
The Will of the Gods [Theology Lesson]


02-03-2014, 03:40 PM

Even as the echo answers to the voice
Hibiki no ko? ni ozuru ga gotoshi.

Bhaire shifted his paws nervously. He sat in the clearing outside of his den, looking up into the branches. His avian friend lurked somewhere above, but against the bright sky he could not pick out the lightly hued plumage. It was past time that he call his brethren together for a lesson, that much was for certain, so why did he feel such fear? A small voice in his head rebelled against the notion that he would ever become something akin to his own master, Abbot Kahn. Was he really in a position to educate others? He knew he needed to send forth the howl that would draw them in, only... He sighed.

Quite unexpectedly wind gusted up from the nearby waters. Bhaire's den was just beyond a sheltered cove, dug in amongst the roots of a particularly gnarled tree. The foliage barrier was dense and he hardly ever felt such an intrusion. Where was it then coming from? It grew in strength, roaring in his ears. He quailed, uncertain of his surroundings. Just as quickly, the maelstrom ceased. Bhaire stood there for a long moment, his fur now scattered with debris and dust. He blinked, shaking his body to clear it away. To him, the reprimand had been clear. Why accept this honorable position if he could not follow through? His nerves remained, but there was a smile on his face when he tipped back his muzzle, letting out a howl to call forth his new pupils.

"Talk" Think "Odd"



5 Years
02-03-2014, 06:39 PM

Whilst Novella certainly bore resemblance to her mother in appearance, it seemed that she lacked the drive that Novel Destruction had, instead a more laid back attitude surely from her father had found it's way into the young girl's personality. Of course she'd had quite the relaxed upbringing really, especially in comparison to her elder siblings never had she been filled with any particular ambitions or aspirations. For a while now she hadn't been able to decipher what path she wished to choose for her learning, at least now it seemed she could put off that choice for a little longer.

It had seemed rather likely from the start that her interest would reside more with fighting and healing though Novella still lacked that ability to choose which one it seemed. Both, she supposed she wanted to do both really but of course there were other lessons that the pack had to offer as well.

Theology wasn't something that had really caught her attention too much, perhaps it was simply due to the fact that it was a little less obvious as to what it was about than the self defence or healing lessons, it'd be wrong to say she wasn't intrigued by them at all. Apprentices needed to attend a range of lessons, it was a good excuse as any to go at the sound of Bhaire's howl. It seemed that the white girl would be the first to arrive and rather calmly for her really, Novella would eventually come to a stop before the male.

She didn't really know Bhaire, she had seen him around the pack and Novel had spoken of him though it was safe to say that Novella herself had never actually had a conversation with him, certainly hadn't been alone in his company before either. Not that it worried her too much, though she did wish for the sake of the lesson that others would attend as well. "Hello." She greeted him simply, not really sure what else to say given the fact this wasn't exactly the opportunity for normal conversation when a lesson was meant to be starting shortly.



10 Years
02-03-2014, 07:02 PM

Novel and Elohim had been quite occupied with memorizing the plants that grew around their home, now that they had even more room to explore it had taken them some time to categorize the plant life beyond the lover's mangrove. She knew that Bhaire would be proud of her to take such initiative, but when she heard his howl calling for a lesson she had to attend. She knew her mother expected her children to attend lessons with the apprentices, she just didn't have to participate in actually helping the pack. She didn't feel like she was a good enough hunter or fighter to help with any of that. She was certainly getting better at healing, she'd even been able to help Aurora give birth!
She often visited Bhaire's humble home begging lessons from him. She was glad to call herself his apprentice, he always knew how to explain himself well for her and it was not often she didn't understand. She felt like she was learning much from the man. Now, she would attend a group lesson with him and she was excited.
Elohim would leap upon her arrow marked back as she gave him an eager glance, both of them knowing they wanted to attend, with gusto the small she would would leap off to find Bhaire. Her blue eyes would scan the surrounding areas to be sure they had not moved. Faithfully, two figures would stand outside the teacher's home. Her aunt Novella and her mentor. With a squeal of delight the small child would bump into Novella's leg affectionately. She had to say that the girl had become her favorite aunt, partially because she never saw Symphony and partially because their names were so similar. "Hi Aunt Novella! Hello Bhaire." her voice was eager as she took a seat next to her kin. She was quite ready for their lesson.

"Speech" Think "Elohim"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Sage I


3 Years
02-03-2014, 07:20 PM

Sage woke from an uneasy sleep. It had been plagued by bad dreams and coughs. He had been and turning the whole night long. When he grabbed himself off the ground, a sudden spasm of coughing wracked his frame. When it was over he grabbed for sure to satisfy his lungs. It wasn't long after emerging from his den that a call sounded through Ludicael. It was from Bhaire, a man be did not know personally but had seen him at the meeting. It told of a lesson of Theology. The boy was very interested in the good since meeting Song and joining Ludicael, but wasn't sure if he found he in this state. Just when the boy had soft made up his mind to stay at home, a large gust of wind pushed him away. A sign from the gods. Sage shook his head. More enticed than ever, Sage started bounding towards Bhaire.
When the boy reached the man, two others had already gathered there. He nodded to the teacher respectfully, eagerness clear on his face. Another lady was there, one
that held alabaster hues and beautiful meetings to the face. The one that grabbed his attention though was a silky white fea. She looked about Sage's age. The thing that caught the boy's attention was her eyes. Ocean blue orbs glittered like he's on the low mangrove light. Sage ooked away quickly, embarrassed. If his fur wasn't so dark then a slight blush would be evident on his skin. He nodded to both ladies politely but stole an extra long at the younger lady, nodding at her companion.



02-04-2014, 04:35 PM

Curiously the dog would bound to the call. She was supposed to attend two of these meetings yes? Well then this would be her first. And she wasn't sure what she was doing, but she certainly hoped her appearance wouldn't startle these beasts. Seeing as the dog was only twenty inches in height, but her pelt was indeed a bespectacled beauty of stripes unlike any other canine. Her paws would carry her to the call, her pink eyes looking to the wolves who had already gathered, her pack mates whatever way she looked at it.
The tiger dog sat away from them, shyly. As she avoided eye contact her tail curling slightly underneath her. Why was she so nervous and cautious when she had accepted their company. It was definitely better than being alone as she had though. Sha was truly happy, ever since she lost her memories she felt like she had been born only a week prior to this.



02-06-2014, 11:53 AM

The red woman was never far from the hot springs, glad to have joined the pack that had claimed her once favorite lands. She would lay on the cool stone surrounding the hot water and allow just the tips of her paws to dip into the heat. Steam rose around her constantly, allowing her to breath it in and bask in the damp air. She was warm but she knew once she left her the dampness that clung to her fur would be quite chilly. But this was the perfect place to clean herself. She hated getting wet and taking baths because her thick fur took forever to dry properly but here the steam slipped beneath course guard hairs and loosened any dirt that might be hiding so when she groomed herself it all came out perfectly. And that was what she had been doing for the last hour or so, simply laying and grooming herself. She had never known that her white fur could get so white! Maybe that was why she was in such a good mood this day, and maybe that was why when a howl echoed forth calling students for a theology lesson she didn't scoff at it an ignore it like she wanted to. No, instead she pushed her forepaws against the hard ground and lifted herself into a seated position.

Taking a moment she rolled her shoulders back, enjoying the feel of loose muscles for probably the first time in her life, and then stood and shook a bit more of the dampness from her pelt. Not that it would really leave until she left the hot springs, so with that thought she turned and padded along the cool stone that separated the pits of hot water with practiced ease. She had been here so much that she knew which pits were too hot to even go near, others that were great for steaming and the few that were cool enough to actually swim in. Not that she was especially keen on sharing this knowledge with others, she still wasn't a fan of sharing the hot springs with anyone else and got especially irritable when her new pack mates tried to interrupt her while she was having her daily steam...

But despite being in a good mood, as she approached the cluster of other Ludicael members she didn't give them a nod or a greeting. She knew none of them in the least it seemed. Who were these wolves? But then again she had really only met Jupiter and Aria on her last venture here, though she had met previous members as well who no longer seemed to be here. A pity, at least she had liked them. Maybe she would like some of these wolves too but for now she was here to learn so she slithered with practiced ease around the back of the meeting, keeping her distance from the others until she came to the den of the male who had called the meeting. Slender skull would tip to the side and dip politely in a show of respect before she sat down to his right and then lowered herself to the ground to settle in for whatever this 'theology' lesson was about. Funny how fast her feet started to hurt after a short walk now she her stomach was beginning to swell to show her pregnancy.

Table by Azil



02-09-2014, 01:49 AM

The smaller, carbonated version of Cherokee was resting lazily in his den when the call was given. Lately, Dhiren had become bored with the scenery of the pack. He hadn't seen hide nor hair of his 'shooting star' in weeks and that fact surrounded the feeling of lead in his stomach. The young boy wasn't sure if he should remain worried about her or let the feelings of sadness go. After all, he was young and he didn't know a thing about the meaning of love. Perhaps it would be something to talk about with his father in the future.
When Bhaire's call rang throughout the mangroves, Dhiren only flicked one white ear in its direction. He had been laying on his left side, looking out at the small animals that frolicked in the woods outside of his den. The chance to miss something was too good to pass up, but, he figured that it would make a better impression on his part to appear. Slowly, he rolled to his stomach and stood on all fours, shook out his ebony pelt, and padded from his den.
In no time at all, the young prince made his presence known. He had barreled through many trees and branches, stomping across fallen leaves and muttering loudly under his breath for emphasis of his 'injuries'. By the time he reached the outer row of trees in the clearing, leaves stuck out in numerous places in his black fur. Dhiren shook all over again and chuckled while saying, "Don't start the party without me. I'm here, I'm here."
Three black and one white paw carried his lanky form towards the two white females he immediately knew as family. Silver and gold eyes twinkled at their faces and he dipped his muzzle in greeting. "Hello, Aunt Novella." He glanced at the other members of the meeting and inclined his head to them as well. "Nice to see you all here," he said, hoping that they knew he meant his words.
Slowly, he reclined to his haunches beside Novel, making her sandwiched in between her favorite aunt and her one and only brother from their litter. His black ear turned in the direction of Sage and his gaze twisted to see the boy giving a long glance at Novel. A curled lip was given in warning, but he turned his attention back to Bhaire as he protectively wrapped his tail around Novel's. "Lovely day, Bhaire. I hope that we learn a lot from what you have to say today."



02-11-2014, 02:16 PM

Nervous butterflies continued to frolic in his gut, but they were easier to ignore as Bhaire's pack mates began to fill his clearing. The first member to arrive was only vaguely familiar to him, but she bore the Destruction family markings and he smiled a warm greeting. Not far behind her, though, was his own apprentice and her companion, Elohim. Bhaire chuckled at her exuberant arrival and greeting, unable to contain his good will. The girl was young, bright, and infinitely curious. He had been quite pleased with her performance so far, and it would not be a far stretch to say his time with her was what made life in Ludicael so worthwhile. A young male appeared then, bright eyed and eager. As always, Bhaire felt his heart warm at seeing such interest from the younger generations. He knew Theology was a tender subject, one best taught with great care, and that optimism from students would go a long way. After all, he was not teaching the art of healing, where you could see with your eyes the effects of your work. No, Theology had to be felt and contemplated deeply to be understood.

Bhaire began to wonder how many would heed his call. Part of him had expected Novel alone, but it was not long before three others had filled his small hallow in the mangroves. It occurred to him that future lessons might need be hosted elsewhere. First a wolf-like creature would appear, but wolf it was not. Her size was diminutive and she seemed to harbor a fear within her. Bhaire offered her a kind nod, and a gentle smile. Trust was something earned through time and effort, as he well knew. A fae appeared next, fresh and clean and rather aloof, by all appearances. This did not stop the large, brown man from greeting her as he had with all the others. Finally, and with great clamor, another Destruction child burst forth from the brush, joking that he had arrived. He greeted his family with warm courtesy and addressed Bhaire directly about what he was about to say. The man's nerves had faded almost entirely by this point, and he was well prepared with a response, not only to Dhiren, but to them all.

His voice dropped into the gentle, rolling cant of a bard. It was melodic and gentle, the deep baritone drawing his audience in and captivating him. It was not a trick per say, but rather a method his adoptive father had taught him long ago. "Some of you may know me, and some may not. My name is Bhaire, and I've lived alongside the gods for as long as I can remember. I was orphaned and found by a traveling band of monks and sisters, who raised me with the lore. I will admit this is my first time teaching instead of being taught," he said with a gentle smile. "But it is my dearest hope that I can do well by you all. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to interrupt and I will clarify. Also, before we get going, I'd like you all to consider my den here yours as well. I will not turn you away if you have need of me." He took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. How to begin... "I suppose, the first thing that needs be discussed, is what you seek from me. I will not tell you what yo believe, or what is right or wrong. That is hardly for me to decide. The fates will sway your lives in a drastically different way than mine. My hope is instead that I might teach you what I have been taught, and guide you to clarity and wisdom. After all, what good are beliefs if they are not your own?"

Bhaire looked over the crowd before him and surveyed the faces before him, looking for some sort of reaction. He would tell them of his gods in time, and perhaps if they found truth in what he said they would become their gods as well. Even if they did not agree with his gods, they might yet find some wisdom in their lessons and lore. Wisdom, he'd found, could be earned in the strangest of places, but only if you maintained an orderly and open mind. His success would not be measured in his converts, but in the character of his students when he was through with them. The gods would keep until death, but their livelihoods existed now. "I suppose, I should begin with my own beliefs. I do not expect you to mirror them, or even agree with them, only beg you keep an open mind." He looked to the sky once more. "I look at the world around me, and see not only leaves and air and water, but the many faceted faces of the gods. Fourteen hold sway over the realm in it's entirety. They take many forms and shapes, but they hear the pleas of us all. Bori, the father, and Cirilla, the mother, with their twelve children look upon our troubles and passions, and will lend the pious their ear when we are in need. A mistake would be made in expecting their aid in all things, for without challenge, how can we grow? In time, if you learn to see their signs and read their omens, you may grow to understand their queer language and, within that closeness, will become blessed. This is what I would teach you."

He tried to keep the grandure from his voice. It was not a thing that all could learn. Certain souls bonded well to the voice of the gods, but others seemed eternally distanced. It was no easy thing to comprehend, and moons and moons spent meditating often left the student frustrated and fruitless. This, he knew, was why teaching patience and kindness would be as important and lore and legend. He certainly had a long way to go. He paused then, to wait for his student's first responses.

"Talk" Think "Odd"



5 Years
02-14-2014, 04:24 AM

Novella was relieved as another joined her, more so to see who the familiar figure actually was."Hello Novel" She responded warmly, a smile crossing her features as she greeted her niece in return. Her worries of being Bhaire's only student today had been pushed aside, and though this was hardly the place for her to speak with her niece, she was glad to have the opportunity spend some time with Novel, it no longer mattered if anyone else showed.

There were of course more to follow though, the first was Sage, a young male a similar age to herself who had actually been present in Song's recent lesson. She gave a small nod of her head in acknowledgement and greeting to the black wolf, before turning her attention to the next arrival who was quick to distract Novella from noticing the look that Sage cast in Novel's direction. She was a complete stranger to Novella, though not only that she had never seen anyone quite like her. Certainly a canine, though surely not a wolf, forcing her gaze ahead once more, Novella tried not to stare. The striped canine already seemed nervous enough.

The next to follow however was a wolf, though not someone that Novella could say she knew. Once more she turned her attention back to Bhaire in case he decided to begin the lesson, though also for she had no reason to stare at the other members of her pack. There was however soon a far louder arrival as a young black male pushed his way through the trees and joined them. The smile formed across Novella's muzzle again. "Hello Dhiren" She responded to her nephew as he joined her and Novel, sitting on the other side of the smaller female.

It seemed he had been in perfect timing, that or Bhaire took Dhiren's words as an invitation to start the lesson, stepping forward with his introduction and touching lightly upon the topic of the Gods and the signs they left in the world. Her birth pack, Ahlon was certainly experienced with those signs, although perhaps a little too much sometimes. Novella herself had no real knowledge about them beyond the fact that they existed, it was mainly the Augur of the pack who spent their time reading them, their Tyro or apprentice who would focus upon studying them. Others in the pack had the knowledge too of course, though none as skilled as the Augur. To be honest her own heart had laid more with the stories, she had never felt she had a talent for telling them, though her father had always told the best in her opinion, though Satu had been very good as well of course.


02-14-2014, 01:08 PM

Sha mildly lowered her head after being looked at, but her ears perked to the teachers tone of voice as he spoke. He was wonderful, he couldn't possibly think that he was doing a bad job, and it made her smile slightly. Though, her eyes would widen to these stories of these gods. Did they really look over them? Of course she had thought some of her dreams were strange, perhaps that was them. She did not know, but these were wolf gods, what would compel them to seek pity on her. The tiger dog stood up, her head lowered just beneath the spine as she walked a tiny bit closer. Bori, and Cirilla. Her neon pink eyes turned towards Bhaire. "Ummm..." she started lifting her head, she couldn't believe she'd be asking this in front of a bunch of wolves, but they were her pack mates so it made no difference to the amnesia ridden canine. "My name is Sha....and I'm not a wolf I'm a dog, do you think the gods would still care for my prayers despite not being a wolf?" she asked curiously.
Her heart she had to admit lifted a little bit at the thought of divine beings speaking to her. The tiger dog curled her tail out from under her, she was a mighty tiger dog she couldn't be afraid of these amazing beasts. She thought they were gods themselves, but here she was to discover these gods. Tankyu-sha nervously waited for her question to be answered. Less it be pushed away she would not be too surprised if that happened after all.
