
Elegance Comes and Goes.



02-21-2014, 01:36 AM

She had remained inland, knowing she would be due to bear her pups she carried out into the world, soon. She had been restless, searching here and there for a den for birthing, yet none it to her likings. Something just felt so empty and unprotected about them. It wasn't like she was all alone, Gitan was always around, allowing her to pace about the south and east. He learned to give her space and not question her antics. And so the pristine pale cream woman found herself in the Rio Grande. Ears perked up as pink tongue flicked across her stomach. The river was full of life. She raced forwards as much had her swollen stomach could allow. Bi-colored orbs peered through the clear water as she edged towards it. Her stomach rumbled, reminding she ate for more than just herself.

Wading into the waters with slow gentle movements she stood there. Eyes closed as the soothing relief the cool water brought to her heated paws, the light humid air rustling her fur, the sounds of life whispering around her. She loved it, it was refreshing, energizing. Her opened her eyes as a fish brushed against her. At once the huntress in her took control. She waited till another came by, jaws parted to dart down and seize the fish in her jaws. Head retracting her teeth crushed the fish before it could wiggle and thrash out of her jaws. She turned to walk out of the river when the rocks beneath her shifted. Her weight was thrown off, legs scrambling to keep her upright. As best as she could, she failed and began her fall. Fear raced up her spine for the unborn pups. Somehow managing to shift her body she fell onto her hip instead on her belly. The impact was jarring, making her yelp out loudly.

She laid there for a few moments, accessing her damage and trying to settle the kicking whelps within her. With a sigh she dragged herself up onto her paws, meal now lost down the river, and made the careful steps needed to get to the shore. She laid down in the soft grass on her side, injured hip off the ground. She grunted and frowned down at herself. Could she no longer hunt now being this close to her due date? She didn't want to have anything to happen to the pups. But she had thought fishing would be harmless. Guess she was wrong. Head flopped onto the head with a thud.Well this is no fun...




10 Years
02-21-2014, 01:57 AM (This post was last modified: 02-21-2014, 01:58 AM by Aures.)
Odette Adravendi

The yearling was still restless, as always. Despite the recent events Valhalla had endured, she couldn't fight the feeling inside of her to get away. After leaving the island and reaching the mainland, she headed South. Rumors of Seracia holding relatives of her mother living there made her want to explore the lands that held the unfamiliar pack's scents. She hoped her visit would not be in vain.
Before she made her way to the unknown borders of Seracia, Odette found herself thirsty. Even though she was born in summer, she despised the heat and humidity that came with the season. This explained why she was sticking to the shadows that were made by the midday sun, however small they were. The Gargoyle replica looked pretty silly, but she would rather look silly than die from heat exhaustion. Speaking of heat, she needed to get out of it!
Her paws carried her towars the Rio Grande, a river that yelled, 'Come to me! You won't regret my cool temperatures and yummy fish!' She broke out into a canter (something she had learned from Obsidian) and leaped into the first bit of water she reached. Her whole body was consumed by the cold liquid and she fought the current as relief seeped into her skin. Peaking her head above the surface, she noticed that she was downstream and her desire to reach the beginning of the current took over.
As she stepped out of the water to the cool shore, she padded alongside the river and went in the opposite direction of the current. She silently wondered where she would be led and it didn't take long for her question to be answered. Red and blue eyes looked up to the massive white wolf laying across the grass. Discomfort and frustration radiated from the stranger's physical movements and she padded towards her with curiosity brewing in her heart. Whatever was wrong with her, she wanted to help. "Excuse me?" she inquired, bi-colored eyes softly twinkling from a damp exterior. "Are you all right?"

I speak


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03-06-2014, 01:11 AM

The sounding approach of another had her body instinctively tense up. Laying there she was all too aware of vulnerable she was being this far along her pregnancy. As a voice lent out from the approaching stranger her head lifted to look over her swollen belly at a young girl. At once Symphony would smile warmly at her and relax. She was just a young girl. With a small grunt she adjusted herself to sit more upright to see the girl better. "Well good afternoon. Oh im fine, just my stubborn personality getting a kick at trying to fish in my pregnant state. It aint as easy as I thought it might have been." She said softly. She gave the air a small sniff, this girl smelled of pack. But what pack was she from and why was she here alone?

She glanced around to try a spot Atlas somewhere but she guessed the summer heat and light was too much for her feathered friend. Bi-colored eyes of pastel yellow and soft blue turned back to the girl."I'm Symphony Destruction. Whats your name?" She asked. Something about the girl made Symphony excited for the day to see her own pups grow up. Another thought worried her though. Did this girl have family?




10 Years
03-06-2014, 01:48 AM

The way the white stranger reacted encouraged Odette to pursue a conversation. She watched her as the very pregnant lady moved to a more comfortable position after speaking of unsuccessfully catching a fish. Odette, having never been pregnant, didn't fully understand the frustration, but sympathized as best as she could. "I know how it feels to be stuck and not able to do what you want." It was true. Odette grew up without proper parenting, but she had been mentally stuck between waiting for them and wanting to grow up for the longest time.
Odette saw the female look to the skies and figured she was either wanting to see funny shapes in the clouds or just looking for no reason at all. Either way, the female returned her gaze to Odette and introduced herself. Destruction... The name was vaguely familiar. Even if the name didn't stick, a faint scent of Ludicael was evident on her pregnant frame. Where there was Ludicael, there was Aurora... Odette would ask her about it later. "I am Odette Adravendi." She lowered her front half to the ground in an elegant bow, one that she slowly rose from. "Daughter of Chrysanthe Adravendi and proud member of Valhalla." She spoke with a regal air, but it disappeared once she regained her relaxed composure. "I know I may be a bit far from home, but it is in my blood to be a restless wanderer from time to time...I am also the daughter of Ocena and Gargoyle." Their names were probably not well known like Chrysanthe's, but that never stopped Odette from claiming them.

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