
Strangers are just friends you haven't yet met.


02-19-2014, 03:34 PM

Bounding nimbly to the edge of the lake, Rane tipped his maw down to the water. Ringlets formed as he lifted his soaked jaw back up, and let sapphire orbs scan the beautiful landscape. Pine needles crunched underfoot as he trotted forth contently. Not knowing what would happen next, he sat next to the reeds beside the shore. Thoughts swirled through his mind about the last couple of days. Fire licked the ashen trees, adorned with ebony leaves falling from the burning oaks. Screams filled his light grey ears, paws pounded on wood chips running in hopes they would get far away from the border, and the ruins of their homes. That's when Rane ran, never looking back. His thoughts strayed from those horrible moments to reality when a meadowlark flapped its wings. The wolf ignored the bird and lazily got up. Peach rays of sunlight shown happily, and white mounds moved rapidly in the beautiful blue morning sky. Hopefully, if he was lucky he could find someone to converse with.


02-19-2014, 07:50 PM

Swimming was on of the best training methods there were, and swimming until you almost sank beneath the water really pushed your limits, and pushing past her limits was something Isabella loved to do. Though today she could not try alone as Alphonso watched her from the shore line giving her advice and cheering her on. "Keep your chin up Madam Izzy! If you feel tired just come to land and swim longer the next time." Isabella almost smiled as she swam to land and crawled on shore. "I know Alphonso, I know." Laying down in a soggy mess she looked at the leopard gecko realizing she had started to care for herself a bit more since she had found him. She still trained hard but now she trained smart as well. Perhaps she did not want to leave him alone or see him saddened but either way she was as glad to have him as he was to have her.

Moving to her side Alfonso nudged her a bit to coax her to rise. "Dry off of you'll catch a cold." Sighing at his kind but pushy words she stood and shook, purposely getting a bit of water on him. "Hey, give me time to move why don't ya?" Isabella simply turned her blue eyes on him, giving silence as her answer. The gecko sighed knowing he wouldn't get much more. "Come on then, let's find a good place for you to rest." "I don't need rest." Isabella spoke in her empty voice but followed the gecko anyway as he lead her to a place to rest not too far from the lake. It was a simple den, most likely an old fox or badger hole but served as a good place to sleep. Admitting her own tiredness Isabella first chuckled that it was empty then went in lay down and went to sleep. Alphonso settled closer to the front of the den to watch over her in between a few naps.

Time passed and Isabella soon rose, dry and ready to move, maybe even to swim some more. "Come Alphonso let's-" She silliness herself as she caught scent of a wolf she had not yet met. After swimming she knew she wouldn't have the strength to fight if it came to that but perhaps she would have the speed to run if the wolf turned out to be aggressive. If it was sitting in the back of a den was not a good idea. If the wolf wasn't aggressive however she could be more at ease and not have to leave the lake. "Follow me, but not too close." As much as Alphonso liked to give orders he knew when to settle down and listen to Isabella. Nodding he waited for her to leave before he followed after her.

Tracking the scent she made no move to hide herself as she searched for the wolf. Her fox like form walked with power and pride, her head ear and tail were as high as if she was an alpha and her steps showed careful planing. Seeing a charcoal wolf in the distance she paused a few body lengths away with Alphonso waiting several body lengths directly behind her. "Good day." She said to the stranger with her empty voice giving a dip of her head. "The lake is a nice rest in the summer, it feels it will be every bit as hot as the winter was cold." Simple words would do for now, she could judge the male from his reaction as her icy blue eyes went over him, sizing him up. Large compared to her and muscular, waiting for his reply she was ready to move any way based on his reaction.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."


02-21-2014, 12:10 AM

Alarmed by a fox's scent, Rane whipped around to greet cyan eyes, and a small green silhouette before they could spot him. Not knowing wether to take as friend or foe, he let words slip out of his jaw. "A fox!" Then realizing the female should already know this, reply appropriately. "Err, hello! Yes, I must agree, it's beautiful." Then pondering on what she said last. "I am Rane, for now I am a loner. Might I know your name?" He asked curiously. He had not thought to have anyone joining him, but usually company leaded to friendship, which Rane had very little of. Maybe the fox and gecko could? His eyes strayed to the lake, which now was glowing with the sun's scarlet rays. Mallards flapped happily in the water, heat steamed it. He could scent healing herbs, and wondered what they were called. The red pelt stood a few paces behind the wolf, so with a pat of his large silver tail, thumped the ground, beckoning her to sit. "Come, converse with me." And giving a grin, then looking down to the smaller animal, gave the same grin.


02-21-2014, 04:00 PM

The male's reaction was an interesting one, yet it was one she had seen before. Others thinking she was a fox was common, some even gave her a nickname relating to the creatures and it since it was true that she looked like a fox she was not offended. This close though a wolf would normally tell she was one of them by the scent. That was something she thought of as the male continued to speak. He was friendly, non-aggressive, and had the manners to give his name before asking of hers. Not only that he was inviting and willing to talk. She wasn't always social but she did enjoy a good conversation.

Isabella nodded and opened her maw to speak but was interrupted before she could get a word out. "A fox!? Really now how dare you? Madam Izzy is a wolf and a fine one too! You owe her an apology." The gecko sprinted forward but Isabella steeped sideways and blocked his path with a back paw. "You forget your own size." She said turning her head to him as she felt comfortable enough to take her eyes off the male. "Besides," turning her head back to the male she went on. "it is a mistake I am used to, and it is no offence. No apology is needed...besides." Pausing she turned her head and sniffed along her side. Indeed she smelled of a fox, that was interesting.

"It seems the den we stayed in was indeed an old fox den, the scent of the owner must have been left behind." That was directed at Alphonso; hoping her icy words would calm the fiery gecko. He huffed but stayed silent as Isabella turned back to the male. "Now then, my name is Isabella, as this one, Alphonso had..almost sated. My family name is VentFlurrer I too am a loner." Isabella dipped her head in greeting and to show despite her voice she held no anger toward Rane. "I would not mind talking for a while, I know of the land but I can talk of anything." She spoke as her head lifted. Moving over to the male she sat, not close enough to make either of them uncomfortable yet close enough to have the conversation be a bit more formal. Still as she sat she kept a thought in her mind to be ready to run from the male if he was deceiving her.

To better keep an eye on the male, Alphonso moved to his other side and settled down eyeing him suspiciously. "I'm Alphonso the humble gecko. I watch over Isabella as much as she watches over me." He made it clear though despite his small size he had a lot of bravado and he would be watching Rane. Isabella almost chuckled, though it was worrisome to have a wolf between her and him she knew he was fast enough to dash off if something happened. Either way, his personalty did make her smile on the inside. Normally she would feel like she needed to apologize for his words, but this time the male invited them both to speak so she figured he would be able to handle him, perhaps even calm him down.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."


02-23-2014, 05:45 PM

Seeing first the green shadow come closer into view as he ordered him to apologize made him smirk, then listening to Isabella correct him. He was small, but he had every right to reprimand his words. Giving a discreet amused grin, then looking back to Isabella. "Excuse me Isabella! I had not realized! I'm sorry about that! Nice to meet both of you." Giving a light, brisk dip of his sleek head. His paws shuffled as she approached, and sat. He eyed her, sizing the crystal orbs up, then let his haunches roll as he relaxed. She posed no threat, but the thought that he could be on her land remained curled up in the back of his mind. It was interesting that she had indeed looked quite like a fox, having the same scent and all, but decided to let that go. Fireflies buzzed lazily in the dimming summer heat, flicking his ears at the pesty bugs, then swiping a grey tail over his back.


02-24-2014, 08:50 PM

Isabella answered Rane's apology with a dip of her head. Though she said it wasn't needed she did acknowledged it. Alphonso on the other hand just huffed still a tad angry. However his mood increased significantly as the fireflies came out. He was nocturnal after all and feeding at night was better than feeding in the day. The blinking bugs were very easy to catch too! "I am...I am still listening to the conversation but don't mind me if I dash around." With that he set his jaws to chomping on as many of the insects as he could, closing his eyes as he caught each one to avoid any legs getting in his eyes.

Isabella watched him a moment before turning to the ones that moved all around her. She did not mind them, and she did feel a bit sorry for the ones that Alphonso consumed. "Alphonso, do not forget to thank for those lives after your feast as I do. I shall if you do not." Alphonso had his mouth full at the moment and could not answer but Isabella figured he would anyway. Focusing on the fireflies in front of her she lifted a paw to one that landed on her and blinked a few times. If she was alone there was a chance she would have tiled her head but not now. The firefly no doubt did not find her as a suitable landing place so lifting its wing cases it took off. Isabella watched it go before turning to Rane.

"I wonder what makes them blink, and why other insects cannot blink, or other creatures for that mater. But I suppose it would be rather difficult for us to hunt if we felt the need to blink every night." It was a rather novel ideal for her, one who sounded so stern. But her mind was full of thoughts, the want for knowledge and questions so such things were always on her mind. Turing to Rane she met his eyes. "What do you think? Both of blinking insects and of blinking wolves or other creatures."

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."