
Sing to me, Jailbird



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-21-2014, 09:11 PM

Pacing the plains, Valentine's nose twitched as he sought the scent of the captive queen. For reasons he couldn't quite place, he wished to speak with her. Doing so would only punish the side of him that reasoned with input from his heart, but he was willing to risk it. Guilt for what his pack was doing had wracked him since her capture. Loyalty kept him from rash, guilt ridden decisions, but it didn't stifle his drive to help. His mother wanted the fae to live; was it not in eveyone's best interest if she did just that? He placed no trust in the little white slave, and so it was with that in mind that he searched for the captive. The young brute aimed to ease his conscience by making sure she was doing alright.

He paused, nose still twitching. She was nearby, he could feel it. The brute's eyes roved the terra, the small assortment of bushes and dips in the scape that could possibly be hiding her. It occurred to him then that he didn't know her name; if he had known it, the cobalt prince would have called out to her, but without it, he wasn't sure how to address her. The title 'my Queen' rang in his ears, but she wasn't his queen in any stretch of the imagination. He compromised with a simple, "Lady?"

"Speaking" "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


10-28-2014, 09:07 PM

A voice would bring her back to reality. She would lift her head, looking around as best she could. She had tucked herself away in a small dip in the plains, staying out of sight and hopefully out of mind. But it seemed one wanted her presence. She would rise, muscles stiff and sore. As soon as she stood, she saw the cobalt boy who had battled the little white slave. She would eye him warily, but approached nonetheless. "My name is Sibelle." She didn't know if he would use it or not, but she figured she might as well give him something to call her aside from 'lady'. He was larger than herself, his coat oddly familiar, though his facial markings clearly defined him as Cataleyas son. Torn ears tipped forward, her crown tipping slightly to the left. "You look oddly familiar." She hadn't meant it as she had seen him before, but as he looked just like someone she knew. He looked like Taurig. She would brush the thought away as soon as it formed. There was no way her brother had produced children with someone like Cat, she was not at all his type. Haunches would recline, as she once again made herself comfortable. Her singular emerald gaze would rest on his decorated face, curious to know why he had sought her out.

"Burn Baby Burn"



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-29-2014, 07:42 PM

She addressed herself as Sibelle, the name ringing in his ears and searing itself into his memory. It wouldn't be forgotten. Not her name and certainly not her face. No, there were too many emotions attached to it, to much conflict. There was no way he could forget. "Sibelle." He dipped his head in a small confirmatory nod, recognizing her worthiness to be named and greeted as more than a slave.

Desiring to appear less threatening to the captive, the massive brute took a seat, willing to make himself comfortable in her presence in the hopes that she would do the same. Her next comment sent a soot tipped ear back. He was quite certain they'd never met before. "If we had met before, I'm sure I'd remember you." She struck him as someone who commanded attention. That, combined with her unusual pelt, would make her hard to forget. "You might have met my father," he said absently, "We look very similar." If not for the marks that so clearly declared who his mother was, it would have been easy to confuse Valentine for Taurig.

Parentage wasn't the reason the brute had sought out the russet queen. No, he'd been plagued with a wretched feeling since first laying eyes on her. He wanted to feel nothing, to be apathetic to her plight, but it just wasn't so. Valentine cleared his throat. "I just wanted to see if you were alright." Laying at Kylar's paws, the fae had been a sorry sight. "And ask if there is anything I can do for you. Obviously there are some things I can't give you, but I'm willing to assist you in any way I can."

"Speaking" "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


11-04-2014, 12:32 AM

Her name would roll off his tongue as he committed it to memory with a dip of his head. He would take a seat, his posture at ease, allowing herself to relax as well. He would deny of any past meeting, but suggest that maybe she knew his father. Realization dawned on her. "Is your father Taurig?" A small smile would lift her lips, she didn't doubt it. Their appearances were far to similar. Though now she found herself questioning just how many children her brother had. She knew of the all the children with Maija, but did he also have kids with Cataleya? There was no mistaking this boys facial markings, he was most definitely related to the woman.

But that wasn't why he was here. He didn't seek her out to discuss who his parents were or where he came from. Much to her surprise, he wanted to make sure she was doing well. It was even more surprising when he extended a helping hand. "I am fine thank you. The one thing I want, you cannot give me." Her fading smile would turn sad, her gaze breaking his for the direction of her home. She knew Cru must be worried sick, and her poor children. She missed them all so much, each day she hoped that she would hear her mates call at the borders, his call to bring her home, but each day she was disappointed. Did he honestly have no clue where she was?

"Burn Baby Burn"



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-04-2014, 10:00 PM

The brute's ears flicked at her question, his face going blank to conceal his inner workings. For whatever reason, this subject struck him as dangerous. How did she know his father? Was she a former follower? Lover? Enemy? There was much he didn't know about his father's past. The Queen of Solstice could be anyone to Taurig.

With great delicacy, he confirmed his parentage, "He is." However she knew his father, it had to be better than her relationship with his mother. She was smiling, but he knew all too well what could be hidden behind a pretty expression. Still, he couldn't stifle his curiosity. "May I ask how you know of him?"

The sadness that marred her features was unmistakeable and the glaucous brute became torn over a reaction. Both subjects were dangerous, this one more so than the other. His actions regarding the imprisonment of Sibelle could spell disaster for him if he weren't careful. Something told the brute that his mother wouldn't be very sympathetic to the guilty aching in his chest. To keep from bringing future harm to his person, Valentine merely nodded in understanding in response to her words.

"Speaking" "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


11-05-2014, 07:43 PM

His face would go blank, carefully so. And his words matched. A slow smile would lift her lips. So he was indeed a son of Taurig. It seemed that her brother was quite the ladies man at one point. "Taurig is my older brother, which makes you my nephew." What a small world it was. She still couldn't lt believe that her brother had actually procreated with Cataleya, of all the wolves in this place. He did little more than nod in acknowledgement to her last statement, she wouldn't push it, she knew that any sort of conversation with her could cause trouble for him, and that was the last thing she wanted, especially since he was her nephew. Plus, getting to know him was far more important in that moment. "Do you have any other siblings?" Her crown would tip to the side with curiosity. Did she have any other nieces or nephews? Or was he an only child? Briefly she would recall his fight and victory against the pale girl. It came as no surprise that he was victorious, she doubted his mother would birth anything less.

"Burn Baby Burn"



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-10-2014, 10:28 PM

"Taurig is my older brother, which makes you my nephew." Surprise sent his browspots rushing heavenward. Her what? He just about choked on the spittle in his mouth. Arcanum's prisoner, the queen of Solstice, was his aunt? When he'd woken up this morning, the brute had a nagging suspicion that he should just roll over and go back to sleep. Now he knew why. "You're my aunt?" No, no, no! He couldn't believe it. Valenine's ears flicked and he frowned, unsure of whether or not he could trust her. "You look nothing like him."

He was unsure of what to make of her, unsure of their relationship. Could she really be his aunt? Still, what could it hurt to tell her of his siblings? "I have two sisters," He glossed over Zaria easily, an action that, once he realized what he'd done, sent a spike of shame through him. Three sisters. He had three. "Only one is Taurig's though." His other daughter was dead.

"Speaking" "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


11-16-2014, 06:14 PM

He was shocked. Which came as no surprise, how could he possibly have known she was his aunt. He would choke, and a brow would lift. Was it that shocking that Taurig had other siblings? Perhaps she should tell him about Falk. "You also have an uncle named Falk. He looks nothing like Taur, he looks kinda like me." When he stated the obvious she would chuckle."Falk and I look more like our mother, where as Taurig looks like our grandfather." She would shrug, the Armadas had such a vast gene pool that it seemed any color was possible. He would answer her question with some hesitation, as though he was unsure if he should tell her or not. But in the end he did. He had two sisters, though only one was her niece. She would smile, happy to know that she had more family despite her circumstances and who her niece and nephew were born of. "What's her name?" She would inquire about her niece with a tip of her head, wanting to know more. Perhaps he would loosen up and not be so hesitant about giving her information. Part of her was saddened, her brother probably would never see the adults his children had become. She missed him, missed him dearly.

"Burn Baby Burn"