
I need some time to clear my thoughts

Magnus 1


01-31-2014, 04:11 PM

Magnus sat by the mangrove. staring out into the water, a sad expression painted on his face. This was one of the first time he had been truly alone since the children had been born. He hoped that it stayed that way. He needed a bit of time alone. To settle his thoughts. Also he had a lesson that he had to host soon, a sparring practice for the pack. He hoped that he could teach them a few things. He was so happy that Song had given him the position. He was tired just now. He had barley slept since the birth. It wasn't the kids who were keeping him up, he had simply been plagued by nightmares. He kept seeing his mother limp, blood dripping from her neck, clasped in the jaws of another woman. His father, falling, hitting the rocks below the cliffs. The heartbroken expressions on the faces of his siblings. And Tessa, innocent little Tessa. She was nought but a young pup when he left. His mother gave birth to her a few days before her death. Tired eyes stared into space as he sat wrestling with his thoughts.



01-31-2014, 04:20 PM

Even as the echo answers to the voice
Hibiki no ko? ni ozuru ga gotoshi.

It was Odd that led the brown male to his pale furred pack mate. The Shaman was merely wandering the grounds, followed the shadow of his avian friend. It was with great surprise that he caught the scent of wolf ahead of him. He cast a glance upwards, wondering where Odd had brought him. Before him sat a wolf he had never had a conversation with before, but he could put a name to the appearance. This was Magnus, ranked equally to him, but the professor in hunting. His curiosity rose, but it was not long before he sensed sadness in the air. Bhaire frowned and approached slowly, clearing his throat as he did so. A fluttering of wings announced Odd's presence, just before the pale tyto lighted on his shoulders. Bhaire was unsure if it was his place, but it was far beyond him to leave a pack mate with his sorrows unless told specifically to do so. "Mr. Magnus, correct?" His voice was low and calm, toned as the bards once were. It's baritone rolled and he had been told before how comforting it was. "May we join you?"

"Talk" Think "Odd"

Magnus 1


01-31-2014, 04:51 PM

He had been lost in thought until someone cleared his throat behind him. He heard a rustle of wings. His head snapped round to see who it was. It was a man. He recognised him. He racked his brain for a name. Bhaire. That was it. He had been at the meeting. He was the Shaman, the teacher of healing. He had never held a conversation with him before. "Mr. Magnus, correct?" He smiled, "Yes, and Bhaire I assume? Though I have never met your companion." He glanced again to the owl. It was a beautiful creature. "may we join you?" he nodded, "Of course, take a seat." He smiled and motioned to the patch beside him. His eyes were still full of sorrow, even though he had a smile on his face. he was a little unhappy that he had not gotten the alone time that he had wanted, but he would not be so rude as to reject his company.



02-13-2014, 02:05 PM

The man was kind enough to offer him a seat beside him, and Bhaire happily accepted. It was not often the he saught out his pack mates, feeling more comfortable for now to mind his own business until he settled in completely. Other than his lessons with the alphess' daughter, Novel, he had hardly any interaction other than his conversations with Odd. When the man brought Odd's presence up, Bhaire was caught off guard. "Ah, my apologies! Mr. Magnus, I am pleased to introduce you to Odd. I found him in a forest that had been razed by wildfire and nursed him back to health." The owl bobbed his head in greeting and let loose an odd sort of clacking laugh. He still found it strange to consort so closely with wolves, but so far Bhaire had shown a decent judge of character.

"A pleasure," the owl remakred with bright, mirthful eyes. "I have no memory of my time before meeting Bhaire, and I've decided he's stuck with me until I recall them. He makes for a lovely perch." The owl laughed again. It was not a difficult leap to understand something bothered the white male, and Odd hoped to relieve a bit of the tension with a joke of sorts. Bhaire knew at once what his friend did, and so continued the small talk. "It's not that bad, as long as I don't startle him. Sharp talons and all that," he said, letting out a deep laugh. He would not push the man, but if he wished to talk Bhaire would gladly lend an ear. He may have been an ear for the gods, but just as his packmates came to him for the gods guidance, so he wished they might come to him for other qualms as well.

"Talk" Think "Odd"