
Breaking barriers



5 Years
Athena I
10-22-2014, 12:18 PM


This day had been a long time coming. Jian awoke early in the morning, just as the sun was beginning to rise. A deep pain in her sides had woken her up with a gasp, her teeth gritting together while she waited for the surge to pass. She sighed heavily when finally she got a moment of relief, the reality of what was happening dawning on her. She tried her best not to panic and pulled herself onto her paws to go toward the entrance of the den to call for Lel, but another contraction gripped her and she froze in place, her eyes squeezing shut and a sharp whine escaping her throat. Her legs trembled when it finally eased up and she immediately eased herself back down onto her side before letting out a call for her brother, hoping that he would hear her even though she was unable to get a full breath behind her howl and she was all the way at the back of the den.



3 Years
10-22-2014, 12:59 PM

The boy was nearby, his attention now split between two hormonal pregnant women though he had faith in his sister no to run away, the grey and black bitch? Not so much. It was much more effort than it seemed worth but Lel did not trust the girl to not run away and more importantly he didn?t trust her not to destroy his seed. He may not care what she did to herself but the bitch now carried his progeny and he?d be damned if he let her lose them. As Jian was in her den starting the first wave of contractions her brother was sitting outside the makeshift den of his prize, one ear quirked back so he could catch her movements.
All his attention snapped forwards however when he heard it, his sister?s breathy call. It was weak and yet he knew what it said. With one swift movement the giant rose to his paws. He glanced back at the den and growling shoved his head inside. ?Come.? He barked, his tone booking no argument. He wanted to stalk off right then and there and yet he knew he couldn?t, the bitch needed to be watched.
When he finally made it to his sister?s den he shoved his head through the entrance. ?I?m here pet.? He purred before retreating and turning his attention back to the grey and black girl. ?Do you have any knowledge of herbs or healing?? His tone had once more shifted to commanding, if the bitch knew anything he would make use of her knowledge.




5 Years
10-27-2014, 11:32 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

From the dark confines of the den, Callisto stared at the broad back of her captor. Her silvery blue eyes bore holes into the back of his skull, slit lines of red through his white coat, and flayed him apart piece by disgusting piece. She had been taken from a life of comfort and dignity and had been forced to submit to the worst kind of hell possible. He had taken her in the cave when she had been at her most vulnerable and then dragged her back to his home within the north, a means, he warned, of ensuring that whatever demonic seeds took within her womb would grow to full term. She had hoped and prayed it would not happen, wished for some means of getting away to find a proper plant to alleviate her of her possible predicament, but he had never been far enough away for her to try. He was keeping his word painfully well, and she was starting to think he may have had good reason for it after all.

She lay upon her stomach, body poised to rise at a moment's notice, and rested her chin upon her outstretched forelegs. Her eyes, though tired and listless, did not waver in the hate-filled stare that they sent toward the purple-eyed wolf who kept her prisoner, determined not to let her guard down again. She doubted he would have done anything worse than make her pregnant but she was still searching for a moment of inattention, something that she could use as a means of getting away and finding safety within her pack and the plants that would assuredly take away her current condition.

There was no such luck this day, just as there had been none for many days before. Rather the only possible distraction that arose was the call of Lel's other pawn, obviously in some sort of distress, but though she could see that her captor intended to answer the request for his presence the second he turned back to look at her she knew her moment of freedom was still far from reach. She nearly growled herself as he ordered her to her paws, hesitated for as long as she dared before she did as he commanded. Slowly, so as to defy him as much as she was able, she left the den, noting his caution in waiting to watch her leave and guide her to the proper location, and followed his direction toward where the other dimwitted female denned.

She stood off to one side, unnervingly well within the sight of Lel, as he peeked within the den and spoke to the wolf inside. Even from here Callisto could hear the pained noises she was making, and though it confused and irked her at first realization dawned after she caught the scents exuding from the den. The other wolf was pregnant too, and just about ready to give birth. Feeling her own stomach knot at the thought that, eventually, the wolf inside the den would soon be her, the grey and black girl felt suddenly sick. This was not the future that she wanted for herself, this was not something that she wanted to go through, for anyone. She wanted to be alone and left to her plants and learning their uses and applying her skill where it suited her. How did everything go so wrong?

Broken from her pitying reverie, Callisto blinked at her captor as he again addressed her, tempted right from the start to answer no and keep her plant knowledge to herself. Like hell was she going to offer her skills to the bastard who got her pregnant and dragged her away to live with him until she birthed his demon spawn. But something told her that, while he was keen on keeping the pups within her alive, the same could not be said about her once they were out. Could he hold a grudge that long? Even so, she could not entirely stop herself from answering negatively, boldly despite knowing the repercussions. "I'm not helping your brainwashed girlfriend." The words were spoken lowly, flatly, brooking no argument though she knew he would argue the point anyway. "She and your demon spawn can die for all I care." And maybe she would be doing the deranged, brainless girl a favor by allowing that to happen. At least one of them would be free.

Image by Maka.



5 Years
Athena I
10-28-2014, 12:02 AM


The longer she laid there the more intense the pain the pain became. Seconds stretched into minutes and minutes felt like hours. Where was he?! She had begun to panic as contraction after contraction gripped her, the pain and pressure building till she thought for sure she was going to pass out from it. Finally, after what felt like ages her brother's face finally appeared and she sighed with a momentary relief until a dark, gray marked form appeared next to him and she tensed up defensively till she realized it was the woman that Lel had captured. She recognized the girl from the one time she and Lel had come across her together, but she shoved away those thoughts when another contraction hit her like a train and a sharp whine escaped her, panting hard when it passed and letting her head fall back down to the floor of the den.

Jian heard Lel ask about the girl's knowledge of herbs and healing and for a moment she thought the girl might actually be of some use, but her response was nothing what Jian had expected or wanted. In fact, in her pained, hormone ridden state she only felt furry toward the girl. She lifted her head with a growl, fixing her sky-blue gaze on her. "Don't talk about things that you know nothing about. I'm no more brainwashed than you are," she growled out before she gasped, her anger falling to the way side and her teeth gritting together when the pain overwhelmed her yet again.

Something was wrong. This wasn't at all what she had expected, it was all so unbearable. Her nails clawed at the dirt in frantic panic when her vision began to go blurry, the blood loss beginning to get to her and her head going dizzy. Her head fell back down to the ground, gasping in short, heavy breaths. Contractions came and went and she pushed with each one, but no pups appeared. "Lel!" she cried out weakly, her eyes wide and searching.



3 Years
11-04-2014, 01:34 AM

The grey and black girl defied him and Lel growled, hackles beginning to raise and it was only the screech of his name from his sister that stopped him from lunging at her. He stared a moment longer, a growl rumbling up from his chest. ?Get the fuck in the den.? He hissed, waiting for her to enter. ?And I swear to god that if my sister suffers because you held out healing knowledge you will suffer just as she does.? He warned her as she went past.
Finally pushing his way fully into the den and maneuvered his mass around to sit before his sister, though an ear was quirked back toward the grey and black bitch. ?How?re you holding up?? His voice was softer than usual, not completely worried and yet the caring he could muster wove its way into his vocals.




5 Years
11-04-2014, 12:06 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She knew from the moment the words left her lips that she was in trouble. Lel was just not the type of wolf to take criticism well, particularly, she assumed, if it at all involved the delusional girl who had so taken a liking to him. Was it because she was the only pawn who cared? Because she was too stupid to see things as they were and not as her warped mind twisted it into being? Whatever the case, Callisto's body tensed, anticipating some sort of retaliation for her refusal of helping. He was already bristling and growling, an attack was sure to follow.

From inside the den Jian's painful voice called out again, drawing the purple-eyed wolf's attention away yet again. Right. She was still more important, no matter what. He confirmed that as he merely ordered her inside, threatening her life should she do anything jeopardize the safety of the woman within. Still glaring right back at her captor, Callisto believed him. He was not the kind to make empty threats. Wishing she had any other choice, the black and grey girl crept guardedly past Lel, half expecting him to lash out at her as she passed, and slipped into the den.

Already the smell inside the den had shifted, not so fresh and soothing as the air outside of these earthen walls. Calli's nose wrinkled in anticipation of it all getting worse, and she watched the woman wreathing under the pains of childbirth. Birthing was not her specialty, but maybe some of what she knew could be applied here as long as she had the necessary plants. A quick glance around her confirmed her suspicion that neither wolf present had any inclination toward healing, and with an irritated sigh she turned to stare with a frown once again at Lel. "How do I help her without any plants?" she asked stubbornly. She might have known a few things that would help the pregnant wolf, but she could not work magic.

Daring to press her luck, she spoke again, her stern tone possessing every ounce of authority that she wielded being the most knowledgeable on the subject. "If you want me to help her, go find me something to work with." Her gaze shifted sidelong to glance again at Jian before she added, "The sooner, the better."

Image by Maka.