
i'll hold you tight in my arms



5 Years
02-14-2014, 09:42 PM

It was late in the night around the quiet lake. Little specks of golden glowing in the dark surrounded him and the water. This brought him peace, and sucked away his mere anxiety. It wasn't too long ago since him and his new mate, Six, had finished their spar and played in the mud together. Not only playing in the mud, but admitting their love for eachother. It was a lovely time. Covered in mud, but still showed love and no interest in the wet terrain. He loved it. They were adorable and without a doubt, destined for eachother. Now he sat alone, gazing among the beautiful sights of the small lake.

But perhaps he was a little bit lonely. He wanted to be beside his mate, her fur pressed against him and her head leaned onto his shoulder. She was his little queen. His love, that he will never leave in years. Maybe even forever, until he dies. But he just wanted to be near her. Despite the beauty of the numerous glowing bugs around him, he twisted his head around and allowed his eyes to skip over the dark terrain. The man could only see the lake with the moon's reflection swaying lightly to the soft waves, and the tall cattails and blades of tall grass lined up along the shore. He hoped Six would come to him. To come kiss him and sleep on his shoulder. But does she even know where he is? He was practically invisible through the tall grass around him. Aldoro sighed and lowered his head between his paws. He decided to ignore the glowing bugs around him.


02-14-2014, 10:38 PM
Her twinkling purple eyes matched the lovely hues of blue and blank that danced across the sky. Flickers of yellow light filled the air in little bursts. She had been following his scent. His. Her mate. The love of her life. She fell in love so fast and enjoyed every single bit of it. The girl was not one for mates and stability but oh boy, she could not get enough of Aldoro. Six knew he was near, she enjoyed his scent almost a little to much. It did not smell of blood of female so she was happy about that. As her eyes met his ebony form the woman smiled instantly. Her tail wagged as she put a little more pep in her step and slid to him. Tiger lilies danced around her until she was standing over him. The black and white behemoth yipped. She leaned down and nipped at his ear. "Oh, my Aldoro, I love you!" The girl positioned herself to lay next to him. She looked into his eyes and licked his muzzle. "I cannot stand to be from you for so long!" She leaned in and littered his muzzle with a few more kisses as she leaned on him and sighed. "I love you." She had to say it again, it was like she needed to. The woman let her tail wind with his as her ears flicked. Oh how she loved that moment.



5 Years
02-14-2014, 11:49 PM
Just as the brute was about to get up and go look for her, she arrived. His blunt face quickly twisted into a joyous grin. Ah, yes. This is what he wanted. He wanted to be close to feel her warmth. To tell her how much he loved her, and to kiss her goodnight as she fell asleep on his shoulder. He chuckled softly as her words rang like bells into the air. She continued and the man listened closely. He just couldn't help but feel the same. It felt strange not to be near her--- he just couldn't stand it. Aldoro returned the kisses warmly to her face before cradling his back legs around her and lifting his head, exposing soft fur for her head. He smiled and whispered into her ear, "I love you more..." The man licked her forehead once more before glancing forward at the glowing bugs around the pair. He smiled as one settled onto his nose, but just as he moved a bit, it immediately fled back into it's large group.


02-18-2014, 09:07 PM
The woman laid next to her man in such content. Her heart fluttered with such joy as they connected. They dark furs mingled in such perfection. Her tail slithered across his and her ears flicked. The little lightening bugs flicked across the skies and reflected off the lovely lake before them. It was a scene for romance and she thought that was just what they needed. His sweet nothing was whispered into her two toned ear and she smiled at him. The girl then began to lick his neck and nudge him slightly. Six nibbled at his neck and then his ear. There was something different about the nibble. She was showing him her other side, the side of the temptress. The black and white woman rolled onto her back and smirked at him. The girl leaned in and nipped at his muzzle once more, it was a language spoken only with actions. She flicked her tail as his and she giggled softly. The girl wanted him and she was going to get him. The girl and the boy were mated so why not let him reach that level. They were alone and together. The moment was perfect to explore the more fun parts of being mated. She did hope they were mated for life. It was the Wolf way.



5 Years
02-18-2014, 10:14 PM
The perfect two. They were adorable. Sweethearts without a doubt. Well, Aldoro certainly loved her. And he vowed to never leave her...even if he got mad at her. Even if she tried to kill him. He'd stay loyal to her heart, and hopefully, she would stay loyal to his. But he knew she would. He just knew it. By the way her words slithered into his ears, and how she nips at him playfully and always tells him she loves him. He loved her. She loved him. It seemed they would never part, or never split. Maybe a small fight--- but at this point, that seemed impossible. A very rare possibility. The man's eyes seemed to glow and beam with joy every time he glanced at her. He could never stop thinking about her.

He felt her soft licks and nudges, as if she was trying to tell him something. The boy lifted a brow slowly, his eyes drifting to hers as he watched her continue her tempting actions. He was only a little confused until she began to nip at his neck. Almost in a mischievous posture. Aldoro seemed to smirk lightly, and just like the first time he met her, the reaction came naturally. He returned her loving kisses, as always, and lifted the appendage closer to her up. The boy seemed to wrap it around her and bring her in closer to him. Then, he'd continue to lick her and sometimes nip playfully at her ears and neck. Fun? Yes. But this was a first for him. He's never experienced love, or the 'fun' of becoming mates with a woman. Six may just have to guide him through a bit- but without words. Aldoro nuzzled her neck and allowed his long tail to thump lightly behind him. But often, in the middle of his nuzzling, he'd sweep his tongue up her neck and stop at her cheek. Then, continue to nuzzle her. They were alone...he needed to remember that. He was with the one he loved. There was nothing to worry about...


02-19-2014, 08:57 PM
The girl was in mad love. It was mad because it was constant and it all happened so fast. Despite everything they would still love eachother. Each time their furs mingled and their paws tangled it was such passion. She was experienced but not used. Her body clung to her original scent, the scent of Six. But that scent was now mixed with his, but after that night they would truly be one. Her jaws nipped and nibbled. Her tongue slithered and flicked. They were a perfect couple. Single Wolves would frown in envy at their equality. Her purple orbs stared into his as she got up quickly and leaned down. The girl licked his ear and whispered. "Aldoro.. I love you so.." Her voice was so gentle and so luxurious. She walked pasted his head, making sure he got a good view of her lush hips. The woman leaned down and whispered into his other ear, "Take me.." Six turned around and moved in front of him. Her back was to him. She laid down and let her tail flick at his nose. "Please.." Her voice was stitched with her lovely venom. There was no way her could pass such an offer up..



5 Years
02-19-2014, 09:29 PM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2014, 08:00 AM by Aldoro.)
The man would seem to smirk as she lifted and pasted him. Her hips swayed before his eyes, causing his swollen heart to flutter. His smile twisted into a grin. Aldoro couldn't help but feel a bit confused. Oh yes, he liked her postures. They were indeed tempting. Was this confusion just what all wolves felt? Their fur mingled, they played together, they constantly told eachother they loved one another. How could he feel different then happy and so lucky? The man watched her lower herself and flick at his large black nose with her tail. Sweeping his tongue over his lips, he tucked his chin into his chest and stared at her with those amber and sapphire pools of his. He must do what she wanted, despite the confusion. Her tempting voice just laced through his puzzlement as she whispered. Finally, the boy sat up upon his paws, put lowered himself so much that his belly seemed to touch the ground. Aldoro made his way over to her, and practically laid upon her. He managed to intertwine his tail with hers from behind, and in the front, he licked at her muzzle and wrapped his front legs around her neck. His back legs, on the other hand, wrapped around her as well. It was almost like he was trying to keep her stable. Still. He nipped at her ears and licked above her eyes. Sometimes he grabbed a bit of her scruff with the harmless point of his maw. "Take me." Is this what she meant? The method he was using was one in which would 'start' the fun of marriage. Or partnership. Hopefully he was doing it correctly. But he shoved the worried thought away and whispered softly in her ear, "I'll take you to a wonderland..." A chuckle emitted up from his throat before he continued his tempting postures and nips, licks, and words.


02-23-2014, 11:47 AM
The woman loved every bit of that moment. Every bit of them being together, attached. They were one, which was amazing. They were official mates, complete mates. Soon, this would be a normal thing for them, but ever so exciting each time. Eventually, they would complete the final step, she would have pups. The girl wished she could have a lovely amount of pups, little black and white boys and girls. Six was a lover of children despite her usual stoic and harsh attitude. He gripped her scruff, she loved how rough he was getting. Each of his legs took their position as he whispered into her ebony ear. The girl shivered with excitement as her body filled with heat. She shut her eyes as he continued on, fulfilling the promise he had made, taking her to neverland. Six was completely intoxicated with his every movement, his warm scent, and his loving touch. They were perfect, in every way.

fade to black

As they finished the woman laid there in complete delight. Her chest rose up and down as her eyes were attached to his. They laid facing eachother, their tails mingling. Their paws tangled. A little smile was spread across her luxurious lips and her eyes bright as ever. "Oh darling, you are a keeper." The woman laughed softly and leaned in to lick his nose. "Mine." She could spend the rest of her life with him. To spend each night, each bad day, each rainy and sunny day with him. To bicker and to argue. To pleasure and love. Oh, it was lovely, it really was. She sure hoped he felt the same.



5 Years
02-23-2014, 02:14 PM
Official mates. Two paired together, hopefully for life. Amazing. Adorable. Soon, the pair would reach that final stage of marriage. Where they would raise there own children. Oh, how that sounded exciting. To have little Six's all around him, soon growing to where they get mates and have pups. And the man would watch them grow. Watch them play, watch them acknowledge the world from the beginning. Aldoro loved pups so much- he was so excited to have them with his lover. Six. But despite the pups, he'd promise to stay with Six forever. To sit with her in a small den while a storm rolls on overhead, licking her and telling her how much he loved her. Cuddling at night, fur pressed together, soft, loving words echoing out into the air. Yes. That's what he wanted. And it would happen. When they rule, he'll be sure to comfort her on hard days. When she is finished with her duties, at the end, he'll welcome her with a kiss and a small talk. A talk about how lucky he is to be with her. But now he just did what came naturally. Smiling as she fell into relaxation beneath the large brute.

At the end, he rolled over and stared in her into her purple eyes, breathing heavily. His chest rose up and down as hers did. But nevertheless, he continued to smile. Smile for so long that his lips hurt. The man's bi-colored eyes, sapphire and amber, seemed to sink into Six as she let forth words. Words that he admired ever so greatly. He was hers, she was his. The man returned the loving lick that she offered him, and inched closer to her so that his fur pushed gently against hers. The man eventually, though, caught his breath, and managed to whisper words full of nothing but love. "I knew that I ever since the beginning. That you were mine...and I was yours." Aldoro licked at the tip of her maw yet again, near her nose, and rested his eyelids slowly as he awaited her response.


02-25-2014, 03:21 PM
The babe laid there next to her man in such completeness. Her body radiated with pleasure and warmness. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and shut. Such acts were so much better with the one you loved. He was perfect for her in every way. They fit next to each other perfectly, as if they were made for each other. The woman listened to his words and felt her heart soar. Her tail thudded against his as she giggled softly. "I believe you are my soul mate, you were meant for me." She was a Wolf and that is how they thought. Wolves firmly believed that they should mate for life with one person they deem their soul mate. Aldoro was hers. She really hoped they would last forever. To grow old with such a nice, sweet, handsome, and wonderful man would be a dream within itself. But, the darling grew tired and the next day she would plan on challenging for the Amenti throne. She laid her head down next to his and shut her eyes. A soft rumble of content could be heard. "I love you, my dear." Six then fell into a soft slumber.

exit through slumber