
Reunited & it Feels so Good



10 Years
02-15-2014, 01:27 AM

Ice...Snow...Freezing winds...All had combined and formed a brisk atmosphere in the Northern region. They all made Odette's skin prickle from the sudden change of warmth she had grown accustomed to the island. Her fur rippled in waves of black, gray, and tan. The said colors complimented each other and she let her ears flatten against her skull, which was slowly losing its heat as she looked up to the wintery scenery in front of her. The steps she was about to take would be the beginning of another chapter in her life.
Odette had chosen to visit the place that was mentioned numerously in the tales of Gargoyle and the legendary pack of Glaciem. The Snowfalls was now abandoned...that was what she believed, anyway. The young girl had only been there once before, but the wolf she had met then didn't harbor any information regarding her father that had disappeared. Although it was a waste of breath on that encounter, she had memorized the way the Snowfalls stood so she wouldn't forget. Today, she was going back and hopefully, it hadn't changed.
The mini-Gargoyle currently stood at the edge of where the snow and regular grass of Alacritis met and divided. Another reason she was there was because she had heard rumors of a band of rogues living within the confines of the old pack location. It wasn't just the fact that a group of strange wolves was living there...two younger wolves that resembled her and her parents were part of the traveling band. Odette had immediately been interested and the desire to reunite with her siblings burned through her heart without question. After consoling with Chrysanthe, her mother agreed to the journey of finding her long-lost siblings. The yearling assured her russet-faced alphess that she would return when she could and would keep her updated.
With a deep intake of breath and a vapory exhale, Odette took the first two steps to cross from the grass to the North. Snow sank beneath her paws as her body weight pushed down upon them. The cold feeling was different, but not unfamiliar as she continued to take one step in front of the other. Before she knew it, the grasslands of the North were gone and snow surrounded her at all angles. Comfort swept across the nervous yearling as she found the unmarked trail that was left open by rows of frosted pines on either side. Scents unfamiliar to her were strong above the cold ground and they stung her nose as she got closer to her destination. She could only hope that her brother and sister were among those rumored to live there.
After what felt like forever, Odette finally found a large curve in the trail. She struggled as the path angled up, signifying a slope that had been hidden until she reached it. Gravity tried to fight her, but she prevailed and got over the rise. Shaking all over, she continued to pad through the snow, feeling little bits of the white stuff clinging to the fur around her ankles and feet. It was another comforting feeling that swept over here and she didn't hesitate to embrace it as she saw the Snowfalls eventually come into view. Her head rose to take in the large, statuesque structure and her heart felt like it stopped. Such a majestic piece of snow and ice and her family had once lived here. For a second, Odette wished her and her siblings had been born before the destruction of their empire was taken away.
A brisk winter wind slapped her and the trees nearby, causing snow and ice to hit her in the left side of her body and face. She softly gasped, but blinked back the tears that threatened to fall from the sudden sting. Odette hardened and the tears disappeared, her naturally sparkling gaze temporarily hidden. Her paws continued to take her towards the falls and in a minute, she was within viewing sight. A lone and loud howl was given as she stood in the middle of the trail, not afraid of what may happen to her person. With anticipation, she waited.

Talk like this


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7 Years
02-21-2014, 03:09 AM

. . .

Soon they would be leaving to find Valhalla. Galahad had made it clear to his sister that he wasn't going to be left behind, even if he needed to follow her at a distance. More than anything he wanted to make sure she was safe on her journey. What if some wolf tried to hurt her again? Kidnap her? Sure they were both a year old now but Galahad still worried for such things, as evil surely did exist in this world. He had swore, however, to not lose anymore of his family. Not again. Never again. He would do everything he possibly could to ensure Oracle's safety, and once they reunited with Odette, he would do the same for his other sister.

It had been so long since he had heard her voice, her call, that Galahad thought he was dreaming when the strange yet familiar voice washed over the dangerous lands they had called home. The brute would prick his ears, slowly blinking open emerald optics and looking at Oracle before pausing. Had it really been a dream? The male would hesitate a moment longer, until something inside told him to check it out. He would get to his paws, nudging Oracle. "Oracle... I... just come on." His voice was quiet as he left their den, heading out to the source of the call.

It seemed like he had both wandered for an eternity and for a very short time when he finally lifted his emerald gaze to her form. A wolf of blood, her figure going from the puppy form in his memory to the figure of the wolfess he saw in the distance now. Galah would swallow hard, almost unable to believe it. Could... could it really be? He would move at a faster pace now, still mindful of the area around him, until he was running to Odette's form. He couldn't bring himself to howl back, as much as his heart soared at the sight of his lost sister.

Finally Galahad would slow, coming up just a few lengths before Odette, looking upon her with relief, worry, happiness... so many mixed emotions at once. The male almost couldn't believe that she was really here. That he might actually be asleep, as he first thought. A whine would escape him. "Ode... is... is it really you?" His voice was quiet, as if he was afraid this moment would suddenly be swallowed up and his sister lost once more.




8 Years
03-03-2014, 07:17 AM
Oracles head shot up her ears instantly on alert, ?what is it,? she asked but Galah was already moving out. She had been deeply asleep, glad that she had told him her plan glad that they where together again, a family or as much as they had, she followed in his footsteps there large black forms moving across the white backdrop she was beginning to wake up properly beginning to question why on earth they where out here in this wasteland, but he said nothing just kept up his forward march, ?Galahad whats...? and then she caught sight of the wolf her hackles raised for a moment and she froze her lips parting in a silent snarl but even as she stopped Galahad charged forward.

Shock overcome caution and she to raced towards the stranger, she didn't understand but there was something about this wolf something familiar. And still they advanced she ran at her brothers side, ?What are you doing,? she called to him but the wind stole away her words, either that or he simply chose not to respond, and then he stopped. She stood at his side facing the wolf, and suddenly the scent hit her, Galahad wined his greeting but she no longer needed his words to explain her jaw dropped and she took a step closer longing and fear coloured her words as she to intoned, ?Ode?? her nose flared drawing in the familiar scent, there where others there tangled into the fur but first and foremost was that of her sister, Oracles eyes searched the girls face desperately remapping the points she had known so well.

This had to be her had to, ?we looked for you and you where gone, I was coming to find you,? her thoughts where jumbled unprepared for the sudden appearance. She waited to hear Odette speak to hear her voice after so long she waited and tried to organise her thoughts her feelings fear, betrayal, joy and anger pushed at her from all sides vying for position in her mind.



10 Years
03-04-2014, 01:09 AM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2014, 01:21 AM by Aures.)

What felt like hours passing to her was only minutes for her siblings. She had been standing, eager and nervous at the same time as she waited by herself. However, her heart and stomach dropped when she saw the two wolves appear in the distance. Their pelts were dark, making them stand out against the snowy white settings. From where she stood, their physical features were hard to attain, but their scents carried with the harsh winds of the surrounding area and hit her nose like another smack. Immediately, her heart rate increased and the air caught in her chest. couldn't be!
The dark figures were similar in size, but their colors were definitely different. One had white and green eyes; the other had a darker shade of tan than her own and markings of the ancestral dogs that ran in their family. The one with white approached at a fast pace, eager to get close to her as soon as he could. Her red and blue eyes met his gaze when he spoke, dropping her childhood nickname upon the wind and her ears. Immediately, her ears perked forward and her walls of defense fell to her paws. "Gala..." was all she could say as memories of them playing on the beach wrapped around her mind.
Before she could officially claim her existence, Oracle appeared beside their brother. She spoke as well, revealing that they had tried looking for her with no results and that she herself was going to try on her own to seek for their long lost sister. It all made Odette's heart beat even faster, for she had done the same thing. "You did?" She softly asked, disbelief shimmering in the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. "I tried to look for you and Galahad, too, Oracle...I always went out looking, when I wasn't at our family den, waiting to see if Mama and Papa would come back." A shuddering breath was given and she lowered her gaze to the ground. "I never thought I would see you again, that you had both disappeared or were kidnapped by rogues. My heart broke when I thought the worst may have happened to you two."
Odette closed her eyes and pushed back the tears before raising her head to look at her siblings. Nothing else could be said, for the emotional toll of their reunion was too much for the yearling. Instead, she took the necessary steps forward to close the gap and touch her littermates. She reached out with her nose and nuzzled Gala's cheek and neck before burying her face into his fur. She breathed in his scent and sadly sighed into it before turning and doing the same to Oracle. Both of their scents mingled in her nose and she made the memories of how they smelled for the future. Once they made a small circle, she rested her head against Galahad's shoulder and cried. "I wish that it hadn't taken so long to find you guys...I have missed you and thought of you everyday since we were separated on the beach."



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7 Years
03-14-2014, 07:01 PM

. . .

Oracle?s words spoke the truth. They had looked and looked, but alas their sibling was nowhere to be found. How worried he had been... How they both had been. A soft whine would escape him. Even if he was upset about her having joined Valhalla, there could be time for questions later, why should they ruin this moment? Finally... After a whole year they were together again. Their family was back together. At the question of disbelief, and seeing the tears shining in Odette?s eyes, Galahad would nod, tears spilling from his own.

?We did... For such a long time.? How was it that they had missed each other? He felt his heart breaking in two, having lost their sister when they had only been trying to find each other. It was such a sad, sad fate. He would swallow hard, shaking his head. ?We couldn?t figure out what had happened to you either... If you were kidnapped... If you were with mom and dad...? His voice was so quiet, so broken as he uttered those words. But in the end they were all alive... And they had found each other. They were together again, despite the odds.

Galahad would wrap his head around Odette?s own, embracing her as he closed his eyes. He would take in a deep breath of her scent. There was a pack scent mingling with it, to be expect, but it was still his sister. Galahad would draw back, shaking away his tears as Odette embraced Oracle. As she spoke again he would lower his ears, a soft whine escaping him. ?We had heard from Midnight that you joined a pack called Valhalla... And that you were taken in by the alpha.?




8 Years
03-24-2014, 11:51 PM
Any anger that had been in her heart faded away as she heard Odettes words and she welcomed the embrace when it came returning it with a sort of desperation. She heard Galahad speak, about the pack that midnight had mentioned and almost instantly she realised maybe this was it maybe it would be hello and goodbye. She moved closer to them suppressing a whine as she waited for ode to respond to the statement she desperately longed to ask if the girl planned to stay with them and there little wandering band but the thought of rejection stayed her tongue. Instead she sat her tail thumping slowly against the ever present snow and waited.

(sorry its so short I just have nothing at the moment but I feel like you have waited long enough for a reply)



10 Years
03-26-2014, 03:17 AM

Galahad spoke of her possibly being with their parents and she shook her head. "If I had been with them, I would have fought tooth and nail to bring them back here. I wouldn't want to go anywhere without you and Oracle. You two are my littermates...I wouldn't have left you like that." The reality was, Odette kind of already did. After reaching Valhalla and being taken under Chrysanthe's wing, she had tried to look for Galahad and Oracle, but their location had been unknown. Odette regretted it now and she softly sighed as she met both of their eyes. "I should have looked harder for you both...I really should have."
Then her brother mentioned that a wolf whose name was familiar -- Midnight -- had spoken to them. It had to have been shortly after the pack moved to the island, for how else could the ebony female know her whereabouts? Slowly, Odette nodded. "Yes, Gala...What Midnight has told you is true. I was adopted by Chrysanthe, who is now the former Alpha of Valhalla. Erani is now the Alpha Primary and it feels like nothing has changed since the shift of responsibilities..." Her siblings didn't know about Valhalla's internal affairs, but Odette figured it was okay to talk about it with them.
"I've been in Valhalla for about six months now...It has really become my home." She blinked softly and maintained her gaze with both siblings. "Mother - Chrysanthe - is related to Papa because he was adopted into their family as well. They were brother and sister, so that is why I chose to go there after unsuccessfully finding you..."
Red and blue eyes that greatly resembled Ocena's own pair looked with soft sparkles as she kept on speaking. "I didn't know where you were until Midnight revealed your location. After the pack was moved and everything settled down, I was able to try and see if it was true...that you both were here." She finally took a deep breath in as snow continued to fall around them. "Please don't be mad..." She didn't want them to be upset with her; she had tried, after all, for so long to find her littermates...and now she had.

"You" Think


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7 Years
04-15-2014, 12:38 AM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2014, 12:39 AM by Galahad.)

. . .

As Oracle moved beside them he could almost sense the question she longed to ask their sister, a question that had formed within his own mind as well. Would she be staying... Or leaving? He would listen as Odette started to speak again, wishing with all his heart that their parents had indeed been with her. If they had... Perhaps they would all be together again. But seeing Ode again was certainly a blessing, and of the three he admittedly missed her the most. He would frown as she said she should have looked harder for them. He could understand that they were young... And it was harder to go long distances to search for each other. But in going to Valhalla she had only increased the distance that it would take to travel between them.

Then came the matter of Chrysanthe, Odette?s adoptive mother. When Midnight had told the two of them about the she wolf she was the leader of Valhalla, though this was no longer the case. He would raise a brow, blinking in surprise. He knew that alphas came and went, though by the sounds of things the shift was between packmates. Was this Erani one of Chrysanthe?s birth children perhaps? ?It seems you?re not too troubled by the change of leadership at least.? Though he couldn?t help but get the sense there was more that Odette wasn?t saying.

Six months. Six months Odette had been with Valhalla... And that meant the other time they were separated that she was alone. It showed him that she had spent some time in trying to find them... And that made his heart ache. Alone. Even if they had been separated he had Oracle during that time so, in the end, he wasn?t truly alone. The male was all the more surprised when their sister had said that the female that had taken her in, the wolf she now called mother, was actually related to their father. So in a way it wasn?t so strange that they now had the relationship they did. Still... Gala wasn?t sure how he felt about it. He had never met Chrysanthe... And home had always been the Cove. But... Things had changed... So very much.

That left the matter of what to do. He would look to Oracle for a moment before looking to their sister, ears lowering as he let out a little sigh. ?I don?t think I could ever be mad at you, Ode... At least not for longer than a few minutes.? He would give her another nuzzle before sighing again and lowering his green gaze to the snow. ?...But... The question is... What now? We?ve found each other again but... Is this just the beginning of a goodbye?? Galahad would step back, just so he could look to both of them. ?Where do we go from here? Odette... You?re part of a pack and... Oracle and I are not...? If they were to go with their sister to Valhalla... Would there even be a place for them?




8 Years
04-18-2014, 01:06 AM
Oracles head dropped slightly and her tail stilled for a moment she had hoped that maybe the impossible had happened that they where going to get back their whole family, clearly that was not to be the case. Ode's next words snapped her head back up, ?Its not your fault we just got unlucky,? she managed a half smile, ?anyway we are here now, together again,? when Odette spoke of Chrysanthe Oracle felt a little surge of jelousy raise its head, she had had family a mother to look over her to keep her safe, she had not faced the risks they had almost kidnapped or killed, she shoved it back down. This was her sister she could not deny her a family she deserved a family, still she wished they could stay together now maybe they could all have a family.

The little sigh from Galahad drew her attention and she turned her attention to him as he spoke, she nodded her assent to the first statement, ?your our sister even if we did get separated for a time, it happens and now... now? she hesitated and looked away she heard galahads sigh and felt a serge of relief when he voiced the question she had been to hesitant to ask. She let him finish let the silence hang for a moment thinking, then raised her gaze to meet both of theirs ? we should stay together, I dont want to lose either of you,? her gaze shifted slightly focusing on Odette, she knew she could not ask the girl to leave the life she had made in valhalla, she had a new mother a safe place, they had a small den filled with danger and uncertainty, ? would the pack take us do you think? If we approached them offered our services, would they take us?? she knew that even if the pack would not she would find a way to remain near them, near her sister. It was strange planning to leave the Snow Rouges where not a large group or very cohesive but they had protected each other.



10 Years
04-30-2014, 09:56 PM

She looked at both Oracle and Galahad as questions rose from their hearts. Odette knew that there was a chance her littermates could join Valhalla, but she also knew that the numbers were swelling and that chance would be dwindled in the short run. She wasn't sure how to answer them, but she would do her best. "I'm not sure, Gala. Valhalla is so big as it is and I don't know if the numbers are going to decrease anytime soon." It was an answer she didn't like to hear.
Her red and blue eyes lost their memorable twinkle as she tried to plot ways for them to join her. "I want you two to come, I really do. I couldn't stand to be away from you two again. It's been so long and I know that a lot has happened, but I don't want to be apart anymore." Her tail flicked behind her as the cool wind swept around all three yearlings. "Erani is the Alphess now, and I am sure she wouldn't mind it if you lived next door to the pack's territories. That is...if you two would want that?"



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7 Years
05-01-2014, 06:53 PM

Oracle would speak after him, adding in her input on the matter. He agreed with her of course, he wanted nothing more than for them to stay together and be a family again. But... The idea of a bigger pack was, at the same time, a little frightening to the brute. He would focus on Odette?s face with uncertainty in his emerald orbs now, wondering, hoping. Even if the pack did not take them for whatever reason... Would there be some way for them live close by maybe?

When Odette first spoke he would would lower his ears, a deep frown on his face. Valhalla was a larger pack with swelling numbers... Still she did not want to be away from them either, trying to plan for ways for the three of them to stay together. A solution would be offered and the male would give a small nod. ?If it is the best we can do for the moment then that is what I want to do. That way, even if we weren?t within packlands if anything happened or you needed us we could still reach each other.? The male would smile gently and look to Oracle. ?Does this sound like a plan to you, Oracle?? He would also want to meet this Erani... This alphess that Odette served under. Perhaps the future was looking up after all.



8 Years
05-23-2014, 07:44 PM
Oracle shifted slightly thinking her head bowed. It would be dangerous they would be rouges on another packs borders, if they strayed in for even a moment the pack would be within their rights to kill them. She took a deep breath, this plan was foolhardy dangerous they where only just out of pup hood how would they even survive on their own but... it would mean they where together and regardless the potential boundary, if they where together they could do it she was sure they could. But what of the adults would they let them go, what would happen to them? Don?t be stupid she berated herself they are more then capable of finding a pack for themselves any pack would surly welcome them with open arms and they cant stop us not if we really want to go, we are old enough now to leave the snow rouges, to make our own decisions. She heard her name and lifted her gaze to Galahad.

?Let's do it,? she said.

((OOC: ok so I suggest we end this post, I will soon be auctioning off my wolves I just really dont have time for them and its not fair to you guys. I might see you again at some stage if not, have fun and enjoy this crazy land of role-play))