
We Must Do What We Can


02-20-2014, 04:21 PM

Seracia was sleeping, and it was about time it was awoken. The female was determined to fufill this task for her friend, and to do what she could while Loccian was ill. Though Destruction, in her past, was more of a follower than a leader, she would put her skills and knowledge to the test to do what she could for the pack until her friend was better. That meant getting tasks started, and contacting certain wolves and seeing if she could get things underway. Group lessons for the young of Seracia, spars to keep the older wolves in place, tasks and duties that needed to be preformed, perhaps a pack hunt... there was a lot to do, but Destruction was going to do her best to keep the pack in the sort of way it should be.

But there was one wolf Des wanted to speak with in private before she officially started to set things up. The female was an elder of Seracia, and her wisdom would be great. But the question would be whether or not she would be willing, or able, to share some of that wisdom with pups. If not it was certainly nothing that Destruction would hold against Silent -- she had earned her rest, if she desired it, and would not be bothered by the Queen. However she had been meaning to talk to the older female for some time. Her mate had been taken prisoner in the war with Glaciem, and she had been relieved to have the two together again.

Families should not have to be broken. Before further thoughts on that matter could enter her mind Destruction pushed them away, trying to remember what else she could about the dark furred female. She noticed Faolan was always rather close to her. The female would think, swishing her tail. She knew Faolan wouldn't necessarily be able to be excused from tasks either, but perhaps she could work something out while someone was still with Silent while he had to be present for such things, unless Silent felt she could be alone for that period of time.

The dark femme would approach the den where she knew Silent lay, almost positive that Faolan would be there with her. Stopping outside the woman would speak in a clear but gentle tone. "Miss Silent? If I could I'd like to have a word with you. If now is not a good time, however, I can come back." The Queen would remain standing, quietly waiting for an answer of some kind to come from the den.


Silent I


11 Years
02-21-2014, 01:42 AM

Before the Queen of Seracia had appeared to Silent's den, the ebony female was resting in her den. Faolan had left her to spend time with Enola, the only other lady in Seracia whose presence made him happy. Silent didn't mind his absence; she knew that he preferred being around others his own age at times. The elderly lady also didn't want to be a burden for her sweet son, so his independence was one of her private priorities. Anyway, since Bronze had returned, she shouldn't have encouraged Faolan to be around so much. There was just something about the love of her son that she didn't want to give up easily...Oh, what a complicated web she wove.
When Destruction approached her den and spoke at the entrance, Silent stirred. She had been taking a midday nap, one that had a dream involving her playing with Light. Her firstborn pup was named after the babe's grandmother, and it suited her well. Memories of the pup's yips and nuzzles faded as Silent was brought back to the present. A low moan of sleepiness was followed by a wide yawn, making rows of pearly white teeth reveal themselves in Silent's mouth. She smacked her lips together and blurrily looked at the entrance of the den to see an unfamiliar face.
Silent's reaction was not one of alarm or defense. The female smelled of Seracia, so she was obviously another pack member. As the young lady asked for her presence, Silent became curious and she slowly rose to all fours. "Give me a second, my body still needs to wake up." Her front and hind legs were stretched and all signs of cramps and sleepiness escaped her form. Shimmering black fur rippled in waves as Silent pulled herself free of her den and shook out any possible dirt and debris that may have stayed on her frame. Her emerald eyes sparkled from being away first and she allowed her tail to easily sway behind her slender frame.
"First, let us get a bite to eat. I am not good company on an empty stomach." Luckily for her, Faolan had caught her a baby fawn before leaving to spend time with Enola. She padded a few feet away from her den and scooped it up, intending on eating as the new Seracian queen spoke with her. Words weren't said as Silent led Destruction to one of her favored spots of the surrounding woods. A large space, full of grass and free of trees, was large enough for two wolves to rest in without disturbing personal space. Silent and Bronze had obviously chosen a good spot to live.
As the ebony female lowered herself to the ground and stretched out, she looked at Destruction before taking a bite from her freshly caught breakfast. After enjoying the taste and swallowing, Silent licked her lips and waited for the red-chested Queen to sit opposite her. "What has brought you to me, Queen Destruction? I am very curious, since I rarely saw the previous Queen aside from the pack meetings."



02-23-2014, 12:07 PM

The voice from inside the den was heard, definitely belonging to the elder. Destruction would answer softly, glad that the female was awake. "Take as much time as you need, Miss Silent." Her words were very respectful. The role of an elder was an important position in her eyes. Those wolves had served the pack in their youth, able to offer their wisdom to the younger wolves. Even if they could no longer actively participate in things as they used to they were still, in her eyes, gems to the pack, to be treated with respect and kindness. Besides, Destruction was fine with waiting. Things could all be tended to with time.

Destruction would wait calmly as Silent exited the den, speaking again. The female would nod, taking thing at the other she-wolf's pace as the Queen followed quietly after her. The place that Silent would lead her to was certainly beautiful. She would look around, remembering crossing this place a time before when she traveled The Range. The female would settle down into a sitting position. Silent and Bronze had picked a nice place to live, somewhere peaceful. Leave it to older wolves to pick the perfect place to raise a family.

Destruction would smile gently as Silent settled down to enjoy her breakfast. The female was a bit surprised to hear that Loccian was rarely seen except at meetings. Well, that was all going to change. She was going to be among the ranks, definitely. She didn't know if Loccian had merely been busy attending to other things or what, but she was sure the femme had her reasons. "Things are going to be changing a bit here in Seracia, Silent." Destruction would begin. "I am hoping to stir some life within our ranks, and get things moving on teaching our youth all that they need to know." The female would pause before she continued.

"I wanted to see if you would be willing to share your knowledge with the young of Seracia. A wolf with as much experience as yours is a great asset to us. Do not feel obligated to do this, however. You have more than earned your rest, Silent, and if you do not feel up to teaching I completely understand." The dark woman curled her tail around her toes, waiting to see what Silent would say on the matter.


Silent I


11 Years
02-26-2014, 02:55 AM

Silent watched with anticipation as Destruction spoke of bringing life back to the Seracian population. It made sense for the new Queen to try new things for her members and the kingdom was lacking activity-wise. The black female was not usually the kind to voice her opinion out in the open, for she had learned at an early age that not all thoughts should be muttered publicly. A light nod was given to the Queen, indicating that she agreed with what she was saying. "Our younger generations shouldn't be considering laying about on their rumps all day without expecting consequences for neglecting their duties." She hoped that her children didn't show such examples.
When Destruction mentioned the older female to possibly show her knowledge by speaking to the younger members, Silent was hesitant. She lowered her head to snag another strip of deer meat and thoughtfully chewed it as she raised her cranium back into place. Her emerald eyes slowly blinked as she thought about the results of such a position at her age. Silent knew that Bronze would probably decline, for he seemed content with the quiet and serenity that came with their places in life.
"I may decide to accept the position." It was an answer that slightly surprised her, but Silent continued. "I haven't been doing anything lately, aside from sleeping and eating. Spending time with Bronze is something I don't take for granted, either. Ever since the war..." Her voice faded and she cleared her throat to continue. "I don't want to live out the time I have left being an old fart that didn't do anything productive for my pack." A light thump was given to the ground by her black tail and she swallowed her bite of food with affirmation. "Queen Destruction, I will teach the youth of our pack, but don't expect me to attain a lot of energy when I am done for the day. Incidentally, I am wondering what topics you find proper for me to speak of for our future Seracians?"



03-14-2014, 06:54 PM

Destruction was surprised that Silent had said she might accept the position, though it was something that made her quite happy as well. She would give a nod of understanding as the elder spoke of spending time with Bronze, a soft light in her crimson ringed eye. ?It is quite understandable, miss Silent. It is definitely time that you should cherish.? She certainly didn?t want Silent to feel like she was obligated to take up the position.

As the confimation came Destruction would smile brightly, her own tail giving a wag of happiness. ?This is great news, Silent, and I thank you ever so much for being willing. If at any time you feel you need to take a rest I?m sure you know you need no wolfs permission to dismiss the lesson and do so.? The woman would straighten just a bit, her gaze never leaving the elder as she continued to speak.

?Anything you see fit would work as a topic really. History of Seracia and the other packs, talk of why pack unity is necessary, advice when fighting, advice for coming in contact with strangers outside of the land... Anything you can think of that could prepare them for anything and everything they might encounter. Sometimes just knowing the proper advice if half the battle.? Destruction chuckled softly. ?I hope you won?t mind but I?d like to sit on a lesson or two myself. A wolf is never too old to learn something new.?


Silent I


11 Years
03-18-2014, 03:58 AM

Destruction spoke of topics that Silent could introduce to the future of Seracia and she thought it over. She wasn't sure what she could say about the history of Seracia, for she hadn't been there when it was first founded. Bronze would probably know more about it, since he had been there a whole year before they reunited. When the Queen brought up ways of how pack members should act and be united, she warmed up to the idea.
"I am afraid, Queen Destruction, that I will only be able to explain to our young ones why it is necessary to work hard, maintain relationships, and keep up manners whenever they meet strangers. You never know who you will meet or what will become of the encounters you have with strangers outside of the pack terrains." Proper manners was something the old woman knew plenty about. She had been raised with such rules and it was expected from her children. Light, her oldest, knew it was so, and she was determined to know that she was raising Fellonix with the same morals. "I won't mind it if you decide to sit in, your Highness. Your presence will always be welcomed."

I speak


03-26-2014, 12:06 PM

Destruction would only continue to smile as Silent spoke. ?That is completely fine, Silent, and the words you speak are certainly true.? Encounters with strangers could be both good and bad, and lead to things that were wonderful or terrible. You could meet friends, enemies, even a mate outside of pack lands... And what would become of the encounter could all depend on the wolf who responded to it after all. The female thought back to her encounter with Aiden, certain she would meet him again, though she wondered what it might bring.

The woman would give a nod of thanks as Silent said she was welcome to attend. ?Thank you Silent. That is appreciated.? She would look out across the lands, tail curling around her body. ?If you ever need anything, or wish to speak to me about something you are welcome to do so, alright?? The dark woman would look back to Silent, her gaze soft. ?You can begin teaching lessons when you are ready. For now, however, I?m afraid that I must tend to some other things, unless there is something more you wish to ask of or tell me.?


{{Ooc:: End thread? Unless you have something else you need to say. ^^}}