
Choking on your alibis [Joining Glaciem]


01-25-2014, 05:06 PM
[[Joining Glaciem?]]

While the need for a pack crossed his mind, he did not want to go up and grovel his way into a pack full of strangers. This made no sense as he would be pledging his allegiance blindly to a bunch of strangers who could very well be dangerous and out to get him. No, he would remain a loner until he met someone who could very well prove to him that their pack was one worth being in, even if they realized they were doing it or not. He looked up at the clouds, overcast was upon him and the rest of the expansive forest. There was space in between the trees so he could see the dreary sky. A small sigh was omitted when he saw the mountains off in the distance. He wished to stay away from mountains.

He ventured the other way, away from the site of the snow covered peaks of the dangerous and eerie mountains. After all he was terrified of them for a reason no one, not even himself, knew about. Drevin just wanted to find a warm place to rest. The dark tawny man reluctantly pushed further and he searched for a cave or perhaps a gap under a tree that he could sleep in for night was fast approaching. He was weary of his surroundings. He was not easily manipulated for he could tell truth from live even when it didn't show itself to him. This made his cautious of all wolves he did not know at first. This was the way he was. Drevin wanted nothing more to find a loyal pack that he knew about; a pack he could please and he could trust. He was getting desperate for a home. Desperate times came to desperate measures.


01-25-2014, 05:41 PM

She was patrolling the territory restlessly, her injuries from the bear had nearly healed, but she couldn't sleep. She had spent to much of her time resting, so she wouldn't be useless. As she moved, a slight limp to her gait her violet eyes would restless scan before her, and a new scent could be smelt on the horizon. Her head would turn, taking in a few short quick breaths, before she moved towards the border. Someone was there. The creature in question would come into her sight, and she would approach him, stopping a few feet away. She would look him over, unimpressed by him, but not unwilling to listen. Words would come then, sharp and to the point. "You are very close to our borders, stranger. Tell me, what business do you seek within Glaciem?"

With that, she would fall silent, her gaze resting on his form. Waiting for some plea of entry or perhaps another excuse or desire. She would wait, her expression betraying no interest, neutral visage as she looked off past the wolf wondering if he was alone. It would seem she would catch him before he trespassed or called for someone, which was lucky for him, should he have considered trespassing. Trespassers were not taken lightly.



01-25-2014, 05:58 PM

He had arrived at the borders of a pack he did not know and for once he knew what he was going to do. A pack member arrived and scolded him for being so close to the borders. While normally he would have been on edge around her, he managed to get through to his conscious and calm himself down before he made any stupid moves. He gave a gaze to the arctic white female with strange marks near her eye. He offered a small and kind smile; not his usual attitude for sure. He wasn't sure how he was defying his nature at that moment, he just hoped it lasted.

"I understand; I am Drevin and I seek a pack to call home. I've found your borders because I wish to join." He said with a calm voice. He was struggling with the control he was holding onto. He took a deep breathe and he gulped slightly. Appearing to be nervous to others who might look at him but in truth he was forcing the defense he would have thrown up by then to settle down in his stomach. He took another deep breathe and waited for the mysterious lady to respond to the information he had just willfully provided to her. She appeared to hold herself with a high posture which told him she was a lady of importance to the pack. He had given her what she needed to know... for a time at least.


01-26-2014, 08:58 PM

She would watch him with a neutral expression, he didn't seem physically incapable, and the pack was over-ran with females. That wouldn't effect her decision though, she wouldn't accept any creature all willy-nilly. She noticed that he offered her a kind smile, and at the notion she came to rest her rump against the ash sodden land. She felt a familiar twinge of pain, though she didn't linger on the thought. When he would speak, she would listen attentively, her violet gaze moving to seek his, gauging the the tone of his words. He seemed to want to join, which she expected. Her jaws would part, and she would speak.

"I am Roman Armada, an Overseer here in Glaciem. Do you know anything of our pack, Drevin?" She wondered if he knew what kind of pack he had stumbled upon, and that was important to her. She didn't want rift-raft accepted into an empire of power, when they were useless and didn't really want to be there, and she was hesitant to accept a wolf who would sully her name, her judgement.
