
I run and run a thousand miles


01-30-2014, 02:22 PM

Lova had held a pack hunt successful, and they had hauled caribou in for the pack victorious. Still that same sensation of boredom, of not being to help had torn over her hide. The russian woman was practicing climbing tree's but only to end up in the polar sound none the less. So was it was, the lady gave a nonchalant sigh and looked up at the blue sky. With so much time left in the day still, what was there to do? Talk to the other members, it reminded her of the meeting with Sin. Well hadn't that been dandy. Now the woman had stopped mildly doting over Isar. He had so many children, there was no need for her to birth healthy sons. Her black tail flicked from side to side.
What did her father think of her now. The man who over threw the king, and became a leader among leaders. The one she left behind at home. Lova closed her eyes when she thought of this. Maybe she really was just a girl underneath all this thick fur and facade's. It was kind of hard to believe, living here with beasts. But she pushed the thought aside for a few moments.



01-31-2014, 10:56 PM

A curious mind forced the banshee to venture into the foreign yet expanded realm of Glaciem, mismatched amethyst and metallic gaze stagnant upon the horizon as her pupils ravaged for objects of interest. Lately, the phantom had been unoccupied in her duties as an Overseer but would presumably find her plate full at the conclusion of her private conference with the King. She had refrained from pursuing the albino titan to avoid appearing too eager?too desperate in her mission to appease and gain the favor of the sovereign, and yet she had every intention of summoning him within the upcoming day. Presently, however, the porcelain doll would absorb every ounce of energy she could muster in the case that her appointed task would require her utmost efforts and strength, taking advantage of the opportunity to explore whilst she could.

Daunting slopes adorned in a multitude of foliage would prove to be quite void of life save for the occasional bird, pupils sweeping through the new territory in search of other canines like herself, hoping that another Glaciem had been tempted by the concept of broadened turf. A singular, familiar silhouette would pass through the banshee?s line of vision, intriguing her immediately, causing the course she sauntered upon to change accordingly. Stride would remain confident?immaculate?yet lacked the arrogance reserved for the ruling pair, emitting an aura of indifference as she approached the daydreaming woman. ?The King?s Dame, no?? she inquired, pausing a respectable distance away from her pack-mate, her countenance void of emotion as was typical for the wraith. Pack-life may have socially loosened her up slightly, yet she would undoubtedly retain the apathetic fa?ade her mother had instructed she utilized no matter the circumstance.