
If you don't quit I'ma lose my Sh**



5 Years
10-22-2014, 07:32 PM

He felt better, he didn't worry, he didn't feel bad either. After all he had told Bass the next time he say him he should tear his carcass apart. The monsters cyan eyes watched the water carefully. His slim body settling down as his pupils remained tiny slits due to the effects of his drugs. Finding new ones around every corner he made sure none of them would over-work his body. His tail moving from side to side as a fish found its way near his form. Lunging automatically his jaws clamped shut on it, pulling it out of the water he was left with a good sized fish in his mouth. Hearing his own stomach growl. Levaithi settled the fish down and consumed it, to suffice the pain and growling that he had before he let out a sigh and licked his lips free off the pink blood of the fish.
This cavern was totally new to him, in fact in his new found freedom he was visiting completely new places entirely. His paws settled on the stone ground quietly as he watched the little crystals above him. He wondered what his family would think, what Ixionn would think. Now he was probably a wanted criminal, but the thought didn't bother him. In fact, he smiled a little, laughing at the thought. He didn't have to impress any of them anymore, he didn't need to worry about being the monster that he was.



10-30-2014, 07:49 PM

It was the laugh that drew the man in. A single purple orb would shine as he approached the other male from behind. He was young, just another boy. A year, he could only really be a year old. A smirk would cross Kau's face, head tilting slightly to the side as he approached at a slow pace. Oh what was this? Such a familiar sense he got from the young man. Oh yes, Kau knew the laugh of madness. The laughter that sounded in his skull. It was enough to make him want to join in, really, but oh he would hold himself back. It was time to test the waters.

"The world is an amusing place, isn't it?" He would ask, his voice a cooing tone. "So young for you to be seeing the world in that light, isn't it? But I know that laugh." Kau would smirk, his tail swishing back and forth. How was this to play out? Would there be blood? Aggression? Would he stroke the younger one's corrupted soul, encouraging it further into darkness? So be it. Whatever happened; So be it.



5 Years
10-30-2014, 08:36 PM

Levi shifted at the sight of the other. His body warmed, and became hot. Because of the memory of his great uncle, he looked similar to this man. It reminded him of how much he was going to be hated and how much he didn't even care. A smirk grew on the wolf's face, as the yearling stood up, he raised a brow. Another dark heart like his and perhaps family, what joy. He wasn't alone, now that he was in Imperium anyway. It was a relief that instantly fell over him, a joy that made him want to crush the skulls of every living thing in sheer excitement.
"I was born with the darkness inside of me, I was just forced to suppress it until now." he coo'd moving up to the other like a snake looking him over. Of course he had no sexual thoughts about the man(well to a point) as a yearling he was not ready for all that. But Kau caught his eye in so many ways, attraction was something he built his life upon in most situations.
"What's your name? You have a rather interesting coat pattern." he slight giggle formed in his throat. This drug obvious made him a bit of a mad-man, more of himself. It could also be Kau's appearance that triggered the event.



11-18-2014, 10:26 AM

Born with darkness. Some it seemed had that path, while others had in instilled within them through events. Perhaps it was truly the later, but who could say for sure? Certainly not the man who stood before the younger wolf now. He was a bit of a cracked and damaged product as it was. Perhaps on his way to being truly broken, with no hope of recovery. No... perhaps he was already there. He'd watch the other male with his single eye, watching how he came close, reading his actions. The look of a type of attraction, though the desire it hoped to fill was likely more than of hunger, rather than a sexual need. The boy was young yet. Such desires would not be on a priority list for the youth until he got older.

"Interesting huh? You know someone who may bear a look similar?" Oh now he was truly curious. Kau would smirk at the mad giggle. It was time for another game, one that could truly lead to darker things, and the gods above only knew would be lucky enough to be alive and who might be dead when all was said and done. Who knew? Perhaps this young man could make another fine addition to what he was hoping to accomplish, bit by bit. Whether part of his future harem, part of some future pack, or merely a partner to go out and take joy in the pleasures of madness with... or even just another corpse left to rot... who was he to decide before all was said and done?

"I am Kau Kedieo, ex heir of the Kedieo Clan and Empire. Though, if that surname does not strike your mind as anything particular, perhaps the bastard Walker lineage I descend from might have more of an effect." Now that he thought about it... something did seem a bit... familiar about this boy. Not exactly familiar in the way he had seen him before but... Kau couldn't place it. He'd take a step back, a grin spreading on his lips as he waited for the young one's response, if his mind was there enough to make it.