
Of The Gathering Sort


02-10-2014, 08:31 AM

Snowy paws would lead the way to the Rio Grande river. He wasn't sure how much Nalyda knew of Alacritia yet, and, well, he knew the area well enough. It had been where he had met Mako and he had come here a couple times since then to both visit the other and to fish. It was a nice area, and had some different plants growing around it with the source of water being so close. He could only hope, however, that these plants would be useful to Zanire. He mentally kicked himself for not trying to get her somewhere else, but with the severed paw being as it was, he worried about pushing her too far. She had been able to lean on him, but, well, there was only so much he could help her with in that sense considering their size differences.

Emerald optics would shift to Nalyda as they arrived. She was the one with the knowledge of herbs so he would be following her lead on gathering things that could be used to treat Zanire. Part of the brute still worried that she would deny treatment from the fae. She could be stubborn and headstrong, and as much as he cared for her this was not something she could afford to be such about. If worse came to worse he would have to run back and forth, reporting to Nalyda what he could tell about the paw, and attempt applying the herbs himself. With a soft voice he would speak.

"What kinds of plants should I be looking for?"

Speech, Thought



8 Years
02-10-2014, 02:22 PM
Nalyda looked to the brute with kind eyes. She knew a bit about herbs, but she would need to learn some more if she ever wanted to cure a sickness. But, this was not a sickness. Zanire's paw had been amputated by nature, and she would have to help her new friend in any way she could. Her ruby orbs looked into the emerald colored ones of Kar and and a promising smile appeared on her features.

"First of all, we better get the herbs first before we get the water. The first plant I am going to need, will actually be seeds. In my home, we use poppy seeds to help with the sick, but we are going to use those to help Zanire sleep. She is going to be feeling a little uncomfortable, so, I use those seeds to make her feel relaxed and sleep since her leg is going to be wrapped where the paw used to be." The fae smiled in reassurance and looked around for any leaves that she could use. She came upon some long leaves that were around the size of Zanire's leg. She trotted over to the plant and sniffed to make sure the tree's leaves were not going to harm the bear in any way. When the leaves were alright, she began to dig her claws into the strong bark of the tree, biting onto the stem as she brought three leaves to the ground and placing them around her back in a way that the leaves would not slip off and she would lose them.

"These leaves should be good enough to wrap her leg in," She smiled and continued on her way with Kar.


02-20-2014, 04:42 PM

As ruby orbs looked into emerald ones Kar would feel a bit of relief. The way Nalyda spoke and looked at him was suggesting he wouldn't need to worry about Zanire, that she would take care of things. The brute was truly thankful that he had come across the beautiful gray and black femme -- if he hadn't, well, he wasn't sure what he would have done. He had been stressing so much over this... and finally there was relief. Kar would prick his ears forward, listening with interest as Nalyda explained she was going to need the seeds from poppy. He was a little uncertain the seeds would be enough to help the bear sleep, but it was worth a try, right?

As Nalyda caught sight of some leaves she could use for the bandage and went to check them out Kar started sniffing the ground, wandering around. Poppy... he assumed it grew near rivers? He had never really paid much attention to where the plant grew, though he knew that Nalyda's intended use for the seeds was correct. Poppy seeds were harder to come by in his old home, though their healer had often traveled to different parts of his homeland just to collect herbs to bring back and store in her den. They worked well when they needed to relax a wolf, and, if the correct dose was given, they would aid in sleeping as well.

Nalyda would join him again just as he came across a small grouping of flowers. These were poppy, he believed. He would look to her, a gentle smile on his face. "Thank you so much for this, Nalyda. It means a great deal to me." He would look down to the flowers, flicking one ear as he looked down at them. "These are poppy flowers, right? Since we can't carry seeds well we'd need to bring the flowers themselves..." The second part was more said to himself then his companion, for surely she knew that sort of information already. She was a healer after all.

Speech, Thought



8 Years
02-20-2014, 05:54 PM
Nalyda smiled and nodded, "It's always my pleasure to help anyone who needs me," she spoke in reassurance and content. She looked to the poppy flowers and nodded, plucking about ten of them since she would need a lot of seeds if she were to help a bear. Her eyes shimmered slightly as the sun began to set, and she walked on with the herbs she had gathered, looking for moss to soak up the water she will need.

"So, Zhanire, was with you when you were a pup?" She asked, looking for the moss as it soon appeared before her. She held the moss in her mouth, careful not to suck the water from the plant.