
One Of Us Is Going Down


02-01-2014, 12:11 AM
{{Ooc:: Yumpy and I have decided that this fault will not allow defaults. Thank you. :3}}

Come at me bro...
Small paws would lead the female to the bloodstained lands she had heard about from a loner. The Battlefield. The female was mostly just curious about the place, though she was secretly hoping that she might meet someone to challenge to a spar. The female still wanted to prove her worth, her strength, her readiness and willingness to do what it took to be, in her mind, a proper member of the family. The whole 'runt' thing, even though it had been quite some time since Weth said it, still stuck in Akemi's mind like a parasite. It haunted her brain... demanding that she prove herself. Demanding that she prove she wasn't some weak, worthless, whelp he couldn't take care of things on her own. She had to prove it to her family, she just had to! The small female would frown deeply as she took in the scents around her. The place was surely used for battles and the like, but it didn't seem too many souls were here today. The female would let out a disappointed sigh.

Would nothing at all in this world go right for her? The female would flick one ear in irritation. Perhaps she should go back and try and find Tyr again. She found she actually didn't mind his company. He was the only wolf she knew that could understand the disappointment in being so small. They were the exact same height, though she was smaller in general... but the fact that he was so skinny evened things out in that aspect. Akemi would look around again, swishing her tail for a moment. It would have been such a waste to come to this territory just to turn back now. Maybe... if she howled someone might respond to the challenge. So with that the cream and brown wolfess would lift up her muzzle to the sky and requested for someone to come be her partner in a spar. She wasn't in the mood for anything more at the moment.

Akemi vs Eyfura


Round: 0 of ???

-None. Fight not started.

-None. Fight not started.

-None. Fight not started.

[Image: akemi_bot_zpsa37091eb.jpg]


02-01-2014, 06:17 PM

She had heard her sisters call from near by, meandering with an apparent enthusiasm towards the blood-strewn plains of the battlefield. It was peculiar, the fact wolves chose to travel to a certain destination to engage in a battle of strength; Eyfura much would have preferred to brawl upon the soft, safety carpets of greenery she were so fond of. Alas, she figured Akemi wanted somebody to practise with, and so the earth-hued banshee would find herw ay to her sister, eager to grant her just that. ?Sister,? she greeted half-heartedly, pausing face-on in front of the woman with her stance squared and defences lifted, ?Seeking a partner? You have first move.?

Eyfura vs. Akemi - Round 0 of 2?

For Practise


02-10-2014, 10:43 AM

Come at me bro...
Just something light... a warm up. To get her blood pumping. That was all the little female would ask of whomever might show up to spar with her. Right now all she wanted was practice. She wanted to get stronger. To prove herself to her family. To show that, despite her size, she could keep up with the rest of them. The feeling wouldn't settle in her heart. More than anything she just wanted to fit in, with all of them, but at the same time such a task, well, was it even really possible? The family had their connection by blood, but they all seemed to drift off in their different little groups. A big part of the girl, still clinging to a childish hope, was that somehow, some day, they could all live together again. Her mind knew such a thing was highly unlikely... their wounds and differences wouldn't likely call for such a thing. But blood was blood... and she knew if any of them ever needed her, or asked anything of her in dire times she would be there for them, because that was what a family member would do for another in such a situation.

What surprise would cross Akemi's face when it was Eyfura who showed up. Honestly she hadn't been expecting any of her siblings to be so close, or to even respond to any sort of call she made, well, other than maybe Baldur or possibly Thor if Baldur was with him. She wasn't particularly close with her older sister, and wasn't quite sure how they stood with each other after that last little gathering. Akemi wasn't pissed at her or anything, but the feeling that she might be looked down upon by almost every member in her family had festered in her mind and heart, almost to the point of causing a paranoia within the girl that if she didn't do something to impress them soon they would shut her out and she would be alone. Something that scared Akemi even more than death itself. She would pause for a moment, dipping her head in greeting, and giving a moment so she could, at the very least before they began, say something.

"Thank you, Eyfura, for coming, and practicing with me." She would look with at her sister with her blood red eyes. Don't hold back. They seemed to say. She wanted to be taken seriously, like any other opponent. It was the only way she could truly get better and earn the respect of her siblings. The smaller female would shift her body and spread out, distributing her weight evenly to aid with balance. She would narrow her eyes, though she didn't think that defense was necessary. They were practicing, not maiming, though it was better to do everything she could think of and treat this as if it were such a match, even if her attacks would be a bit different. She would scrunch her neck, rolling her shoulders forward just a bit to help prevent the larger femme from, hopefully, grabbing her scruff like an unruly pup and using her superior size and weight to offset her balance or something. As a last defense, before initiating her attack, Akemi would tuck her tail and move forward.

Legs would surge her foward, and she would appear to be heading for Eyfura directly. A head on attack, however, wasn't a wise thing, and that wasn't her true plan. Once closer she would break to Eyfura's left, paws pushing against the ground hard to propell her in a lung at her older sister's back leg, jaws open and aiming to snap down around the lower part, the ankle. She wouldn't be directly parallel to Eyfura, coming in at a slight angle that would leave her body a bit further away from the older wolfess.

Akemi vs Eyfura

For Practice || Round: 1 of 2

-Aiming to bite down on Eyfura's back left ankle. Body is facing a bit outward and is not directly alongside Eyfura's.

-Weight shifted for balance
-Ears Pinned
-Eyes Narrowed
-Neck scrunched with shoulders rolled slightly forward
-Tail tucked

-None. First Round.

-;~; Good luck Yumpy! <3

[Image: akemi_bot_zpsa37091eb.jpg]