
// Only you can see me.



5 Years
02-08-2014, 10:18 PM
[Image: 2ovNWFE.jpg]



Obsidian mixed sands spread apart, a cool feeling between her toes sunk up through the pads of her feet. midnight blue's and specks of gold intertwined with the violet glowing rocks and sands about her, causing the white dove that floated above them to slow her walk to point of stopping. Feeling the cool heartbeat in her feet pump against the soft sands caused her to suddenly feel a silence about her. The snowy colored fae stood where she was, lavender optics were barely a glow against the darkness that filled around her, colors reflecting off her ivory pelt into blues, greens, golds, and ruby reds. A relaxation overtook her and she felt her surroundings melt, to the point where she felt the sudden need to lay down.

She had been walking a while, not something unique or different to this dove's lifestyle, she loved to walk. But the reflections of the practically jewel ridden mines sent the dove into a state of relaxation, preferring to remain down, curling herself into the sands at at the base of the opening to the caverns. Obsidian nose flared to catch the scents around her, and without any signs of immediate threat the fae brought her front paws together, large feet crossing delicately at the end of her long legs, her dial then brought down to rest politely before them, lavender eyes slowly closing to allow the dove's mind to set and dreams to ensue.

Word Count :: 243

Tags :: --

Mood :: Relaxed, Napping



10 Years
02-12-2014, 01:22 PM (This post was last modified: 02-12-2014, 03:31 PM by Kaprasíus.)

Everything had been perfect -- too perfect. Kapras?us had reunited with his brother, and had demonstrated that his loyalties lay exclusively with him, and of course with their Gods. And yet, it seemed they had both been afraid of what their impure deeds might bring, though everything seemed so right. It seemed, however, that the Gods were insistent on testing the strength of their union, and testing his own resolve and patience.

And so it was no great surprise when his brother vanished. He would not follow him. Jaeger would get the distance he needed, and Kapras?us would give himself time to clear his mind. There was no need to rush; not when they had eternity ahead of them. He was certain that everything would fall into place, given some time. Patience was a virtue, something the Finnvi man was well aware of. Only in his mind would he feel vague frustration, feel a need that could not be fulfilled until he found his brother once again. On the outside he was as carefree as ever. The mask he wore was nonthreatening, lacking foulness or anger. Of course, his features were heavily masked in the darkness of the mines, a dank enclosure that he had suddenly felt drawn to. It seemed to be a long-forgotten creation of the two-legged beasts he had heard about only in dreams, foul and grotesque things. This place seemed entirely unnatural, nothing that the land could've formed itself, nor any of the creatures he knew of. Despite the slight disgust he felt at the place, it was equaled by curiosity, and so he had entered the unfamiliar place with ease.

It would take some time for his eyes to grow accustomed to the darkness. His paws allowed him to wander slowly, but just when he began to feel like he knew his way through the labyrinth, he lost all sense of where he had begun. A huff would escape his slightly parted jaws, and his ears would flick atop his head. It was rare for the beast to display irritation, and it would disappear as soon as it began to show, especially upon catching the scent of another. A creature -- a wolf, no less! A slightly manic form of joy would begin to flourish in his chest. He was not a loner by nature, and he had gone some time without seeing so much as the glimpse of another. His pace would increase, his gaze darting to and fro in the mine as the woman's scent grew stronger.

"You!" he would call, his voice nearly quivering with delight. "Come out, come out, and play with me, kj?re!"

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.