
It's only once, or twice you live


02-04-2014, 05:55 PM

It had been a couple of weeks since he and Skadi had started traveling together. Ubivat enjoying his time, though more often then not she was doing the hunting whenever his stomach decided to growl. Also from the moments when he freaked out when she had been knocked out because of the storm and taken the girl to safety. A much smaller male lugging a giant albino woman to cover, it had been an interesting adventure to say so in the least. And he felt warm on the inside, he felt oh so fuzzy and nice, unlike he had for most of his second life. These plains made him relax more with the question he wanted to ask Skadi. He wanted to be with her if anything, and hopefully she would not kill him a second time like his sister had. Skadi was different though, and not only was her personality beautiful but so was she.
The man flicked his tail, white and gray shoulders rolling back as he cleared his throat. He let out a soft playful growl, as he waited for Skadi to appear in front of him within the tall grass. Hopefully he wouldn't be rejected, after mustering up the courage to ask her. If she would spend her life with him, or rather that he could spend it with her.



02-04-2014, 06:14 PM

A playful growl, familiar to her, met tall rosen audits as she crept towards the grey and ivory man. Grinning to herself, she crept ever closer through the tall grasses. Long banner threatened to wiggle and disrupt the grasses, but she kept it out behind her, a flag letting one know where she was if they were behind her. As she began to see him more clearly, she let a quiet chuckle escape her cherry lips as she bunched the muscles in her hind legs. Launching herself into the air, her 190 pounds of muscle and fur attempted to come crashing down on the man who had become her travelling partner. A burst of laughter escaped her regal jaws as she sailed through the air, silvery tresses glinting in the light of the sun. A broad grin played at her severe features as she fixed her garnet orbs upon the boldly marked features of the fire eyed male. This would be funny if it worked, watching him reel back in surprise and then come crashing down on him, landing on his back and laughing at his face.



02-05-2014, 04:23 PM

Ubi's tail started to wag as he went to turn to greet the woman, and tell her of the exciting confession he had, but then he found himself on the ground. His forelimbs and back limbs spread out since he now had a giant wolf on the top of him. If he could feel pain, this would probably hurt like hell. His eyes widened slightly with surprise as his tail thumped against the dirt. After a few minutes, he realized he couldn't breath and pushed his way from underneath her. Turning around he stretched, and smiled at her taking in a deep breath and letting it out. He laughed a little wagging his tail back and forth. "You can kill someone like that, Skadi." He said, orange eyeballs raising an eyebrow. As he sat down, shaking himself to make sure all bones and other organs were alright.
"SKADI! I MUST TELL YOU SOMETHING." The dead man exclaimed. Hopping up again as he pulled himself back. He had gotten used to the slightly playful nature of his partner. Not to mention the size difference. Regardless he had fallen in love, and he wanted to be with her. Perhaps it would turn out much better than what had happened with his sister.



02-08-2014, 03:14 PM

The man did not react as she had hoped, much to the dismay of the rosy giantess. The grey and ivory male wiggled out from beneath her, stretching and regaining his breath. His laughter was accompanied by a smile as he chided her strange attempts at playfulness. He seated himself, shaking out his coat. Getting to her own large paws, the dame shook out her pale silvery tresses and sat down upon the terra. Long banner would find itself flush with one of her haunches, and she looked up to meet the fiery optics of her travelling companion. His sudden exclamation made her tall rosen audits fall backwards slightly as she stared at him in bewilderment. He jigged about, like he couldn't sit still now. The pallid woman grinned, beating her tail a few times upon the ground. "What is it Ubivat?!!" She shouted back, grinning as wintry lyrics echoed across the grasslands. This was already fun, and she was not quite focussed on his actual statement, simply enjoying the fun provided by the moment.



03-05-2014, 06:59 PM

The sudden rush of a strange feeling over came him. She yelled back, making the man puff out his chest taking in a deep breath. This was really happening wasn't it. This was all too real, it was not some fact emotion, or sense of feeling(in which he had none) that he was being tricked with. Ubivat couldn't believe the way she made him feel, it was better than his sister for certain. While he had loved his sister for some time she had also treated him like some sort of tool and slave which was what he had committed to for most of his life. It was no lie, and no secret that he had been hurt deeply by the break up by the betrayal that had happened all those nights ago. Now he was dead, but still walking around, been given a second chance and by all means he was using it. Skadi had been the only living one he had been able to connect with. That made him possibly the happiest dead wolf alive. She was so much bigger than he, but that did not mean a thing. She made him feel wanted in the world of the living. Not just a dead soul wandering around wondering when this body would finally give out and he kicked the dust for good.
So as it stood, he straightened himself. He was nervous, and he half didn't know why. It wasn't like she would object would she? It was a possibility he would rather rule out of his head completely. His orange eyes met with her pink albino ones, and he calmed his breathing to ask her such a simple slightly delirious question. "Skadi, will you be my mate? We can't have a formal wedding but I'd like to be joined with you for eternity as long as this body is still here." the dead man said as he calmed himself. Shivering slightly, would she say yes, or leave him behind. He certainly didn't wish she would leave him alone. He didn't want to be hurt a second time, but things like that happened.
