
Polar Opposites



2 Years
02-01-2014, 04:13 PM

Darkness draped the land like a heavy cloak, settling over the Polar sound and clouting it of life. A few trees in the distance rustled with the night creatures as they emerged. The darkness was only illuminated by the stars and moon above her, casting a luminescent glow across the land. The darkness was something that soothed S'alkrie, bringing peace to her mind, soul and body. She was used to waking during the night and sleeping during the day, taking pleasure in the serene tranquility that the night offered. She was much better at hiding in the darkness, too. Her placid coat sank eerily into the depths of the territory backdrop, her entire body and sharp pink eyes giving away every sign of her where abouts.

OOC: I never have the imagination when starting threads.

image by Emily, Permission to use



2 Years
02-20-2014, 05:30 PM

He liked the dark. He didn't stand out like a sore thumb in the dark. Cloaked in only the light of the moon, he was more handsome than anyone he'd ever known. Someone who did stand out, however, was lingering not far ahead of him. Emerald eyes set upon her, for a moment believing the pallid coat to belong to his father, though that idea was quickly tossed out of his mind. This woman - she did smell like a woman - was much smaller than his father, though she looked eerily like him. This must be one of the other children, one of the ones produced by his father alone, and not his mother. Deep in his mind he looked down on these children, but he wouldn't yet begin to voice those superior opinions. Instead, he would call out a simple greeting - requesting, somewhat demanding - her name. Who are you? Voice was strong, independent, fit for a prince. Kyarst had every bit of confidence a pup of his age should have, and then some. Ears flickered forward intently, waiting for her response. His tail flagged out and up behind him, not as high as his father might wear his banner, but high enough to demonstrate just how important of a child he thought he was.

[Image: kyarst_bot_zps49a3e6da.jpg]

Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



2 Years
02-20-2014, 05:56 PM

Her nose would gently skim the surface at a thin sheet of snow, the quietness of the terrain unusual, and yet pleasant upon the triangular ears. Her tail would was eagerly swing behind her; unaware of the prince lurking behind her. It seemed as though she where routing for something, but the truth was she grew bored, and she was wide awake. The muscles in her small bodice would tense, for a moment her heart skipped a beat; surprised to see anyone venturing outside, especially with it being so called. Her tiara would raise, twisting to look upon the distant figure. A smile would plant upon her blood kissed lips before venturing over towards the boy that already equals her height [ S'alkrie is small for her age]

" Im S'alkrie Levader." She'd let out a little giggle, did he not remember her from the first time he ventured out of his den? Perhaps not. It wouldnt be a surprise, she was only one of many faces that day. " Your the child of the king and queen i believe? Your so lucky! Most of the pups here dont have full royal blood." She'd look behind her shoulder for a moment, expecting one of his parents to be spying. " You look a lot like Sendoa, she's real pretty!" S'alkrie would venture closer, still a respectable distance away. She'd inspect him closer before carrying on. " So hows it like? To perhaps have a chance to become a king?" Her ruby gaze would reflect of the silver moon, its rays appearing rather beautiful.

image by Emily, Permission to use



2 Years
02-20-2014, 07:38 PM

He truly didn't recall her, though he had met her before. Granted, she looked familiar, but Kyarst was not the greatest with names and faces. Her size, however, was interesting. He could tell by her dimensions that she was older than he, but she was truthfully very tiny. Was she a dwarf, or some kind of runt? He thought it best not to ask. Her name came, S'alkyrie Levader.. it was oddly familiar. She then assumed the truth, that he was a child of the King and Queen. He was pleased that his royal status was well known, though he did like telling wolves about it himself. She called him lucky, and seemed to think him unusual because of his full blood status. Kyarst puffed his chest out regally, drawing his head back proudly. If she thought him special, he would give her no reason to think otherwise. She said he looked like Sendoa, to which he would nod his head. He heard that a lot. His mother was a fine looking wolf as far as he knew, so he would accept it as a compliment. She would then ask him what it was like to have the chance to be a King? As far as he was concerned, he was as good as heir to Glaciem. In his mind, there was no chance of him not becoming a King. It's fun. I get to do pretty much whatever I want, he murmured nonchalantly. Truthfully his mother and father would have scoffed if they'd heard him say it - but they weren't here, were they? What's it like to.. he thought to say something along the lines of 'to not have a chance to be a Queen', but stopped himself halfway and adjusted his phrasing to something more appropriate. be normal? He tilted his head along with this query, allowing his haunches to rock toward the earth. His tail curled comfortably around his hips, dusting up some of the snow that lay beneath him.

[Image: kyarst_bot_zps49a3e6da.jpg]

Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



2 Years
02-21-2014, 09:10 AM

Her mind would be kept like an open book, not wishing just judge anyone so quickly... yet. S'alkrie thought, and will always think she'd make a fine queen. Even if her blood isnt of royalty. If anything, She thought she could out match most of Isardis's little girls that think they have crowns upon there heads already. She would roll her shoulders, harnessing the heat around her body, her ears perking at Kyarsts answer. " Thats strange, but dont you get annoyed with the burden you'll have in the near future? Like i dont know... getting time alone withought being harrassed?" She often did wonder if it'd be he or Kuvio that would snatch the crown, and who's rule she'd have to obey. Most of the children here are sired by Isardis, it must be a taste of fresh air to have another around here of new blood. " To be normal? Its pretty fun actually! You can play and explore all you want, and meet many wolves that teach you a different style to life. Maybe one day we can sneak out so you can try it yourself!" the placid babe didnt know what he was implying, but S'alkrie was normal, and there was no denying. But she did have plans on taking a throne, whether it was to marry into one, or steal it for herself. The South seemed quite nice. Her mind would snoop back to the day she had met karmen- the woman with the golden locks showed her anything was possible, even with ought violence. " Hey Kyarst, Why's your brother so shy and your so bold? I thought you'd both be the same." It was true, they both had the same parents and up bringing, it was strange to see them so different.

image by Emily, Permission to use



2 Years
02-21-2014, 08:57 PM

The pale one seemed to think differently than he, focusing on the negatives of possibly becoming King while he focused almost entirely on the positives - the perks. She did bring up a good point, he could hardly remember a time when his father wasn't being called off by somebody, or approached by somebody. Things would be different when he was King, he was sure of it. He assumed his dad just liked being busy, some wolves were like that. If I want time to myself, I'll take it. A King can do whatever he wants. Of this he was most definitely sure. His young mind wouldn't let him believe any differently. She talked about being normal, and he breathed a sigh of relief knowing that she hadn't caught on to what he'd truly been thinking of saying. A smile spread across his lips, accompanied by a hearty chuckle when she mentioned sneaking out. Yeah, that'd be fun. I sneak out a lot, actually. Don't tell my parents.. he noted with seriousness. Sendoa usually caught on, but it was his father's wrath he truly feared. His mother always seemed to fall for his cuteness, or his quick wit. He wasn't so sure he could wriggle free from his father's all knowing eyes if he were caught sneaking out by the King. She would quickly change the subject, commenting on the differences between he and his brother. As if the boy might be following him, Kyarst's eye wandered around behind him, his head following suit. But alas, his brother was nowhere to be seen. He tilted his cranium back toward her and shrugged. Beats me. I dunno why he's so shy, he just is. Kinda glad though, he keeps Mom busy sometimes. Ah yes, mother did love to dote on the shyer child, and so Kyarst often got to do as he pleased - which included slipping out of sight and doing just about anything. He enjoyed that the most. Not because he disliked his parents or his brother, but simply because he enjoyed doing as he pleased - when he pleased. Do you have any siblings, S'alkyrie? Her name was a mouthful, but he uttered it relatively smoothly. His head tilted to a degree, curious about her lineage. Or parents?

[Image: kyarst_bot_zps49a3e6da.jpg]

Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



2 Years
02-26-2014, 03:16 PM

It seemed as though Isardis was always busy, seeking of to make alliances and potential members. And even with all the time away, it seemed he still had enough time to check on all of his children. " if kings can do whatever they want then why do some of them fall by failing there ultimate goal?" She'd question him carefully, because if kings can do whatever they wanted then Kingdoms would never get anywhere, 2 kings would have to fight for the same prize. Her smile would brighten at the fact no one knew when he had ventured out; it must be sly- to slip out of the sight of a caring mother. " Cool! Maybe we can go see all the penguins, they have beaks and everything!" After her last experience, she had no desire to catch and kill one, the way they move and squeel is rather intimidating. " Hmm, maybe he's just cautious of being around so many commoners." Her tail would lick at her heels, the question about family making her fall silent for a moment. Just thinking about her father made the youth go all stiff, the huge scar across the entire surface of her belly a constant reminder of his violant ways. The beginning of the infection was cured before it got out of hand. Eulari was kind enough to guide her through. " oh umm... I have a sister, she visited the glaciem borders a few weeks ago, its the first time i met her though, but it was exciting! My mother and father arent on these lands... i dont thinkk. But i dont mind, its fun having no one to pester me all the time. I didnt know how hard it was to make something so simple. My Den looks rather pathetic." She would have to spend a day dedicating her time on expanding it, but that could all happen in good time.

image by Emily, Permission to use