moved towards the den only to realize that there was another stranger already there, an elder woman to be exact. He would growl louder as he approached the mouth of the den, dark plume curled high over his hips. What are you doing to my wife? he would rumble, using his massive size to block the entrance. This woman's intentions better be good or else he would have to show her the way out. Now was not the time for him to be dealing with others. He could smell the imminent birth in the den and he knew Song was about to deliver their children. He stared down the woman, waiting for a prompt response.

Talk like this



02-28-2014, 05:38 PM

It was good for Song to concentrate on Erani's words, they would serve as an island in her sea of struggle. She did her best to stay hopeful and not think about all of the terrible outcomes that could happen. She just needed to keep her mind on steady breathing, and eventually pushing. By the way things were going though, she knew there had to be something amiss. Dhiren had absolutely no trouble finding his way from her womb. Song didn't wish to utter too many words yet, get concentration primarily on getting air into her lungs and then back out. The healer would give her direct questions that Song would breathlessly answer,?"My abdomen mostly, but there's a very sharp pain up through my spine." she would wince through another contraction. They should have been there already,?"The last litter was five and I'm sure I wasn't quite this big. So I'm sure it's at least that many this time." she would shift uncomfortably as the pain and contractions would continue. Oh how she wanted these babies out of her! It was time for them to greet the world, why were they not here yet?
Erani would offer another bitter herb, one Song recognized. A dark thought would cross her mind, she hoped that she would be able to make use of its properties. The healer would examine her rotund middle as she worked to bring the children into the world, her warm paws gently feeling the new lives that were still within her. She would feel the gentle push into the soft flesh, and suddenly everything would be released just as Cherokee stormed the entrance.
A gasp of relief would flow from Song's pearlescent maw as the first of her brood would be welcomed into the world. She would not have the time to caress him however as another contraction would contort her body. She knew that Cherokee and Erani would be able to care for the pup properly. She would try to focus her mind on breathing and pushing now, hoping it would be a quicker finish than start up. Four more times she would endure the riddance of the helpless bodies, trying her best to clean and help with as many as she could. Each child seeming healthy and all of them were beautiful. Her bicolored gaze would shift first to Erani, she needed affirmation that she was finally through the birthing process. Her next look was to her husband, hopeful to see his proud gaze. Excitement would replace the exhaustion as her body heaved a sigh of relief, she felt like a whole new wolf.?




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-28-2014, 06:53 PM

Erani nodded as Song replied to her questions, continuing her gentle probing until, at last she felt a shift and gave a nod of satisfaction as Song gave a sigh of relief and the real birthing action began, as well as the appearance of a large male, black with mismatched eyes and one white ear, and looking ready to tear into her if she meant his mate ill harm. She nosed the pup, checking him over first, then smiled. A healthy male. To the male, she said, simply, ?I am Erani Adravendi, Alpha Prime of Valhalla. I came to Ludicael to see about an alliance between our packs and received request to help your wife in birthing. And? Congratulations. You have a son.? Deep blue pools studied the male gently, a wise smile on her muzzle. I?ll let you do the honors of cleaning him and making sure he reaches his mother?s belly.? She moved to just behind Song, leaving room for Cherokee as pups began to arrive.

With each new arrival, the smile on her face grew a little wider, as each one was healthy and viable. She cleaned each pup, allowing the parents the most cleaning to have the children more familiar with their scents than hers. She was efficient, gentle, and with each passed check, she nudged the pup gently to Song?s belly, being sure to watch and make sure each latched on successfully. When the birthing was finished, she probed Song?s side gently to be sure no pups remained behind, and when she felt non, she smiled, dipping her head to the couple. ?I?ll leave you seven to get acquainted. My nephew should be back with water for Song, by now.? She cast the happy sight of a mother and her children a last glance and slipped from the den, settling outside to wait for Alsander and the fresh water for Song.

Her eyes lifted to the sky, a wistful note touching her heart. She did sometimes wish that she would have time on the land for one more litter. However, those dreams would be unrealized, and would never come to pass for her. So she would settle for caring for her pack, and her own children that she did have, as well as all those she had adopted over the years. She smiled. And for the dreams in which she walked with Cairo, side by side, with nothing to interrupt them.



3 Years
02-28-2014, 07:31 PM

Gradually things had been getting rather cramped for the unborn pups. They had all grown and were reaching that point that they were ready to face the world outside of their mother?s womb not that it was a fact they particularly knew.

All this pup knew was that something wasn?t right. The little space they had kept closing in on them. The pup fought against it, not wishing to be pushed out from what he had come to know as his home, his world. He hadn?t been in the right position in the first place, and currently blocking the exit, it meant that for now not one of them would be anywhere.

The contractions continued all the same, the boy completely unaware of how much danger his awkward positioning was putting his mother, himself and his siblings in. On the outside, frantic wolves did what they could, and as further pressure squashed his world, the pup found himself finally shifting into a better position.

At last the pup would be born though his delay meant that the others were quickly following after him, his mother consumed with pain had no time to attend to him. He wasn?t quite out of the woods just yet, though the sac was finally torn free from his body and he found himself taking his first breath of air.

There was far more space here, that much he realised rather swiftly, his little legs stretching slightly, crawling across the ground and he was guided towards his mother. Now the child tried to settle at her side, blindly nudging against her stomach as he searched for a teat and began to feed, rather content now that he was free from the contractions and completely oblivious to how close he could have come to never being born.



02-28-2014, 09:08 PM

Dhiren had been with his mother since their recent talk. Nothing could pull him away from the white female who had given him life. He knew she had been feeling ill and the pregnancy hadn't helped. As he remained by her side, eyes closed, he began to feel the changes in the air. They were on their way and nature would pursue its course.
The one and only son of Song and Cherokee would soon lose his current status, but he already knew it would happen. He slowly raised his head at his mother's sounds and opened his opts. With a conflicting gaze of love and jealousy, he watched his mother's abdomen tighten from the contractions. She requested for him to find Novel and Cherokee and that was what he did. A loving nuzzle was given to her, the last one that he would place upon her cheek as her only son. Quickly, he took flight and raced from the den.
It didn't take long for him to find his father. Cherokee had been on a hunt and his words slipped from his mouth without giving them a second thought. "Mom is about to give birth, Dad! You have to hurry!" Cherokee ran past him and the yearling wondered if he needed to look for Novel. Cries from the den that he had left reached his ears and he became torn. He quickly made his choice and returned to the den.
Dhiren approached the entrance of the den as Song gave birth to five little pups. Blind and helpless, they started to scout their own ways to her side for warmth and food. He couldn't believe that he was like that once. His stomach continued to twist from the mixed feelings that still hung inside his mind and as the wolves surrounded the mother of a second litter, he hung back. Slowly, he backed away from the crowd and lowered his form to the ground. Eyes closed and he buried his nose into his paws. The jealousy and nostalgia of the former emotions swept over him like a blanket and let it sit across his frame without a word being said.




4 Years
03-01-2014, 03:18 AM

The little girl curled up in a ball to protect herself from tge contractions rippling throught the womb, her home. She didn't want to leave, but at last she was being evicted. All she could hear were distressed tones of her mother and quiet mumblings from others. Something was wrong.
She felt as a contraction expelled her brother, feeling as a large amount of pressure she hadn't noticed before was taken away. In a quick moment of panic she realized that she was next. Before the girl could struggle, another contraction pushed her out, into the big, cold world. She wriggled until the tight sac around her had been removed and she let forth a small squeal. Using her paws, with the help of others, she wriggled towards her mothers belly and took a gulp of warm delicious milk. The world wasnt too bad...


Requiem I


2 Years
03-01-2014, 08:54 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Requiem cried.

The sound he made was part indignation and part fright, confused and rightfully intimidated by where he found himself. This was not how life had been before. This was not the squishy, albeit cramped, quarters he was used to. This was chilly where once it had been warm, rough where once everything had been soft, and so incredibly open. There was space on all sides, and he took use of it, wriggling and squirming and scooting himself blindly against the warm ground. Where was he! Why had everything suddenly changed?

But he was not alone. He felt rather than heard or saw someone nosing him, cleaning him, and so used to physical contact he was drawn to the touch, quieted by it. It drove away the coldness, the loneliness, and with some maneuvering delivered him at the cozy, warm side of his mother alongside his siblings. Annoying as it might have been for them, he snuggled in close before the scent of milk distracted him, and after some more shifting and wiggling he found a comfortable position in which to nurse. He was quiet from then on, eventually falling asleep and nestling in between his brothers and sisters.



10 Years
03-04-2014, 04:14 PM
Elohim would quickly find his way to Novel as Song finished her birth. He would appear at Symphony's den after they were given the names of the newest additions to the Destruction family. He would quickly announce that Novel had more siblings and that Novella had more nieces and nephews. So with joy Novel would follow after the tamarin, hoping her aunt would follow. Speeding to her parents den the young girl would find many already gathered. At least one she didn't even know, but Dhiren was there. Her paws would slow as she reached her slightly older brother. A loving nuzzle offered to his maw before she even said anything. "Have you seen them yet Dhiren?" she was incredibly excited to meet their new siblings and unfortunately oblivious to her brothers jealousy. "Mom is okay too right?" she would ask because of his somberness.?
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



5 Years
03-04-2014, 04:26 PM

It'd been quite the relief when Symphony's three children had eventually all been born healthy and Novel had been right too; they were very cute. The names had been bestowed upon them, and calm and joy had certainly found its place in the air for a short amount of time. The sudden return of Elohim had suddenly returned to Novel and informed them of Song's birth. She'd bid goodbye to her sister for now, she probably needed her rest anyway and time to spend alone with her new family and then had swiftly set off with Novel.

They soon found themselves at Song's den, joining a what was becoming quite the little gathering. Not all of the wolves were ones she was familiar with however, the scent suggesting that of another pack, though who Novella couldn't say. With Cherokee present as well and no threatening behaviour from anyone else present Novella figured it was safe, and her mind switched entirely to Song and her new children. Novel was quick to ask Dhiren for news, and with her mis matched eyes now focussed upon her nephew, Novella would wait as well, hoping everything was ok here too.

Saga I


3 Years
03-06-2014, 07:50 AM

Everything had changed so suddenly, and the smallest child of the litter did not like it. Everything she had become familiar with seemed to twist and writhe, and suddenly warmth and comfort gave way to cold, bitter air. A cry would leave the tiny girl's lips as she came into the world. But even here, she felt the familiar touch and warmth of creatures she had grown to know somehow, even without seeing. Another whimper would escape her throat as she gasped for air, searching for a comfortable space to retreat to. The fur of her mother's belly seemed so familiar, and she grew quickly at ease amongst her siblings. Instinct would kick in as she began to nurse, filling her tiny belly with warmth and calm before she drifted to sleep.