
crumbling down



5 Years
02-11-2014, 08:08 PM (This post was last modified: 02-11-2014, 08:09 PM by Aldoro.)

Six. He couldn't stop thinking about her. Why was she constantly on his mind? It was because he loved her...did she love him? No. Probably not. She must like him. The way she acted--- an alarm went off in his head. He knew it. The way she acted before, when they first me, and then a few days after. Playing like pups, falling asleep together, loving one another. It was adorable. But sometimes something came to his mind. Another male. Who liked Six, and was aggressive, strong. Oh, that would be a tragedy. The male would probably challenge him, and he would loose his love. The only thing that he had left. No, that wouldn't happen. But just tingled inside of him. He couldn't explain the feeling though.

Aldoro shook the thoughts away as he nearly slipped off one of the numerous boulders. Ouch. If he fell, it'd be painful and bruising. He leapt up from rock to rock, his tail whipping like a flag behind him. He constantly glanced to the side of him to see the beautiful view in the distance. Then, with a great smile, he continued up the numerous rocks, grunting as his paws often were jabbed by sharp ends. It took at least five minutes for him to reach the top. His paws were really sore, pained from the constant jabbings. But now, since he was at the top, he sighed and mad his way to a comfortable flat boulder at the edge. The sun slowly began to fade behind the sloping hills. He lowered himself against the smoothness of the boulder and peered at the sunset. But...why did Six and that random thought of another male remain in his thoughts? He felt as if he were crumbling down..."Speech"


02-11-2014, 08:30 PM

Rock to rock the silver figure seemed to glide from one to another. It's tiny frame light enough to make each leap effortless. Her tiny paws landed with the grace of a fallen angel, doomed forever to live on earth with only one wing. Her black tipped tail wavy slightly to keep her balance as she roamed from rock to rock. Icy blue pools searched out the land, sharp and intent on finding any small movement. Her stomach rumbled as a reminder to her current task. Each landing she took was made with the outmost care to keep her claws from clicking in the rocks. Stealth would be the key to hunt down mice, birds or even a rabbit. But as the sun was setting she paused to stare off into the distance. It would seem luck was not in her favor. Head lowered in defeat when she noticed movement in the corner of her left eyes. Head whipped around to fixate on a large bird some good feet away. A bird of prey had the same intentions as her, but had better luck and was picking at a mouse. Ears laid back as she lowered her body. Could she be swift enough to catch it? It was only a few feet away. Judging the jumps needed and the speed required she went for it. Body was low to the rock, skimming them as she made two quick leaps before she could even reach the hawk. But already it was taken air. She gasped and launched herself up into the air. Front claws and jaws stretched out to hold the hawk's belly in her grasp. But such a leap had her twisting in the air, not ideal for a rocking landing.

The hawk cried out right before they hit the large rocks and slide down between two. A whelp of pain was emitted from the young girl as she had landed on her shoulder and slithered down the face of the rock on her side. Landing on her back she thrashed about while also ending the bird's life. It hung limp in her jaws but now she was wedged between the two rocks on her back. She spat the hawk out and kicked out her legs. It was no use, she was stuck. She grunted, the throbbing in her shoulder slowly growing intense. Another whine left her muzzle as she laid there looking up at the darkening sky. Would she be stuck here forever?

Curabitur dignissim accumsan elementum. Praesent non tortor eget tortor placerat eleifend. Vivamus libero sapien, gravida eget dictum non, venenatis a est. Praesent turpis massa, adipiscing porttitor rhoncus quis, sodales eget orci. Quisque ultrices elit vitae diam iaculis vel hendrerit dui elementum. Vestibulum consectetur aliquet sem, sed consectetur arcu auctor fringilla. Suspendisse in tincidunt erat. Ut non leo lacus. In vitae lacinia nulla. Quisque ultricies sagittis aliquet. Donec tincidunt hendrerit blandit.

I can talk!



5 Years
02-11-2014, 09:01 PM

The thoughts ran in and out of his long train of thoughts, his eyes running over the sunset again. It was beautiful. The sky was painted in purple and orange with soe twirled pink in there. He loved the color orange. The orange that was visible only at sunsets. But suddenly, a figure came sprialing out of nowhere. It was barely outside of his point of vision. The man immediately jumped to his feet and narrowed his bright, bi-colored pools of sapphire and amber. Was that a...wolf? No...wolves can't fly. What if it was an angel? What? No. Angels are graceful...and the way the wolf was 'flying' down was not graceful. Suddenly, he heard a yelp as the bundled thing spiraled out of his vision. Yeah, that was a wolf alright. Aldoro sighed and made his made back down the rocks carefully, nearly tripping several times. But he couldn't see anything...just rows of numerous rocks. He let forth few loud words just in case. "Hello? Anyone here?! Are- are you alright?!" He whirled around a few times. Nothing behind him, left, right...nothing. Where was that thing? Maybe he could eat it?


02-11-2014, 09:25 PM

She laid there wondering how the heck she was going to get out. At least she had food now but was unable to eat it at the moment. She sighed softly, legs and tail curling in towards her body. By some saving grace a voice called out, Her black tipped ears perked up and she tried to stretch her paws as high as possible so that someone could see them. But to no veil, being as small as she was and these rocks far bigger then her.Over here!...I'm stuck! She called out in her soft gentle voice. She tried to claws the rocks to give more sound to her location. Oh boy how embarrassing this was. To be stuck down here like this. How was this stranger going to even get her out? What if he couldn't and just took her prey. What if he left her here to die? Thought grew more grim with each beat of the heart. She couldn't help it. She whined softly to herself, curling her tail completely under her, paws tucked in to her chest.

She thought of all the things that had happened to her since she had come to this new land. So far no threat had come her way from anyone. She had found some of her siblings, met Tyr and Newol and both had been very kind to her. So perhaps her fate would remain on the same path. She wondered if there was any way possible to protect herself in the position if need be. Well if there was, it wouldn't be a very good defense. Even the thought of such things made her feel sick. For a moment she began to dry heave till she shook her head violently to get herself to stop.Do you think you can help me? She called out again, paws holding onto her meal to her chest as she waited.

I can talk!



5 Years
02-11-2014, 09:42 PM

It took a few moments for Aldoro to realize where the sound was coming from. How the heck did something get between rocks?! He'd be way to fat, and a wolf would probably laugh at him if they saw him trying to squeeze his fatass between two rocks. He grunted. And what if he became the future king? Oh, that'd be horrfic. "Ahah, look! It's the fatty! Poor Six, probably wakes up sufficating with you flopped on her!" Aldoro nearly fell over. He steadied himself with a mere gulp before walking toward the sound of claws against a rock and a soft voice. He looked down between the two rocks, blinking with confusion. Ah, so it was a wolf. With a hawk. Danggit, he thought it was something tasty. And he hated hawks. Nasty, feathery vermoms. They'd only be tasty without the feathers...and he's not going to waste his time plucking a flippin hawk. He smiled down to the small girl with a few words falling out of his agape maw. "No wonder you got in there! You are very small...but in a cute way." Aldoro giggled and huffed softly. "Lemme go find a stick or something to help me fish you out..." With that, he turned and searched the area for a somewhat sturdy stick. Within minutes, he grabbed one between a rock, and made his way back down to the woman. Carefully he stuck the stick down into the ditch-like area and waved it lightly. "Grah un and ah'll pulh yuh up." The man said kindly in a muffled voice, caused by the stick wedged in over his tongue.



02-11-2014, 10:19 PM

She wouldn't have to wait too much longer when a black male peeked over the side of the rock down at her. Ice blues looked up at him, wide with surprise. He wasn't what she had imagined. He was large, but not in the gut, just large than she had thought. His eyes were interesting too. That would make two wolves now that she had seen with bi-colored eyes. Was it a common occurrence here in Alacritis? His comment on her being small made her frown up at him.Well I cant help that.. She replied back rather hotly. She snorted, her cute? Nah she was just average looking. As he said he be right back she rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at his retreating back.

She was lay there waiting, paws fumbling around with the hawk laying in her chest till the black male returned. Well at least it seemed he wouldn't be taking her meal or attacking he. But would he actually return to help her? She huffed and tried to wiggle but only succeeded in hurting her shoulder more. She frowned trying to pinpoint what really hurt in her shoulder. It was bruised no doubt but seemed to work just fine. So perhaps she had just wrenched it really good when she landed on it. A stick was suddenly waving infront of her with the male telling her to grab on. She had to smile, happy he had returned. But what about her meal. She might had been stuck, shoulder hurting but her stomach still let out a loud rumble. What about my hawk?! She called up. She would try to hoist it up between her two front paws to him. She still wanted to eat it. She'd be damned to go through all this trouble and not eat it. If he took the hawk o place up there, then she would grab onto the stick, jaws crouching down with all the force a wolf would muster. When he would pull she would wiggling her body till she was lifted enough to use her paws to help climb the rest of the way up.

She shoulder screamed at her, making her wince as she crouched there on top of the rock. She sighed and turned her eyes to the male with a shy cheeky smile.Thank you so much. I'm Angel Madieke Black. She said happily as she introduced herself. She was glade someone had been around. Who knew how long she would have been down there if this male hadn't been here.

I can talk!