
Surprise Additions



7 Years
02-02-2014, 11:18 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The effects of the storm were still visible as Tahlia walked from her family's den toward the center of the territory. Dark gold eyes surveyed the splintered branches and windswept debris that littered the familiar paths, feeling a mixture of distaste and relief. Such a state the territory was in - had the rest of their territories faired as well? - but thankfully her family was still in one piece. Or close enough to it. Nako had been affected, too close to a lightning strike that had left him deaf in one ear. Tahlia had hoped at first that it might return and leave him sound again, but the longer she waited the less certain of that she became and the more she tried to content herself with the knowledge he still lived.

It appeared work had already begun toward the center of the territory as she wandered out of the tree line, and upon noticing Tahlia felt the slightest pang of guilt. She should have been helping with that, or at least doing something to contribute to the well being of Seracia. Her and her children's lives depended on it. It occurred to her too late that she should have come with an offering for those working on picking up the mess, a fish caught from the lake as was her specialty. But there was no sense prolonging it; she needed to speak with Loccian, and the sooner the better.

She drew to a slow stop just toward the center of the territory, close by the fence and the barn. Her eyes were easily drawn to the still standing structure of the barn, recalling that in all her time of living here she had still yet to set foot inside. Nor did she plan to; the human remnants held no appeal to her and rather rubbed her the wrong way. But the others of the pack were less hesitant, and she was quite certain Loccian was among them; perhaps she was close? Tahlia swept a quick glance around before angling her muzzle slightly upward, jaws parting in a quiet howl. She called to her leader and made herself sit to wait, schooling her expression into a smooth mask and tucking her tail at her side to keep it from twitching with impatience and nervousness.



02-07-2014, 08:07 PM

Rummaging through her herbs while the family slept, Loccian had applied some ointment to the wound upon her face from the storm, hopefully it would prevent severe scarring and would leave a soothing feeling. It was then that she caught the call of one of her members, one she hadn't seen around too much, Tahlia. For some reason lately she had not been feeling kindness towards that woman, mostly because of who she had chosen to mate with. And she was certain the woman had been out visiting him, slacking in her duties. Was she acting like her husband and ignoring the laws set into place? The Kingdom comes first.

Whatever it was the woman would still remain calm and hold the image expected, covering her herbs with a broken stall door so her children couldn't get into them before setting off. She moved down the aisle, claws clicking lightly against the ground, and when reaching the doors she would give a small shoe before squeezing out. It would only take a few moments to scan the area before her gaze fell upon Tahlia not too far away, sitting near the fencing towards the center of the territory. Quickly she would set off, the cool spring air causing the ointment on her face to suddenly grow cold.

In no time the distance between the two would grow smaller, Loccian giving a small dip of her head to the woman before taking a seat just three feet in front of her. ?What would you like to tell me Miss Tahlia?? She would ask curiously, tail laying over her paws neatly.


Awesome table by Lu <3



7 Years
02-07-2014, 10:38 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She thought as she waited of how she would break the news to her children about the surprise additions that would soon be made to their family, the freshly created pups that were currently forming inside of her. Would they be excited? Confused? Would they possibly grow jealous? She could hardly wait to see them, to hear their responses and know what they thought. And then Bane... It was almost painful to think of him knowing that he could not be there this time, that for these pups she would be alone. True, she had friends - Destruction and even Aeil had seemed nice - but those were not the presences that she would wish to be there with her through the pregnancy.

The form of the greyscale queen scattered her thoughts and as she came to join her Tahlia quietly nodded her head in greeting as she gathered them again. No formality. No cordiality save for the addition of "Miss" before her name. Tahlia tried to assume she had stopped the woman in the middle of something to excuse her shortness but already irked by the situation at hand it was difficult. She bit back the curt retort that came immediately to mind - So lovely to see you too, Queen Loccian - and replied in the same direct manner, "I have recently been to see Bane." She assumed that alone would not have been too much of a surprise; they were still married after all. "Nothing should have come of it," she stated, still surprised herself. What odd, twisted luck they seemed to have! "But I believe something has. I believe I am pregnant again." As happy news as such an event should have been, Tahlia only felt anxiety and did her best to keep those feelings hidden from her queen, lacking the proper sort of trust for such an open admission of insecurity.



02-07-2014, 11:07 PM

A brow would raise when Tahlia began, of course she had visited him recently, his scent was still in her pelt. As she continued though she could feel something begin to boil beneath the surface, as if she knew what the woman was about ti say. And there it was, she believed she was pregnant again. Even if new life was great news to hear, this was not, especially considering it was Bane's and the woman had been slacking greatly in her duties. Eyes would narrow upon the woman as Loccian held her head high, though weakening from her illness, she would not let it get her. ?It appears you are following your husbands pawsteps, do you not realize the Kingdom is to come first?? Her voice would come out stern with a hint of coldness, an unnatural displeased look upon her face. ?Seracia is already filled with children, and we are about to reach our limit. We don't have enough members to protect or provide for all these mouths.? She would pause to catch her breath, but Tahlia would not be allowed to speak yet. "You have become more and more scarce since that wolf was banished... If your loyalties aren't with the pack then this is no place for you. Take your children and leave. " Expression and still as a statue, showing no emotion but a hint of displeasure. She would not feel bad for her decision, didn't care. Like her husband, Tahlia should have thought about her family before running off and acting like a teenager. When joining a pack you were to be loyal to it, contribute and follow its laws. Not join and do as you pleased. Was this what she wanted in the first place, have an excuse to leave? Whatever it was it would be a poor decision, there was safety in numbers, and even though she had her children, Bane wouldn't be around much longer to attempt to protect them.


Awesome table by Lu <3



7 Years
02-09-2014, 11:42 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

So cold. She could not say the crown sat well upon the healer's head. It had changed her considerably, turned her from a compassionate individual with a knack for restoration into a heartless ruler capable of cold, uncompromising judgment. Tahlia could not say the change was good in any way; in fact, the whole tone of the queen had caused whatever trust and faith she had in the wolf to dwindle away, and now, standing before her and receiving much the same stare that she had seen the woman once give her husband she knew it was gone entirely.

Of course, as to be expected by the look upon Loccian's face, more judgment came, calling Tahlia out on her lack of assistance toward the pack. Pride made the golden-eyed woman bite her tongue, having recognized herself the way she had been shirking her duties, but that same pride drew forth an entirely different reaction upon hearing the result of her actions. For a moment her careful mask slipped, exposing the raw shock that coursed through her being. Banished. Like Bane. Perhaps we are meant for each other.

Carefully she drew in a slow breath and regained control, replacing her stoic expression. There was much she wished to say, more that she wanted to spit out to spite her now previous leader, but why give her that satisfaction of knowing her judgment had gotten under her skin? No, if she was to walk out of Seracia, she planned to do it with her head high and dignity in tact. "Very well," she answered tersely, golden gaze hardening. She rose quietly to her paws and paused a second, tail giving a single irritable flick. Curtly, she added, "Please give my best to Destruction in case I do not see her on our way out." As the one wolf who had grown to mean the most within the pack to her family, that small goodbye seemed the least she could leave her. Tahlia turned and padded away in still the same prideful, regal manner as she ever had. It was not until she was well away from Loccian that she allowed her expression to darken slightly, lips tight against the urge to outright scowl while she considered how her family would take this news and how she would tell them in the small time allotted to her.

-Exit Tahlia-