


02-19-2014, 03:43 PM

The gluttonous paladin was not just a slave to ambition; she was bound by the surname that brandished her--enslaved with unbreakable shackles to those of her bloodline who she remained devoted to even through departure and abandonment. They served as her motivation because of her relentless urge to appease them; they were her purpose and she would be damned if she contentedly sat back to watch as they gradually crumbled beneath the loss of their beloved mother and poisoned brother. They would be separated no further, no--the pallid banshee would not waver from her decision to reunite and reestablish the bond between siblings. She was determined to piece the shards of their relationships back together to unify them once more beneath a single surname--a surname that she firmly believed was destined for irrefutable glory so long as they all worked towards a similar goal. They had been lost, broken, but it was now their time to rise above the masses and prove their power.

She had settled and she was ready--as ready as she would ever hope to be. Robust limbs would carry a poised figure of genetic supremacy towards the epicenter of an enigmatic forest perpetually shrouded in a thin layer of fog--the chosen domain for her hopeful empire--where she would leap upon the rugged face of a small boulder and situate herself. Her kingdom that was pitifully empty was hardly ideal in comparison to her expectations, but nevermore. Broad skull would tip back, velveteen lips pursing to allow a curt summon the opportunity to rip free of her throat in beckon to her small family; ?Come, see what our future holds!


02-25-2014, 12:34 PM

The brazen child had watched the triumph of the wraith. A creature he shared a bitch with. His feelings to date were odd about her. Mostly annoyed with her, as she always seemed to interfere with his wanderings, However he felt a sense of intrigue as he watched his sister triumph over the russet faced wretch. His sister stood victorious, who else would dare to stand against her. He wanted some of that. He wanted a taste of that power. He demanded it. He had followed her at a distance, and when she called, he would enter the forest where he had grown up, heading straight towards the white queen with no hesitation. "I'm surprised you won. I thought for sure that bitch would rip you to shreds." He stated bluntly, a sneer to his jaws. That was as much of a congratulations as the wretch would ever receive from him. He was still annoyed at the words of the pink man, who had said his sister was merely winning. He wanted to know why. Stopping in front of his sister, and looking up at her with a challenge in his crimison gaze, he would speak again. "I want that. I want power. Teach me." He would demand her too. His demands wouldn't be a question or a plea. She would teach him and he would one day surpass her. He wanted to feel an enemy quake beneath him. He wanted to uproot and empire. He wanted power. The urge for it radiated in his blood, he needed it. "I want to kill. To slay. I want to rule." He went on, his tail sticking in the air like a rod, staring up at Artemis with a determined look.

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