
Fickle Women


10-22-2014, 06:56 PM

She would wander out of her home once more, but this time for a little alone time. She had returned from her voyage to the north to return the little fool that had been captured. Her dead pack members body still sat at her borders, rotting away, serving as carrion to the scavengers of the world. Her words was healing, though it was hardly anything to be of a hinderance to her, more of an annoyance. She would enter the orchard, drawn in the by its sweet smell. The land used to border where she first ruled, though she never thought to claim it as her own, the smell was to strong for her liking.

She would weave in and out of the trees, her coral gaze looking at nothing in particular. Her mind was blank, enjoying for once not having to think about anything. Audits twitched at the new sounds surrounding her. It wasn't until a foreign scent filled her nostrils, bringing her to a halt and lifting her crown. Her senses would go on high alert as she attempted to pinpoint the source.



10-24-2014, 06:30 PM

She'd become almost lazy about her travels- as she tried to fill the void that she felt. She traveled back through familiar territories- her nostalgic mind taking her back to the orchard where she'd first met one of her half sisters. With the fall, the leaves were turning brown and gold, and swirling to the ground, it was a sight to behold. She'd been fairly lost in her own mind, when she'd scented another. Her ears pricking, she moved forward- interested in the scent- it seemed familiar, like someone she'd met before. Her violet eyes came to rest on another, as she rounded around a tree. Nostrils flaring slightly, she took in the scent, her head tilted curiously.

Emerging from the shadows, she spoke, her voice slightly hesitant as she asked. "Cataleya?" Was this the she-wolf she'd met once- the one who had ruled Arcanum before Sibelle? She would move towards her, attempting to come to a halt about fifteen feet from the other she-wolf- a respectful distance as the two weren't really "friends" or family. Her body was relaxed, though her guard was up, as she waited to see if the other queen, recognized her.


10-25-2014, 10:11 PM

A voice would breach her eyes just as a face came into view. It took a moment, but she would easily recognize the woman, even though it had been some time since she had last seen the ivory queen. "Roman, what a surprise to see you so far from home." She had expected to see the woman so far from the north, was she no longer residing there? A respectable distant sat between them, one that was comfortable for the two woman who were neither friends or family. But nevertheless, she would close the distance to about eight feet, she never really had boundaries. Haunches would then recline, her plume curling around her hips. Her coral gaze rested easily on the pale woman, eyes briefly seeping over her form. Audits tipped forward, her attention easily resting on the woman. It had been so long since she had last laid eyes on Roman. When she had ventured north to establish alliances again, she had not scented her pack, and the forest was abandoned. Had she abandoned her crown or simply moved? She wouldn't ask, not yet, she would give the woman time to answer her first statement.



10-29-2014, 02:20 PM

It was indeed Cataleya. A Queen she hadn't seen or heard of nor from in a long while. She spoke, and a slight chuckle left her. "I may reside in the North, but I do prefer the warmer climates of the South." She shrugged, explaining her travels easily. Anyone who knew her distaste of snow- would understand why she rather enjoyed traveling in the south. She really didn't know what to say to the other queen, and noted with a polite smile the distance that she closed slightly. Roman reclined to her haunches, and searched for a topic to talk about. She took a slight breath and spoke about the curious thing she scented- a pack. "Have you reclaimed your throne, Cataleya?" She asked curiously. "I haven't really been in-tune with the politics of Alacritis." Politely, she waited for a reply. To her the silence wasn't exactly uncomfortable to her at least, but she supposed if they were to be in each others company- they may as well chat.


11-03-2014, 04:05 PM

The weans chuckle would breach her ears before words. It seemed that the queen would favor warmer weather to the cold place she called home. Interesting. And such ass backwards logic. But she didn't comment, keeping her thoughts to herself. The pale woman would not move away as she closed the distance between them, instead she allowed it. A question would bring a smile to her face. "I have, in the west. What about you?" She did not smell of a pack, she smelled of a rogue. A brow would lift, subtly hinting to the fact that she had taken note of the woman's change in scent. "Politics are such a fickle thing, always changing. Only a few are capable of remaining the same." She shoulders would lift in a shrug. Politics were a burden in her eyes, something that was time consuming only to fall apart with the fall of an empire. But this one, this woman, there had always been something about her. The silver queen knew of the Armada line and the power the albino King had held. Her own children held some of his blood indirectly. And with the combination of her own, the crimson substance had built powerful beings.



11-07-2014, 10:50 AM

She would take back a throne, that much she'd decided, but whether that would be done with force or if she'd simply have another handed to her- she wasn't sure. She had leaned towards force, truly she wanted to make the north a power-hold for Armada's. The things she wanted the North to become... well, they were a bit extreme. The silvery queen speaks again, and Roman listens carefully. Though she doesn't view Cataleya as an enemy, she also has no reason to view her as a friend. They'd been allies once, and perhaps that was the only reason Roman bothered to pursue further conversation. "Congratulations. She'd note softly before speaking. "I do not currently hold a crown, but rest assured- it will not be long until I sit upon my throne again." She smirked slightly. "It is not in my blood to be a mere commoner, something I feel we have in common?"

Roman heard her words. She knew that surely Cataleya could scent that she wasn't in a pack, which made her comment all the more interesting. "Aye. Politics are nothing more than a burden, but I'm sure you can also agree that powerful beings seem to be always be drawn to roles that demand them." She spoke almost cynically, but her words were truthful. It was a note, perhaps that Roman herself was drawn to power. Perhaps that was simply in her blood.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak