

Nocturne I


4 Years
10-22-2014, 05:33 PM

Luminescent apparitions of the gods floated absently in the deepest darknesses of the lake, frozen over for centuries from the blistering cold. Winds howled mercilessly over the tall spears of crystalline water, whistling through the lands with no rhyme or reason to it. Ice cut into her bones, hugging her in silent embrace, slicing her gaze with every sweeping motion of snow across the bleak landscape. There was no fear of the thick ice cracking in such coldness. Even if the hardy spears of ice collapsed and fell to it's doom, the surface would be clean, the spear instead shattered. It was a beautiful sight to see. The strong and powerful wear away the hardy. "Nature can be so perfect sometimes." The silent woman mused with a bit of a monotone behind it. A banner slashed through the air with excitement, as bioluminescent creatures shimmered in waves, evergreen in the moonlight. The fat circle floated lazily in the sky, masked partially by clouds in a pattern similar to her chest's fur. It was a beautiful night.

Oberon I


3 Years
10-23-2014, 05:45 PM

i'm going down to sleep on the bottom of the ocean ,

Again and again Oberon found himself wandering the Northern lands of Alacritia. His home had never been this far north; in fact, Oberon was all but certain that he had never visited these lands before leaving. And yet they seemed to call to him, summoning him even as the temperatures dropped and the snow began to fall. It was cold in these lands, even colder than it might be in the south, and yet, Oberon found himself standing in the frozen expanses time and time again. He liked it here, in a strange way, and interestingly enough, though Oberon recognized that the air was cold, he was not actually cold. His body shivered occasionally, but Oberon felt as normal as ever.

Strange. But nothing too bothersome - as long as he kept an eye on things and kept moving. Oberon knew how to combat the cold temperatures, even when they didn't seem to impact his mental state as much as they did his body. The numbness that he felt was strange, and difficult to explain (not that he'd ever tried). It wasn't exactly numbness, not really, he still felt some things, but his outward coldness seemed to have leaked into his bones.

Ears twitching slightly, Oberon was distracted from his thoughts only by an unfamiliar voice. For the first time, his amethyst gaze lifted from the ground and he took in the icy world around him. "Indeed it can be," Oberon responded to the other's statement with a cool voice, alerting her to his presence in a hopefully non-threatening manner. His gaze flicked towards the female only in passing; most of his attention remained focused on the strange patterns dancing beneath the icy surface of the lake. How very interesting.


Nocturne I


4 Years
10-27-2014, 07:01 PM

The biolumiscent creatures dancing below the surface of the ice glowed about the figure of the woman, outlining her paws and entire bodice in an ethereal glow in the night, casting it in a green similar to her own peridot gems. This world was strange and beautiful, captivating and deadly, especially in the brink of night. What she had yet to take note of was a male approaching. He was about two inches taller than she, but in no way bulky or massive. His amethysts hung low, cast only to the shimmering waves of creatures beneath the crystalline terrain. Not a hint of cold flickered on his frame or his maw. Peridots fixated on the larger male, slate ears swiveling forward to capture the sound of his voice above the winds. "It is both captivating and deadly." A smirk spread upon inky lips, ignoring the cold creeping into her bones and the ice forming in her veins. The sound of her voice wouldn't echo nor reverberate, plain and simple in tone and pitch.

Her claws would rake the ice in quiet melody, her haunches reclining to seat the woman on the frozen lake. Her banner would sweep aside some old snow, creatures surfacing to trace this movement, waving beneath her moving tail. Her teeth chattered quietly, but she ignored the sensation of cold weaving up her appendages.

Oberon I


3 Years
10-31-2014, 08:50 AM

you gotta show the world that something good can work .

The other hardly seemed to react to Oberon's appearance, he noted with a hint of amusement. Like himself, she seemed to be in control of her emotions, and if she had been startled by Oberon, she made no outward sign of it, simply responding to his words as if this kind of thing happened to her every day. Of course, it was quite possible that it did - Oberon knew nothing about this stranger's life. "Mostly the latter," Oberon observed solemnly, twitching his muscular shoulders beneath his pelt. The cold would settle into his bones before long, and that would be as dangerous as a rampaging bear. Perhaps even more so - the cold was deceptive and it made you feel warm before it killed you. Nature worked in strange ways.

With that, Oberon glanced thoughtfully at the other wolf. How long had she been out here? If she was as captivated by the ice as she seemed to be (he had grown uninterested swiftly), how long had she been out here? He did not suppose that he wanted to see any wolves die of hypothermia any time soon. Oh, he'd been saying something, hadn't he? A few seconds late, Oberon continued, "Though I wouldn't argue the former." Nature was as captivating as it was deadly, he supposed. He could never forget the glittering waters of his home, the way that they lit up every night and how they had entranced him for hours on end.

He wondered idly if those lands were still claimed. Perhaps he would seek them out next. His family home would hold no secrets, but it was possible, he supposed, that his sisters might have stopped there out of sentimentality, leaving him a scent trail to pick up if he chose. "Oberon Illiadis, by the way." Oberon introduced himself idly, voice still cool as he turned his gaze once more towards the slate colored female.

Nocturne I


4 Years
11-03-2014, 08:26 PM

In the middle of the night, when the angels S C R E A M

A shudder from the cold rolled down her bodice, her banner puffing up as far as it could. It weaved between her bones and joints, a frozen apocalypse coming onto the two in the night. Peridot gems reflected the flurries of snow swirling around and around, a tornado of winds spiraling upward in frezy, then suddenly dispersing in beautiful rhythm. Her figure was kept relaxed, though her muscles were tensed and burning like a live wire, in case this male would try to play nice then strike when she wasn't looking. Though it bugged her thoughts that why hadn't he done the latter before his galactic presence had been noticed with simple voice, heard over the screams of angels. Peridot jewels drifted from the ice as she repositioned herself, looking just a bit off from the male, but still yet letting her face show a bit. A smile curled her features, as the brute's voice echoed about once more, reverberating around in her bones. Ivories flashed in a bit of a goofy grin before inky lips would shade them once more, sound emerging from her vocal cords. "But there's always something deadly in something beautiful." Her lyrics were soft-spoken, but not dripped in honey and spice, but harsh and clear, a brilliant note in the air.

Absently, she would allow her gaze to drift from the dancing creatures beneath the ice, obviously bored of their continuous motion. It was indeed beautiful, but arguably, it got old fast. Her banner swayed, her haunches elongating as she stood, stretching the cold from her bones. "In both ways, I could live with." A smile coiled her features, yet it quickly faded as another howling wind blew through her pelt, capturing her breath with it, fogging in the air with crystalline sparks. The ebony and peach male would introduce himself, and no sense being rude. His surname sounded similar to the first part of her own double-barreled surname. Illum and Illiadis. "Nocturne Illum-Abyssus the Second. I don't really care much for being official and regal, so you can just call me Nocturne, or Nocty really."

Oberon I


3 Years
11-03-2014, 08:40 PM

can nobody hear me? i got a lot that's on my mind ,

Oberon found himself considering her words thoughtfully, his gaze flicking out towards the freezing world around them. She did have a good point; the most beautiful things were often the most deadly. Beautiful women were often deadly; beautiful places such as this were entirely deadly if one allowed themselves to be caught off guard. The bitter cold could kill the unwary, but that, in Oberon's view, made it all the more interesting. Was anything beautiful if it did not carry some risk? And for all his thoughts, the only words that spilled from his maw were "True enough," Not much to go off of, considering how much her words had made him think, but then, Oberon had never been good at voicing things like that.

Ears twitching, Oberon turned his gaze once more towards the other as she introduced herself. "Nocturne." He tested it out on his own tongue, hesitating to use the nickname she proffered just yet. This wolfess was a stranger, after all; only with time would he find himself comfortable enough to call her Nocty. "You are quite interesting, Nocturne." High praise coming from the quiet male, though it was unlikely that she would realize that.

As the wind blew again, Oberon glanced at the other wolf, frowning just slightly. "Are you cold?" Though his tone was neutral, a hint of concern for the other had leaked into their thoughts. With their casual conversation about how deadly the world around them could be, perhaps this was understandable, but Oberon did not particularly desire to see anyone die of hypothermia around him. It was cold here, and the Northern lands were not known for their kindness to those who spent too much time here. Some wolves could survive in these harsh expanses, and Oberon didn't doubt that this woman could survive here if she had to, but if she didn't have to, then why would she?