
Fruitless Searching



02-18-2014, 07:48 PM

The heat was blistering, shearing, and killing all that was green. It was making it far harder to find the right herbs the white woman would need in the days to come. She had stayed mostly inland, not feeling right about making the swim across the ocean with her belly heavy with pups. They were weighing her down, snapping her energy but that didn't mean she wouldn't make sure she have the life brewing in her the best chances possible. Being inland she went on little searches for the herbs she needed to give birth, but her search was not going very well. She didn't even have a birthing den. She knew she could always run to Ludicael to give birth, but would her sister Song be ok with that?

Dainty paws carried the heavily pregnant she-wolf to the Orchards. She had only been here a few times. She hoped even in this heat it would still be green and clinging onto life. It was the last place she could think to check for the herbs she needed. Though her thinking might not have been the most focused with the heat, the need for water and food, for shelter and the pups to come. Tail waved happily high in the air as she thought of her pups. How many girls would she have? Boys? She guessed she was only carrying just three pups, but it was enough for her small frame. Blessed though none would be too large for her either.

Though she had reached the Orchards she was panting badly and bi-colored eyes searched out for a shady place to rest. Shaking out her pale cream fur sh tried to pick her pace up to hurry to a place under a huge apple tree. It's scent was soft, sweet, and amazingly did not want to make her barf. Once there she carefully settled down to lay on her side. Eyes gazed at her swollen belly tenderly as she gave it a few licks. Peace wrapped around her, leaving her content. Maybe she would nap for just little bit then keep looking. But she didn't feel safe sleeping without Gitan with her. For now she would just rest and not over stress herself.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-05-2014, 06:04 PM

Erani felt the muster had gone well enough. For now, she wandered a ways, while she waited the two days she had indicated for her pack to ready themselves for travel. Her paws had taken her to an Orchard, not far from Seracian lands, and she dabbled in the thought of visiting her daughter and son in law, to see how they were faring. However, she would become distracted by an unfamiliar scent riding the fruit sweetened breeze. A female stranger, and pregnant.

She meandered after the scent, in no real hurry, until she came upon the female, resting in the shade of a fruit tree Erani uttered a gentle woof of greeting to the stranger, settling in the shade of an opposite tree. ?Good day, lady, if a bit hot.? Velvet tones were soft, carried on the sweet air to the ears of the other. ?Congratulations.? She added, in reference to the swollen belly, a smile washing over her features.