
Little Longings

Twig I


02-16-2014, 05:48 PM

The cross marked girl would make her retreat from her first meeting with the tailless man, her heart would still beat erratically as slate colored paws would carry her to the white marked wood. She would pick her way through the overgrown place as she followed the scent towards the pool at the forests center. An odd smile would sit upon her marked lips as she padded up to the edge of the water, gently bending down to graze its surface she would lap up the cool liquid. Dark hued ears would angle back to listen for any approaching foot steps. She had to guess that her family would begin to worry about her, after all she had been gone the whole evening anything could have happened. She remembered the thoughts of keeping herself loyal to the legion and her family, but every time she thought of Themisto the same half dazed smile would cross her lips. As she finished her drink and brought her pristine tiara from the water she would catch a whiff of Themisto's scent that still clung to her pelt. Already she wished to be whisked back to him, his infectious joy running through her cold veins had been exhilarating. Addictive. Never had she felt such happiness with anyone. A whist full sigh would fall from her sweet jaws as she let her haunches coil beneath her. What was she going to do?



02-16-2014, 09:46 PM

Since having discovered and confirmed that Twig, Angel, Divinity and Jinxx were all indeed his siblings, the Black man had found himself unable to separate himself from them for extended periods of time. Part of him felt that if he left them alone for too long, they would suddenly disappear and he would be left without a family once again. But obviously, that wasn't the case. They all seemed to have welcomed him into the family so easily, it was like he had been part of it his entire life. It was a relief and a weight lifted off his shoulders that he finally knew who was his family, but it was even more satisfying to know that he really did have a family. A family that actually wanted him as much he wanted them. Of all his siblings that he'd met so far, he felt a particular connection with his younger sister Twig. Not only because she had been the first one he'd met arriving here in Alacritis, but because of her spitfire nature. She hadn't been afraid to get in his face and demand answers from him all for the sake of keeping her sister out of harms way. And he admired that about his younger sister, which was why he stuck to Twig in particular.

As of late, he had begun to notice her that her choice of company had switched from their sister Angel to some unknown man. A feeling of protectiveness the titan didn't know he could feel had settled over him in regards to his sister and it took much self control to leave Twig to her own devices. She was old enough to have relationships, but that didn't mean that Pulsus had to necessarily agree with it. He had been doing good with keeping himself away from his sister during her times with this man, not wanting to appear like an overbearing older brother. He'd been keeping his distance that day, making sure to be undetected but still close enough that if she were to need help he would be only a bark away. He wasn't sure if this was how older brothers were suppsoed to act, but he didn't care too much. He was trying to keep his family safe the only way that made sense to him and if that wasn't how things were supposed to be done, then his siblings had to explain to him how to do it properly.

With silent paws the Wraith would track his sister down to a pool in the middle of a forest of ivory barked trees. Bi-colored gaze would remain trained to her familiar slate and alabaster figure, watching her quietly as she took a drink from the pool before reclining onto her haunches. He would move in her direction quietly, face blank, body neutral, wondering what the look on her face was for. Was it possible that she held affection towards the man that she had been spending time with?

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Twig I


02-16-2014, 10:05 PM

.ooc. I'm thinking this will be set right after Twig and Them's first meeting <3
She would sit alone, already feeling a saddening inside her as she wished to feel the sun like joy that her company had brought her. Though she stared at the grass under her toes she was really quite far away, she could still feel how close he had felt and how giddy he made her insides. ?She did not mean to upset or worry her family, but she had become so entangled in his presence that she had found herself refusing to leave him. Now though, she was sure she was alone and it was weighing down upon her. Thoughts would begin to drift from Themisto to her surroundings as the not so far off snapping of a twig caught he attention.
The stoic appearance of her large sibling would come into view as he approached, she would internally panic as she realized the gentle aroma the Themisto carried would be plain as day upon her pelt. She would become slightly bashful as her ears fell to her crown and her head lowered in humility. She didn't know what to say and she was almost afraid of what he would say, she knew how to take care of herself and protect her life. But somehow spending time with her ray of sunshine felt like a dirty secret she had to hold onto. She would avert her orchid gaze from Pulsus' blank stare as she mumbled a greeting,??"Hey there Pulsus... What are you doing way out here?" though she already knew the answer she hoped it wasn't going to be quite like she imagined it. She had learned quickly that even though she was excellent at stealth and covering her tracks he had years of experience on her and would best her no matter how good she thought she was. She could only guess how much he'd seen of her and the wolf she found so intriguing.?

I can talk!


02-16-2014, 10:47 PM

It would not go unnoticed by the Black gargantuan the lingering smell of his sister's companion. Pulsus would be smart to memorize the smell and tuck it away for later, in case the man that his sister appeared to have developed feelings for decided to play with those feelings. He was still getting to know his sister and the rest of his siblings, but anyone that even considered bringing any type of harm in whatever form they saw fit would have the Wraith to deal with and although he wasn't much a fighter, he was a quick learner and he was sure that whoever he faced would remember him for a very long time.

He could see the surprise that sprung across her features at the sight of him, and the way that she became embarrassed, as if she'd been doing something she shouldn't have. Had she? He had been close enough to keep an eye on her, but that didn't mean that he'd been watching her every single second that she'd spent with her companion. As far as he was concerned, spending time with the man was not something to be frowned upon, unless the man's intentions were anything but pure. She would keep her gaze adverted as she closed the distance between them, massive frame coming to settle down beside hers, his own dual-colored eyes focusing on the pool before them, sooty and ivory ears pricking at her words. Hey there Pulsus... What are you doing way out here? He would sit silently beside her for a few moments, elongated sooty tail coming to drape across his paws before he answered. Making sure you're alright Ashley. No crime in that is there? He would answer softly, keeping his gaze trained on the water, waiting to see when his sister's courage would come back to her so that she could look him in the eye. He wasn't here to accuse her about spending time with her companion. He was just curious about the man and was willing to be a ear to listen if she wanted someone to talk to about him.

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Twig I


02-16-2014, 11:00 PM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2014, 11:06 PM by Twig I.)

As he approached she would let her gaze flicker up to glimpse at her big brother, he certainly didn't let it show that he was any type of disappointed in her. That would work to boost her confidence once again, because she had certainly expected to have a talking to. All her life she had been taught to give your undying loyalty to the legion and to her pack, but she couldn't help but shake the feeling that spending time with Themisto instead of being out searching for her family was a bad thing. And she couldn't help but think that Pulsus would feel the same way. Her head would raise a considerable amount as he came to sit next her her. Still she would not let their eyes meet. His silence would shove her guilt deeper, but then as he spoke she would visibly cringe as he said her first name. (She was still trying to figure out who it was that has told him that.) She felt bad about assuming that he would automatically confront her about who it was who had kept her throughout the previous night. Since he would skirt the question for now she would let her guarded walls fall. All he wanted to do was make sure she was alright.?"No, it's not. Though calling me by my first name might be." she would usher out a giggle in amusement of her own words. The tension would leave her as she let her shoulder lean into the large wolf beside her.?"So, how much do you know?" indirectly she would address the issue at hand. She would need to know how much he'd been able to gather before she would be able to fill in the holes. Still she felt reserved about saying anything, but it just felt right to talk to him.?



02-17-2014, 12:28 PM

As he let the silence stretch between them, the gargantuan could begin to feel his sister slowly begin to relax with him as she realized that he wasn't here to chastise her. He probably had every right to as her older brother, but he had only been in her life for a few weeks and he barely knew her, so really his authority was invalid at the moment, regardless of his age. There was no doubt that he had years of experience on her, about a lot of things, but he was sure that there were still things that he could learn and perhaps his younger sister could be the one to teach him the things he had yet to learn. He would notice her skull rise just a little bit higher once he'd settled himself beside her, but still she refused to make eye contact with him, which was just fine. Pulsus wouldn't rush his sister. He had plenty of time on his paws and he could wait her out for as long as she needed.

No, it's not. Though calling me by my first name might be. The corner of his lips would twitch with a ghost of a smile, glad to hear that giggle bubble from her lips. She would lean into his shoulder and the titan would shrug with nonchalance, keeping in mind for the future that his sister preferred her nickname over her real name. So how much do you know? And just like that the subject would change to her companion. Was she trying to gauge how much he knew so she knew how much to tell him? Not much. Just that you seem to like spending time with him and that there is obviously something other than friendship brewing between you and him. I may not have experience in that department, but I am not blind. Would come his low rumble as he shifted his head to his left, eyeing his sister with his icy eye, waiting to see if she would deny the statement.

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Twig I


02-24-2014, 12:21 PM

It felt as though he were so understanding, there was nothing about him that would make her want to hide things from him. Pulsus was quickly turning into another brother to her, as though he was placed back where he had belonged the whole of their lives. He would not judge her, and he only wished to protect her. So with ease she would begin the conversation she has been so nervous about. It seemed she was not so good at hiding what she was feeling, her transparency was a bit frustrating. And it seemed he knew about as much as she did. At least she thought there was something more than friendship between them, after she had shed such tears before Themisto and he hadn't left... He had to feel as she did. Her stomach did flips for him and her face would flush before him. She also couldn't wait to see him again.?"Well, you don't sound wrong so far." Though she wasn't sure what else she could attest to. She would let herself get in a glimpse of his eye, easily giving him the truth.?"I can't wait to go see him again." she would add as their eye contact diminished once again. Thoughts of the man still swimming in her memories predominantly.?"Do you think... The others will chastise me for wanting to see him so bad?" He seemed so understanding of her, would her other brothers and sisters be the same?



02-24-2014, 12:43 PM

He would allow his gaze to redirect itself back to the water before them, ivory ear rotated in the direction of his sister. She seemed to want to talk about this man with him, but he could feel her hesitation. Was she afraid that he wouldn't approve? He was in position to do so yet; he hadn't met the man. And until he actually met the man who seemed to have won his sister's affection, he would give him the benefit of the doubt. If Twig felt something for this man, it had to mean that he was a good one, no? Then again the heart does cloud the mind in some occasions, but Pulsus was no expert in that department so he would keep his musings to himself as he pulled out of his thoughts just in time to catch her voice. Well, you don't sound wrong so far. A quiet hmm would rumble in his massive chest and he would nod to himself, glad that she was able to be honest with him about this man and the way that she felt.

I can't wait to go see him again. Do you think... The others will chastise me for wanting to see him so bad? He would catch the brief glance that she gave him, a feeling of satisfaction working its way through his veins as she continued to open up to him. I can see that. And no, the others should not chastise you. They have no reason to, unless of course this man decides to bring harm to the family. But if he doesn't then they shouldn't say anything about him. And if they do, I will surely have a talk with them. You are a growing young woman and are allowed to have a life away from the family...At least I believe so. Was that what his sister wanted to hear? Was that the right thing to say? Pulsus was grasping at straws here and he could only hope that he said the right thing in order to inspire confidence in his younger sister. She shouldn't fear the opinion of the rest of the family. If they really loved her, they would accept her and whomever she decided was worth her time. Family was loyal to the end, no matter what.

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Twig I


02-26-2014, 10:05 PM

She didn't know that there was a way to love her brother more than she did at that moment. As she spoke to him of Themisto he would listen quietly, it was easy to think he was carefully mulling over her words. It was becoming an ease to speak to him, and it seemed that he enjoyed the fact. She couldn't help the shy smile that spread across her features, her lips were beginning to hurt ?from smiling the last two days. She had to say though she didn't mind the happiness, it had been too long since she'd felt such pure joy. The only cloud hanging over her head was the members of her family that were still missing, the last piece to her puzzle.
Her royal purple gaze would fall upon his shoulders as he spoke to her, his words something she would cling to in the coming days. As the rest of her siblings found out about the man she was growing so fond of. The fluttering in her stomach would not cease as his hopeful words filled her head. At least she'd have Pulsus to count on, he'd stand by her no matter what they thought. Her grin would widen as he finished speaking and her gaze would easily find his own. "I'm glad I can count on you, Pulsus." she would nuzzle affectionately into his neck fur as a sigh of contentment left her pale lips. "I don't even know how I'll tell them." she would giggle amusedly at the looming thought.?
