
Frost Bitten Daisies


02-09-2014, 04:47 PM

Tea cupped paws carried a petite figure at a steady, meandering pace across the soot coated land. Twilight optics scanned everything, drinking it all in with fascination. How interesting this place was, it was clearly a once great forest, but now ashes and rubble. How long had this been the case? Every now and again, a spark of green could be found, the fronds of a new fern daring to unfurl in the mist of dawn. Gold dipped plume would sweep across tapering heels with a jovial attitude, the petite English lass enjoying her stroll through the broken woodland. A cheery tune was confined within her throat, but the muffled song could still be heard as she hummed it. The morning sun was trying to clear away the cool mist shrouding the place, and it was warm on the lady's creamy ivory back.
A small bird was found, chirping away as it dug through the soil for worms and grubs. The femme would pause in her journey, regarding the blue and gold avian curiously. Her large purple-blue optics absorbed the magnificent appearance, realizing it was a swallow. When the little bird found a meal, it quickly swallowed it and took flight, disappearing into the swirling fog. With that, the dame continued on, curious to see what she might find.
A gnarled oak tree caught her attention, still standing amid the chaos of it's past. She sighed quietly as she brushed the main body of ash from a spot at it's base, seating herself upon a throne of strong, charred roots. The wolfess witnessed a deep blue butterfly sail through the air, quite a large one in fact. It seemed to take notice to her, and she then found herself looking into it's multi faceted eyes as it perched on her little black nose. Regarding each other curiously for a few moments, the winged beauty seemed contented and fluttered off to do butterfly things elsewhere. A soft chuckle was heard from the petite dame, and she beat her tail upon the terra in glee before settling back into her seat and waiting for whatever would decide to come next.

image by Luisiana


02-09-2014, 11:25 PM

The soon to be Queen slithered through the woods with a smile upon her inky lips. She was usually so cruel and stoic but the girl had found happiness. Two men brought her joy. Her King in the running and the man she wished to mate. Aldoro had won her over but the blue boy was still in her mind. Could a Queen have two Kings? Could she have two men serving at her paws as her Kings? What woman only had one man? She was a lively girl who had needs. Aldoro could fill her emotional needs and Etern could be there for her physical and kingly needs. Yes, it would work. But, to lure them into such a trap. Would they buy it? The girl had tons of questions which were to be answered in due time.

Her ebony paws flicked across the wooded paths. Her whispy tail slithered along her rear. A soft hum of wings was heard in the distance. Six continued on with her head high and that tail higher. A pink tongue danced across sultry lips before a body was seen seating itself to her left. The bitch tilted her head and let her tongue move back into her mouth. Six cleared her throat as she stopped in her tracks. "Hello.." The light femme looked pleasant but looks did deny you of the truth.


02-09-2014, 11:50 PM

Pallid features would pivot, a quite attractive face turned to lay a twilight gaze upon the stranger. A smile would creep onto dainty features, teasing up the corners of her black lips. "Good morning, my lady." She would reply kindly, thickly accented British lyrics weaving through the air with the calm self assurance she always held. The golden tip of her tail would flick absently, showing just a touch more of her jovial mood. Golden audits would give a flicker as birds took flight above her head, and for but a moment would her attentions be diverted as she looked up.
Without hesitation would she once more look upon the ebony features of the newcomer, taking in the unique appearance. "A lovely day already, is it not?" She would comment, lifting a tea cupped paw and gesturing to the clearing mist about them and the sunshine pouring through the air. The lady herself looked almost as if she could be made of sunshine, were her eyes not the colours of coming darkness. Creamy ivory paw would be replaced upon the soot strewn terra as she kept her soft smile playing at delicate features.

image by Luisiana


02-10-2014, 03:16 PM

ooc: gawsh sorry for this horrible post
The black and white daemon slithered closer. The woman sat down and listened to the dainty darling before her. The accent of the other lady was quite thick and Six enjoyed it. With a tilt of her head her own lovely vocals were emitted. "A good morning it is indeed." Her long banner wrapped around her two toned paws as she looked to the green clearing before them. The little lady then spoke once more and Six nodded softly. She examined the clearing before those violent eyes returned back to the pale doll. "It is beautiful." Her mind the drifted off to the girls accent. Six smiled and asked a slightly blunt question. "Where are you from?" The black and white behemoth rolled her broad shoulders. She was interested.


02-10-2014, 04:06 PM

The dark femme seemed to agree, looking around the clearing and taking it all in with glimmering violet optics. This gave the petite lass time to look over the stranger, who had some truly unique markings and an interesting physique. When the deep purple gaze of the stranger returned to her, she stopped her scrutinizing and smiled sweetly. The cool vocals of the woman met her audits with a question she had received frequently as of late, and the femme chuckled a bit. "I'm from a land to the northeast of here, formerly called England." She informed the dame politely, gesturing with a tea cupped paw in the direction as she spoke. Her thickly accented vocals were calm and sweet as she explained, perfectly fine with the topic, as it was a common one.
Twilight optics would fix a placid gaze upon the features of the ebony gladatrix, a soft smile playing at her delicate features. "Might I be so bold as to ask where you are from, my lady?" She would ask softly, tilting her delicate cranium slightly to one side as thickly accented lyrics tumbled from her dark lips. Golden audits would give an absent flick as she waited, curious to see where one as interesting as this could come from.

image by Luisiana


02-10-2014, 07:13 PM

The heroine stared at the little brit as they observed each other. England. The land was slightly familiar as was the accent to match but it was not common to find a Wolf from another far away land. Six eyed the blonde babe with interest as she licked her lips. The rays of sunshine seemed to illuminate her thick pelt of jet black and pristine white fur. The woman was a beauty and anyone to saw otherwise was a fool. She kneaded the earth below with her claws as she watched the lovely landscape. Birds flew away and animals hid in their presence but it did not ruin the beauty of the clearing. A question was let forth in that lovely accent, it was a song to her audits. Six smirked and spoke, her alabaster fangs shined with each word. "I have lived here my entire life. I was born down south on one fo the islands. I now reside in the North and I love it." Oh how she loved her Glaciem and northern plains. Though, she would not be in Glaciem for much longer. The woman would reign rule of another petty pack. It was just a matter of time.