
Gods & Swans



10 Years
01-28-2014, 01:15 AM

The atmosphere of the unfamiliar terrain was calm and relaxed. Nothing made too much noise and the weather was pleasantly warm. Birds were lounging among the trees, enjoying their solitude and food that seemed to come to them at will. What they were used to would soon be disturbed by a stranger that was stalking the area. They kept their guards up and lucky for them, they came in handy.
Soft paws had carried Odette to the land and her whole form followed tu suite. She remained silent as she cautiously walked through the forest, taking in the details and hoping they would stay in her mind for years to come. What she saw was breathtaking and the atmosphere was wonderful, indeed. If she had been eager to relax and enjoy the peace, it would have been a nice way to spend the day. Unfortunately, that was not the case.
Her stomach satisfied from the morning breakfast, Odette didn't feel hunger rising anytime soon. She searched the area she currently stopped in and tried to find low branches with relaxing birds on them. An eyebrow rose when she noticed a body of water a little ways ahead. Storks and herons took their time walking through it, looking for food or other morsels to nibble on. She smirked and softly chuckled before she figured a short path to it. Paws picked up speed and she raced through the trees, causing the nearby birds to fly off their perches. As they cawed and made her presence known, Odette began barking and mirth danced in her eyes as she exited from the safety of the trees. Large, black and gray body shot free from the woods and into the pond. She didn't mean to collide with the birds, but she did anyway and continued to race after their fleeing forms. Her barks vibrated and bounced off the nearby structures as she ran around in small, tight circles. Water fell and rose with her steps and soon her lower half was drenched. The birds had disappeared and relocated, but the small spurt of energy disappeared as fast as it had come. So, she began to swim towards the willow in the middle of the water with a triumphant grin on her face.

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4 Years
01-29-2014, 09:27 PM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2014, 09:28 PM by Baldur.)

Goodness it was gorgeous here. Baldur was relaxing comfortably on a small grassy island formed by the estuary. The morning sun glinted off his snowy coat making it seem as if there was a light glowing in side him. Perhaps there was? while the reunion with his family had been stressful it had also been? what, relieving? No, no that wasn't word he was looking for. Baldur's brows knit lightly together but he was too relaxed to try and force the issue, settling instead for good. It was good to see the family again, well most of them. He still wasn't sure what to think of seeing Hati and Loki again.

Baldur stretched out on his back, his body mostly hidden in the tall thrushes. The heat of the sun was doing wonders to relax his aching muscle which had strained and stretched as the brute pushed himself through the desert areas of Alacritis. His coloring helped but the fact remained that Baldur's coat was still exceptionally thick and woolen. He was made for biting cold and violent winds.

Birds scattered into the air en masse and Baldur whirled over onto his paws, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, his body preparing for an attacker. Instead of growls he heard barking, laughter and splashing. The barking in particular had caught his attention in that it belonged to a young female. Huh?

The male hesitated. Honestly now that he'd thought about it he could barely remember interacting with anyone outside his family. Well, there was always a first time for everything. Poking his head out of the reeds he noticed a pretty gray and black femme with golden undercoat chasing after the birds. He grinned, wanting to join in but still wary. She started swimming toward a large willow and Baldur spoke. "No luck, huh? Birds are tricky when they aren't nesting. The muskrats around here are pretty good, miss --?"



10 Years
01-30-2014, 07:03 AM

When the white stranger first appeared and spoke, Odette was startled. She had been taking her first steps in the part of the island submerged in water and faltered by stumbling. Water splashed in small waves around her paws, but she gracefully recovered by her tripping paws finding solace in another piece of ground. Her bi-colored eyes watched him as he spoke and she shrugged her wet shoulders at his words. "I don't mind. Birds aren't my cup of tea anyway. I prefer to see them escape because they look ridiculous."
Laughter rolled from her slender frame as she proceeded to step onto higher ground. Once all four paws were firmly set on her piece of island, she shook all over. Fur that was once planted against her young and toned figure now stuck out in various directions. She sighed as she looked herself over and loudly muttered, "Ack! Oh well, it's just fur."
When she looked up to the male again, her eyes sparkled with a natural merriment. "Odette, Odette Adravendi." She spoke her name with an easygoing sense of pride. Droplets of water dripped from the fur around her jawline, of which she shook free and made her fur stand out a bit more. Reclining to her haunches, she raised her front right paw and slicked back the standing fur around her cheeks. "I suppose it is only right to inquire your name as well." Lowering her paw, she looked at him again and a smile graced her features. "I am also intrigued as to what brought you out here today. Not many wolves have graced this piece of solitary land."

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4 Years
02-01-2014, 10:21 AM

He'd startled her and Baldur grinned sheepishly. He never knew quite how to alert himself to to the presence of others. While his brother Thor thought he was certainly loud enough, it was really only when he spoke. Baldur's pawsteps had always been fairly soft, almost cautious, even when he was barreling into his sister Weth or pouncing on his half-brother Tyr.

Baldur slipped into the water as well, making for the same island she was. "I used to chase them when I was little but you're right. A lot of effort for naught but fluff and feather." She emerged from the water and shook herself and Baldur felt a twinge of heat rise to his cheeks but he quickly composed himself. He again found it ironic that he hadn't really seen another wolf either apart from family? and enemies. Baldur followed suit shaking his athletic, muscled frame to rid his snow white coat of water. He fluffed out almost immediately, his long fur fluffing up about him in a way that suggested dust bunny more than stud. "Ack? come on coat" he reached up a paw trying to smooth down the fur on top of his head which was far too occupied imitating uncut grass.

The fae introduced herself as Odette Adravendi. He half-considered making up a name for himself but decided against. So what if his siblings gave him stupid nicknames all the time. His name sake was brave and noble, and these were good qualities surely. "You've a lovely name, Odette. I'm Baldur Hr??vitnir." He laughed. "A bit of a mouthful, I know!" He flopped down on the grass and rolled for a moment to calm his coat before standing and shaking it out lightly again before shrugging at her question. "I'm just traveling about, taking in the whole of Alacritis." Trying to find my place in the world, he mused. "What of you Odette? What brings a vision such as yourself across fire and sand to this oasis?"



10 Years
02-04-2014, 04:41 AM

Odette couldn't help but giggle softly at Baldur's attempt to smooth down his fur. To her, it was a funny way for someone to make himself look more manly, only to end up resembling a large wolf pup. She didn't judge, but instead took it as a sign that he wasn't perfect and someone who was too proud in their looks was something she didn't care for. Maybe it was because she wasn't too worried about her own looks, but it was still something she believed in. As Baldur shrugged it off and carried on with the conversation, Odette felt a warm flush creep across her tan cheeks. It was nice to meet a stranger who wasn't self-conceited.
"I am sure it will do better once you reach a less humid atmosphere. My fur does the same thing, but when I reach the climates with snow and acts natural." She gave a smile that lit up her features and an ear flicked backward at his long name. "That is certainly a handful, but I think I will be all right with just calling you Baldur...I hope you find that suited to your liking." An eyebrow rose in response and her wet tail flicked behind her for emphasis.
When he explained that he was exploring the continent, Odette was intrigued. When he called her a vision, well, she was caught off guard. Her eyes blinked a couple of times in response, but she didn't voice her surprise. Instead, her smile widened and she lowered her upper torso to the warm grass. Legs stretched out in front of her as she answered his question. "I, too, have been exploring. I have restless paws, Mr. Baldur, and I cannot stay in one place for too long." She flexed out her tail as a patch of sunlight slipped through the green leaves above her. As it began to warm up, she continued. "My soul is restless as well, but I always find my way home...I could never leave it completely. Not without a fight, anyway." The yearling looked up at Baldur with twinkling eyes of curiosity. "Do you have a home where your heart lies? Most rogues I have met did, but they were never content."

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4 Years
02-09-2014, 04:36 PM

Ivory fangs nipped gently at the knots that were tied in the fur along his left shoulder. Baldur tried to keep up his appearance but it was difficult when he was constantly wandering from terra to terra, rarely settling in one place for long. Odette had apparently noticed his struggles with his fur and he grinned sheepishly. Yea? he wasn't used to warm, humid weather that was for sure. Cold, dry and windy was the terra of his homeland and the climate he was built for. He smiled.

"So you're from the north too? That's excellent. Where do you hale from?"

He smiled at her reaction to his name. "Baldur suits me more than fine!" This was true, he often wondered why he kept his last name. The name was in honor of his father but his father was anything but honorable and not a wolf Baldur cared to remember often.

"I, too, have been exploring. I have restless paws, Mr. Baldur, and I cannot stay in one place for too long."

Baldur understood that need to move all to well. He was a restless and physical creature. A bright laugh slipped from his maw. "Odette, please just call me Baldur. The Mr. is most unnecessary. " It was great to meet another wandering soul but his smile faded slightly at her last question.

"Do you have a home where your heart lies? Most rogues I have met did, but they were never content."

Silence fell upon the snowy brute as he pondered the question. "No, I'm afraid I don't have one." He wasn't entirely sure he'd ever really had one. Now that he'd gotten out and learned of the experiences of others he could scarcely call his former residence a home. Forcing a smile on his face he continued. "My heart lies within my chest. I suppose some day there will be a time when I can give it a home but it hasn't happened yet."

Stretching, Baldur rolled his muscular shoulders forward. He strolled to the edge of the water, peering down. "Do you fish at all Odette? I've always been curious to try it but I'm afraid I'm not very talented at it."



10 Years
02-10-2014, 07:40 AM (This post was last modified: 02-10-2014, 07:43 AM by Aures.)

She watched him with interest, eyes giving off their natural sparkle once more as he attempted to nail down the wisps resulting from it. A light giggle escaped her lips again and she merely crossed her right paw over her left one before she replied to his question. "My family came from the North, near a certain place called the Snowfalls...The pack known as Glaciem had been in my father's rule before someone came and stole it from under his paws, only to freely give it away without considering what she was doing to our family." Odette knew of what Eos had done and she didn't particularly care for her long-lost cousin because of the history.
An irritated flick of her tail was given, but she continued to have a calm demeanor. "I wasn't born when my family lived there, but I hope to visit the place in the near future. Something about its history makes me want to go..." She then leaned to her right, sprawling lazily across the grass on her side. "By the way," she said as she rubbed the right side of her face with eyes closed against the warm greenery, "I won't call you 'mister' anytime in the future." A warm smile spread across her face as eyes remained closed.
Even with her vision dowsed by closed lids, Odette could note the change of tone in his voice when he spoke of keeping his heart to himself. She didn't voice it, but she let it register in her mind as he continued to explain himself. "I hope that you find a place like that one day, Baldur. When you have a piece of yourself in the world that others love and appreciate in your absence, it is worth the return visits."
His question of fishing rose into the air and it broke the serenity Odette was feeling. Eyes snapped open and the laziness that hung above her disappeared. Slowly, she raised her head and an eyebrow when she looked at him. "Do I know how to fish? If we hadn't just met, I would say that you obviously don't know me!" A challenging grin showed itself on her face as she pulled herself up on all fours and shook out her now dry fur. Odette padded a couple of steps towards him, closing the space between her and the massive white male. As she stood perpendicular to him, she leaned her head to the side and blinked a few times before softly saying, "I'm the master of many things, if you only consider fishing and scaring off birds." A gentle chuckle escaped her lips and she turned her head to face the water. Eyes twinkled merrily and she walked towards the edge as she began to consider her tactics for the wonderful meals minding their own businesses below the surface.

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4 Years
02-20-2014, 06:58 PM
ooc: so sorry for the wait!!!!! <3 and shortness? ><

He felt the heat rise to his face at the giggle but also a rush. He did enjoy making others smile, even his more irritating and cantankerous brothers. Baldur listened with interest to Odette. It seemed her family was from the north as well but he detected a not of sadness and anger in her tale. Her pack taken then given away so freely. His lower jaw tensed. He knew all to well of the follies of those in power, and what it was to be an ant beneath the paws of those that craved power above the well-being of others. Glaciem. He took note of the name.

"I won't call you 'mister' anytime in the future."

Baldur smiled. "Thank you. Maybe someday soon you'll be able to visit. I'd be happy to go with you and see this Glaciem." He nodded slowly to her next statement. He hoped so as well though at this point he wasn't sure he had hope that he ever would.

Her gorgeous mismatched eyes flung open at the mention of fish. Baldur rose smoothly to his feet with the power and confidence of a lion even though he was a bit nervous. A fair fisher he was still but a student in that particular art though it seemed Odette was far from a novice. He chuckled. "Then Odette, I'd be honored if you'd show me your art so I can stop flopping around like a startled duck."



10 Years
02-25-2014, 05:50 AM

Odette Adravendi

"Even ducks have graceful moments, Baldur." Her eyes twinkled with her words and a wide grin established itself on her lips. With a flick of her tail, she continued to look at the many fish swimming beneath her gaze. Their scales reflected the sun's light that shined through the branches of the nearby tree and made the surface of the water dance. It was all a big show for the two wolves and Odette couldn't get enough of it. At some point, she knew the temporary spell of beauty would be disturbed.
She looked up to Baldur and met his gaze before she stretched out on front paw. It stepped into the shallow water and immediately, the fish dashed off. A low snort was given from the yearling and the rest of her paws quickly followed until they were all submerged. With a few more steps, Odette positioned her legs to look like leaning sticks. Silence took over the female's form as she remained still, hoping that her statuesque figure would become a mere part of the former beauty of the swimming fish.
In no time at all, they slowly began to reclaim their sunny spot of the pond. Her smile slowly reappeared on her lips as she waited to see if more would come. They began to swim around her legs and underneath her body, as if she was a part of their everyday lives. Red and blue eyes merrily twinkled as she silently licked her lips at the prospects of what would be a delicious treat. The same eyes were ensnared by a beautiful fish, one whose scales stood out more than the others. It was also the biggest in comparison to the minnows of the group and that was why Odette chose it.
As it swam closer to her body, Odette's head immediately lowered and hit the water. Droplets rose and fell in random directions, hitting anything that accidentally stood or rested within contact. Throughout the struggle, the fish continued to fight and flap against the water for freedom that would not come. Odette's teeth had snapped at the water where the fish was going to be and luck had favored the Gargoyle mini-me.
Once she was sure her grip was properly maintained, Odette raised her head with future snack in her mouth. Air became the fish's enemy and the life quickly faded from its body as Odette walked back to the grassy area she had previously occupied. She was drenched again, but she didn't mind it as she pranced triumphantly back to her sunny spot. Once again, her form was slenderized by the weight of water on her fur, but Odette didn't let it affect her attitude about recently catching her fish. Upon reclining to her haunches, she lowered her catch in front of her paws and inclined her head to the side. "While ducks have wings, wolves have strong teeth and a death grip for their jaws that cannot be beat in comparison."

I speak


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4 Years
03-02-2014, 02:28 PM (This post was last modified: 03-02-2014, 02:28 PM by Baldur.)

Baldur laughed, he supposed ducks did have their moments. Even he had his graceful moments now and then but they never seemed to last long before he'd go and trip over himself. Peering down into the water he watched the fish glide elegantly through the water. He knew there was some sort of shift in their actual position than what he could see above the surface of the water but the ice-eyed brute had no idea how to counter it.

Baldur crouched gently, eyes riveted upon Odette as he watcher her paws dip slowly into the water in a picture of saintly patience. And it dawned on him. Patience. His worst enemy most of the time. Baldur was a creature of impulse and he could rarely bring himself to wait on anything once the idea had entered his head. Still he watched her.

Silence blanketed itself around them, disturbed only by the breeze and the continued singing of the birds. His left ear twitched as he tried to resist the urge to fidget. Baldur wasn't sure he'd make a fisher-wolf after all. It wasn't long though before the fish returned to their scavenging, swimming about the she-wolf's legs as if she wasn't even there at all. He stood there staring, fascinated by this development. Then, like an osprey, her head dove in seizing a good-sized fish.

"Incredible!" Baldur stood as she climbed back ashore. "I don't think I have the patience to fish though, I must admit. Fighting the urge to fidget even as a spectator was difficult." Baldur lay down in a sphynx-like manner enjoying the sun on his back as he debated about giving it a try, uncertain if she expected him too or not. She probably did and he didn't want to disappoint her.

Carefully he edged himself into the water before resting his side against the muddy embankment to imitate her lean to pose. The fish though seemed to be thoroughly startled and we in no hurry to venture back. Sighing he glanced over to her. "Soo? what is your pack like?" Baldur was so focused on making small talk with the femme while he was waiting he didn't notice a pair of large, slitted, golden eyes peek above the surface of the water before dipping back down.



10 Years
03-04-2014, 01:38 AM

She chuckled at his remarks of restraining himself from fidgeting and she placed a paw on her shimmering piece of prey. "When you learn how to control the patience and fidgeting, I bet the result of that mental work feels worth it when you get what you are after." A slight different kind of twinkle was in her eye when she said this. It was as if she knew such things beyond her years, despite being only a yearling.
As he waited for the fish to return around their chosen spot, Baldur inquired about her pack. Odette wasn't sure how much information would be too much to reveal, so she stepped around her words carefully and tried not to show her cautiousness. A light sigh that showed warmth to the topic escaped through her lips and she couldn't help but smile. "What can I say about Valhalla?..." Her words faded when she heard a soft 'drip' sound in a farther area of the water. A few ripples were made and she looked over, but saw nothing. She raised an eyebrow and decided to keep her senses heightened as she continued.
"Ever since I became a part of it, Valhalla has become my home. I was adopted into the family by my aunt -- who is now my mother -- and since then, I haven't regretted joining the pack life. The other wolves I live with and around are my family and we all work together as a unit." She smiled softly and let her tail flick across her damp right hind leg. "It's a pack that smells of serenity and peace...Negativity rare shows itself there."
It was then that she saw and heard a splash that was closer than the previous ripples. Odette's eyes widened and saw movement beneath the surface of the water. "Baldur..." she said softly, for she didn't want to startle him. "You better get out of the water...NOW!" Her legs rose and she grabbed her fish, immediately looking for low branches to leap on and rise to higher ones.

"You" Think


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4 Years
03-07-2014, 09:07 PM

Baldur knew he needed to work on his patience. It was always something he struggled with as impulse seemed to be a driving force in his life. Though lately he'd felt more aimless than ever. And lonely. In fact that's why he'd inquired about her pack. He was sorely tempted to try it again even though he knew deep down it would only lead to heartache. But his heart ached now. Right now, in this moment. Baldur knew if he tried hard enough he could probably track down Thor and hang out with the other again for awhile but he wasn't sure. Thor needed space and Baldur was getting a little tired of the roaming bachelor routine and as long as Odette was around? then maybe?

She chose her words carefully and Baldur listened with equal care. It sounded pleasant, like a nap and a warm meal after a long journey. He decided right there and then that he would ask if he could follow Odette to her homeland and see this Valhalla for himself. Perhaps he'd even join and maybe then he'd be rid of this empty space in his gut where all sorts of nasty thoughts and feelings dwelled.

"Odette? May I see Valhalla?" He was about to ask her another question when her body language shifted suddenly, her voice lowering cautiously. His head tilted to the side when it finally dawned on him. He felt the water shift suddenly near him and on pure instinct he bolted onto the ground as the massive jaws of an alligator snapped shut behind him, fangs raking deep into his left back foot. Yelping in pain he scrambled back as the scaled beast launched itself half way onto the island before sliding slowly back into the muck.

"Ow, ow, ow, dammit, ow?" Baldur stood balanced on his three unscathed limbs holding his back left leg up off of the ground, blood was dripping onto the grass and staining his fur as he reached back to lick at it. "I swear, this is just my luck?" He gently set the limb down working to hide his wince. Just walk it off Baldur, just walk it off. He looked out at the water and noticed there were still a pair of eyes watching them. His hackles raised and he growled. "What the heck was that thing anyway?"



10 Years
03-09-2014, 02:49 AM

Her attention was focused on the large reptile that had emerged from the water, pondering how Baldur was going to get away in time unscathed. Unfortunately, his left foot was struck by the teeth that stuck out at odd angles from the gator's mouth and she winced at the way it was done. Selfishly, she was happy that she hadn't been the one that was attacked, but the Ocena part of her encouraged the surfacing idea to help out the white male. As he cursed and winced when placing weight on the injured paw, she caught his question about what it was.
Odette's ears flattened against her head as she watched it continue to stare at the island they had occupied. "A lizard of some sort...a really big lizard with a mean disposition." Slowly, she turned her gaze to Baldur and then to his bleeding paw. It hurt her heart to see any type of pain come down on others, and she decided to help him with it.
Her gaze turned and looked up to the tree she was currently sitting in. Nothing that signified a useful herb was noted in the branches, so she looked down to the trunk. On the opposite side of where she was, a small shrub was located near the base of the tree. "Ah...wormwood." As soon as the word left her mouth, she slyly chuckled and took her fish with her as she dismounted.
"Give me a minute," she said with a mouthful of fish, making sure to stay away from the edge of the small island. Odette kept an ear out as she padded towards the bush and, after lowering her catch, pulled apart some of the bush's product. It was the perfect thing to use for their unexpected guest. She crunched the wormwood in her mouth, making sure she didn't swallow any of it. It became a nasty paste and she immediately spat it out and onto her fish. With regret, she coated the prize on both sides with the paste, ensuring she got all of it from her mouth and between her teeth.
Odette then raised her head and looked around at the surrounding trees of the forest. The island they were currently on was in the center of a pond and even thought it was shallow, she pondered if there were any deep holes beneath the surface that one could fall into. Her gaze moved to the bit of forest she had come from and a smile appeared on her face. Before tackling the birds, she had smelled a few familiar scents of herbs that could be good use for Baldur's injury. The only problem was getting past the alligator...She hoped her plan would work.
"Baldur..." She said softly. "I need you to bear with me, okay? As soon as I throw this fish towards our newfound 'friend', I need you to hop, run, skip -- whatever, with me across the water and back to the woods. It's the only way I can help you." Odette took a few tender steps forward and dangled the fish from its tail. She hated to see such a big prize leave her clutches, but now that it was covered by the nasty herb, she didn't want it.
As she let the fish catch the light on its remaining shiny scales, the eyes shifted from Baldur's tasty form to the new awaiting prize. With a soft huff, Odette flung the fish in the air, away from where she and Baldur stood. The fish went up high and slowly came down, intending to hit the water before being eaten. Luckily, the gator rushed after it and opened its jaws wide upon resurfacing. Once she heard the affirmation of the jaws snapping shut, Odette raced across the pond. She made sure Baldur was beside her, for she didn't want to leave him for a bayou dinner.
Splashing behind them signified that the gator was ready to eat more than just the fish she had given it. She could feel the vibrations in the shallow water as they reached the forest's edge and a low growl escaped the female's lips. "RUN!" she hollered, hoping that Baldur would get ahead of her before she turned around. The gator continued to race through the water, getting closer to Odette at a rate the wolf didn't like. She sharply dug both hind legs into the ground and kicked up loose dirt and grass, smartly directed to the pair of eyes that were planted on the reptile's head. Odette didn't waste any time to see if it stopped the male gator from pursuing her; she started to run again and sniffed the air to see where Baldur had gone.
"Baldur?" She called once she was a good distance from the fiasco. "Baldur!" Panic slowly settled in as she looked around, unable to really catch his scent, thanks to the adrenaline rush she had gained after temporarily blinding the alligator. Her pacing increased and she gave a soft whine as red and blue eyes tried to seek out white against the forest's camouflage.

"You" Think


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4 Years
03-11-2014, 06:54 PM

Adrenaline was quickly doing it's work and in combination with his training he soon was putting his full weight on the limb though it shook a little as he did so. Baldur eyed the water disdainfully. Great? how were they supposed to get to shore and to safety now with that thing lurking in the water. He listened to Odette describe it as a really big lizard. Great? that meant it was probably tough, leathery and hard to kill. Not that he was prepared to go into the water after it, that much was for sure. Baldur was a fair swimmer but nowhere near skilled enough to feel comfortable challenging an aquatic creature on it's home turf. Especially one with that many teeth.

Baldur blinked as he realized Odette was up a tree. She quickly came down muttering something about Wormwood? Baldur's ears perked forward curiously as he wondered what on earth she was talking about. Was that what the lizard was? A Wormwood? He watched her as she chewed an odd looking plant. "Um? Odette what are you doing? This is an odd time to season your meal." It was a half-hearted joke but anything to ignore the pain that was swiftly coming back. It was motion and action that helped him ignore and numb physical pain. Standing around was only causing his mind to shift back to the injury.

She requested a minute and Baldur sat to lick his wounds, eyes glancing sideways at the beast that was slowly gliding closer to the island edge. Then her plan became clear and Baldur smiled. A distraction? Perfect! He nodded. "I'm a trained soldier, Odette. I can bear a wound such as this for many miles." He steadied his limbs to prove the point.

The fish sailed through the air like a starting gun and Baldur took off into the water, taut muscles uncoiled and pulsed with power. He stumbled twice but overall the limb grudgingly bore the weight and abuse as he'd been well conditioned too. She started to slow and Baldur did as well wondering if she'd caught a paw. Hackles raised and fangs bared he'd shifted to strike when she kicked at the beast. He let out a bark of laughter. "Good shot!" He twirled around to keep going when the ground beneath his paws shifted and he was under the water.

Panic shot through him, he could barely see but he knew what was coming for him. His backlegs struck something scaely as he struggled toward the surface. He was directly next to the gator though slightly above and as his back paws touched it's back he kicked off violently, scruff tearing as he broke the surface. Adrenalin in full force Baldur barreled onto the shore panting. The gator didn't seem to well? it slugglishly landed on the shore then slowly slid back into the water, it's body tipping slightly.

Panting Baldur rested on the shore for a moment before getting to his feet and shaking out his coat. Blood was pooling on the back of his neck where two cuts, each an inch deep and four or so inches long stained his coat. "Giant festering toadtools on a boars back! I HATE those things? I really do." His flesh shuddered as if he'd been bitten by flies. Sauntering higher up he made no display of his injuries and took them in stride though he new the adrenaline would soon fade. "What was that stuff you put on the fish? It looked like it didn't set well with that lizard."




10 Years
03-18-2014, 07:40 AM

Odette Adravendi

The run-in with the reptile would have been enough to drive anyone crazy. Odette had never met an alligator, so she hadn't been sure how the herb would have affected its digestive tract. The evidence was noted when the stomach started to break down the fish and make the toxin seep into the gator's bloodstream. She watched from a safe distance as their newly made foe slipped back into the water, not daring to leave for a good while. Satisfaction rang in Odette's grunt of "Humph", for she was proud of how the herb had worked. Moving on, she looked for Baldur and realized he was beside her the whole time.
The gator had done more damage to Baldur, for she saw fresh blood on his scruff and it continued to gleam with each movement he made. As it stood out against his white pelt, she was mesmerized by the way it stained his shoulders before quickly recovering. Odette cleared her throat before she began to look for the herbs that could possibly help him with both injuries he had sustained. His question about what her secret weapon had been met her ears and she answered off-handedly as she searched for an elderberry bush. "Ummm, it was wormwood. It can be toxic if someone ingests it because it messes up the digestive system."
Her nose and eyes combined brought her to a familiar sight: an elderberry bush was lazily resting in a patch of sunlight with moist earth at its roots. Black and plump, they hung in delicate bunches and were very appealing to the female. She approached the bush and gentle broke a couple of the bunches from their branches. She trotted back to Baldur and met his eye. "These are elderberries. They will help with your immune system and keep your wounds from getting infected."
She trotted towards a spot that was big enough for Baldur to lay out. "Lay here," she gently commanded. As he moved to her directions, Odette then said, "While you eat these, I am going to find some lamb's ear." Odette raised an eyebrow at him before she set out and went to look for the magical herb. She sniffed for the sort of familiar scent of the plant and luck was with her shortly after leaving Baldur to eat his berries. Her teeth lightly pulled at the plant and the amount she received was plentiful. Smiling behind the herb in her mouth, she walked back to her patient.
Upon reaching him again, Odette set the plants down next to his belly. She looked over his cuts on his shoulders and the one he had on his foot. Blood was now dry on his hind paw and she went ahead and started to clean it. She made sure that he didn't flinch, but even if he did, she would continue to fix his injuries. She moved up to his shoulders and looked to see if any more blood would come from the lines in his scruff. Odette quickly cleaned it, for it was more fresh than the foot injury, then set to work on the lamb's ear.
She grasped the plant in her mouth and chewed it up until it became a paste mixed with her saliva. She put some on his shoulders and rubbed it in with a clean paw, intending to make sure all of the wounds were covered. From his shoulders, she moved to his foot and got the majority of it covered as well. Finally, she stepped back to look at her handiwork. It was sloppy, but only because she didn't practice a lot before then.
Silently, Odette looked up to Baldur and a warm smile appeared on her face. "Lamb's ear will keep your wounds binding until we can get to a more trained Healer. My grandmother Erani can fix anything that is infected or broken." She reclined to her haunches and licked her lips free of the lamb's ear from her mouth. "By the way, you are more than welcome to come with me to Valhalla. Erani would love to have you there." Her eyes twinkled at the thought of her sweet grandmother's own blue gaze. "Once the lamb's ear dries and the berries settle in your belly, we can head towards home...does that sound good?"

I speak


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
03-18-2014, 09:51 PM

His heart was still fluttering from the encounter and a dull ache was starting to throb in his head from the wounds but he quickly pushed it to the back of his mind. He'd had worse. Especially when he and Thor had fled to Alacritis after being savaged by their uncles. His gaze turned to Odette and he took a quiet moment to himself to marvel at this gorgeous femme that fought with an inner fire that truely impressed him.

Baldur nodded as she explained about Wormwood, making a mental note for the future but he wasn't sure if he'd ever remember it. Instead he grinned, tail wagging lightly. "By the way? you were AMAZING back there. Truly! I've never met a fae with so much gumption." Or was pretty sure he hadn't. A little tickle laughingly kissed the back of his mind but once again he pushed it back as the whole of his thoughts turned to Odette. "Seriously, you kicked that lizard right between the eyes, he never saw it com- ow, ow? ow." Baldur winced suddenly, bringing his wounded leg up off the ground. In his excitement he'd shifted far to much of his weight over it, sending a stabbing pain right up the limb.

He turned curiously to watch her pluck some berries off of a nearby bush. This seemed an odd time for a salad. Odette patiently explained what they were for. "Really? I had no idea plants could do so many things." Baldur followed her instructions though he hesitated a bit at the thought of laying down. He wasn't helpless and he was ready to move but? the pain began to fester and he grudgingly laid down before quickly snarfing down the elderberries, flinching a bit at the taste. The fur around his mouth was quickly stained violet. Odette stated she was going to get some lamb's ear. Lamb's ear? Baldur's eyes narrowed in thought as he tried to remember if lamb's had ears. He supposed they did but how was that going to help? He could eat a whole lamb not just the ears!

It wasn't until Odette returned that he realized she meant another plant. Oh right? of course. Though he was starting to get a big hungry. However, the lamb's ear looked even less appealing than the berries had. It didn't seem like he would though. Baldur watch'd Odette transfixed as she worked. Her lithe and slender frame, her beautiful face with those eyes? those eyes?

Baldur was pulled from his thoughts as she spoke, telling him of the lamb's ear and also of the pack. Valhalla? it was such a silly name from his prospective but it was quickly growing on him despite being raised with the legends. Baldur in Valhalla. Was this fate attempting to answer him? Was Valhalla the large, can't miss sign pointing him towards his future?

"I'd love that very much Odette. I have been seeking a home for so long and I think it's time to stop waiting for it to fall out of the sky." When the lamb's ear had dried Baldur got to his feet. "I'm ready. I look forward to meeting Erani and seeing Valhalla." He turned and smiled at Odette, waiting for her to lead the way. Valhalla? I'm coming.

-end? Do you want to start a thread in Valhalla or shall I?-