
// Breathless and on again.



5 Years
02-04-2014, 05:08 PM
[Image: 2ovNWFE.jpg]



Her dial remained low, carried at shoulder length, matching the rhythm of her shoulders encircling against one another with each step she took. A glance at the ground below her with optics colored a rich and floral lavender revealed nothing but knotty roots painted every color brown and blacks, intertwined with mossy pallets of greens and blues. Her steps fell on soft ground, feeling the glow of the moss beneath her flat ivory paws. Snowy pelt slowed and folded fantastically with every pull and retreat of her slender, flexible musculature. The white dove moved through a narrow opening between two massive tree's, their trunks hugging at her side as if moving with the fae, her every step feeling the rich life within the forest she lingered.

Optics closed and opened slowly. A glance up to the canopy's as a shadow of leaves puzzle-pieced together came over the fae, shifting beneath it slowly. Her quiet surroundings calming the dove's beating heart. The agile, petite young fae continued on her walk, her attention turned on to every little thing in her path, curious as to where it may take her in this rich green forest surrounding her so mercilessly.

Word Count :: 198

Tags :: Floofie!

Mood :: Calm, Curious



5 Years
02-04-2014, 09:37 PM

The man, standing soundlessly at the edge of the forest, was wrapped heedfully in barbed, leafless bushes. So close to his fur. It seemed he was surrounded by knives. His sides were already hot in agony from getting into the mess--- and he could already feel his massive paws sinking gradually into the moisturized soil. Aldoro's lips quivered uneasily. What would he do now? Rip his sides open...? He didn't have enough room to jump, either. The man, inhaling an excessive amount of air, propelled himself into the knife-like thorns. Pain clawed viciously at his sides. But despite the burning pain, he continued until he emerged from the bunch of dead brushes.

Breathing hastily, he felt like collapsing into the wet soil. His sides burned uncontrollably at his sides and neck. But finally. He was out. The man hadn't felt that type of pain in- well, years. He's always tried to avoid these kinds of places. But curiosity overwhelmed him, and caused him to go. Aldoro, thinking of nothing but the constant pain on his sides now, started walking miserably through the forest. His cranium hung down, his chin pressed into his soft chest fur. This being, he was staring at the ground, not the distance. He walked and walked--- and besides his footsteps, he didn't hear anything. Not the slightest sound. And he was too exhausted to think about the smells around him. But suddenly he bumped into something. Something hard...but at the same time, soft. Soft like his fur. The man, quickly whipping his head upward, scrambled backward and nearly fell into the mud. He had bumped into another wolf. A woman. His bi-colored eyes widened. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!''" Aldoro slowly pushed himself to his paws. But immediately after straightening his position, he bowed his crown. "Please forgive me, miss. I did not see you there..."



5 Years
02-05-2014, 06:12 PM
[Image: 2ovNWFE.jpg]



It was a only a matter of time until the white dove's attention was going to be drawn elsewhere, she only hadn't imagined another wolf slamming into her and causing a sharp yell of pain to shoot through her right hind leg. It seemed this situation wasn't seeing through for either of them, and in her moment of panic, the snowy fae blinked her lavender optics upwards to meet the brute as he spoke. Momentarily caught with her hind paw between roots she had attempted to free herself from previously.

A sharp yelp sounded out, though muffled quickly as the brute called out his apologies. The fae panicked for a moment, afraid the bump was an alarm set for attack, but instead she calmed herself, lavender optics turning at him as she attempted to flee like a prey animal, but instead she froze, the heavy smell of blood hitting her nostrils, her heavy heartbeat echoing in her auds that laid against her skull. "Oh monsieur it's alright, you only scarred me is all." She spoke out with a bit of ragged breath, wet ivory pelt was damp with the cold forests dew. "It's quite fine monsieur, you -- You're bleeding!" She spoke out with an angelic voice, French woven into the syllables. "I can help if you like, but... It seems I am now stuck." She spoke out a bit sheepishly, her vocals getting quieter as she attempted to tug her hock upwards away from the root. Watching the obsidian brute before her, she couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed by both her reaction to their meeting, but also her current physical complication.

Word Count :: 280

Tags :: Floofie!

Mood :: Calm, Curious



5 Years
02-05-2014, 06:30 PM

The charcoal man seemed to calm down a bit as she acted--- calm. Unharmed. He slowly raised his crown and fixed his gaze on the silvery woman. Aldoro groaned and shuffled his paws silently through the soil beneath his large pads. But he didn't move, besides the uneasy trembling from the pain in his sides, and the warm feeling of blood slithering down his stomach. He winced as he took a slow step back. Then, his blunt expression was exchanged with a smile. "Oh, I'm alright. I just got trapped in a whole bunch of sharp bushes." The man cooed softly to her in a reassuring manner, continuing to smile warmly. "But I'd be so happy if you helped me...but first, let me help you." With that, being said ever so kindly, he maneuvered around her frame and lowered his crown to examine her stuck paw.
The man attempted to tug the root up, in case it was weak. No luck. Instead, he dug his paw into the soft soil under her paw in order to make space. Enough space for her to pull her paw out. He grunted and looked up at her from behind. "Try pulling your paw out now."



5 Years
02-05-2014, 07:06 PM
[Image: 2ovNWFE.jpg]



She watched the obsidian brute with caution, still not entirely trusting of him seeing as he just ran into her mid walk as well as caused many a problem for both of them in such a span of time. Though, his words did ring true in her ears and she heard the kindness that was behind them. Calming herself she stopped struggling against the root, her tail folding down beneath her legs tightly as the brute neared the problem. As he walked by her her nostrils filled with an air of blood and pain and her brows curled in a bit of concern for him.

"Oui, but you are bleeding a lot." Stating the obvious, the dove watched him still, glancing away for a moment from his injury only to see what he was doing to the root. Watching his problem solve the fae felt strangely exposed. She had been brought up with such elegant fortune in her family of white doves. And now at this moment I'm time she felt very uncomfortable not able to make a proper introduction of herself to this wolf. Not only that but she felt very un-ladylike in the least, unkept snowy pelt damp and dark with scattered sticks and dirt within it. Her auds laid back in embarrassment, and she couldn't help but cease talking for a while until the brute worked.

Pulling her paw upwards gently as her hock shook against it, the fae free'd herself calmly and stepped forth away from the brute and the wicked twisting tree that had entrapped her. Lowering her dial she turned towards the brute, seating herself politely before removing a stick from her ivory fleece. "Merci, monsieur. I'm not sure where i'd be right now without running into you." The fae quietly spoke out, pushing her french through the english words.

Word Count :: 312

Tags :: Floofie!

Mood :: Caught, Alarmed



5 Years
02-05-2014, 07:37 PM
(Sorry about the short posts. Muse is dying. Dx)

He frowned and lifted his head as she pulled her foot out of the root. But once again, he winced. The blood was seeping out of him quite heavily. But despite the pain, he smiled again. "Don't worry about it, m'lady." The man seemed to repeat as he stepped back a bit more. He lowered his rump until it met with the wet soil before he pulled his tail over his muddy paws. Aldoro sighed and stretched his head back to examine his wound. His smile faded. The boy's tongue rolled out of his mouth and swept over the scratches, removing a small amount of fresh blood. He whined softly. "...Maybe your right." Aldoro grunted, lifting his head. "But I'm Aldoro. What about you, miss? Would you mind telling me you're name?" He just smiled to her short statement. Answering would be awkward by now.



5 Years
02-08-2014, 09:32 PM
[Image: 2ovNWFE.jpg]



Post unfortunately deleted :( I'm a tard.



5 Years
02-09-2014, 09:12 AM

As he stared into a woman's soft purple eyes, he suddenly began thinking of Six, his best friend and crush. They had met at the Dreamer's Col and fell asleep together on the edge of a cliff after a short chat. Then had a spar and it turned out- he had won. No, she had given up. They had both given up. It was a draw. But either way, this girl had the same beautiful purple eyes as Six did. And he adored those purple eyes...

Aldoro quickly shook the thought away as her words wrapped around him and slithered into his ears. His smile grew wider again. The man has defiantly been smiling too much hurt his lips. But he held the cheerful expression before parting his lips to a few words. "Concerned, are we now?" He smirked playfully, despite the faint pain still growing at his sides. But when she approached him, he sat up and allowed her to take him to a better spot. He stepped along uneasily until the earth became solid. Sighing, her lowered his massive, injured body down against the ground before looking up at the woman. Aldoro grinned this time and yet again, made eye contact. Those eyes...they were like a drug to him. He was addicted. For a few seconds, he continued to stare, before letting forth a few words in reply to her introduction. "Cygnet...that name reminds me of a beautiful stone. Well, it's nice to meet you, miss." His words were soft and smooth. Not full of pain, not full of fear. Unlike the first time he met Six...Cygnet's next words erupted around him, and without saying anything, he nodded.



5 Years
02-09-2014, 10:15 PM
[Image: 2ovNWFE.jpg]



She watched the brute wince and politely act like such a brave gentlemen. Knowing it was not an act in anyway, she couldn't help but just stand and watch the obsidian wolf with such interest. He was as kind as they came, something new to this fae. The snow wolf had never been treated all that amazingly in her lifetime, spending most of it with females matching her in appearance and personality, brutes came by scarcely, although usually kind hearted and brave males, every once in a while there would be a thuggish, obscene brute of a wolf pass through as well. A memory that the white dove had to push to the pack of her mind for now, and instead dwell on the one before her that she found ever so interesting to both talk to as well as watch.

Although an observer by nature, the fae snapped out of her momentary memory encounters, blinking her lavender optics a few times to clear her thoughts rather fully. With another sigh she flattened her small auds against her dial as her sense of worry arose through her, causing her slender, agile figure to tense. She met his gaze of two-toned colors, something the snowy fae hadn't noticed until that moment in time. She seemed to stare for a moment, taking note of the beautiful azul and golden wheat that caressed the obsidian brute's optics. Capturing her attention she snapped herself out of the daze once again, something that somewhat made her flustered a moment. Relaxing she caught his smirk, lifting her chin and fixing her stance to be a bit confident and snooty towards the brute's coy remark. The fae's brows hardly narrowed, the look not befitting of the dove's delicate, kindly persona., "Oh, monsieur, do not say such things." Unsure of really what to say to the male the fae looked away from him, sure not to look back for fear of embarrassment due to her lack of english-speaking skills. "But yes, if you must know, your condition concerns me." She spoke rather harshly to ensure playfully that the brute would stay still. The serious tone didn't suit her well for the fae was ANYTHING but persuasive or demanding. Relaxing as she focused on his wounds, she nosed about his rib cage for a moment, rose-colored tongue licking away the small smudges of red against her snowy maw so secretly. A delicate smile glowed across her visage, "How sweet of you, merci monsieur Aldoro. I was always told as a child it was the word for a young swan." With a serious and somewhat puzzled look on her face, the fae spoke out, almost interested and baffled in the meaning behind her own name. Her look softened again as she caught the brute's bi-colored gaze yet again, mesmerized, "I see. You will need treatment from a root, only i'm not sure if it's around here, so for now, you will have to be brave until I find it." She spoke to him almost sounding like she were speaking to a child, catching herself she cleared her throat, "I mean, monsieur Aldoro, you should be alright, I can give you the name of the root but I will have to show it to you as well once I find some."

She looked away from him, drawn to his optics with such intensity, wanting more time with the brute, she felt a sadness somewhat hit her, the life of a lone fae was a lonely one, so upon meeting someone so kindly, she wished only to stay with them a little longer. But without saying anything else or not wanting to hint towards this further, she hid it with a smile, lavender optics a glow.

OOC: My gosh I love him, he's so precious! Cygnet is just sent into a fluster from him! xD

Word Count :: 639

Tags :: Floofie!

Mood :: Enamored, Amused



5 Years
02-09-2014, 10:54 PM (This post was last modified: 02-09-2014, 10:59 PM by Aldoro.)

It looked like the pair both adored each others eyes. But it seemed, as the man saw it, the woman gazed at his eyes for moments at a time. Unlike him who glanced for a moment, grinned at the thought of Six and the woman's uniquely beautiful eyes, then continued on with their chat. He couldn't help but smirk at this, looking up at the woman and lifting a brow. His words sounded playfully suspicious as they flowed easily out from his parted maw. " seem to have a strange liking to my eyes..." Aldoro let forth a soft chuckle. He loved the girls unique accent and her unique ways. Sometimes it amused him, sometimes it made him smile in satisfaction. His tail moved over his hind paws in which sprawled out to the side of him neatly before he continued, "And, young swan works too. Elegant and as beautiful as one, that's for a fact." He grinned, his bright white ivories revealed. It was obvious that this girl had not only grown to like his eyes, but him alone. This amused him. He liked her as well, but as a good friend. It saddened him, though, that this lovely lady didn't have a mate yet. She was beautiful, young, and intelligent. Who wouldn't want that kind of girl? Aldoro glanced back up to the woman as she spoke again. His head had drifted a bit as he got lost in thought. Once she corrected herself, he laughed again, and his tail started thumping lightly against the earth behind him. "Will do missy. By the way, you don't need to correct yourself. I'm fine as long as your words make sense." With that, he winked at her playfully and turned his head to examine the terrain.



5 Years
02-10-2014, 06:28 PM
[Image: 2ovNWFE.jpg]



Auds flicked back to rest against the fae's skull, the brute had found her out, had she really been that obvious? Watching him for a moment she quickly looked away from their optic connection, the dove thinking about what she wanted to say to him prior to just speaking out. "Very sorry, monsieur." Her voice was hardly above a whisper as the snowy doll avoided his gaze. Lavender optics turning towards his wounds before finally meeting his bi-colored gaze again with more oomph behind her own. "It's only, i've never seen another with two different colors." She spoke out this time a small amount louder than before, french accent still pouring out between syllables.

A shy smile graced her lips, obsidian nose turning away from the brute before she rose herself to begin a search for the root he needed, somewhat leaving their conversation about her name up in the air, but a silent thank you is what she gave off with her delicate smile. The modest fae was at a loss for words, and instead she only sent a glowing snowy ring about her in happiness towards his kindly compliment. She caught his gaze again as he spoke, "Oh I see, thank you, monsieur." Her smile glowed once more before her auds flicked back and away from him again, lavender optics turning away a bit embarrassed by her accent at times. "It's more then embarrassing sometimes." She followed up quietly. The fae shook her pelt ever so gently into the wind, with a quick and vibrant flutter of her snowy bodice. The small and delicate fae paused for a moment, "Let me show you the root you will need... If you like, of course." She added on the last bit quite quickly, not wanting the hurt brute to push himself.

Word Count :: 312

Tags :: Floofie!

Mood :: Amused, Confident