
Rare Meal


02-13-2014, 04:17 PM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2014, 04:18 PM by Isabella.)
With the change of season the world grew warm and with warmth meant more prey. Isabella was in the mood to hunt, and Alphonso insisted on helping her. It would be in an odd way, remembered there conversation the day before Isabella smiled just for a moment. "How brave you are dear Alphonso." Isabella said as she pounced her and there flattening the grass. It was alive and tall but brown, something the fox colored female blended in well with but the bright yellow gecko stood out on. At the moment the gecko was hiding in the tall grass watching the wolf.

"Well Madam Izzy, I trust you, and I ask you to trust my skills. Besides if this doesn't work it shall only cost my tail. They fall off you know, and that's why it looks like my head, even with keen eyes sometimes no one knows what side to strike." Isabella nodded as she made a nice flat circle. In the very middle of the circle she dug a small hole that was somewhat hard to see but it was there. Looking at it and nodding she moved back to the grass and set her blue eyes on Alphonso. "Alright, good luck." Her voice was icy as ever but Alphonso was used to that by now and could tell that she cared. Nodding he scampered out hiding just in front of the hole, facing it.

As he stood, head and tail wagging and Isabella crouched in the grass near buy a shadow fell over Al. Neither of them looked up but Al got ready to dash as Isabella got ready to pounce. With a screech the shadow fell from the air and as a mass of feathers was just above Al he dashed into the hole, just avoiding some talons that tore the earth beneath them. Before the bird could take off Isabella pounced, using her front paws to slam into the ground and hold it in place. Shooting her head forward she clamped her jaws around its neck and bit quickly. Lifting the bird she moved it from the hole enough for Al to come out.

Alphonso emerged as he and her looked at the bird, a good sized hawk who seemed to stay fat though the winter. "Hawk meat is a very rare find, typicality it can only be found dead and old, nothing of the true flavor. I shall find a way to reward you for this Alphonso, I don't know much about catching insects but I can dig at an old rotten log to hep you get to them." Al nodded as he stepped away and got comfortable on the grass. "Ah, a fair trade! A full belly for me and something that is big enough to fill you and small enough to keep others away. I shall be your lookout!" He said with a laugh walking in circles around him.

Isabella smirked a moment before lowing her body to the ground and tearing into the hawk, pulling away the feathers first before going to the fine meat. Indeed it was grand, wild, savory and much better than rabbit. As she ate she thought of hunting, going after larger animals with help. "Even a gecko could help a wolf hunt but it would be much easier to hunt with other a pack." She thought pausing in her meal a moment. Shaking the thought away she tore another strip of meat and continued with her meal, her body protectively over the meat as Al moved around her 'guarding' her yet staying close enough to be safe himself.



5 Years
02-15-2014, 09:34 PM

Raisa watched the hawk circle in the sky, it's lazy flight patterns lulling her into a state of ease. Koros lay beside her, belly up, basking in the sun. They had both eaten recently, and so far the weather had been pleasant. The day held little pressure for the duo, and Raisa was inclined to keep it that way. When the hawk's attention shifted, however, so did she. With a yawn and a lazy snap at an errant fly, Raisa righted herself to watch it's flight path, it's dive, and- Oh! A tawny wolf lept from the cover of the grasses and swatted teh avian from the sky. It's short cry was cut short, and Raisa found herself wondering how exactly the keen-eyed hunter had been baited. With an amused smile playing on her lips the fae looked down to Koros and said, "Come on, there's mischief afoot!" Raisa took off then, padding towards the site she had last seen the stranger emerge from. The smell of blood wafted towards her in due time, and she cleared her throat. "Hello?" Her call was met at first with only the whispers of the waving grass.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


02-15-2014, 10:13 PM
A voice, more like a question rang out making Isabella turn on her meal and raise her hind quarters looking to the direction of where it emerged. Scenting the air she picked up a female wolf and the scent of something else with he. It was rather faint though with the smell of blood so close to her and it was difficult to tell much more than that. "Tall grass has as many advantages as it does disadvantages." She thought as Alphonse placed himself in front of her with his tail up and twitching. "It's rude to intrude on a meal! There isn't enough for you anyway. Begone!" As long as Al's size wasn't known his voice sounded like a large enough wolf to keep others away in part do to his personality.

"Really now, anyone who stops and calls for another rather than following their sent and the smell of blood is not intended on stealing the food." Her voice sounded more empty than ever in contrast to the boisterous voice of Alphonso. Where his was energetic and full of life hers was empty of all emotion. Isabella cast a glance at Al since her words were more to him than anything then tuned back to the meal. There wasn't much meat left in the chest but that didn't mean she wanted to share. "There is only need to stall not drive away." That was a quick whisper to Alphonso to let him know that she did not mind if the other joined them, so long as she finished the best parts of the meal first. Food was one of the few things that made Isabella show emotion and act hastily. With Alphonso around she would have a hard time showing enough aggression and focus on her meal to keep an eye on him so she figured the est thing to do was eat as fast as she could then deal with whoever was out there.

"Alright stranger, we are here! Be aware there are two of us should you come with any aggressive intent! However, should you be friendly you will be well received. Please, give your name before approaching and we will give you ours when we get there." Alphonso's voice held power and command, more so than he had but that didn't mean he couldn't speak like a top dog. Isabella almost chuckled while she ate. Yes he was doing this for her as a friend and to thank her for her guardianship yet he was putting so much drama in it, acting as some massive and powerful best. She knew he was having way too much fun with this. Indeed he was having fun but at the same time he was setting whoever was out there up for a big surprise when they came upon them. Having said his peace he moved beside Isabella and waited hoping for a good reaction on the face of whoever was going to join them.



5 Years
02-15-2014, 10:37 PM

The response Raisa received was surprisingly aggressive, and it brought her brows together in disgruntlement. Godssake, she'd announced herself! The nerve of some people! She wagered that if they had no idea who they spoke to! She opened her mouth to give retort, but her assailants earlier statement was quickly rescinded, though the verbal bite was no lesser. Raisa held in a growl, but could not restrain the sass. "My name is Raisa fucking Xanilov, Queen of the Ebony throne. I was just coming to ask news of the land, but sheesh! If you're that concerned!" She scoffed and sat down with a huff. She wouldn't turn and leave, no, that'd be too much like giving up. Besides, she wanted now to see who thought so highly of themselves to treat free land like their own den. "Tch. Surprised I wasn't asked for a freaking password," she thought to herself, rolling her eyes. Oh yes, these strangers definitely piqued her interest, that couldn't be denied. Only time would tell, of course, how this encounter would turn out.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


02-16-2014, 06:10 PM
Alphonso jumped at the reply, it had plenty of attitude but at least the stranger gave her name. "Queen, ha! What do I care for royal titles, A title should be earned should it not, and furthermore-" "Hush Alphonso." Isabella spoke a with he bite of an order that could even be heard in my voice. "I know that name, Queen Raisa, one I have met before, though you seemed to not hold with such pride to your title then." Isabella lifted her head and stepped forward standing with Alphonso between her front paws.

"Oh an old acquaintance then. Lovely." Alphonso said settling down about even if he was still eager to act authoritative. "Do you remember last we met Raisa? At the mountain of fire? Please, come closer, your fox may come too if he is with you. There is a bit of meat left on my kill, on the wings. I hope it a suitable apology for the words of my friend." At that she glanced down at Alphonso.

"She may apologize but I stick by my words, you never know what kind of hungry, bloodthirsty wolves lurk about, precautions are best when food is around." Isabella reached down and nudged Alphonso with her snout. "Come now, be civil. Queen Raisa, feel free to approach so long as this little chatterbox does not drive you mad." Looking up she barked a few times to let their position be clear. Alphonso added in a low hissing sound to help, no doubt something that wouldn't normally be heard around a wolf. While he looked forward to causing whatever trouble he could, Isabella looked forward to making amends for his mistakes.



5 Years
02-16-2014, 08:50 PM

That fact that this was in fact an acquaintance instead of a stranger enticed the queen forward, despite her now miffed outlook. It was true, her old titles did not mean as much to her as they did before. After moons of wandering as a rogue of no prospects, she had come to see that an empty title was just that: empty. What use was a title when your paws were sore, your belly empty, and you were being chased off of every kill by bigger bands of wolves? No, her old titles meant nothing in a new land. Raisa pushed through the tall grasses, unexpected finding a familiar wolf and a very unfamiliar reptile. Raisa raised a brow, ear flattening in disbelief. "I was sassed... By a gecko?" The queen closed her eyes and let out a long breath, finally giving herself a little shake, and turning her attention back to Isabella. "You, Miss Isabella, I remember. To answer your question, no, my titles do not mean as much to me as they once did. It's been a long few moons. It's nice to see you again, however. I trust your travels are treating you well?" It was good to see a fellow rogue surviving, flourishing even. It gave Raisa a certain sort of hope. Though, if she played her cards right, Raisa would not be a rogue for much longer.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


02-16-2014, 10:58 PM
Alphonso laughed hearty as Raisa joined them and saw him. "Ah, I even put Queens off their game! I feel that jackal would be proud!" He said as his laughter came to an end. Looking at the two of them it was clear enough they wanted to catch up so he moved from his place to a softer patch of grass and nodded to Isabella letting her know he would re-join the conversation if he was needed. Relaxing for the moment, he closed his eyes.

Isabella watched him a moment before turning to Raisa with a nod of greeting and a very brief but visible wag of her tail simply for familiarity's sake. Lifting her head she responded. "I am glad you remember, and it is nice to see you again as well. Very well thank you, I have gotten to know these lands from oceans of ice to oceans of sand where I met Alphonso here. When he is not so full of himself he is tolerable. A gecko who spoke wolf and has a thirst for knowledge, it was hard to refuse him as a traveling companion."

Her head tilted sideways a bit indicating at the gecko before turning back to Rasia. "He can even help with enticing birds to drop from the sky." She said indicating to the hawk behind her. "What of yourself? Have things been well for you?" Raisa was a wolf she liked, perhaps not as a friend but enough to talk to again. Though her voice was empty her eyes were soft and welcoming as she looked at female waiting for her response.



5 Years
02-17-2014, 09:31 AM

The reptile's arrogant comment had Raisa sighing. Had his words come from a wolf, one who could stand against her in a fair fight, things might have been different. As it was, she looked to the fox that had emerged from grasses around them, and remembered the afternoon a vlie woman had threatened to eat him. The memory of it still kindled a sort of rage within her. Raisa knew better than most how precious a traveling companion could be, so she gave the small creature a certain leeway. Isabella introduced him as Alphonso, and while Raisa did not directly address the loud mouth, Koros seemed to have no issue with it. "Lady Isabella! Marvelous to see you well. And Mister Alphonso, I'm pleased to find another creature who enjoys the company of wolves as much as I do." Raisa watched the small fox with interest. How could he be so kind and optimistic towards such an aggravating creature? He was endlessly surprising. She told herself she would ask him about it later, and resolved now to answer the questions Isabella had posed her. "You companion seems quite skilled then. You are lucky to have such a friend. As for me, things have turned for the better." She allowed herself a small smile. "I am but days away from settling my band of followers and forming a pack of my own. A dream come true, you could maybe say." Her pride was indomitable, and she could not keep the fondness out of her voice. "Perhaps you and Alphonso will come to visit, should you pass our way. We will be settling in the east." Raisa would not admit that she enjoyed the woman's company, despite how they did not know each other very well. In such s vast landscape, the few acquaintances you had were very precious.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


02-17-2014, 06:35 PM
Isabella looked to Koros as he joined them and gave him a nod of welcome as well. "Good to see you as well Koros." She said politely before turning back to Raisa. While they spoke Alphonso smiled up at the fox. "Ah, why it is lovely to meet you as well! And just look at you, your fur. Such an interesting color, I like it!" He said moving in a quick circle around the fox. "Wolves are interesting creatures aren't they? Social by nature, fine hunters, and such a keen sense of smell. And downright interesting, especially when you get them with a surprised look on their face." He added with a little laugh.

Putting her focus on Raisa. "I wouldn't call him skilled, it would only boost his ego, but yes, he does come in handy." She felt comfortable being honest with the Queen, after all she was able to put up with the gecko and she was very good at conversation. Her ears twitched just a bit at the mention of a pack. Her last attempt at joining a pack didn't go so well, a new leader soon showed up and that was just too much change for her. That didn't mean she was no longer interested though, it just seemed every attempt on her part lead to failure both her and in her old pack. Hope was still in her heart though, and joining a pack started by one she knew seemed like something to consider.

"Thank you for the invitation, I will keep that in mind. What are you plans for this pack, such as rules, ranks and morels? I will admit I have been seeking a pack but am very particular about the structure of any pack I want to call home. My birth pack was not a home in any way, blood was power and killing or harming another who 'disrespected' you or just to show how strong one was...It was wrong, all life is precious. My second pack was lovely, the Alphaess was only there to keep order, we respected one another and ranks were secondary. However the bonds were too weak and it fell apart. I must be sure that if I am to join a pack the bond is strong and it is indeed a home." Though her voice was unchaining, her words were honest and the want to find a pack was real. Since Raisa wanted to make her own pack she would be the best one to get information from about the pack and if she liked what she heard she could act from there.



5 Years
02-22-2014, 09:50 PM

Koros seemed delighted by the diminutive creature, forgetting apparently that lizards were tasty morsels for fox-kind. Raisa was not of a mind to remind him and ruin what might be an otherwise pleasant afternoon. The fox chuckled and told the lizard, "I can't help but to agree. I was born into a long line of stewards for the royal house, you see. We have always been dedicated to them, and it is an honor to serve." At times, the sooty fae almost felt bad for her small friend. He worked so hard to please her, to the point where he did not have much of a life for himself. Raisa had half a mind to hunt down a fae fox for him, order him to think of other things for once in his life, yet she did not. Instead she turned back to Isabella and listened as she rattled off a list of inquiries about her pack-to-be. Raisa sat, curling her snow-tipped tail over her like-colored paws, and waited. She could not deny a certain pride, knowing the contrast of her plans versus the woman's past. "My birthpack," she began, "Had a proud legacy stretching over many, many generations. We were brought down by a coup, by those weak in loyalty. In my pack, the bonds and kinship we share will be above all else. Strength, I believe, can be drawn from others more easily than from within." She paused to consider those sworn to her already. Each seemed so vibrant with life, so adamant about taking life by the horns. She knew she could do well by them. "As for laws, the wolves of my pack can expect to retain their freedom. As long as their loyalties remain with me, I've no care over who they mate with, or where they roam. The court will be divided by nobles, knights, squires, and commoners. Each will have roles and duties, and all will work towards the betterment of the whole. As for unwarranted agression, well, I personally believe in sanctuary and force in equal measure." The overview was brief, though Raisa felt as though she had touched on all issues. She knew that if Isabella had further questions she would pose them, and Raisa sat ready to receive her response.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


02-22-2014, 10:18 PM (This post was last modified: 02-22-2014, 10:20 PM by Isabella.)

The gecko opened his mouth in a wide grin as he looked to Koros. "Really now? That would be interesting. Hum...well then I think it is high time geckos acted as the stewards for the VentFlurrer family! I mean why not. If my dear Madam Izzy ever decides to have pups and I young. We shall have a long and glorious history." He laughed a bit though he acted larger than life he always knew he was a small thing and could be eaten by any wolf or fox for that matter but he didn't mind. Travailing with a wolf was a grand thing and he didn't see why other geckos shouldn't pick up the habit.

Keeping one ear on the conversation Isabella wondered how small gecko young were before turning back to Raisa as she spoke of her past and future. Realizing she was still sanding Isabella sat getting comfortable. Though she did not truly 'trust' the other female she did feel comfortable abound her and this was something she wanted to here. "I am sorry for the coup, if your family ruled for generations then no doubt they were good rulers." She blinked a moment as Raisa spoke of strength coming from within, that was an ideal she liked and it would only be true if the pack was close. She nodded a moment thinking over the laws of the pack.

"It sounds fair enough. I would be lying if I said you do not have my interest. I must ask though both out of curiosity and personal interest what would make you worthy of loyalty?" Her words were careful, there were made not to sound like an insult they could have been taken for but a truthful question. Loyalty was not something she would give away easily and if any wolf were to earn it they would have to have good reason to do so. "How would a newcomer join the pack if they could not know you and not decided if you could win their loyalty or not? And if you won their loyalty, would you in turn be loyal to that wolf?" Of course the wolf in question was her but it was also a good question to learn of the others who could join the pack and the mindset of possible pack mates.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."



5 Years
03-16-2014, 06:11 PM

One question out of them all caught Raisa off guard. What made her worth loyalty? Perhaps it would sound arrogant, but she had never had to explain it before. People saw her and just... knew. Her mother had always told her that it was her subject's duty to be loyal, but ever since coming to Alacritis she had begun to wonder if perhaps it was something more. Now that the ex-queen had to put her mind to it, she found the verbal answer was not as easy to express as the feeling in her heart. "I suppose I am worth loyalty," she began, her voice quiet and somber, "because I know the value of a life. So many leaders take their followers for granted, and abuse them." Her mind wandered back to her homeland, far over the horizon. The Azarov family, who had taken the Xanilov's place, were known to be cruel and heartless. She was certain that her friends and allies that remained were receiving the worst of it all. At least she was safe, this far away. She looked back to Isabella and caught her eye, hoping to put forth at least a fraction of what she felt inside. "I would never hold someone at my side who did not wish to be there, and I would never expect someone to lay their life down for me if I would not do the same for them. They are my subjects in name, but my companions in truth. They're my friends." It might not have been said in the eloquent guise of a queen, but the words were true, and she hoped it was what Isabella wanted to hear.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!


03-16-2014, 07:28 PM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2014, 07:34 PM by Isabella.)

Isabella noticed the change in Raisa, she was caught off guard for a moment and clearly had to think hard on a topic. Perhaps it was something she did not have to think of before and Isabella wasn't sure how to feel about that. In a way she felt proud, she was one to present a question to a royal they had not faced before but more importantly she was curious as to how Raisa would answer. Now she put all her focus on the Queen, this answer would be one she would want to hear. It would determine much between the two of them, how Isabella saw this wolf as just an acquaintance or possibly a friend, and if she would show any interest in joining the pack.

As Raisa spoke she took in everything, body language, voice, the look in the female's eye, she didn't want anything to get past her and wanted to remember everything that was said. Her first words weren't much of a surprise, any confident would see themselves worthy of loyalty, it would have been a dead lie if she said anything to the contrary. Yet there was something to her voice that got Isabella's attention that made her want to listen even more. Isabella did not take Raisa for an emotionless wolf but she did see her as a controlled wolf and this was not a side of her Isabella had seen as of yet. Something about her tone let Isabella know nothing dishonest wold be spoken now, only the truth.

Life, so Raisa thought as Isabella did and knew that life was valuable and something not to be abused. That was a very easy thing for a leader to do, power was something that corrupted deeply if one could not handle it. It was true that many leaders out there were corrupt and used those in the pack to do whatever was needed no matter the cost of life. It was clear Raisa knew this too, maybe even she had seen it first hand as Isabella did. She seemed to be reminiscing as she looked away or deep in thought and as she looked back it was clear she had a point she wanted to get across. The words were true, powerful honest and held something special within Raisa's own heart. Isabella nodded a slow and deep nod before looking up and speaking herself.

"I see, well then you know what power can do and the crimes those in power can get away with. You don't seem like the type to let power ever get to your head, you will own power and not let it own you." Pausing a very faint smile toyed at her lips. "Those spoke from your heart this is clear. A pack with ranks but where friendship comes over rank. Yes, I like that a lot. And a fellow wolf who sees that life is not something to ever be wasted or taken advantage of. I could see, mayhaps, you and me being friends in the future." There was a small change in Isabella's voice, it seemed softer if only a bit while her eyes seemed much softer in comparison and held a bit of respect in them. She liked what she heard, they were not just words to win her over they were the truth and she could respect that and someone who wanted to lead and hold those beliefs.

Friendship would not be won over right away, neither would full trust Isabella had too much caution for that. Yet as she said the future could hold friendship for the two of them though it would be a hard friendship no doubt, if Isabella remained a loner. "It would be unbecoming of an Alpha, a Queen to befriend a loner would it not? Though I give you no promise of joining your pack when it is formed I am interested. If I am ever in need of a home, I shall seek you out." All of the conversation went though Isabella's mind, power, royalty, sanctuary, a pack that will live on, loyalty, life. It sounded like a very good pack, a good home.

With her meal finished and her mind more than full she looked over to Alphonso. "Alphonso, I believe we have much to discuss. If you would." She said lowering her body to the ground. This was a great sign of trust to Raia, to lower her stance in front of another wolf. Alphonso gave a final nod to Koros and moved over to Isabella before scrambling up on her back. Standing once the gecko was settled Isabella turned to Raisa. "Well, I don't wish to be rude and leave so soon, but I must do some thinking both by myself and with Alphonso. I do hope to see you soon, and perhaps I will visit your pack once it is established. Farrell." With a nod Isabella turned and started toward the tall grass. "Bye!!! May we meet again no-longer-strangers!" Alponso called back with a laugh before Isabella sought a new path in the tall grass.

-Exit Isabella-

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."