
a wraiths heart


02-02-2014, 02:12 PM

Six had to much on her mind. She had to much to do to prepare for her upcoming plans. She would have to get permission from her superiors to make such a move, but it would have to be times out with such perfection. The beautiful being was good at making such risky moves but this one was on the edge of disaster. First she had to speak with Sendoa and Isardis about challenging for the Northern pack. That was a challenge in itself. Did they trust her to leave and rule another pack? The woman did hope so. Sendoa did owe Six, hopefully such would play into the matter. Six saved their son's life, showing them her devotion for their pack. She was completely devoted Glaciem in every way. Hopefully it would all unfold perfectly.

The lustrous behemoth slipped through the caverns. It was dark and the stone was cold. Her claws clicked down upon the ground with each light step. Those purple eyes slipped around the walls of the caverns. She was kind of bored but her thoughts occupied every capacity of her broad mind. Water fell from the roof of the caverns. The demoness moved to one of the walls, she rubbed her side against the cool stone with a soft coo. Six enjoyed the feeling upon her tense body. Stress ate at her mind but she would survive. She was bree to survive. She was bred to prosper and thrive. Six was a dime in a bucket of pennies and no one could say otherwise.
