
Familia, Dominique



02-22-2014, 10:52 PM
Well hello there fair Alacritia members <3 As you all know I play a dominating [personality type] wolf named ?owyn Dominique. Well she has three siblings that I want to see played here :D All I ask is that these characters [mainly Halgen] tie into the history she has somehow in relation to the relationship they want to have with her.

?owyn was born into a pack of strict traditions and harsh consequences. Since she was second born and female she had no birth right to the throne of Sinister Falls. Every day she pushed to exceed expectations in hunting, fighting and tracking. On several accounts she outshone Halgen, her brother and the next heir to the pack. When he fled she snickered but instead she was threatened. She could never become queen because only men of blood could claim the position. To silence her, Regina and Kaleb, her parents, attempted to assassinate her in the middle of the night. She had been taught all she needed from the female beta and for this she was lucky.

She enters the lands of Ala in hopes of proving them wrong. She would lead with an iron fist to all who oppose her. When she first arrived she met a man named Birch and was just.... memorized by him. They soon became mates and the plan was to found a family and maybe even a pack together.

First is Halgen, the only brother she has.

Second is Margherita, one of two sisters.

Lastly is Deliah, the youngest of the group and the other sister.


Player Name:
Wolf Name:
Appearance (please match board requirements):
Personality (same rules apply):
A sentence or two on their relationship they want to have with my character: