
With 1,000 lies and a good disguise


01-30-2014, 07:35 PM
I'm coming out of my cage, and I?ve been doing just fine

The man was cautious as he watched his step around the area. The light winds that blew reminded him of winter's end and soon the end of spring as well. A smile grew across his muzzle as he eyed a rabbit off in the distance. He charged at it and leapt. Catching the rabbit with a single bite he sat down and started to gnaw on the prey. The light tawny man watched around for his surroundings, ready for anything that might come his way. A small laugh to himself as he finished eating his rabbit. He didn't even clean the blood off his muzzle before he started forward.

He didn't have much time for sitting around. He had things to do; places to be. Well, not really. The man was a loner and he preferred it that way. No rules or regulations to abide by "Damned meal took up my time." He said under his breathe with an frown He should probably rest for a bit. But no, he didn't have time for that!

Gotta gotta be down because I want it all


01-31-2014, 06:15 PM
OOC: Hit 'em right between the eyes, hit 'em right between the eyes! ^.^

The north, it was a good place for Isabella to introduce her new found friend to the cold. As strange as it was for a reptile to want to feel the cold, she could understand the desire to learn so she waited no time in helping him. The leopard gecko rested on the head of the fox colored wolf staying warm with her body head. He didn't' stay too long though, soon he too to her back in his favorite spot between her shoulder blades. "Madam Izzy, I don't like the cold."He said with a light heart. Isabella felt like rolling her icy blue eyes but of course a grand show of emotion like that was just not something she would do.

"I could have told you that Alphonso, you are a gecko after all. But at least that old home of yours got cold at night, not this cold but that just means you won't freeze to death." Her words were as cold as a frozen gecko, not angry, just empty. She felt Alphonse move a little getting as deep into her fur as he could. "But, at least you wanted to do it anyway. That I understand." Alphonso lifted his head. "Oh yes you do Miss 'I train in any place to push myself til I pass out our could die' I know you do." Isabella ignored him as she moved on.

Walking as proud as ever looking every bit like a woman of high rank she wondered what to show Alphonso in this world. She doubted he had ever seen a forest or a mountain, perhaps he could even find the lizards that lived there and learn from them. She paused a moment as she picked up the scent of blood, a recent kill was made somewhere. "Smell that Alphonso? A hunter is near, a male wolf by the smell." Alphonso perked up at this. "Go investigate, I want to see other wolves, you all have such strange coats I want to see as many as I can."

Normally Isabella would not have listened to such a request, but he sounded so eager it would sadden her to ignore him. As distant as she acted she did have a kind heart and the charismatic gecko just so happened to win a little bit of it over. Besides, if the wolf had just fed no doubt it wouldn't be interested in eating her friend. Moving on she stood at a safe distance from the stranger, making no move to hide herself. Looking the male over she was ready to watch his ever move and get out of there if she needed to. "Greetings stranger." She said to get his attention. "The hare in these lands are rather filling aren't they." Her words were well thought, just the words to see if Alphonso would be safe or not.