


01-27-2014, 08:25 PM
short starter; my apologies.

Curiosity tweaked the inner-workings of the wraith's twisted mind, forcing her to seek solitude within Glaciem's expanded turf so that she may summon the King to privacy. He had seemed none too eager to share her assignment with the masses of his empire during its gathering, and therefore she would respect his desire for secrecy as she wandered through forests unknown to her in hopes of seclusion. Coming upon a small indentation in the dense underbrush of the forest that reeked of her sovereign and his queen, the banshee paused in her tentative stride, slipping through the jagged tendrils of the trees that loomed far overhead before unleashing a short beckon for the albino King, hoping that he would somehow know where to locate her.



01-27-2014, 09:24 PM

He had been near when she had called, the chiming of her voice weaving fingers of silver to pleased towers of motioned structures; ruby gaze wandering towards the west north east of where he stood. Ah, he had left their one-on-one talk for her to initiate; it gave him an idea exactly how dedicated she was, how badly she wished to thrive within the ranks. And as it so seemed, with the meeting having been barely days before, she was approvingly keen. Smirking, lured by the pleasures of her presence, Isardis would glide so effortlessly to the direct solitude of her existence; greeting her with his company, ?Artemis,? he would not spare her a whole deal of distance. Instead, he would test the duo?s boundaries, knowing they had never before shared in intimacy or affection; but regardless he was King, and she was his Overseer. His crown lowered, rounded, aiming to butt so tenderly against the welcome of her leftwards chest. Whether she would allow him or tense within his proximities was unknown.


01-30-2014, 01:43 PM
#awk artemis

The spindly fingers of moonlight caressed her rigid countenance as it filtered through the dense foliage overhead, illuminating the vibrant amethyst and metallic silver of her searching eyes with a faint but enigmatic glow. She sought his company due to the ever-expanding ambition that presided within her skull, with the desire to display her potential to her sovereign and his inferiors so that she may impress and inspire, but his presence was also something she craved out of curiosity and intrigue. Twice it had been he -- he who understood little about her other than the name she had been brandished with -- who had poignantly made an appearance at two traumatic events entirely on her behalf, and twice now she had been left curious but flattered as to why. His motives, however, mattered little in regard to the respect that she harbored towards her King because of his selfless actions, and therefore she felt it entirely necessary to abide to his command with the eagerness she may have once offered her mother.

His pallid form would creep through the labyrinth of underbrush, immediately captivating her attention with its brilliance beneath the silver lighting of the moon, and abruptly her stance would shift to one of lesser superiority as her tail coiled about her left ankle and her skull descended slightly. Pupils would remain stagnant upon his proud physique as he strode nearer to her with a swagger befitting of his title, her muscles tensing some as he closed the proximities between their bodies with the awkwardness only she seemed capable of possessing. While affections were not something the babe was familiar with nor something she was pleasured by, she would not shy away from his crown as it gently shunted her chest, brows furrowing minutely as he drew his skull away from her body. Having been raised to discard any signs of adoration, the phantom was uncertain and uncomfortable with the situation at hand, deciding then to tentatively press the leather of her nostrils against his right shoulder as she had done before with her siblings, hoping that the action would appease her King. "My King," she'd offer in response to his greeting, features lightening somewhat as she withdrew from her attempted display of affection. "You sought a private audience with me?" she voiced curiously, wanting to get straight to the point of their meeting.



01-30-2014, 05:26 PM (This post was last modified: 01-30-2014, 05:27 PM by Isardis.)

Her muscles would become momentarily rigid, her spine seemingly tense upon the touch of his supremacy. It was to be expected, Artemis was far too wise to trust body and mind in the presence of a man she still had no true reason to place faith in. Her skills were too strong, her talent unwavering, and god forbid if the man himself were ever to fall upon her bad side; he had seen her relentlessness first hand, and that was exactly why he had chosen her. Nostrils would come to contact with his right shoulder, and for a moment he would lean to her, turn to her, salmon tongue daring to only momentarily caress a silver ear.

Alas he would not push her, but instead take a step back, relaxing upon coral haunches, the extended curls that bound his tail wrapping elegantly about seated hocks. ?Indeed, I have a task that may or may not interest you. As a strong fighter and a siren of ambition, I would like to offer you the honours of attempting to challenge for the rights to my children,? he would pause, ruby gaze heavy within her own duo-toned stare, ?Azalea, a once-prisoner from Valhalla, bore a litter of mine within her womb. The names, numbers nor sexes are unknown; however I imagine if we can obtain just one through battle, the child could be raised to distribute information and we?d soon learn of any others. What say you?? Hopeful.


01-31-2014, 10:11 PM

Her King would not withdraw himself from their close proximity, allowing for her nostrils to press lightly into the pallid fur draped across his shoulder before he would grant her his approval in the form of a kiss to her ear. Having never been caressed in such a manner?if at all?the banshee would remain tensed out of a lack of comfort, averting her pupils from the intensity of his vermillion gaze out of bashfulness as he reclined upon his haunches and elongated the distance between their bodies. Relieved, the wraith would reflect his movements as her own rump graced the hard earth, ears swiveling forward and gaze drifting back to consume his angelic form yet again in a display of complete focus.

His eloquence would intrigue her and the mission he wished to appoint her on even more so, the faint trace of a smirk coiling the edges of her velveteen lips as she absorbed the information he presented. Because the Amazonian fiend had been raised to welcome bloodshed with opened arms, she would not deny the Glaciem sovereign his desires, and would allow not even a moment to pass between them in silence before offering her verdict. ?If it is the rights to your spawn that you wish to obtain, I will oblige you,? the viper stated earnestly as adrenaline crept into her veins, intoxicating her with its power while it triggered ambitious thought within an eager mind. Mismatched gaze would widen briefly as a singularly delicious scheme taunted her with its brilliance, causing her porcelain features to contort with newfound amusement and unmasked delight. ?But what if I could offer you much more than that? What would you say?? she tempted, unwilling to reveal her proposition just yet.



01-31-2014, 10:55 PM

Some day his power would come crawling back, a new glint within it?s hazardous gaze and hackles lifted into a ferocious snarl. Eventually, it would shed his blood in the same way he had to so many, and it would wield the King to its wishes; tame him, or kill him. But for now, Isardis bore a chain proudly against his palm, Power heeling obediently by his side, chained to him and all he requested. So for now, he would abuse it as he always promised when it had pleaded it?s loyalty to him. He had seen the silver siren in battle, watched as she felled so many foe?s before her. Then, her talent had been wasted beneath the rule of a crazed wench, but now she was his; and to hell if he wasn?t going to show her off.

Her lips would contort into an enticing show of her approval, and the cravings to pull himself closer to her would become strong; a pulsing beneath his skin to make contact with the she-wolf in a show of his superiority. And yet Artemis would not be wholly pushed over within his mind, for he knew her capabilities, and as measly and pathetic as it seemed within the mind of a sovereign, he would tread lightly in her presence; far too crazed and lured by her magnificence to risk becoming the target of her thrashing. She was ambitious, ?Oh?? he chuckled weakly, musing upon her mischievous suggestions, ?I am not a man for surprises,? he warned momentarily, pale lips fluttered with devious desire, ?But I never settle for less.? It was his way of giving her approval, whatever loitered her mind it was likely he would support. But what could it be, would she keep him guessing?