
Fading Mist



02-26-2014, 04:19 PM
This was a territory that she had not visited before, but her mother had decided to claim for Valhalla. The mist that rolled through the area seemed to be never ending, but at this part of the day it had lightened up enough to see a few yards in front of her. The woman wanted to get more familiar with all of the land that Valhalla now consisted of - the last thing that they needed was to get taken by surprise by any sort of enemy pack. She also found comfort in the bit of exploration it took to call these territories home - wandering was something that as a yearling Chrysanthe had done a lot of, but that was the first thing that was given up once she became a beta and then an alpha. Now it seemed that she could have both, and it gave the woman something to do.

Yet she would not wander alone anymore.

The russet faced woman would pause, her ears high atop her head as she searched the area for her daughter. The girl was not the sort to be tamed - something that she would find out more and more as she aged - but she had pulled a bit ahead of their little scouting session. Chrysanthe was on her trail still, but the young female was now out of her sight, and she would sigh, a smile on her face as she quickened her pace while being careful of her footing. That blind spot had rendered her occasionally clumsy, but she did her best to hide it by being a little extra cautious.

"The fog should clear up for a little while soon." But once night rolled in it would thicken up again, and she and her daughter would be stuck in the low hanging cloud. "See anything up ahead?" She would speak loudly so that Odette could hear her even if she was ahead of her, but hopefully it wouldn't carry in a way that would disturb whatever prey was already living here.



10 Years
02-27-2014, 04:50 AM

The scouting mission that had been given to Chrysanthe and Odette made the yearling quiver with excitement. She was ready to see the lands that had been claimed by Erani since they had stepped back onto the Plains. More land meant more to see and it was a sign from the heavens above that Odette should remain at home for a few days in a row. She didn't know how she was going to take it, but it was a nice way to spend time with her mother and that was what mattered.
As her paws caressed the unknown and misty ground beneath her, Odette's curiosity got the best of her. She strayed away from Chrysanthe, more than eager to start the journey across the misty terrain. Red and blue eyes tried to look through the mist, hoping that she would be able to catch signs of life or greenery within walking distance. She was a yard or two from her mother, even though Chrysanthe couldn't tell because of the fog. It was here that she stood, pondering about the blanketed surroundings. Her eyes strained to see through the neverending blanket of white foam, but it was hopeless. The young lady couldn't see past her own nose!
Chrysanthe's voice rang out and an impatient sigh escaped through Odette's dark kissers. "I hope it does!" She said loudly, only making her tone slightly higher than usual so her mother could hear. Impatience was evident in her words as she turned to look back to the russet-furred female and voiced, "If fog is going to become a regular thing here, then I won't like it too much." Only Chrysanthe would be the one who would ever hear Odette's frustrations. Even though the girl was surrounded by family, she only completely trusted her adopted mother.
Slowly, she turned her gaze back to where she previously looked and saw some unusual shapes in the distance. "Just what only looks like bushes and some trees...Nothing has moved since we have shown up, but I expect that is because we are complete strangers to this land." An ear flicked in the direction of her mother and she let a soft smile appear on her usual placid face. "I hope that if the fog isn't here all the time, I will get to know this place like the back of my paw. There is too much in this world to not want to know about!"

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



03-01-2014, 05:51 PM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2014, 11:36 PM by Chrysanthe.)
derp - lost this.



10 Years
03-03-2014, 12:21 AM

Odette Adravendi

Chrysanthe's attack was definitely a surprise to Odette. A great yelp was born to the foggy atmosphere around them, followed by an angry expression that no one could see. Her brows had furrowed over her eyes while Chrysanthe spoke, but her anger silently disappeared into the foggy air around them. The surprise pounce was something Odette should have been ready for. Even though the Gamma was her mother, the Epsilon was not pleased with how low her defenses had gone. It was something she had to work on.
Before she could verbally respond, Chrysanthe was swallowed by the fog. Odette stomped her right hind paw with a vengeance, even though it was silenced by the dampness of the ground. At that point, she didn't even care if her fur got dirty. Vanity was something Odette wasn't primarily concerned with, but she still liked to look nice when the occasion called for it. She shook such thoughts out of her mind and proceeded to concentrate on the task at hand: getting her mother back.
"You're right." Odette replied, taking pursuit after her mother. She tried to sniff the thick air for the female's scent, but it didn't get her very far. Instead, she watched the air from where Chrysanthe had disappeared and noticed the outline of fog that had moved from the barrier being broken. Red and blue eyes looked at the ground and saw the pawprints of where the female had been standing. Silently, she followed the trail and then started to try and calculate the best angle to get to her mother.
The plan would be hard to work out, considering she wasn't used to the layout of the land. Softly, Odette walked next to the trail that was still fresh and pondered how to move around the unseen Gamma. As she walked, she tried to look and listen for details that others would not think of seeing. It was then that Odette found her mother's weakness: her respirations. Chrysanthe's breathing was something that could not be stopped for long periods and with this new tactic in mind, Odette silently moved past her mother to get her from the front.
She waited beside a bush that would become obvious by sight once her mother walked ahead far enough. Odette curled into a ball, her black and gray fur matching the color of the shrub beside her. When she saw Chrysanthe walking past her, she counted to three and pounced from her mother's left side. A fake roar was given and her front paws met the woman's shoulder. Odette gave her a puppy tackle and nuzzled her neck. "I can't wait to use it. Our enemies will have a hard time here."

I speak


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



03-04-2014, 11:36 PM

Her footsteps were quiet, and the woman managed to be surprisingly poise - it wouldn't be the sound of her that gave her away to her daughter. The way the other found her, would be through scent and the trails that she left - one that she expected and the other that she would have to ask about herself. The woman would wait for Odette to give something away as to where she was - and if she had followed her scent and reaction to the way that she had slipped away, she should be approaching her from the front. Yet Chrysanthe would end up waiting for a head on pounce that never came, and instead be tackled from her left side - and that was the side that she could see on! Opposed to pouncing from within the fog, Odette had staked her out and taken her completely by surprise.The woman would grin into the girl's nuzzle, nudging her back with her shoulder before moving to lick the top of her head. Good game, Odette had definitely won this round.

The girl would comment on their enemies having a hard time here, and it was enough to get her mother to chuckle. "They will if they end up facing you. You've got quite a strategy already haven't you?" Chrysanthe was curious, and Odette was just full of surprises wasn't she? There was no longer a doubt in her mind that she would be quite the opponent for anyone that challenged her somehow. Maybe even a leader better than Chrysanthe herself was - it was in her blood after all. Gargoyle had made a mistake leaving this girl behind, but she would do her best to raise her well. So far, she hadn't gotten to teach her too much though - and Chrysanthe was ready to remedy this today. From what she had seen so far, Odette was a quick learner and wouldn't take too much instruction to build on.

The woman was smiling without meaning to as she spoke, her tail wagging gently behind her. Odette was growing up, spending time with her was ideal for the ex alpha. These were moments that she was missing before, weren't they? Idly she would swear that she wouldn't miss another moment of her daughter's life, instead she would try and make a few memorable ones. "You think on your toes, it'll serve you well - but has anyone taught you how to defend yourself in a fight?" She was sure that the tri-colored female would know to protect her vitals, but Chrysanthe had been a sentry once - she could make sure that the girl knew how to make it difficult for her opponent to obtain a grip or leave wounds that would throw the fight in their favor.



10 Years
03-06-2014, 02:14 AM

Odette was truly grateful that her mother had taken her under her wing. Without Chrysanthe, the young girl wasn't sure where she would have ended up. She probably would have been with her littermates, if she had found them earlier. But being without a parent, someone to love her and teach her the ways of life from an adult's view before reaching it...that was what she had wanted. As she lay there, nuzzling Chrysanthe again with evidence of love within her actions, she thought of all her siblings had missed out on. For a minute, Odette wished that she could turn back time and take her siblings with her to Valhalla. They would grow up together, learn the ways of fighting and healing, as well as hunting with wolves of their family... It was one of those regrets that would be carried on her shoulders for a long time.
As Chrysanthe praised her on her strategy, Odette giggled and happily grinned. She leaned her head closer to her mother's and softly whispered, "Breathing. The only thing that can give away someone if they don't think of it." She pulled back from her mother's frame to let her rise before the female spoke again. "Defending myself? I don't know too much about it, Mother." Odette looked around them, trying to see if there was level ground to stand upon. Once she saw a level plain, she walked over to it and stood to look at her mother. "I know that my eyes need to be squinted so they can be protected, brow furrowed..."
Odette proceeded to show what she had learn from Fen all of those months ago. Her neck fur scrunched into bunches, head moved to protect throat and at level with her spine. Tail stood out straight in level with her spine as well, legs moved out into powerful stances with toes digging weight into the ground. Her legs didn't show the knees being locked, but slightly bent to maintain her weight evenly. Lips rolled back to reveal jagged teeth and a snarl escaped the girl's mouth. Looking at Chrysanthe through squinted eyes, she said between clenched teeth, "How ith thith?"



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