

Virgil I


4 Years
02-17-2014, 08:40 PM

She climbs, ascends like the Olympian she is. Virgil knows better than all that her physique is to be treasured about all else; muscle must be toned and strong, mortal casings to be perfected until the scarred woman is nothing but perfect. Usually she relies upon running to craft her physique, but today the woman has taken to climbing, limbs carrying her higher and higher. As she continues her climb it gets more and more treacherous, footing looser and looser. She does not fear; fear is for the mortal.
And yet, all it takes is one loose foot, and then gravity does the rest.

She tumbles quite a way, body nothing but a ragdoll against the forces of gravity and mountain alike. As her head slams down a few times she finds herself rather concussed, on the verge of drifting into unconsciousness. When the woman finally comes to rest she cannot move, her head is spinning. Eyes open and see shapes, and limbs twitch, but true movement is not possible in this moment. A sinking feeling hits her gut; she is vulnerable and exposed like this, her season having taken longer than it should to expire. She is at the mercy of fate, and Virgil knows more than any that fate is a bitch.

Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]



6 Years
02-17-2014, 10:07 PM

Anthem Destruction traveled further away from home than ever before. Far to the east, without seeking permission from any of his siblings -- if Symphony was allowed to go so far from home, it only seemed fitting that he could, too. Perhaps not the wisest of decisions, but Anthem had never been a man capable of insight. And so he would be governed permanently by his body, by his restless paws that carried him away from familiar territory and up, up, up, into the mountains.

His tail would swish lazily behind him as he went, careful to not slip on the incline as he wandered. He would not climb high; though he was not bright, he was cautious, and unwilling to do something that might ignite fear into his heart. Instead, he would prefer to remain at lower altitudes, moving carefully and sniffing hesitantly at the air. The scent of a stranger filled his nostrils, and he grew interested at the prospect of meeting a friendly face.

But the sight was not something he expected. A woman lay on the ground, seemingly conscious but not well. A whimper left his lips as he rushed forward, ears perking as he grew anxious at the sight of the possibly injured stranger. He didn't know what to do, or how to help -- but he knew something was wrong. And yet her scent was strange, somehow familiar to him, so enticing and exciting that he was not sure what he must feel. The simple-minded man was capable of feeling sympathy, oddly protective of those who needed help, and so it was with fervor that he rushed forward and began to nudge the woman, noting how pretty she was. Nothing seemed broken, and there was no blood -- but her scent was so different to him that he found himself drawn to her, and began to lap tenderly at her face, as though his simple actions might help her.

Virgil I


4 Years
02-18-2014, 04:29 PM

Everything is blurry, and though Virgil tries to move her limbs, she finds herself mostly incapable for the moment. Lids peel back to reveal golden eyes briefly, before the light becomes too much and she has to shut them again. Whimpers escape her ears, and it is only the presence of a tongue on her face which alerts her to the presence of somebody. Wearily her head raises, eyes opening once more to take in the stranger?s figure before she flinches, the light making her head ache far more than it already does.
Her legs try to pull beneath her, words far away from her lips, and she cannot find any sense of real control in her as she attempts to gather the senses required to stand up. She feels vulnerable in multiple ways, her head dizzy and groggy and torn in what feels to be a million different directions. She is too out of it to truly recognize the danger of being around a strange male while she?s incapacitated and in season.

Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]



6 Years
02-21-2014, 08:54 AM

The woman would not leave him; she did not even speak. Anthem Destruction continued to lap gently at her face, feeling a warmth spreading in his body, though it was unrelated to the summer sun looming overhead. The woman flinched slightly. He couldn't help but wonder, once again, if she is in pain. It seemed like she had fallen, but he could smell no blood or see any injury. Her confusion was something he could not comprehend. Everything was growing hazy for Anthem, too, but for different reasons. Shivers run down his spine as he pushes himself closer, moving his body parallel with hers, continuing to lap desperately at the side of stranger's face. He is suddenly overcome with affection that he does not know what to do with, engrossed in the woman's sweet scent, unable to pull himself away as hard as he tries. He is filled with confusion and hesitance, and yet he continues to push, growing somewhat rough as he feels flesh meet flesh.

All he can do is follow his body's commands, not self-aware enough to stop himself. The feeling of the stranger's body against his own is exciting and enrapturing to him and his body wants more. A whimper leaves his lips as he swings his body over her own, an easy feat considering she can hardly stand, pushing her down somewhat aggressively beneath him. He is unaware what he is doing, only knows that suddenly his body is alight with pleasure as two become one, so utterly unaware of the horrible deed he has just committed.

Virgil I


4 Years
02-24-2014, 09:13 PM

She feels like a boat, drifting away on a torrential sea. Reality drifts to her in short bursts, blurry at the edges and incoherent. Alas, she is able to slowly piece together the truth of the situation. For all her strength, she is a goddess in mortal casing, a powerful soul damned to wear chains. She cannot fight against the male, and she can only further attempt to pull to her feet when she finds herself shoved beneath him. Her heart beats rapidly, eyes opening once more, nostrils flaring as she tries to take in all that she can of her attacker. If she cannot harm him now, then she will rip his head off and place it on a spike later.
She is afraid, more than she has ever been. Her eyes close as she tries to drift away into the blur of her concussion, attempts to leave behind this humiliation that she never imagined would belong to her. It is her first time; she once thought it would belong to a man chosen by her Oracles, and then she thought perhaps it might belong to the Amenti Alpha who had given her a home, and recently she had thought it would be with her dearest Raisa, but it is not. Alas, the golden woman has it in her not to try. This demon, this vile creature, he will not see her shed a tear over him. She will burn him to ash. He will be the first conquest of her Empire. She can do nothing, however, as flesh joins with flesh and she lets out noises of vague protest, attempting to pull away as best she can.
This isn?t supposed to happen to her.

Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]



6 Years
03-04-2014, 09:00 AM

Everything ends just as quickly as it had began. Anthem did not know how long he spent with the woman, only that something strange had happened -- her whimpers are followed by confused sounds of his own before it is over. After a long while, he pulls away, but not before caressing her face once again with his tongue. Everything would become more muddled and confused than ever before, and he truly does not know what to do with himself. He moves from her finally, separating -- knowing he needs to leave and return home, but unsure why he feels such a nagging need to return to what is familiar to him. He utters a soft farewell before heading toward Ludicael, eager to see his family and not this woman any longer.