
A Break



02-03-2014, 02:47 PM
ooc: this was already agreed on some time ago that Destruction would take Seracia due to Loccian's illness.

By now she could barely perform her duties, the sickness that didn't seem to want to leave her body starting to make her thin. She had given a summoning to Miss Destruction, asking for her to meet the Queen over near the lake where they could talk. There was no way she could go on like this, the Kingdom needed somebody strong and healthy, not thin and weak. With a sigh she would finally come to a stop, plopping herself down on the shore, paws barely touching the water. Tail would curl around her body, head lowered and grey gaze looking to her reflection in the waters' surface.

It wouldn't take long before the woman would appear, Loccian motioning her over with a small smile. At this point it would be obvious something was wrong with her, fur dull, ribs slightly visible beneath her coat, a tired look in her eyes that never seemed to go away, despite how much she tried. "Thanks for coming Destruction, I have something really important to tell you... about Seracia's leadership." Eyes would close, and the woman would take a deep breath, pushing down the sick feeling that tried to ride within her stomach. After a few moments she would continue. "I am sick my friend, and in my condition I am not able to lead this Kingdom." With a faint smile she would look to the woman. "I would like for you to lead us, you are a strong woman, and I believe you will do well." She would give a nod of her head. "Do you accept?"


Awesome table by Andy <3


02-05-2014, 12:50 AM

Destruction's den had not been far from the lake, and thus it did not take the ebony and crimson stained woman all that long to arrive at the spot that Loccian picked for their talk. Both females, due to the storm, had lost an eye, though it seemed her poor Queen was fairing even worse. Loccian was sick... any wolf with sight could see that clearly. It honestly hurt Destruction to see the Queen in such a state. She felt helpless... and wished she knew more about healing so that she could help her get better. Alas, it was in the hands of fate now.

Destruction would come up beside her Queen, sitting beside her with a smallm yet sad, smile. Her fur was dull... ribs were starting to show... and she looked so worn out. The female would nod as Loccian began to speak. She had been working harder to do what she could to help Seracia recover from the storm... but her mind was always on the injured... and seeing Loccian now, in an even worse state, had Destruction terribly worried. Still, she would listen to her Queen with understanding and respect, as she always would.

Crimson ringed eye would widen slightly in surprise at the words that came from Loccian's mouth. Even though she understood Loccian wasn't really in a condition of leadership, she wouldn't have thought her friend would want her to take care of the pack. Loccian had put so much faith in her, truly helping her out of her shell, helping her shoulder the burden of the knowledge of her past. Destruction cared deeply for the other woman as a true friend, and if she felt that she could do the pack good, and had faith enough in her, then she would do all she could.

"Of course I do, Loccian." The female would give a small smile. "Though truthfully I will hope that it is a temporary thing. I love Seracia with all my heart, but in my eyes you will always be our Queen." The female would look out across the lake, a few things coming to mind. "In accepting this position, however, I'd like to know what all you would like to stand as far as Seracia goes, Loccian... and..." The female would lower her ears, letting out a soft sigh. "I have the feeling it will come up, with me being in charge, so I would also like to talk to you about Bane."




02-07-2014, 08:47 PM

Loccian had come to like Destruction since that day they spoke when by the graveyard, something just clicking between the two, a friend. And it would make the sick woman smile when she accepted the leadership, commenting on how she hoped it was a temporary thing, loved Seracia but would always see her as their Queen. Kind words that warmed the grey woman's heart. ?It is until I can get over this sickness and regain my strength.? She would look to her friend when she said she would like to know what she wanted to stand for Seracia, and what was said next would bring a frown immediately. The mention of Bane.

The mere mention of his name was enough to irritate the woman, she got that Destruction had mated with him and recently had been getting closer to his mate, but that should be the end of it. The woman would sit up, holding her head high, gaze hardening as she looked out to the lake with visible annoyance. First Tahlia, and now Destruction, it was disappointing. ?Bane, he was exiled for a reason, not a decision made alone by Maverick. You do realize that the decision was partially mine?? She would question the woman, wondering if she held ill feelings towards Maverick like Tahlia might for kicking her mate out of the Kingdom when they had children. She would move on though, not once looking away from the lake. ?He is not to be allowed here, inside any of the lands what so ever and should be escorted off our territory immediately.? Her tone would hold a sort of coldness to it speaking about it, she knew this would bother Destruction in some way seeing as they were close.

?As for Seracia, no more wolves are to be accepted, our numbers are already great because of the children and to add more will only deplete our resources and cause negative effects on the Kingdom.? Seracia was at its limits, they couldn't take in any more wolves till the children grew older and either earned their place or left to join a different pack or just to explore the lands. ?I would like for you to try getting our members to be more active, give them tasks to complete or they will risk demotion, and if they do nothing then they will have to be removed from Seracia. A cold thing to do but with the amount of older members and children, we need people who are active and able to contribute. For ways to do this, they either need to start a patrol, sparring, hunting, or some sort of lesson or at least participate in one to be considered safe.? She would look to Destruction, waiting for her to agree to these or at least acknowledge that she understood. ?Children also need to participate, I will handle Enola due to her disability. But my husband and I may not be able to participate in the tasks, as you can see, he has caught what I have, preventing us from doing our usual activities.? Indeed, the woman felt guilty, feeling as though she had passed her sickness onto Gerhardt.

There was two more things she needed Destruction to know about. ?Please do not move the Kingdom, we have been here for some time now and I just expanded our lands. We have too many children and elders here for such a move.? She would heavy a heavy sigh, turning to nibble at an itch on her shoulder. ?One last thing, which I am sure many will be disappointed about... Only high ranked members (tier 1, 2, 3) may have children from now on but need to ask permission first before bringing them into the world, too many members are having them that don't contribute to the Kingdom. Too much freedom is causing issues that need to be corrected.?


Awesome table by Lu <3


02-07-2014, 09:41 PM

Destruction would lower her ears, averting her gaze as Loccian began to speak of Bane. She let out a small sigh as the woman explained."I understand, Loccian. The question was not merely brought up for myself, as I'm sure you are aware. I am merely covering my bases, so that a decision is not made that you would not agree upon." The hope for Bane to come back, while partially for herself, was moreso for Tahlia and his children. She understood why his was banished well enough, and she let out a small sigh. "I do know of the reasons for his banishment, don't get me wrong, Loccian, but call it what you will I do feel bad for the brute. Perhaps if he didn't have a family I would feel differently. I will not bring him to Seracia, and if he is seen he will be escorted off our territory." The female would finish, looking back to her friend. Upsetting Loccian, especially in this condition, was not something that Destruction wished for.

The subject would shift from Tahlia and Bane to the pack of Seracia. No more wolves were to be accepted, which she could understand. They were a large pack full of youths and pups, and they needed their current wolves to grow strong and pull their weight in the kingdom before negative effects could occur. The woman would nod in agreement, remaining quiet now as Loccian continued to speak. Getting the pack active... she was going to do her best to do so. Mentoring had to get off the ground, as well as some other tasks that would lead to better the pack. She was a bit surprised when she said that those who did nothing would be removed from Seracia, but, at the same time, Destruction had to agree with her. Seracia had been sitting dormant for far too long. The chance of some challenger coming to an idle pack and challenging it weren't necessarily out of the realm of possibility... but Destruction wouldn't let that happen. She was determined to do what she could while Loccian recovered to get this pack in order, and then continue with it once her Queen was back in her proper place. "Understood, Loccian. I'll start organizing things for the pack right away." Her crimson ringed orbs showed determination. She would not let the other wolfess down. At the mention of Loccian herself and her mate Destruction would smile gently, nudging her friend's shoulder. "Don't worry about that, Loccian. Once you both are better I know you'll both do what you can."

Loccian would continue with her instructions and Destruction would listen to her, ears perked forward as she looked upon her friend. The thought of moving Seracia appalled her, and she shook her head. "Even if that weren't the case I would never move Seracia. This is our home, and it always will be." The last bit of information brought a nod from the dark female. "Understood. Though, should any of them go against the rule and do so anyway, what would you like me to do with them?" It would be obvious enough if a female was expecting... and Destruction wanted to make sure things were handled accordingly. There was one more thing she wanted to talk to Loccian about, but for now she decided she'd wait. It was about Bane, when he passed... but right now things needed to be settled. Once they were Destruction would ask her question.




02-07-2014, 10:18 PM

She would not answer upon Destruction responding to what she said about Bane, Loccian understood very well but she would not let her decision on him change one bit just because someone misses him. The man should have thought about his Kingdom and family before causing trouble, and now he can suffer for it. And when she brought up feeling bad for him, she would hold back a snort. Had she not been involved with him at all her mind would have been different, a small nod coming from the Queen as Des said she would not bring him into Seracia and he would be escorted away upon sight.

The dark woman understood, and would begin organizing things for the pack right away. A small smile would form at this, glad the woman would help her bring the pack back from its dormant stage. And when her and Gerhardt's sickness was brought up, she was okay with it, understanding they would do what they could and would get back on things once they were feeling better.

It would further make Loccian happen when Destruction spoke of moving Seracia, this place was their home, and always would be. And when it came to high ranks only allowed to breed, she asked what should happen to them upon disobeying the rule. For this she would have to think about hard, members would already be removed if they didn't do their tasks after being demoted but if someone was pregnant and not a high rank... Removal from Seracia was a high option, it was just put into place for a reason and wasn't that difficult to follow. ?Removal.? She would say simply. If they couldn't follow that simple rule, then they could find someplace else. "If there is a high number of members like now, then that is their punishment. Lower numbers they will be demoted."

?As this is temporary, I would like for you not to promote people.? Loccian closed her eyes and took in a long, deep breath as her stomach slowly began to twist. ?No one has proven themselves in awhile, and so they don't deserve to rise in ranks. Once I begin regaining my strength we can discuss who has been working hard and who has been slacking.?


Awesome table by Lu <3


02-10-2014, 07:18 AM

Removal. Destruction would nod again, seeing the decision as fair enough. Those who disobeyed the rule could easily put Seracia at risk with the higher numbers... and their ranks were already quite large. Even if just the higher ranked wolves mated, well, that alone could bring them to the very edge of their limit. They would need to be careful. Of course, as far as numbers went, she would have to see what happened with tasks and whatnot, to see who was diligent and loyal enough to Seracia to stay, and who would go, before knowing how that would be influenced. Her mind was already sorting different tasks in her mind, and how things could go about.

The only ones she wouldn't be focusing on now were Loccian, Gerhardt, Enola, and Silent. The last wolf she knew was an elderly fae and she did not wish to put much stress upon her. Still, Destruction would speak to her when she got the chance. Perhaps the woman, if willing, might be able to share some sort of lesson with the youths of Seracia in verbal form and participate that way. However if she would rather rest, or simply wasn't able to do such a thing, Destruction by no means would force her. On top of that she had been meaning to meet with the woman since the last meeting Maverick had held. Originally she had been meant to mentor one of Silent's sons, though things didn't quite work out as planned. On top of that, well, as Queen, even as a temporary position she would need to get to know as many of her packmates as possible.

Loccian would further speak, and again the dark woman would agree with her decision on the next matter. "I would have to agree with you, on that, Loccian. I will be monitoring the tasks and lessons as much as possible, and I will report to you all that goes on when you are feeling better. Until then you can count on me to do all I can to assist you." Though never in your place. Destruction would add in her mind, determined that the other fae would overcome her sickness and rise back to the throne. For now, she had decided, she would leave that lingering question be. It wasn't of a dire need to be brought up just yet. Des would frown, sensing some discomfort from the other. "Unless there is anything else necessary for me to know at this moment, Loccian, I'd like to help you back to your den so you can rest." There was concern in her eyes as she looked upon the other female. She hated seeing her in pain.
