
Loyal to the End


02-10-2014, 08:12 AM

The former Grand Duchess relaxed near the stream, enjoying the simple pleasures of the day. The sun up above warmed up her gray form, there was peace surrounding her part of the woods, and she was by herself. Despite missing Dragon, she knew that he was out and about, patrolling the borders. For her part, Aeil was kind of glad that she wasn't surrounded by numerous wolves. The older fae had been experiencing some kind of virus, for she had felt faint and nauseated the past couple of weeks. Now, she was feeling better and had braved the open air for the first was nice.
Her blue eyes closed as she rolled onto her side. A nap was in order and she hoped that it would come quickly. Her tail tapped the ground beneath her in an eager manner and she smiled with her eyes remaining shut. A deep inhale and sigh was given as she thought of all the blessings she had in her life at that moment. Perhaps it would get better with time. Who knew?

Table by Roams ♥


03-04-2014, 01:57 AM

Ruling as a Queen was indeed different than being a member of the masses, Destruction had found out. Her pack, however, didn't seem to be doing quite as well as she had been hoping it would. The dark female felt bad because of it, that her friend and the true Queen would be ashamed of the job she was doing. She was attempting to stir life in the masses, get mentors and apprentices set up... stir some life in the ranks... but... the dark woman would give a bit of a sigh. She was still trying to reach out to the members of Seracia and inform them of everything.

One of the last ones on her list, one of the ones she wanted to spend a longer time speaking with, was Aeil. The woman was the former Grand Duchess, a loyal member of Seracia through and through. Her mate, Dragon, had been the very first wolf who she truly reached out to in the pack... and she had wanted to get to know her better for quite some time. Her single orb would fall upon the woman resting by the stream, and the Queen would pad along next to her, a gentle smile on her maw. "Aeil, if I may, I'd like to speak with you about a couple things." The female would come to a stop, not sitting until the other signaled if now was a good time to talk or not.
