
Cracked Glass


02-20-2014, 08:34 PM

Orange covered everywhere as the dim light over the world faded, slowly giving space to the shines of night. That sweet darkness which invited many secrets to appear covered with its ebony mantle and roam in safety over the land.

One of the creatures who was roaming was a young wolf, one that no one could believe would be there alone and in its own, but the young loner could seem helpless and fragile, but his mind held a shadow that could challenge the ones of older individuals, and if that wasn't enough, the spectral green shine of his eyes yelled to any overconfident fool he not only lived suffer, he had some in his blood.

Light paws kept carrying the brownish frame of the young male, noises from his presence almost deaf, but not for him being stalking, that was one of the many mementos his short but cursed life granted him as he wondered again why things were that way, only to fall in the fact any possible difference could have given a completely different life.

With a shiver the wolf pushed aside that stupid thought, he didn't want another life, and not for the fact he liked what he was, reality was he feared better chances as they carried pain and deceptions. Usually the kind he already lived and barely survived, and no way he will risk giving them a chance to get him this time.

Before he could notice the orange tints were all gone and he became a dusty spot moving among trees while he looked for a place to sleep, but also sleeping was a thing he disliked, memories and nightmares commonly used his sleep to appear and torture him, but an easy prey would be great as the hunt would distract his mind from thinking and tire his body enough to kick him into a blank slumber without unwanted dreams.


Na i ahi? ya meril cen? ambaress?

TAGS ? Kogyn

WORDS ? 315

MOOD - bored and pissed





3 Years
02-21-2014, 05:21 AM

Kogyn who weathered the storm with her family, a family that she did not ask for, but still recived. She had not indeed spent much time with her cousin or uncle but kept to herself, waiting for the air to settle, which at the first chance she got she split, not even telling anyone she was going. Well it wasn't like she and Odette really got along the girl was a major stick in the mud if you ask the wild child, and frankly Kogyn did not feel the kinship pull that her father seemed to talk about all the time.

So that was it, the storm came and passed, and just like a ghost that some have called her she left, without a sound or a worry. Maybe she would see her cousin again, but then again maybe not, only in time will they see.

In the mean time Kogyn has continued to explore the land, it was such a grand place, a wide stretch of land, she had heard stories yes about the land yes, but stories are nothing like the real thing. The girl traveled from the island to the north where her father met her mother for the second time then made her way back south, fallowing his paw prints, his stories playing in her mind, but this was new, her father had never told her about this place, a land flooded with the bodies of trees reaching into the sky. Night was just falling as she made her way to the edge of the water, her blue eyes watching as the stars started to peak out of the veal of space.

It was only after the sun fully set, the last of its rays reaching across the land did she see a shadow of a figure. He was so still that she over looked him, She blinked her eyes, a small frown spread over her mew. It is quite strange the way he was staring up at the sky, but really not looking. "Yo, you, weird daydream guy, are you ok? You seem kinda off if you ask me." She moved forward her blue eyes filled with a bit of mischief but still weary. She was not sure what to make of the boy, But not only that though, he was huge. She was standing at her full height and his sitting form was larger than her. "Your a massive guy, aren't you? What did your mom feed you, mammoth?"


[Image: kogyn_by_wolftaske-d9e5ucq.png]
[Image: Kogyn_zpsjhvfsec6.png~original]


02-27-2014, 12:59 AM

At some point the russet fella lost track of his doings as he finished staring up, at the shiny stars and void behind them; strange for him that his mind stayed blank and silent. If he ever noticed it, no doubt he would had being really happy and his smile no doubt would had grown twice or more from the normal one he always wear, but that was the magic of that instant, he got completely lost and enjoyed without knowing.
How long that slumber would last remained a mystery as the traveler of the void didn?t came back on his own, he was pulled back to the realm of reality by a voice, soft and piping, one only a girl could have. Blinking he showed up he was back and turned to face his visitor and crusher of an endless dream he would love getting back to.
The pair of night green orbs were fierce on their own, as they stared to the young female while a couple of ears catch the string of words who tried creating an environment of confidence. Only his smile was able to ease and soften every rude signal from the rest of the male, making possible attempts from others to speak to him, even if his demeanor was kind.
?What a funny idea, specially is already night, and not the right time for say daydreaming uh?, his reply came out short, but enough for him to watch a glimpse of interest of him in her; other strange thing as he never was the most special spot in the story, but she was young and maybe she still had her inner pup alive and ready to leap into some adventures. In his inner the brown brute envied that on her, that naive demeanor which still gave her range to be innocent and be happy ignoring some stuff, stuff he should not know yet but life took a different path for him and better if he hid that from her, as he would hate poisoning another life with the curse he?s forced to carry.
?is quite funny you say that ?, the male replied to her last attempt to establish a connection, ?? among those I lived with, I was the runt, and my parents past few days after my birth, so ? no mammoth and no mother for me to feed me with?. His words flowed out cold and slow, no emotions on them, besides an everlasting smile that made it think he wasn?t damaged about that, but things could be completely different behind appearances, but no one could know besides the russet fella who didn?t speak about that


Na i ahi? ya meril cen? ambaress?

TAGS ? Kogyn

WORDS ? 440 aprox

MOOD - Calm and secretive


NOTES ? Sorry for the delay to post