


01-21-2014, 12:08 PM

He awoke to the sound of howling winds, of churning skies, and of sizzling bolts of lightning. There had never been a storm like it before, never one so bent on ruining everything in its path. A howl rang out from his lips, as he slipped from his den. The others had to be notified, had to get away somehow. The Infante would tip his head back again, letting loose another howl. By some miracle he was fairly sure the second was heard, the first had been most likely lost to the wind. His fur was whipped this way and that as he fought to keep his balance, the storm churning and growling all around him. There was not a wolf in sight, though it was midday in the Range and everyone should be out and about. Epiphron, the children, they all must have gone by now, for the den was strangely empty. Panic struck the russet being as he shifted into hyperdrive - dashing for the center of the Range. The machinery shed came into view, shaking and quivering as if afraid of the storm bearing down on it. Bravely he would dash inside, ?Hello?!? If anyone was inside they would have to leave immediately. The walls seemed ready to buckle at any moment. Nostrils flared, but no scent came to him save for the debris and dust the storm had kicked up. ?We've got to go!? He would roar over the deafening noise of the storm. He wouldn't wait any longer though, the barn would likely be at risk as well. He slipped from the shed, finding his way - by no less than a miracle - to the barn. Maverick would stumble into the entrance, ?Loccian, everyone... get out!? He bellowed for them, commanding even the Queen to flee what probably felt like a safe place to be. It was a wood and steel deathtrap - and he knew it. The walls quaked around him, a rickety two-by-four flew in his direction. Instantaneously he would duck, calling out for them again, ?Quickly!? There was a sickening crack of the two-by-four smashing to bits somewhere in the distance as he rounded back and out of the barn. His sides heaved with fear as adrenaline coursed through his veins. He had to find his family.

All hell had broken loose.



01-21-2014, 04:26 PM

The day was nice, Finiarel had gone out for a day of exploration while his mother and other siblings left to do other things. The boy now distracted with chasing a butterfly did not realize the coming danger. As he chased, the sky grew darker and within moments chaos broke loose. A flash of lightning broke the silence, causing him to freeze in his tracks. Wide neon green eyes looked up to the darkened sky, lightning bellowing from it once again. Winds picked up, tugging at him and blowing leaves all around him. Feeling scared, he turned his course back to their den. Hoping his father would be there. His heart quickened in pace as he raced home, the thunder and lightning booming overhead causing him to flinch away. At one point, he stopped under a log to hide as the winds howled loudly in his ears, but he knew he had to keep going. As brave as he always tried to be, this force upon natured was beginning to terrify him. And he wanted nothing more then to hide in the warm comforting fur of his mother and father.

Whimpering, he hesitantly would flee from the log, racing towards the barn and barely avoiding, the branches that would suddenly break free from the trees. At last, he could see the large structure of the barn, but was unsure as to where exactly his family was. Racing towards the den first, he peered inside to see it empty...but a familiar scent he would follow. Eyes darted from the ground to the sky as he slunk along, hoping the flashes of light wouldn't hurt him. He had never seen lightning and thunder, or weather like this for that matter.

His father's trail would lead him to the shed, the boy sniffing around for his father. "Dad! Dad where are you?!" Ears flattened against his skull, the wind howling all around him. With his body close to the ground, he would turn every which way in the hopes of seeing his father somewhere. And sure enough, he spotted him coming out of the barn. Wide eyes stared at the figure of his father, the pups limbs too frozen to move willingly. Fear had gripped him. "Dad over here!!" He cried out. Though he was sure the howling winds carried away his call despite his yelling at the top of his lungs. A creak would draw his attention behind him, followed by a lurching sound of breaking wood and ripping metal. The boy whipped around, wide eyes watching as the shed he stood next to came crumbling down. But it was too late for him to move, and as he tried to call again he became engulfed in materials of what was once a safe playing spot. The shed had fallen upon him. And he was now trapped.



6 Years
01-21-2014, 05:03 PM

The barn had been shown to Iorwerth upon joining the pack. Initially he had considered sharing the space with the other members of the pack, though it seemed none objected to each other having there own private locations to sleep. As it stood now, he hadn't slept in the barn once now, choosing his own personal den and staying put. It had certainly been a blessing over winter, the last thing he would have wished for was for that dreaded illness to have spread around the pack and therefore to the pups as well. It'd had been tough enough on the fully grown wolf, he was no medic but he wasn't one hundred percent sure a pup would have pulled through in the end.

Now however Iorwerth wasn't quite sure how he felt about his isolation. The weather was rarely a bother to the man, yet he sensed that this storm wasn't one that ought to have been taken quite so lightly. The skies were far too dark for this time of day and horrific howling winds billowed through the lands. He'd been unable to hear Maverick's howl from his location, the sound lost over the power of the storm and yet the male was on the move anyway.

In his approach he noticed the shed's losing battle against the storm. The small shape of Maverick's son was barely noticed. It would be as the wood finally gave way that Iorwerth would spot the figure, in time to see him buried by the ruined remains. Quickly he pushed forwards, rushing to the boy's aid not that he even knew the pup's name to call and check whether or not he was alright. "Are you concious?" Hardly the words to ask a child, though an answer of any kind would confirm if he was and the words would at least let him know that help was there.

Carefully lifting a broken lump of wood, Iorwerth set about trying to free the child. As he cast it aside it was then that he noticed the boy's father. "Maverick!" He bellowed over the winds, hoping his voice carried. "Help! Quickly!" Not wasting any more time, he moved back to the rescue, lifting more of the wood and metal from the pile. Those bigger planks of wood would certainly be easier to shift with help, he didn't want to risk dragging something and collapsing the heap.


01-21-2014, 06:36 PM

Panic-stricken and most certainly on-edge, the once King of Seracia was baffled with the intensity of the storm. With the Kingdom's recent expansion, it was incredibly hard to determine where his family might be. They had a habit of straying, especially the older children, and the odds of finding them in the midst of this hellish storm seemed slim. It would be then that he swore - as he shifted his head this way and that - he heard a cry, but it seemed muffled, drowned out. His head snapped in the direction, spotting part of the shed as it collapsed. He hoped no one had remained inside. There was another cry, this one was his name. A figure loomed in the distance, and he heard the word 'help'. Instantly he would charge in that direction - toward the shed he'd just been eyeing - as the wind buffeted him on every side. ?What's - Finiarel!? His son was trapped, the only way he knew it was him was by the dappled coat he wore so well. Jaws snapped shut around a two-by-four, lifting it carefully so as to not crush his son. ?Hold on!? He barked through grasping jaws, his heart beating fast - drumming in his ears. He could hear rain in the distance, a dull roar as it crashed hard against the earth. Oh gods this was a storm. The wind continued to buffet him, sending him off balance on occasion. Bits of wood and shards of metal flew in all directions, some clanging against each other, others smacking him hard on the flank or rump. He spat out another piece of wood, lowering his bodice to the earth, chin only half an inch from his front paws. Forward he would wriggle, beneath a jarred piece of wood nailed to a scrap of metal - hoping to reach Finiarel and be able to pull him to safety. Any moment something else could fall atop the pile - could kill his son before his very eyes. ?Fin, come on.. crawl if you can. Wiggle free!? He would urge his son toward him as he ushered his body forth, inch by inch. Neck stretched as far as it would reach, his nose brushed fur - his son's. ?That's as far as I can go son, just a bit closer and I can pull you out!? Was there enough time?




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-21-2014, 08:13 PM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2014, 08:14 PM by Epiphron.)

The rain had begun -- at first it was pleasant, beating lightly against the firm ground, as it lulled Epiphron to sleep. She not not sleeping in her den tonight. The rain had begun as she had been trailing the borders, and she had decided on a nap. The nap had been a bit longer than expected, and before long hours had passed.

She awoke suddenly to the loud crack of lightning overhead. The sound echoed through the land, shaking the earth itself, and she found herself confused upon opening her eyes. It was rare she awoke on her on -- without her husband at her side -- and she felt utterly bewildered. It was not night, and yet the sky was dark and eerie. Her attention was quickly drawn to her husband's call nearby, and she would scramble about from the makeshift den to head towards him. All around her, the wind had begun to howl, ripping across the lands as though it might destroy everything it touched. The rain was strong now, relentless as it beat down on the earth and everything that lingered on it. This was dangerous, something unlike any storm she had ever seen.

His call sounded from near the barn, and her speed would increase dramatically as she began to question where her children were. The oldest would know to hide; but the youngest ones? And what of Arian, who had gone north to visit Syrinx and his family? The woman's heart would lurch in her chest as she saw a flash of fur in the distance. The roar of thunder overhead gave her no opportunity to call out, but she would direct herself toward the barn, a sure place of safety.

Or so she thought. What she saw made her heart nearly stop. A heap of wood and metal, her husband attempting to remove something from the rumble. "Maverick!" she would shout, gaze dancing about, finding another familiar male. Iowerth. But where were the others..?


01-22-2014, 11:07 PM

Danger. It loomed all around the land as the black and crimson stained fae made her way to the heart of Seracia. Her form shook as she tried desperately scenting the air. Tahlia. The children. Oh god where were they? Plus there was Bane to worry about too... had the storm reached him? If it was like this at the river... oh god what if its banks swelled and washed the elder away? Panic gripped the normally calm woman. Rain was coming down in heavy sheets, soaking her coat, and strong winds whipped around her form. Forms near the shed, part of it collapsed, caught the attention of the female.

Concern would bring the female in the direction of the two standing near it, going at the rubble. Someone was trapped... they had to be. A loud crack was heard, more wood and metal splintering from the structure. They had to hurry and get away from it before all of them were killed! The female moved forward, paws picking up speed, only to feel a sharp pain, and everything going black in her right eye.

Destruction stumbled back, a loud yelp of pain passing her jaws. The female shook her head, pain throbbing where her eye was. She could smell blood... something had stabbed her in the eye. A piece of metal that had been dislodged from the shed had sliced into the orb, not deep enough to have passed and reach her brain, which could have killed her, but enough to destroy the orb completely and cause immense pain. The female gritted her teeth with pain. Dammit it hurt... but she had to get the others away from that death trap.

She moved towards the two males, keeping her body low and other eye narrowed against other possible debris. Her gaze would flick to Maverick... he seemed to have the situation under control for the moment... and she worried moving anything more might crush whomever was under it. The female shifted uneasily on her paws, single orb fixed on the structure that remained. 'Please hurry...'

"Speech" Think


01-23-2014, 04:46 PM

It was dangerous here, but all the girl could think about was Enola. Where was Enola? She needed to be somewhere safe. Enola needed to be rescued. This was only because the girl was worried about her adopted sister. Enola! Where are you? She howled, hoping the wind didn't drown out her voice. Considering she couldn't hear her own voice, she considered that her sister might not have heard her. And in this rain.....

A little angry, the girl stomped a white paw into a puddle. Where was her sister, exactly? Raising her voice to howl once more, Silveris let her bi-colored eyes look around, and noticed the black and crimson wolf just as something hit her side. Stumbling, the girl almost fell before she looked at her side. A large rock, that had been picked up and flown sideways, had stabbed itself into her side. Blood crowded around the edge of the rock, matting her fur a little. Whimpering, the girl was reminded of when she met her adopted mother.

But there was no time to stay there and let the rock stay in her side. Flopping on her right side, the one that wasn't hurt, the girl struggled to get the rock out of her side. Her jaws scraped it, before her neck was tired and she dropped her head with a whimper. But the rock couldn't stay in her side. Moving her head back to the rock, she clamped her jaws on it quickly, and it was yanked out as her head fell back. Now, she just needed help with the wound.

A yelp from the black and crimson wolf told Silveris that something had happened to her. But, the pain in her side was so great that the girl couldn't get up. She yelped loudly. Help...

Talk like this


01-23-2014, 11:43 PM

He could hear the wind roaring, the thunder booming, lightning striking. The flashes reached his eyes each time, brightening his small den as though the sun had fallen inside it. The thought that people might need help, that they might be in danger, had crossed his mind. But Erebos was frozen with fear.

He lay curled around himself in the far reaches of his hole, quivering and crying out every so often when a particularly horrifying image assaulted him. His hallucinations had returned in full force with the fear and he was struggling to keep them at bay. He imagined death in so many ways he had lost track, and it wasn't always his own. Each time that he pushed the visions away, more came to plague him shortly thereafter.

You will be fine when it's over. You will be happy when it's over. These words he repeated to himself over and over between agonizing screams. He would be okay. He would not let this own him again.



01-24-2014, 12:31 AM

Terror and darkness gripped the young boy, his world going black for what seemed like hours but was only moments. He did not feel the pain of the cut that a metal scrap had done as it fell on his hind leg. He did not feel the blood that trickled down his right hind in the darkness. All he could hear was the pounding of his own heart and the ringing in his ears from the event that had just happened as chaos blew all around them. Bright green eyes adjusted to the darkness, small bits of dark sky peeking through and he was fixed to the ground in terror. Was he alive? Was he dead? He was not sure if he could tell the difference right now, all he knew was the hellstorm that brought him into this predicament.

It was then, a voice unfamiliar reached him. A whimper came from his small body as he yelped to the stranger, too scared to speak. And still, he dared not move. He could hear movement outside, eyes searching the darkness for signs that perhaps everything would crush him under its weight. All he could hear was the pounding of blood in his ears, and suddenly the crack of wood followed by the voice of his father. "D-dad?" He'd turn his head in the direction of his father's voice, his body curling within itself as he made a tight circle, careful to not lean or push against any of the boards. And finally, he could see the unmistakable red snout of his father pushing through to him, his voice calling him forth as he felt his father's touch. Finiarel was all too happy to see him, though fear still overrode it. Carefully, he crawled towards his dad, groaning as he pulled his leg from the scrap that threatened to hold him down, still unaware of the injury. He would reach his father's face, licking him graciously as he pressed himself against him, ears laid back. Right hind leg leaving a slight trail of crimson soaked ground behind him, but he was intent on keeping close to his father and getting out of here. "Dad I'm scared!"



01-24-2014, 01:05 AM

Hell broke loose. Dragon ran under the trees, lightning and thunder booming overhead. He hated lightning and thunder with an intense passion. A phobia of sorts, for it reminded him of the day tragedy struck, the machines that killed his friends and more. He would never forget that day, it was the day he had almost died as well. And yet, here he was braving the storm that threatened them. Heading towards the barn that he knew most would be. He had to make sure they were safe, had to make sure nobody got hurt. He had no idea where Aeil had gone to, but maybe he would find her near the barn, and if not he would look for her later. Red eyes searched the fields before him, the familiar red barn coming into view but something was wrong. It was swaying, cracking, splintering. Would the storm take it down?

It frightened him, but he would not turn coward and flee when his pack was in danger. As he raced across the field, water and wind pelted him mercilessly, eyes narrowed as the winds buffeted him. He could see several familiar forms near a fallen shed, many of the pack were here, but where were the rest? It was then as he spotted Destruction, a small cry would reach his tattered ears. Turning, he looked for the source until it fell upon a small figure in the grass, one of Loccian's children that he remembered from the meeting. He rushed over, gazing upon her fallen form before stopping at her side. He saw the blood on her coat, and carefully he leaned closer. "Hello young one, my name is Dragon. I'm going to help you okay? I'll get you out of here and into safety." He murmured gently as he leaned down to grasp Silveris in his jaws.

Once he had hold of her, he quickly went over to Destruction, wincing at what he witnessed upon her face. Ears laid back as he saw the injury, and knew she needed help and fast. With his mouth full, he could only nudge her and guide her to turn around, to return to the forest and back to his den near the lake where he could try to treat the both of them. It was large enough for a few wolves to reside in, and far enough from the lake to avoid a flood. Surely they could go there for the time being.




01-25-2014, 03:42 AM

Last she was awake, Loccian had been curled up with her children, warm, and safe. The winds did not stir her, only cause the mother and Queen to curl about the babes tighter, taking in their wonderful scents. Over time tough the noise would grow louder, making her ears twitch, until finally she heard a voice calling,eyes opening as she became aware of what was going on around her. Head would rise, brain working to identify the voice calling into the barn. Maverick!

Without wasting any more time the woman would quickly rise to her feet, nudging her babes and husband. Loccian would pause though, jaws agape and eyes wide, hairs standing on end. Enola and Silveris, they weren't here! Fear would grip the woman's heart as she turned in a full circle, grey orbs scanning the stall they had been staying in. Nothing. "Gerhardt, they're gone! Hurry!" She barked, reaching over and nudging his shoulder and neck.

She would leave the boys up to him, she had to find her girls!

Quickly the woman would make her way out of the stall, gaze running over the other stalls, urging those who were still there to quickly get out. She would jump as something went flying past her head, smashing into bits a few feet away. "Gerhardt! Boys!" She would look over her shoulder, yelling over the wind. "Quickly!" Though her family was of the most importance to her heart, the woman had to find her girls and make sure the Kingdom was okay and gathered.

Out the doors she would go, pausing a few moments to gaze around the place. What she was would only make her heart sink further. Only a few members of Seracia were here, and a majority of the children were missing. Where was everyone? Were they hurt, okay, stuck under debris?

Finally she would land her gaze on the adults here, quickly running over with deep breaths. "Is everyone alright?" She would ask in obvious worry, wincing as she saw the blood upon Destructions face. The moment she would see Silveris and the blood she would gasp and run over to Dragon and the child, running her tongue over the girl's head and nuzzling her. "Silveris! What happened Buttercup? Are you okay? Where is Enola?" She would questiont he child all at once, inspecting the wound in her side and licking at the blood.

For a few moments she would turn her attention to tehe group, raising her voice. "We have to split up and find the others, make sure they're okay!" She would order, wanting to have some sort of order during this all. Some of them could spread out to gather the rest of the kingdom, and maybe one or two of them stay with the children. "Many are still missing, a majority children. We can't waste any time!"

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3


01-25-2014, 04:05 AM

Celeste had been roaming around the lake's shore when the stormed rolled in, and out of fear she had darted off into the nearby forest for safety. Paws drummed against the ground as she weaved between the trees, ears back, heartbeat racing like mad, blood rushing in her ears, the roar blocking out the strong winds for now. She would hop up and scramble over a boulder, jumping down and continued running. She had to find her siblings, and if she couldn't find any of them she had to find mother and father!

"Finiarel, Caeto!" She howled, running through the southern forest, yelping as a tree crackled then groaned, slamming into the ground and causing the earth around her to tremble. She would hop away, tail between her legs, eyes wide as she turned in a circle calling for her family. "Mooom! Daaad!" Her breathing quickened, backing up into a tree. "Cassius, Quintus, Amalia!"

Suddenly lightning would strike the tree behind her, making the girl jump and whirl around. Frozen with fear all the girl could do was stare up at the tree as the wood crackled, splintered where the lightning had struck, groaning as it began to tip. 'Somebody help...'


Awesome image by Andy <3



6 Years
01-25-2014, 09:24 AM

The quiet whimper had been barely audible over the noise of the storm and Iorwerth's movements to rescue the child. For that reason, uncertain of the boy's safety, the male continued to work swiftly, not bothering to pause and look to see if Maverick had even heard his calls. It was when the red male arrived at his side to help that Iorwerth realised that the shout must have been heard. The concerned father was quick to call out to the boy and quicker still to join Iorwerth in shifting the pieces of the shed. They continued silently in their work until it seemed they had moved enough for Maverick to lower his head in a gap to help Finiarel to crawl out.

Keeping an eye on the unstable structure and head low in case he needed to grab anything suddenly Iorwerth didn't relax at all until the speckled pup had emerged and was safely at his father's side. With concern he noticed the wound on the boy's leg. "He is wounded. There is a cut on his leg." Iorwerth stated glancing back up to meet Maverick's gaze for a moment and then with that he turned to leave the father and son alone. From what he could see other than the cut and being slightly shaken up the boy was fine, neither of those things was something that he could help with. Perhaps he could be of use somewhere else.

Turning he was faced with Loccian reaching the gathering group. A quick scan of them all suggested for the most part each of them were well enough, though further injuries were found to both Loccian's daughter and the wolf who had commented after him at the last meeting. Neither name Iorwerth knew, though now was hardly the time for introductions. At Loccian's words, the man gave a sharp nod of his head before moving away from the group to go and find any other members of the pack he possibly could.


01-25-2014, 03:50 PM

It hadn't been long before the girl was picked up, by a wolf who introduced himself as Dragon. Thanks. The girl whimpered, and wagged her tail a little. The pain in her side was not as bad, but the blood was becoming matted in her fur. She wanted to lick the wound, but in her position, she had to deal with it.

Ears pricked as the girl heard her mother calling. Worry pierced her as Loccian called for Enola. Then, the queen had spotted the black and crimson wolf, and winced. Loccian spotted her, and ran over to the girl as fast as she could. Silveris struggled to wag her tail a little at her mother, causing a few gentle hits to Dragon's legs.

A gentle tongue scraped the girl's head, as Loccian asked her what happened, how she had got the scar. I heard the wind, and it woke me up. I noticed that Enola wasn't there, so I looked for her. I couldn't......I couldn't find her. A rock hit me, and caused this wound. The girl paused, then raised her head to look in her adopted mother's eyes. I'm sorry, mom. I'm sorry I couldn't find her, and I'm sorry I made you worry. She whimpered, as her mother licked her side.

The girl hoped that her sister was okay, wherever she was.

Talk like this



6 Years
01-25-2014, 06:21 PM

The young maverick look alike had been wandering away from the den again, straying towards the border. He had been hoping to run into Zaria again, the dark girl he'd gone off with to explore some time ago. But no such luck. So young Caeto had seated himself at the border of the pack territory, azures observing the world beyond his pack lands. The young boy hadn't taken much notice to his surroundings, finding no alarm in the fact that they sky had begun to get darker and the wind had begun to pick up. At first it was just a insistent cry, but as the minutes ticked on, it became a fierce howling. The wind began to buffer the young boy on all sides, throwing his muted russet coat this way and that way, screaming insistently in his ears. An annoyed look would take ahold of his features, sapphires rolling upwards as he tilted his head backwards to take a look at the sky, which was getting darker by the second. A frown would crease his brows as he rose from his position on the border, turning around to head back to his den. He wasn't particularly fond of getting sick and his mother would have his head if he got a cold.

The rest of his siblings were probably already in the safety of the den with his parents and they would be expecting him to return soon. The young man took a detour, hoping to get back to the safety of his family before the storm came in. But he would not reach his destination, a scent distracting him from his course; Celeste. Shouldn't she have been with the family? Caeto would veer away from his path, a concerned look overtaking his features as he kept his head low, searching for the familiar figure of his sister. It would take him several minutes before he would spot her creamy russet figure, though he was surprised to see her standing frozen, tail tucked behind her as she stared up at a giant tree that looked like it was about to fall over any second. CELESTE! He would boom, throwing himself forward into a head on charge towards his sister. If she didn't move the thing was going to crush her! With a giant leap he would close the remaining few feet between himself and Celeste, hoping to barrel straight into her left side, essentially knocking her out of the path of the falling tree. Would he be able to save his sister?

Talk like this


01-25-2014, 08:20 PM

Panic strickened the heart beating wildly in his chest, but he could not let that overwhelm him just yet. His son was in very real - very immediate danger. He could inch himself no further with a two-by-four wedged at an awkward angle between he and Finiarel, so it was up to the boy to make the rest of the distance if he could manage. Maverick would release a whine, encouraging the boy toward the sound of his voice. By some miracle Finiarel managed to close the distance between them, and graciously Maverick would take hold of his scruff. Holding tight he would wriggle his bodice backward, dragging his son after him. The smell of blood was pungent, but there was nothing he could do about that until Finiarel was safely out of the wreckage. When the spotted figure of his son was free of the debris he would lick him furiously over and over, noticing Epiphron's figure out of the corner of his eye. ?Epiphron, tend to him, I'll find the others.? He would lick his son atop the crown of his head once more before reluctantly moving away, hearing the cry of Caeto over the storm - calling out Celeste's name. The older children were still on his mind, but the younger three would be in more danger. A tree was creaking, falling toward the earth in slow motion. Caeto was attempting to push Celeste out of the way. In a blur of russet, Maverick would charge in their direction - his only thought to ensure that the tree would not fall on them. Not that he could have stopped it if he'd wanted to. As he neared he heard the sickening thud of the tree as it met the earth - the cracking and popping of branches as momentum rolled it. He was near enough to it that, as it rolled, a branch would catch him on the right side of his head and send him reeling to the earth. It was as if someone had reached into his brain and shut off the lights. Everything went dark, and a sickening cry left his lips involuntarily. Breath would catch in his throat as he wheezed and collapsed in a rusty heap. Maverick would blink once, twice, thrice - nothing. His sight was gone, and for the first time in his life he was absolutely positively afraid.



01-26-2014, 11:51 PM

It was as though the whole world around the girl went silent, moving in slow motion. Amber orbs would stare at the tree as it made its way towards her, twisting, leaves flying off the branches. Bottom jaw would drop, and her head would back, unable to make her legs move, to get her out of the way. 'Why... why is this happening?!' She would whine, wishing for this all to stop, for her home to go back to its peaceful state.

"CELESTE!" The sound of her name being called would break the girl's thoughts, her world of silence and slow motion suddenly coming to a stop. The howling winds would pierce her ears, the groaning and rumbling of the falling tree causing the ground to tremble around her. Head would suddenly jerk in the direction her siblings voice rang out from, to her left, in time to see Caeto just before he rammed into her left side.

Next thing she knew, the pup was pushed back, body falling to the side, legs tucking in, making her roll out of the way of the tree. As quickly as she was pushed aside though the girls' limbs would kick out, body rolling over so she could stand back up, her heart racing. In seconds she would be able to finally stand, gaze frantically looking for her brother, not wanting to see he had become trapped beneath the tree. "CAETO!" She wailed, ears back and tail between her legs.

And then a blur of red would come fro the girls side, head turning in that direction just in time to see her father rushing towards them, before being smacked by a branch form the tree and knocked into the ground. "DAAAD! NOOO!" She wailed, lunging towards where her father had fallen, but would come to a stand still.

Both these men were incredibly important to the girl, and both of them had just risked their lives to help their family. Which one should she go to first to see was okay?


Awesome image by Andy <3



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-27-2014, 05:21 PM

Everything happened suddenly -- as if hell had unleashed itself upon the earth. Upon her family. It took all her patience to remain grounded as Maverick struggled to pull someone from the rubble. Then she saw a flash of creamy white fur and blood, and it took her a long moment to realize it was her son. His hind leg had been cut deeply, and she watched as the confused boy pressed into her husband. Epiphron would rush forward to embrace him, quickly moving to nudge his hind leg and search for the injury.

It was nothing fatal, simply a moderate cut, but to her any injury on her own kin was severe. She glanced to Maverick, who instructed her to stay with Fin. She wouldn't argue, but she couldn't help the pit of worry that had begun to build in her stomach. "Sit," she would instruct Fin gently, knowing it provided them little cover -- but the wound had to be cleaned before they moved anywhere.

Myth I


6 Years
01-28-2014, 10:48 PM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2015, 01:52 AM by Myth I.)

Never more in her life had she wished she had not left her family. The world seemed to be falling down around her, thunder booming, wind howling in her ears and rain driving to reach her even huddled inside her den. She could just hear shouting beyond through the rain and wind. A howl carrying across the expanses, and Myth whimpered. She should answer, run to find it source, but the fear made her shuffled farther into the den. A clap of thunder sounded above her and a fork of lightning reached out of the sky to strike just beyond the entrance of her den, a scream fled her lips and she began to cry. The fear taking over her.




6 Years
01-29-2014, 04:11 AM

Iorwerth probably wouldn't have stopped by his cousin's den, not because he wished to avoid the girl, but merely as it wasn't quite crossing his current path. Though not close to Myth or any of his family, there was some semblance of a heart within him and he would still help if they were truly in trouble, though not really with any more concern than he showed the rest of the pack. He didn't actually know who had screamed, though the high noise pierced through the air and he was fortunately close enough for it to just catch his attention. Olive gaze scanned the landscape for a moment he set off in what he hoped was the right direction.

The storm of course didn't feel his challenge was difficult enough. The land was already suffering from it's destruction, though more branches and debris were caught up in those terrible winds and sent flying in Iorwerth's direction. Turning away, quick reactions saved his head though his left shoulder took a lot of the damage, knocking him momentarily off balance and stumbling back slightly. Immediately he felt the pain of the strike, though wasn't initially aware that a cut had come along with the injury. Fortunately not particularly deep, the main pain would likely be the bruising surrounding the wound.

Limping slightly he continued on his way, head low and eyes narrowed, even so he eventually managed to catch sight of a figure standing near the opening of a den, another flash of lightning through the sky briefly illuminating the area that certainly aided in confirming that fact. Pressing forwards, finally he was aware that the individual was Myth though he thought little upon the matter. She was simply another member of the pack to him, a rather scared one that could use a bit of help it seemed.

"Come now. Keep close." He informed her simply, turning his back now and starting to lead the way back towards the area where it seemed others had begun to gather. Even he had to admit they needed to group together in this storm, help each other as needed. For Myth it seemed that she needed some help relaxing, perhaps being with others would help. He wouldn't drag her around on his hunt for others though, the short trip towards Loccian, Epiphron and the children would be her only journey with him.