
A Spoonful of Sugar...



5 Years
02-01-2014, 05:10 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

D?gmar rested atop a boulder that rose a good four feet up and even then it was not the tallest. The whole area was covered in rocks of various sizes, some giving excellent vantage points of the surrounding terrain. It was fantastic! The mottled femme was stretched, splayed out on her belly, tail wagging languidly. Alacritis was finally starting to grow on her. While she still had yet to find a pack suitable to her liking the terra at least was stunning and varied. Mmmmmm?. she'd always considered herself a creature of winter and dark but she was quickly taking to the sun.

With a yawn she stretched her front legs in front of her, emerald eyes taking in the sights around her. She was full from the young mountain goat she'd caught earlier. It's carcass lay slung on one of the rocks below her like a trophy of her efforts. She'd picked it mostly clean but the ravens and carrion birds were intent on picking it a bit cleaner. Licking her lips she then turned and started to groom, pink tongue gliding languidly over her coat.

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]

Sucre I


02-01-2014, 08:18 PM
What is desire?

Well, what is it?

Desire is an accumulation of cravings. It is a wish, a want, a longing for something not possessed. It inspires ingenuity and malevolence alike, sometimes simultaneously. Sometimes it is an appetite, ravenously filling a void that is constantly emptying. Other times it is quiet intensity, a soft longing for things just out of reach, or once had and lost. The word covers much, conveying everything from the very sincere and innocent to the very dark and depraved.

In this instance it represented something instinctual and basic, and maroon eyes simply stared, held captive by the form on the rock. Desire. It was a white hot word laced with a multitude of feelings that wrapped around his heart and squeezed for all they were worth. Enthralled, Sucre was briefly reduced to an unsteady heartbeat and a pair of unwavering eyes.

Finally he blinked, the spell breaking, and settled down on his haunches to become the picture of ease. A paw would be raised to his lips and meticulously cleaned, the brute pausing mid stroke to speak,"Do you like riddles?"



5 Years
02-09-2014, 12:02 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

D?gmar flinched a little as the wound on her should stung. She had gotten into quite her share of spars lately and it seemed her shoulders were popular targets. Leaning down she licked gently at the wound to help ease the inflammation. Her immune system was strong and thankfully none of her wounds had shown signs of infection. Well? if they did she could always look for a healer. She'd even resort to capturing or threatening one if she had to but that was always dangerous. Her knowledge of herbs was limited. She could easily be fed poison and not know it.

The mottled beauty rolled onto her back and stretched herself out, absorbing the heat. A contented sigh slipping from her maw. This was the life?

Do you like riddles?

For a moment D?gmar wasn't sure if she'd really heard the voice. Slowly her eyes opened, a grin on her face as she rolled onto her side, emerald eyes peering down into the garnet gaze of a handsome stranger. Her tail flicked. Well, well? the fates were smiling on her today. He was a strong male, well-built and large as she often preferred. Smaller males were to be mauled and toyed with.

"I am not an intellectual, dear stranger. I prefer to communicate by more?" she rolled her shoulders slowly forward, "?physical means. But I am in a much contented mood so I'll bite. What riddle would you ask me, blood eyes?"

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]

Sucre I


02-15-2014, 12:23 PM
I prefer to communicate by more?physical means. You know what? Riddles were overrated. Yep. Totally overrated. Sucre switched gears. "Huh. Did I say riddles? What I meant was something less intellectual and more physically expressive." He'd goofed. Internally he could admit this, but on the outside he'd play it off as humor. How could he have judged her so poorly? This one did not appear to be easily charmed.

He'd try to subtly worm his way away from all kinds of word puzzles, but now that he'd asked her about them it was possible she'd try to play his blunder against him. Given her first response the brute was sure no riddles would win this particular creature over. If she asked for one, she'd be toying with him, simply prodding at his mistake. This would get him nowhere, possibly demoting him to plaything status before he'd even had a chance to really plead his case for something...more. This he did not want.

Mentally he kicked himself for misjudging his opponent so thoroughly, but outwardly he remained collected and at ease. "Unless, of course, you'd like to hear a riddle," he shrugged, nonchalant, "I could be persuaded to part with one although I must admit I can think of more worthwhile tests of prowess."



5 Years
02-20-2014, 07:53 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

A giggle slipped from D?gmar's muzzle as the brute switched tactics. It didn't take a genius to guess what he was hoping for and she just loved being a tease? at least for a little while. Pink tongue emerged again to tussle the silken fur of her chest as she turned once again to the bespeckled male. Slowly she shifted to her feet in the graceful move of elegance before she leapt off the boulder. Once on the ground D?gmar puffed out her chest as she leaned forward her back tensing and lowering as she stretched. A contented groan left her lips. Ahhh?. that felt much, much better.

"You did offer me a riddle? though perhaps my beauty has frozen your tongue?" She grinned slyly. Oh this was fun! Her brain was working in all it's twisted loops as she tried to decide how far she wanted to play this game and what the end result would be.

"A test of prowess, hmmm now there is an idea." Turning she leapt back onto her bounder with the lithe agility of a panther. Tail waving tantilizingly behind her as she turned to face the male. "There's a stream not far north of here, leap along the rocks, don't touch the ground and keep up with me?. then we can have a little fun." Her front legs dipped forward as she peered at the male with a wink and a fang-filled grin. "Nothing ruffles the fur like a boy who's a little? wet."

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]

Sucre I


02-21-2014, 11:27 PM
Ate the bread that once was stone

Fell from a cliff, never broke a bone

The fae slunk down the rock face, and the brute wondered if he was being tempted. He watched her stretch, eyes lingering on the curve of her back and the taunt muscles that sprung away from her spine. Yep. Definitely being tempted.

"...though perhaps my beauty has frozen your tongue?" My, so modest! A corner of his mouth pulled up for a quick second in amusement. "Although your beauty cannot be disputed, I have to disagree with you when it comes to my tongue." His mind, however, could become frozen and he frequently had to stop and defrost it.

The fae turned and sprung easily back onto the rock, the action strongly reminding him of a hunting cat, which begged the question, was he unwittingly falling prey? Perhaps, though that didn't necessarily make him a victim.

She proposed a challenge and Sucre was more than happy to accept. The further away they got from riddles the better. "...then we can have a little fun." Alright, sign him up. He was sold! "How could I possibly say no to that?"

She wasn't the only one capable of teasing. Pushing her boundaries a bit, the brute jumped up on the rock beside her so that his head was even with her shoulder. He didn't, however, touch her. At that moment all he wanted was proximity and his side lit up with awareness at the nearness of another being. He could feel her. "Nothing ruffles the fur like a boy who's a little? wet." The corner of his mouth twitched up again and yes, he did have to chip some ice off the ole thought box. "Then by all means, lead away."

Bowed down to get the kings overthrownSucre



5 Years
02-24-2014, 06:20 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

He was chatty for a brute and not easily thrown off which was good from her perspective. While D?gmar was a tease to be sure she was often interested in bringing such meeting full circle and not every male was always up for that, no matter how he viewed himself. But she had a feeling that this encounter would turn out to be fun for the both of them and as she waited to see if he'd take her request he answered. Good he was in.

D?gmar stood with regal patience as the brute leapt up next to her but in a moment she'd leapt down to a lower rock. She relished in the fleeting warmth and the tantalizing thought of what they'd be doing when they reached the stream? if he was still game of course.

The next rock was a bit difficult, high and angular but with a carfully timed leap she scrambled up it and continued on her way, rock after rock until finally, panting, she rested on a shallow flat piece of shale. Grinning she ran her tongue over her fangs. D?gmar's blood was pumping her body flush as she turned to see how the male was fairing. "Is your blood running hot yet?"

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]

Sucre I


03-07-2014, 07:21 PM
Ate the bread that once was stone

Fell from a cliff, never broke a bone

In a heartbeat she was gone, leaping away to start the game*. Just as quickly as his side had lit up it cooled and Sucre was left wanting, which was a backfire he wasn't entirely unhappy with. For a moment he simply watched her and then it occurred to him that he should be following so he did just that, easily leaping to the next rock.

For the next rock, Sucre leapt before he'd thought it through. Seeing the fae make the jump, he'd simply followed and it wasn't until his paws began to touch down that he realized he'd made a mistake. Instead of landing squarely on top of it, the brute's miscalculated jump left him short, almost too short. His back legs scrabbled, nails digging for purchase, while his shoulders hunched forward in an attempt to haul himself up. For a second he was still, muscles straining but gaining him nothing, and then little by little, Sucre managed to pull himself to the top.

He too was panting when he reached the smooth rock, but that didn't stop him from grinning at the fae as he approached. Far from tired, Sucre still had to take a moment to catch his breath. Their little adventure hadn't taken long, but the constant jumping had winded him. Aside from that, the rest of him felt fine and he was eager to move onto the next part of their game.

She asked him a question and his grin widened further. If it were any hotter he'd burst into flame. The brute padded towards her, overall demeanor mischievous. "It is. Now, how about that test?"

OOC: *Which you just lost.

Bowed down to get the kings overthrownSucre



5 Years
03-08-2014, 06:22 PM
ooc: you did too xD btw her final test was going to be a spar but considering the judging hold up I think I'll skip it

D?gmar giggled as he slipped on the second rock but his recovery was admirable. She watched as he moved, her eyes sliding along his muscular frame her body starting to ache with want at the thought of him flush up against her, heated by the workout as well as the summer. Sunlight spilled over them and D?gmar closed her eyes for a moment, taking in the warmth. It heated her bosom and the sensation continued to tingle down her limbs.

When she opened them again he was there, panting. The sound of his breathing made her shiver with excitement. D?gmar was growing impatient with desire and her mind was churning and whirling in the heat of it. D?gmar grinned as she rose swaying to her feet, her muscles tensing around her hips as she moved forward. She was done with their little game, she wanted her reward. "Test?" she whispered huskily. "You've already passed the test." She moved forward to slide her right side down his. "We're adults here aren't we? Close enough? I think I've had enough of games." Her jaws parted as her tongue slipped over her teeth to slide along his right thigh, near the groove where his leg rested along his body.

Sucre I


03-17-2014, 08:36 PM
Ate the bread that once was stone

Fell from a cliff, never broke a bone

His eyes drifted to the sky, every nerve catching on fire as the fae brushed along him. Her tongue graced his skin and Sucre's eyes closed, letting her pull him in. He didn't need convincing, but he let her do it anyway. This was a game, same as any other regardless of what she said.

The brute's eyes opened and he scanned the horizon, indifferent to the world beyond him, but selfish enough to desire it anyway. That same feeling could be applied to his current situation. He didn't know her name and she didn't know his, and neither of them cared. They didn't need names. At least here the mutual using was clear. "Close enough," he murmured, replying to her previous comment, but realizing too late that the moment had passed.

Now it was his turn and the brute turned to face her once again. First with his eyes then with his jaws, he explored, starting at her cheek with tentative caution and working his way along her side slowly, deliberately, gauging her reaction.

Bowed down to get the kings overthrownSucre



5 Years
03-22-2014, 12:28 PM

She grinned as his head tipped to the sky. D?gmar retrieved her tongue. It clearly felt good to the male and it was only going to get better as their little game went on though she was quickly seeing it less and less as a game. While strategic in her own way, D?gmar was ruled by her body. War, sex, it didn't matter. Her physical desire always won out in the end.

He moved to face her, his mouth making contact with her cheek then trailing down her neck. A groan slipped from her maw like a purr of contentment. Eager to return the favor fangs nipped lightly at the base of his neck before he travelled down her side. Ohhhh?. this was good. D?gmar's weight shifted back as the front of her body lowered, muscles trembling lightly as she stretched, curious how far he'd go. Her tail shifted softly, spreading her scent.

Sucre I


03-22-2014, 09:34 PM
I'm damaged goods

For all to see

He was still watching, making sure she was all in before he committed himself. It wasn't that he didn't want this, but for his own sake, he had to be sure the want was mutual. Every inch of him was alight and he found himself pressing closer, pushing harder. His teeth worked their way to her lower back and he bit harder, warning her of what was to come. She had ample warning to leave him; if this was not what she wanted she need to make it known, for his blood was singing, burning with a passion that he was only just so containing.

He hated her. He hated her willingness, her teasing. He hated himself. This is what drove him, this loathing, and a need to inflict it upon someone else, for he was tired of abusing only himself. He needed a release, an outlet for this hate and he was finding one in D?gmar.

Sensing no rejection, he tore himself away to stand inches from her, letting the desire grow on him. Only heartbeats passed before he couldn't take it and the brute stalked around behind her. His heart raced, pounded in his ears with an intensity that nearly deafened him. Roughly, the brute pulled her to him, his jaws seeking purchase along her scruff. Sucre let the whole of his weight rest upon her. He didn't care if she buckled. Didn't care if she stood either. The brute leaned into her, tying them together. He hated her, hated every inch of her and yet...that was the idea.


Now who would ever wanna be with me?Sucre