
I'm Just Trying to Drain All This Bad Blood [HUNT]



3 Years
10-21-2014, 01:47 PM

OOC: Okay guys! This is going to be an obligatory-ish hunt! I won't require any of you to join in, but if you do post, KEEP UP WITH IT! It sucks waiting on people when the rest of us want to move on, ya know? So let's do this! Deadline will be Tuesday, October 28th!

Snow shone against the hard ground, only a thin layer yet somehow so significant it had driven Val to distraction. Winter was coming... Her first winter as Queen, and she did not know if they were ready. Their numbers were not so great as they had once been, when Raisa ruled. They were but a shadow of that brilliance, never mind her continued efforts to the contrary. Still, whether their number was four or forty, they must be fed. A cold wind bit at her, full of potential and bracing in it's severity. The young Queen tipped her head backwards and let loose a howl of summons, wondering who all might join her. She would not demand their presence (even still, did not feel she deserved it) but she still wished for the best. She pictured her kind cousin Fendar, who she had not seen in so long. She pictured her close companion Ullr and her sweet brother. Would any of them care to stand at her side. She fought back a small wave of panic and failure. What on earth would Raisa think of her now?

She drew in a deep breath, forced herself to sit, to calm down. However she felt, she knew better than to display such weakness openly. Maybe... Maybe she ought to talk to Kass, or to Fendar. But for now, she had more important things to focus on. The young femme rolled her shoulders, loosened her neck, impatient but mindful of the task before her. All manner of herds had been moving through the region ever since the turn of the seasons, but finding them would be a chore in of itself. No use getting distracted, and no use fretting over things that either were, or were not. And more like than not, she would never know.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
10-25-2014, 02:38 PM

A giggle of sheer delight slipped from the brutes maw as he dove head first into a snow drift, tail wagging as he did so. He loved winter and loved the feel of snow and he couldn't wait until they finally had more! He wanted enough to make a snow den. At the moment though he had to settle for a home made pile that was also marked by dirt and full of leaves but he didn't care. Ullr pulled his head out of the demolished pile and shoot his coat out. He was enjoying himself as an Ebony wolf though? he was really starting to wonder where Dyani got off to. He hadn't seen his sister in awhile. Maybe Valeriya would know? As if on cue the alphess let out a howl calling the wolves to gather.

Ullr bounded cheerfully into the clearing, tail wagging with a grin on his face. "Good morning Valeriya! You called and I have answered." He bowed with surprising grace considering his usually clown-like antics. The young male was growing well and having a pack to help care for him was beginning to show it's benefits. He was filling out quite nicely and feeling better than ever.




3 Years
11-12-2014, 01:20 PM

Valeriya waited a long moment, fearful that no one would choose to appear. She was about to give up, storm off in frustrated failure, when the sound of approach met her. Ullr had arrived... For a moment Valeriya wondered if her anger would persist, but instead it was washed away by a bright smile. One friend was better than twenty lazy asses. She chuckled. "You look well!" she began. How they could all claim to be in one pack and still remain so distant baffled her. "You also look like the only one in this pack who's actually willing to act like they're in a pack." Okay, so maybe she had a little residual ire left over. Regardless, she needed a distraction from her day-to-day troubles. She rolled her russet shoulders and attempted to crack her neck. "Oh well. I'm hungry, but with just two of us big game might be out. There is a ground squirrel warren near by though. Want to hunt?" She finished with a grin broader yet than her first, happy that her closest friend was there. If she had truly been left alone, summons unanswered... she probably would have done something drastic. Ullr seemed to be her rock, something to hold on to, keeping her more impulsive side at bay.

OOC: Informal failed hunting attempts for the win!

"Talk" "You" Think