



02-18-2014, 01:38 PM (This post was last modified: 02-18-2014, 01:38 PM by Themisto.)

At a steady pace the mismatching duo made their way westward, finally reaching the unclaimed territory within an hour. During their journey he had made comments about herbs other various objects within the forest, as he wished to share his knowledge with her. He wanted to keep a conversation going at all times, as he was so intrigued by her, and he wished to dig deep into her past. Thoughts of their future spilled into his mind, and he would find himself daydreaming about what the future could hold. A mate, children, possibly their own home? It all seemed so vivid, so real. How could this possibly go wrong? He was hooked, star struck, and had already decided he would do anything for this girl. So badly he wished to lap at her face, brush their pelts, or indulge in each others bodies, but he would refrain from any contact. He simply was not ready for that, but a man could always fantasize.

Amber gaze would flick toward royal optics, a warm smile played across defined features, the tips of his canines visible. Excitement danced within his eyes as he turned his head toward the massive body of water ahead, intending on her looking as well. Before them lie the lake, and the man was eager to plunge into its depths. Suddenly he would propel himself forward at astounding speeds, his sleek frame almost hovering above the earth as he reached the water in a few dozen strides. He assumed his newly found lover would follow him, and he would plunge into the blue depths, striding out until he was chin high in water. He would paddle a bit farther out into the lake and turn around in a quick circle, a smile tugging his lips as he effortlessly swam. Bathing himself was usually a daily occurrence, so this was not unordinary behavior for him. Gaze would dart toward her as he waited for her to plunge in, legs slowly swaying as he swam lazily toward the bank.


Twig I


02-18-2014, 02:30 PM

Sweetly he would sweep her away, taking her calmly into the unknown depths of the forests. She never felt like she was lost along the way as her guide would knowledgeably inform her of the flora that inhabited the trail sides. She never found herself with out a smile throughout the journey with Themisto. His conversation would continue throughout and she would gladly listen, chiming in little bits of knowledge when she could. As their time together continued she would feel herself becoming more drawn to him, but the question would arise in her mind if he felt the same. Did he hold the same thoughts as she, the whispers of a future in his presence. He seemed so protective and as interested in her as she was in him. He brought out a curious side to her that had never shown itself so prominently towards a wolf she had just met. Inwardly she would feel as he did, she was not ready for an intense relationship yet. Of course, she would feel the tingling of lust within her, but some things take more time than others. She was still quite young and rather timid in the airs of intimacy.
It seemed though that Themisto would not be pushing such boundaries that she need even worry of such matters. Twig would spend her day getting to know who he was before jumping in too deep. Though it certainly felt like she was getting in over her head, the crush she was developing was growing ever stronger. His sun hewn gaze would meet with her own again as they drew near a water source. Already she could smell its cool scent. His features would change as they drew near, his giddy demeanor infectiously taking her over. She too would turn to seek a look at the massive body of water, what she did not expect was Themisto's incredibly quick departure.
Giggling slightly she would protest as she followed after his fast form,?"Hey! Wait for me!" her slate colored paws would pound at the earth behind him. There was no hesitation visible as she too plunged into the water's surface. She would follow him, but would mirror his movements so they would come to be swimming side by side back up to shore. She had felt an urge to touch his nose as she swam close, but would falter at the last minute in a fit of timidness. Consciously she would make note of how close they swam, careful to not bring herself too close to his golden pelt. As her paws tread the water she would lap at the water's surface quenching the thirst she had gathered.?




02-19-2014, 02:53 PM

Surprisingly the mismatched babe had bounded in with him, and had even swam by his side up to the bank. Lips parted as a boisterous laugh split the silence between them, his mouth agape as he smiled warmly at her. He would tread forward until the water was just below his elbow, his sun kissed gaze seeking her royal optics. His stomach was flip flopping within him, as he was overwhelmed with joy and his attraction toward Twig. "I love to swim!" He exclaimed, his stubby tail wiggling madly from side to side, causing water to splash in all directions behind him. He would laugh at himself for doing so, as he thought it was funny how his tail was capable of splashing water when he wiggled it. His right brow would raise as he looked her up and down, his lips creasing into a slight smirk. "Wet looks cute on you," He would chuckle, making a harmless joke about her damp pelt with a quick wink of an eye. He would wade closer to the bank until just his paws were beneath the water. Droplets would fly in all directions as he shook his entire body, the wave beginning through his head and ending with a wiggle of his rump. Happily he would sigh, he enjoyed feeling clean, especially when he was bathing beside a beautiful woman. Could this day get any better? "So, what do you do for fun?" He would inquire, a smile played across his lips, and a mischievous gleam placed within his eyes. What did she enjoy, eh? Did she like to play? Perhaps hunt? Swim, track, or run? There were so many things he wanted to ask her, but first he investigate the most important subjects- And what made her happy was very important to Themisto. He would crane his neck toward the water and begin to lap the surface, quenching his thirst as she had moments ago. He would continue until she responded, as he was very thirsty and slightly dehydrated.


Twig I


02-20-2014, 12:03 AM

She would swim in the water as well as in his delighted laughter, the smile that ayes across her features was thanks in no small part to him. Since she had found herself in his presence the joy that arose from within and without had not ceased, ?and as she swam with him it would only increase. He would exclaim his love for the water, and she had to agree with him. It was not often she took time to enjoy life, to swim in a clear lake, to enjoy the day with a complete stranger... His stump of a tail would splash at the water's surface and her giggle would intertwine with his own. Her orchid gaze would find his form as she saw him look her over, she would feel a flush come over her features as he would compliment her saturated form. She would look away shyly, but would quickly find his form again as he waded forward to the shore. He would shake himself of the water as she would slowly wade towards the edge of the water. Her soaked tail would sway happily as he continued, a question would caress her dark ears. What did she do for... Fun? There was hardly much of that word within her vocabulary, she trained and she enjoyed her family as well as practicing her camouflage. But... Fun? Being with him was the most fun she had experienced since her child hood.?"I don't.. I haven't had fun in years, Themisto. Today has been the most I've laughed since I was a child." she would half heartedly laugh at her life's events, the tragedy that happened only months before revisiting her minds eye. Her gaze would scone distant as the memories were relived, her voice becoming silent with the huge amount of raw emotion that threatened to overwhelm her. Themisto was far away as the girl heard the screams and saw the blood stain the earth once more. She would gasp as she felt her knees buckle and the ?earth greet her form. She didn't realize she would probably scare the man away, but as she found herself again in the mortal world she found she could no longer hold herself together. Tears would stream down her cheeks as she started rocking back and forth to comfort herself. Vaguely she would register his face, and she would feel words begin to fall from her lips as she desperately tried to explain.
"My name is Ashley Black, I am of the Legion of Black. I lived and trained with my family in a pack far from here. We were as happy as could be expected, up until about five or six moons ago. That's when... That's when he attacked us." a new wave of tears would fall from her glassy eyes, as she let her head fall to her paws. She didn't know if Themisto had heard her, she wasn't even completely aware he was still with her. She could understand if he had run off, someone so happy and joyful couldn't be burdened with someone as broken as she.?




02-25-2014, 07:11 PM

His head would lift to align with his spine as Twig began to speak, caramel audits flicked foward atop his skull. Lips quivered as they threatened to sag into a frown. Fun was... abnormal to her? But how? His entire life revolved around happiness, fun, and a care free life style- he couldn't imagine it any different. So how could she? How could she not have spent her days lazily hanging about without a care? He would deflect the whim to frown, though his lips would fall to a more serious expression before speaking. "Oh... Well, I'm glad I managed to make you laugh then." He would counter with a chuckle, a shy smile played across his lips as his cheeks began to burn. He must have been unique if he could make her laugh and smile so easily, which was a positive thing to him. Surely if they spent enough time together he could teach her the fundamentals of fun, and they could go on spectacular adventures together, paw in paw, ready to take on the world.

Suddenly her royal gaze would fall distant, and his eyes would eagerly follow hers, awaiting the moment they connected again. Silently he would stand, and as her breakdown progressed his audits would fold. Her knees would buckle, and she would come crashing toward the earth, tears surging down her cheeks. The man would come forward, closing the short distance between them as he gingerly began to lap at her tears, his body lowering so that he could lay beside her. He wished to wipe the tears away from her cheeks, whilst nuzzling into her gently with his nose. He wanted to comfort her the best he could without overstepping their strict boundaries. After all, they were still strangers. She would speak, and Themisto would listen, toungue lapping tenderly at her facial features as he attempted to calm her down.

She would give him a new name, and he quickly question why she had lied to him. At first she had been Twig, now she was Ashley? He was confused, and began to doubt her true alignment. She seemed so sweet, but was she really who she said she was? What if she were some assassin, mass murderer, or worse, some crazy harlot? Looks could be deceiving, but despite his newly formed doubts he would continue to soothe her. He would not jump to such extreme accusations just yet- at least, not out loud. She would go on, and the ordeal would begin to make some sense- she had been brutally attacked, and had suffered long term trauma because of it. He would nod silently, an indication that he was listening to everything she was saying. "I'm sorry... Please don't cry..." He would murmur, as he honestly didn't know what else to say. Her head would fall to her paws, and he would whine softly whilst nudging her neck gently. All he could really do was comfort her until she calmed down.


Twig I


02-26-2014, 10:31 PM

She was still in awe how brilliant Themisto was, so easily would he bring a smile to her odd features. She would notice as his features grew serious, was he somehow upset by her lack of innocent fun. She'd always been a rather serious child, as long as she could remember. Now though, fun and an innocent happiness seemed to fit rather well. She could see herself beside Themisto, on some great adventure together. The scene would cause more of a flush to her cheeks, but would be forgotten as she told him of her true past.

She would feel the gentle touch of his tongue upon her cheek, a sweet gesture that would make her smile through her tears. She could feel herself wanting to lean into his soft nuzzles, but she knew better than to allow herself any closer. Her story would continue, and to her amazement he would stay and listen to her every word. She would sniffle as he asked her so carefully to stop crying, she wanted to badly but the tears would keep falling. Her tiara would lift from her head slowly as she rubbed the tears from her cheeks with slate colored paws. The panic within her subsiding as she realized her close proximity with Themisto.
A slight hiccup would develop as she would try to gain control of herself. Her mind clearing enough for the girl to recite a breathing exercise. "I'm so sorry Themisto. I didn't mean to lose control like that..." she would murmur as she tried to return his comforting nuzzle. Part of her wishing he would never stop, the other part sitting in silent just enjoying his silken touch. "It's just so hard not to when I think about them." her solemn voice was quiet as she would seek out the warm comfort of his gaze.?
