
Not Impressed



5 Years
03-01-2014, 01:57 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The air was strangely warm despite the snow underfoot. It seemed to be that way in many places, which felt strange to the grey and black youth. She had always supposed the north to be a land of ice and snow and an unyielding chill. But even here it seemed summer had taken an unexpected hold, reaching across the vast distance to touch the frozen north. It was all for the better really. After finding out that Tortuga was no longer under her father's control but ruled now by some militaristic Armada, neither Callisto or her sister had longed to stay. She had surprised herself by leaving with that quiet sibling of hers, but being entirely alone had never appealed to her. Best to keep Circe close.

At least the girl was not constantly pressed against her side. At the moment she was elsewhere, either sleeping in the den they had found and expanded or hunting or just exploring this new territory. Callisto was not entirely impressed with it but where were they to go now that they were on their own and the single territory that she preferred this far north was part of Tortuga? She missed the Gorge, its isolated set up, the numerous plants that grew there, the quiet little alcove within that she had taken to using as her own den. Such a shame she could not have just stayed hidden there inside the border.

A heavy sigh drifted from her bored features, fogging before her nose. Silvery blue eyes stared out across the once frozen lake and took in the strange state of the trees that grew here. They were green, green as any of those that grew past the edge of the lake, but they were submerged, rooted somewhere below the water's surface. There was something inexplicably appealing about it, and though she had yet to see it in all of its glory during the freezing months Callisto thought it might not be such a bad thing that she and her sister were staying here after all. Maybe she might even learn to like it. Maybe. Still thoughtful, the young girl, just a season short of being a year old, rose on dainty, spindly grey legs from her seated position and began to pace the snowy edge of the chilly lake, wondering where Circe might have been.

Image by Maka.



3 Years
03-17-2014, 09:48 PM

Lel was an adult, or so he thought. He may not have reached sexual maturity but at a year old he was nearly fully grown, already dwarfing many other wolves he had never felt quite so powerful. The anger however, had been a constant figure in his life since he had been young. This time the rage was directed at the nameless leader of the pack that occupied his old home. Finally he had been free to return to the place, the only one he had ever felt at home in and he had found it marked and claimed. He had considered going in anyways but had managed to think clearly enough to realize that was a bad idea.
Now he prowled the northern lands, a bad mood seemingly always brewing within him. So far very few creatures had crossed his path, good for them but it did nothing to help his rage. Now as he approached a lake he drew in a familiar scent, a wicked grin splitting across his pristine face. He sauntered easily towards her, violet gaze landing upon a familiar dark form. She was younger than he had originally thought, the yearling now clearly showing his age more than their first meeting.
"Well well well, " he began stalking towards her, "what have we here?"




5 Years
03-18-2014, 01:00 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The still air worked against her, hiding the surrounding scents and keeping the girl oblivious to the company who quietly stalked to join her. The still bored look about her remained downturned, thoughtfully watching the snow as she moved at her slow pace. Part of her mind wondered where it was her sister was at and whether she should be concerned. But then again, the quiet was enjoyable and if the surrounding wood was as quiet as it was here she highly doubted there being any dangers either of them would need to worry about. No, things were fine, and as soon as she found her the sooner she would see this was true with her own eyes.

Anticipating the arrival of Circe, Callisto did not immediately react when she heard the soft crunch of paw steps through snow, her ears merely turning to fix upon the sound. Good. Circe had returned on her own. At least she would not need to be tracked down. But no sooner did the voice speak she knew instantly her company was not who she thought it was.

Brow beginning to furrow gently in the middle, Callisto's grey paws slowly stilled, standing for the space of a few seconds as she tried to place the voice. It was almost...familiar. As if she had heard it at one point but at the same time it was so different that she was sure it was no one she knew. Unable not to, the shadowy youth turned in place, silvery blue eyes alighting upon the grinning, white creature who padded so assuredly toward her and was instantly granted a sudden onset of irritation. "Oh god, it's you," she answered his all too chipper greeting, looking all too unimpressed as gave an exaggerated roll of her eyes before turning her back on him and continuing to walk rather aimlessly there beside the lake. It might have been smarter to say no more but considering she recognized this purple-eyed stranger and recalling their last meeting she could not let go so easily. "I was hoping my repulsiveness would keep you away," she added testily, more than willing to throw his words - or at least what she remembered of them - back in his smug face, even at her own expense. "Tell me, have your standards really fallen so low?"

Image by Maka.



3 Years
03-26-2014, 12:03 AM

Her reaction was almost instant and he felt a surge of both annoyance and pride, so she remembered him then? good. She would turn to face him, her repulsion clear on her face and he faked a gasp and hurt expression. " I?m hurt." He said still approaching though slower now. " I would have thought it would have been a relief for one still so young to see a familiar face." His grin turned sinister and he slide back into her view."Especially one so young... and so alone, so," He paused savoring his next word, "Vulnerable."
She stalked away and he let her get a bit of a ways ahead of him; he would let his words sink it.
She would turn, apparently not quite so done with him as it had seemed. Her words calling back to their first meeting and he laughed, not his usual sly chuckle but a full out laugh. This one had a tongue on her, he would have to fix that eventually. For now he would simply play with her, poke and prod hard enough and eventually he would find an opening. " Even I can be charitable at times, you should take it when you can. " He spoke, venom dripping from his lyrics so falsely sweet. " After all, who else would be willing to give you even the time of day?"




5 Years
03-28-2014, 06:46 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Of all the rotten things... Why did fate seem to have it in for her? Not only had it taken away her brother - which she admittedly was not all that sorry about - her mother, her father, and left her and her sister without a pack in which to stay, but here it was throwing her into the company of this detestable wolf who seemed convinced he was some glorified idol of great importance. No. She could not - would not - put up with this, and tried to make it known by not reacting to his statements and the subtle threat inherent within his words. Nope. She was just going to keep walking, ignore him, and--

But, of course, it could not be that easy. She had made the mistake of making a dig at him, of trying to wheedle under his skin and poke at a nerve, and it had backfired. It had given him reason enough to do the same to her, and while she had been hoping he would simply leave he came back with a retort of his own, not leaving her company though he allowed her to get ahead of him. Charity. That was what he called this, his special visit to get under her skin. Callisto scoffed openly, almost even willing to laugh at the remark though she dared not allow herself to aloud. Rather she answered uninterestedly, "Still think highly of yourself, I see," and felt the little sting of irritation again as he finished his phrase.

"There's a reason for that," she remarked flatly, so very tempted to keep heckling him until she made him snap. But why? The last thing she wanted was to give him an excuse to stay longer, more reason for him to pick on her and possibly really make her angry. But it would have been so satisfying to one up him, to beat him at a game he had instigated by coming over here to bother her. And without her brother to do so with, here seemed a second best option. She stopped, grey legs whirling her around to face the white wolf and his smug purple eyes. "You know, it must be so nice living in that twisted little world of yours," she taunted further, against the wishes of the rare voice of conscience inside of her mind, "Do you even see the same things I see, or is everything rosy and warped to you?"

Image by Maka.



3 Years
05-09-2014, 10:32 PM

She scoffed, brushed him off, and it made Lel angry. The insolent little- But no he would keep himself under control, at least for a moment longer. Sooner or later one of them would break and either way she would regret it. He shrugged off her observation. It was true that he saw himself as better, he was after all, greatness incarnate. She would to stalk away again, inconsequential words spouting from her as though she were a fountain, rigged only to spew nothingness. Just as suddenly she spun around and he smirked at her.
"You know, it must be so nice living in that twisted little world of yours, do you even see the same things I see, or is everything rosy and warped to you?" He faked a gasp, quickly turning his head away as if avoiding her gaze. " I am wounded!" He spoke, sarcasm dripping from his voice. " You have no idea what it is like to be me!" He looked at her again, that malicious grin on his face again. "As for what I see," he moved towards her, "How about you laying at my feet, painting the ground with your blood, while I chew upon your insolent tongue?"




5 Years
05-21-2014, 12:06 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

He pretended offense and it was all Calli could do to stop herself from snapping at him. Her lean body tensed, her jaws clenched, but no matter how much hatred she could build in herself deep down she knew it was not enough. He was bigger, stronger, and maybe, if his manner was any indication, a more experienced fighter than she could ever hope of being. She could snap and jab as much as she wanted but he would have her pinned before she could do much. She only hoped she might be able to draw a little blood first though.

That sickening smile returned, and Lel let her know of his vision as he crept closer. Repulsed, she wanted to step back but a stubborn part of her did not want to give him that satisfaction of gaining ground on her. She held her place, narrowing her eyes the closer he got, and growled warningly when he was more than close enough. Not like it would do anything. He was Mr. Entitled. She could only do so much.

She may have been at a physical disadvantage but she still had her wits. And her voice. "I hope you choke on it," she challenged, hoping to get under his skin enough to make him truthfully wish for her tongue's removal.

Image by Maka.