
Outside In



01-22-2014, 04:00 PM

The terrain surrounding the caramel and burnt brute seemed to ripple under the weight of an eternal wind so strong even the stone could not stand before it. As if sculpted, the red, tan, gold, and brown rock flowed smoothly into gullies and archways and domes and buttes. Every now and then a monolithic pillar would rise upwards and scratch the sky, ofttimes with large boulders perched precariously upon their pinnacles. The sun was hot here, too hot for springtime in his opinion, and the large male grimaced. To the east of him, dark clouds marred the horizon and he could see sheets of rain plummeting to the earth. Lighting waged war in the sky, illuminating the black, blue, and purple clouds more often than he had ever seen. Certainly it would be cooler there, but the land did not lure him in for that fact.

Razo had spent the better part of his day roaming the rolling terra, awed by it's mere existence. The palette of the land was exquisite, and it's presence was awe inspiring. Canyons hundreds of feet deep seemed as naturally places as ripples in a calm pond. The stone was smooth under paw, and he had caught a decent lunch of jackrabbits hiding amongst the sparse shrub. The land had no shortage of caverns and caves, of course, but he saw no need o explore darkness when the colors about him were so lovely. There was little noise aside from the whistling of the wind. Once that might had sent the man into a state of alarm, anticipating an ambush or something of the like, but now it was peaceful. His hulking mass slid slowly down atop a particularly large ridge, resigning himself to eying this storm of storms, wondering if it might head his way.

"Talk" Think "You"

Twig I


01-22-2014, 04:26 PM

The cross marked she wolf was caught in the storm. She had plan to weather it out inside the log that had been a makeshift shelter, it would have worked too had the lake not flooded. Now she was off to find somewhere else, to outrun the worst of the storm. Her paws would bring her, and the clouds to a rather beautiful area. The rocks around her seemed to be a giant sculpture of the ocean. Her slate colored legs were stopped short as her violet gaze observed its wonder. It seemed it already had an occupant though, the large form of a wolf was perched upon one of the waving ridges.
She'd had quite enough of pleasant company for one day, Esper still weighing quite heavily in her mind. Such a strange encounter it had been. Her darkly hewn ears would fall back as her pace would pick up once more, she wanted to dry her pelt quite badly. If he hadn't already seen her she was sure he would once she slipped into one of the first caves she saw. She knew not how far back it receded, but there was quite enough space for her to walk around comfortably.
She would not become comfortable however, for it was a great possibility that she would be confronted in her mission to dry her pelt. The man she had seen outside would likely see what see what up to, were she in his situation she would have done the same. She would ready herself incase he chose battle, her knees bending slightly and her balance distributed evenly. If he would come in here with a fight on his mind she was ready to defend her chosen cave.




01-22-2014, 08:23 PM

And from the darkness
We shall all be reborn

Razo's eyes sharpened on a pale figure that emerged at a run from the storm plagued landscape. The clouds seemed to mass over top of her as she went and he grimaced, wondering if whoever approached was some sort of ironic omen from the gods. He sighed, noting as she noted him, and noting too that unlike many others she did not approach. She seemed instead to glower briefly and descend into the rocks farther down the slope, slipping amongst them like a spirit. He knew instead that she had only delved into one of the many caverns, but it made her seem no less ethereal. He blinked quickly, trying to make out what had just happened. For all intents and purposes she seemed to be on the run from the storm, but perhaps there was something else plaguing her as well? She had looked wary and sullen at a glance, perhaps injured or weak. Razo, in his attempts to become not only kind but chivalrous as well, thought that perhaps it was his duty now to help her.

He wavered. Surely the fae did not want to be bothered. The massive brute had done his best and beyond to avoid the mean spirited, less they lend a spark to his demon's kindling, and he had no indicators of this wolf's personality besides the fact that she had looked less than pleased with his presence. I should probably just leave her be... He thought to himself. So why, then, was he rising? He sighed and grumbled as he cast about the area. If that storm was blowing this way the gods only knew when they might be able to leave the shelter of the caves. The rolling thunder had the rodents all a-quiver, and he thought perhaps he would do well to capture one for the fae. It was a quick business, no more than a few moments time, to scatter one from it's hiding place. With the dead mammal in jaw, he made his way down the slope. "Hello?" He called out, voice muffled by the carcass, not wanting to surprise her or burst in. He came to the front of the breach and stumbled back at her defensive, fur puffing outwards. A growl tried to bubble up into his throat, his ears tried to pin backwards, but both instincts were pushed down. Instead he tossed the rabbit her way, nervous, hoping it would land at her feet instead of smacking her in the face. "Sorry! No, please, I'm not here to harm you!" He only hoped she would believe him.

"Talk" Think "You"

Twig I


01-24-2014, 04:44 PM

Her thoughts were soon brought to reality as she heard the faint clicking of claws upon stone over the thunder. He would come down to her, she just hoped it wouldn't take much convincing for him to leave her be. She was not in the right shape to be fighting with anyone. "Hello?" he would greet her first, that seemed like a decent sign. He wasn't about to jump her or anything. He would come around to the entrance slowly, with a rabbit clenched between his jaws. He seemed slightly started by her behavior, but it was no matter she did what she needed to stay safe. It was her turn to be taken aback as he tossed the rabbit to her feet, he had quite a set up in these caves. "Sorry! No, please, I'm not here to harm you!" He was so nervous for such a big wolf, she actually wondered what stories hid behind his scars.
She would keep herself a distance away as she pushed the rabbit back towards him, "Thanks, but I don't take hand outs." Her head would tilt slightly away as she tried to ignore its tantalizing scent. She'd cock her head again as she looked him over, his odd markings almost as impressive as his height. It was quite an accomplishment the size he had become, he towered more than a foot over her and she was sure he weight at least double her size. In such a small space it would have been quite the miracle if she had won had he chosen to attack. "This is my cave now." She would state her bold words to him, making herself seem confident and unmoving.

I can talk!



01-28-2014, 07:38 PM

Razo's first impression of the fae was one of stubborn pride and bravado, and he found it strangely endearing. The big man could not help but allow a small smile to flit to his lips. He shrugged at her claim of refusing handouts; it made no matter to him. The rabbit was there, and it was hers. Whether she ate it or not was his business. "Folk would call me a poor host if I let a sodden fae shiver and starve. But if you refuse, I'm sure the coyotes would be glad of the meal." He shrugged and sat, glad that she had not, as of yet, launched herself at him. Rip her throat out, the other voice said, and Razo blinked him back. Sink your claws into her flesh and tear. He stood to disguise his shiver, turning his back on the fae and on the demon, choosing instead to survey the approaching storm. He wondered if it might not be better to take his leave now, lest he be caught in this restricted place with her. He had seem lighting strike the smallest target in this flat, smooth land, and he knew he would be no less endangered if caught abroad. His broad shoulders heaved with a sigh. He looked over his shoulder, a weak smile on his face. "I can understand a dislike for company, truly. I've only just wandered away from a few very lonely weeks in isolation. It's not very enjoyable, in my opinion." Yes, those weeks in the Rock Garden had been long and strange, but Razo felt he'd come out all the better for it. It had taken him a long while to realize the strange pit within him was not anger or blood lust, but mere loneliness. A month ago he would have been reduced to a quaking pile of fur if confronted with such a headstrong companion, but now it seemed a welcome diversion from long days under the sun.

"Talk" Think "You"
Some walk the common paths, all nice and worn

But all folks are damaged goods

It ain't a talk of "if," just one of "when" and "how"

So, collect your scars and wear 'em well

Twig I


01-30-2014, 04:16 PM

He would just smile at her words, and she was unsure to be infuriated or scared. Obviously he could rip her to pieces in such close quarters. She certainly did not want to give her little hole up. A big storm was headed their way and she preferred not to be stuck in the middle of it. "Folk would call me a poor host if I let a sodden fae shiver and starve. But if you refuse, I'm sure the coyotes would be glad of the meal." Her violet gaze would return to the rabbit carcass and it irresistible scent. She was certainly hungry, but could she let her pride be so stung as to accept the strangers offering? Maybe she would eat it when he left...
He would turn again after those words, and she thought he might once again leave her to her loneliness. "I can understand a dislike for company, truly. I've only just wandered away from a few very lonely weeks in isolation. It's not very enjoyable, in my opinion." His words rang true for her, she didn't actually want to be alone, but she didn't want his company either. She wanted her family, she wanted her sisters and she wanted her brothers and all she needed was their comfort. She would sigh before letting herself loosen up slightly. He was just as alone as she was, maybe even more so. "I'm quite lonely myself." She would whisper as she averted her gaze to the cave wall. She seemed to meld into a whole different creature as she was able to relate to the larger brute.




02-10-2014, 04:25 PM

And from the darkness
We shall all be reborn

Razo watch a trace of vulnerability creep into the fae's alignment, and he felt a bit of his heart soften. Once upon a time it would have been cold iron, but now it seemed malleable to his needs. And at that moment he felt a need to comfort the woman before him. With a soft smile Razo settled down on the cave floor, still maintaining a comfortable distance between them. "Well, I guess in some ways being alone isn't so bad." He let out a small chuckle and rolled his eyes. "I used to be surrounded by others and trust me, that was not a good time." He shuddered, partially for comic effect and partially because he couldn't restrain it. All things considered, being alone was better than that, but he found himself enjoying small doses of company more and more now that his demons were easier to battle back. He wondered, as he so often did while in the presence of others, what they would think if they knew the atrocities he'd committed. Sure, it was one thing to see a scarred wolf sitting before you, but it was another entirely to picture them covered in blood. He sighed, and rolled onto his side, so that he might turn and watched the sheet of rain that was quickly approaching. He'd likely have to leave soon, less he be trapped here with the girl.

"Talk" Think "You"