
Brain Over Brawn


01-19-2014, 10:04 PM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2014, 10:05 PM by Isabella.)
The endless sands had interested Isabella since she had first came to them, they had captivated her imagination, wonder, and most of all determination. But that did not mean Isabella just went to the sands, she explored the lands around them to further learn the ends and outs of the land. It was then that the fox colored female found something interesting. Not too far from where the sand stopped and the grass started was a ravine, and not much farther from there was a forest and a forest meant prey. It must have been there the dear was from that she and another female Dawn dined on, dead in the sands.

The discovery of the place was one that made her glad she always stepped carefully and was mindful of her environment, if she wasn't she was sure she would have fallen in. That gave her an idea though, if she almost overlooked it then no doubt some panicked animal would never see it, at least not until it was too late. Pacing back and forth in front of the ravine, she found a good safe path down then went the the forest to do what she loved, hunting. "Learn, track, stalk, pounce, kill." The five steps of hunting ran though her head as she started to get lower and lower to the ground and waled with longer and longer strides.

"Or in this case, learn, track, stalk, chase." The thoughts ran though her mind as she moved in the forest and paused with her nose in the air. Finding nothing of use in the air she put her nose the ground and let her icy blue eyes look for any signs. The first sign she found was one of scent and sight, some leaves that were partially buried in the soil from being stepped on. Taking in the scent on the leaves she found it to be the scent of a doe. Looking around she saw other tracks and found other scents, a heard was near. Her black lips lifted just a moment exposing her teeth to the air, she was eager to sink them into a deer, any deer.

Tracking the heard took time and pittance, she had to move slowly and avoid any branches or leaves in her way as well as predict the direction of the heard and stay downwind of them. Having been a wolf who loved to track it was easy enough and soon she found a heard grazing under the watchful eyes of a buck. The buck was rather large, too large to be of interest. Sticking to the trees she did her best to keep a good distance and go around the pack to pick a target. She soon found one, a young looking doe that could't have been more than a year old.

From there she moved again, putting herself behind the doe and in a straight line to the crevice. That done she lowed her body even more, readied her back legs and pounced throwing the heard into a frenzy. Her first few steps got her into a dash quick enough to be on the heals of the doe. Stretchering out her neck she sunk her fangs into it's rear left leg, clamping down as tight as she could. The doe kicked back with it's good leg catching Isabella on the right shoulder not deeply enough to do lasting harm but enough to bother her for a little while. Ignoring the pain, Isabella jumped back before jumping back; with the doe going forward and her going backwards she did a good amount of damage to the doe, enough to slow it down and certainly enough to make it next to impossible for the doe to jump.

Decreasing her speed a bit, now her only goal was to run behind the doe just enough to keep her running right for the ravine. There were a few trees to be dodged every now and then and she had to correct her own path to keep the doe going the right way but that aside it was a smooth run. Soon the forest came to an end, the grasslands meaning the ravine was near. It was all too near for the doe who did not see the crevice until she was too close and with the injury to her back leg there was no jumping. The doe fell in and hit the ground with a thud. Isabella slowed down to a lope as she started to pant. Walking up to the ravine she peaked over and saw the doe still at the bottom.

For a moment her tail wagged, she was far too small a wolf to ever kill a dear on her own with her strength so using her wits was a much better option. She did feel a little empty not making the kill with her own fangs, but at lest she got to cause an injury that had a roll in the death. Backing up from the edge, she turned her head and licked her shoulder as best she could, she could find herbs for it later, now she only wanted to make sure she did not leave a trail of blood behind down the way to the bottom. Time was important at this point, and not showing the path to the doe clearly would buy a little more time.

Taking the safe way down with a slight limp she made it to the bottom and went to the doe. Pausing only a moment Isabella lowered her head and thanked the doe for its life. That done she moved to the flanks and dug in, staring with the best meat first. The fall made somewhat of a loud thud after all and the smell of blood had a tendency to draw others. Thinking of others intruding on her prize she lowers her body putting her right front leg just in front of her on the doe protectively. Her ears and tail were up as she ate, to catch the sound of others and show she would not simply give up this prize.


03-13-2014, 03:03 PM

What Is Life For, If Not For Joy?
Excitement. How it bubbled within the male, filling him to the brim with positive energy. As he made his way along the ravine, just to burn some of his excess energy before he actually went hunting and returned to his beloved ?owyn. The thought of actually becoming a father, and experience the joys of parenthood only fueled his excitement. There was no worry, no doubts, no fears of anything ever going wrong. They were a strong family, and they would form a strong pack. Their children would surely be raised in the best type of environment -- getting plenty of love, but also a stern guiding paw if need be.

Honestly Birch couldn?t wait for them. Already the dreams of being surrounded by puppies and romping around with them filled his nights, and his days were filled with spoiling his beloved mate with attention, except when he needed to go off for a little while on his own so as to not overwhelm her with his energy. If anything Birch was truly back to the way he was when he was young, a bounce in his step, eagerness in his eyes, and readiness to make others happy. Only this time most of his attention was spent on his beloved ?o.

Light purple eyes seemed to dance with light in his skull as he walked, his body seeming to move to an invisible rhythm. To any cold-hearted beast who might lay their sights upon the chocolate and snow brute the sight was sickening. But why not feel happy? Surely there was no harm in enjoying what life had to offer, and when in good times enjoy them to the fullest? He knew he had nothing to worry about when it came to his mate?s birth either -- they already had a healer in their pack, and Ellis was young though capable. Everything was going to be fine.

The scent of blood would be what broke through the thoughts of the male. He would come to a stop, twitching his ears and lifting his nose to the wind. A fresh kill perhaps? He scented the air again. This wasn?t a pack territory... but if he wasn?t mistaken the scent that was coming to him was of larger game... And... There only appeared to be one wolf scent as well. Curiosity bubbled within him now, and Birch would continue on now, moving at a bit more of a cautious pace. He knew well enough that wolves could be very protective over their kills.

Though the wolf he would find standing over the carcass of a deer hardly seemed threatening at all. She was small... Very, very small. Perhaps the smallest wolf he had ever seen for an adult, which he could tell she was. Another scent would hit him too, the scent of her heat, not that he cared too much about that. This was the second female, other than his ?owyn, that he had come across in heat this season. He supposed that it wasn?t all that strange, but still, Birch couldn?t help but ponder what her attitude would be like. If she decided she didn?t care too much for his company he wasn?t going to stick around long, though he thought it rude just to simply look upon her and leave.

So Birch came closer, though he still made sure to keep a respectful distance away from her and her prey, and then sat, ears perked towards her in curiosity. He would clear his throat, then offer forth a greeting. ?Hello there, miss.? He would offer a smile. From what he could tell she had no help at all killing the deer... And that was when it hit him. His gaze would shift upwards, and he would chuckle. ?It would seem that your brains are more formidable than your brawn.? His light purple gaze would shift back to the female, not moving a muscle and keeping his body completely relaxed.

Live, Love, and Laugh For Today

Because Tomorrow You Might Not Have The Chance


03-13-2014, 05:38 PM

Isabella was enjoying her feast, starting with the hindquarters of the doe where the best meat was. The meat was rich and wild, she was happy, actually happy, so much so her tail started to wag. Shifting her stance she ate as much as she could before turning her attention to the stomach. Before she could dig in a scent came to her over the scent of the doe, another wolf. Instantly she lifted her body and looked around spying a white and brown male approaching her. The male was larger than her but no behemoth, perhaps an average sized male. Even so a wolf that size could be a threat to her and make an attempt to take her food. It also wasn't the best time to run into a male, not at this season.

Turing she used the doe to give herself leverage by putting her front paws on its back and looking at the male. With her back paws on the ground she seemed to stand a little taller as she lifted her head and ears, locking her icy blue eyes on the odd violet eyes of the male ready to watch his every move. Already she planed different ways to run forward and strike if need be. Running was not an option now, not with the doe here. True she would not be able to eat it all though she had yet to eat her fill. The male sat away from her at a distance that looked like he had no interest of her food. Rather he gave a greeting, a somewhat well mannered one and tried to figure out how she had made the kill. He was right to look up but she would not look up as he did.

Being emotionless was a part of who Isabella was but she knew there were some things that every wolf responded to, signs of aggression and possessive behavior that would make it clear not to come any closer. The male didn't seem like he was moving from the spot it wouldn't hurt to make it clear though she was small she wouldn't tolerate him coming closer. Her ears moved back, her eyes narrowed and her lips parted showing her fangs. The blood on her fur gave her a harsher look, at least as harsh as a small wolf could look. "Yes, I did kill the doe by using the lands around me. One has to make due with what they have when they are both small and alone." In contrast to her appearance her voice was empty and emotionless. Though in this case her appearance gave extra stock to her words making her seem cold and somewhat heartless.

Since the male did not seem lie he was going to move she relaxed just a bit as her ears rose once more. "I made the kill alone, I plan to enjoy this meal alone so I hope you did not come out of hunger.I am Isabella VentFlurrer, a simple loner, and though I am small I assure you I can make and keep kills." A growl would have been something to add in here yet she felt that was just too much, after all at this point her intent was clear and she would not act upon her aggressive behavior if not provoked.

Wearily she watched the male waiting for him to reply. It was common for large wolves to use their size to push around smaller wolves, she had seen it before after all though had no real reason to defend herself from larger wolves other than the case of food. Part of it was due to her personality, she was bold enough to not be intimated by larger wolves, when everyone was larger than you such a thing would make for a miserable life.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."


03-14-2014, 07:03 AM

What Is Life For, If Not For Joy?
The female was making sure to show him that she wouldn't be pushed around. Front paws were placed on the back of the fallen deer, giving the femme a bit of leverage, her icy blue orbs meeting his own violet hues. Even as she tilted back her ears, narrowed her eyes, and flashed her fangs Birch did not move, did not seem fazed. He knew she was merely making sure that he knew it was her kill and that he was not to intrude. Not that it had been his intention, but the brute knew well enough to stay away when need be. She looked rather harsh with that type of expression, despite her size. It was a sight that certainly didn't suit any female in Birch's eyes, though if he told her that he was pretty sure she would take it the wrong way.

In contrast to her own state Birch sat completely relaxed, a calm expression on his face. Ears were pricked forward, eyes shining with curiosity, and tail curled around one leg as he watched her. His coat was also free of blood, though it wouldn't be later. But he was capable enough to take down his own kill, rather than have to stoop so low as to steal it from someone else. He would give a small nod as she spoke, gentle tones leaving his mouth when he spoke. "True enough. Though I must say I haven't met too many who would use such an advantage. I guess I was rather impressed to say the least." Her words, and the tone that they gave, did little to put Birch off. He was not one easily detoured.

At her next words, and the introduction of her name, Birch had to smile. She was indeed a feisty one, and he had little doubt that despite being on her own she would be just fine. "No, merely curiosity brought me this way, and the need to burn off some excess energy so I don't end up driving my mate crazy." He would chuckle. "...and I had planned to hunt, though closer to my home. I'm not just feeding for myself after all." He would smile all the brighter at this. He had a family on the way... and that meant making sure that ?owyn was well fed. "As for who I am, well, I am Birch Netonya. A rogue for now, though my mate and I are on our way to creating our own pack."

For the most part the meeting didn't seem to be all that bad. The female had made her point in letting him know that she wouldn't simply be pushed around, and would act aggressively if she felt the need to, while he had made his point that he was not interested in doing anything to her or taking her kill. He would chuckle softly. "Sorry, I bet you must think of me to be quite odd, miss Isabella." The male shook his head. "If you'd simply rather me leave I can do so, though I assure you I am not here to cause you any sort of grief."

Live, Love, and Laugh For Today

Because Tomorrow You Might Not Have The Chance


03-15-2014, 07:00 PM

The male did not seem to phased by her behavior and that annoyed her a bit even though she would never show it. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence with any wolf larger than her but her small size did not mean she was a push over. Then again the male didn't seem to get aggressive from her behavior nor did he seem aggressive in general. That was odd, who would come to a kill if not for interests of food or the wolf there? The male did no seem to hold in logic in his behavior, he stayed distant, relaxed and...curious? What was this wolf up to? There had to be some motive he had that he was not revealing.

Staring at the male as he spoke she did again not look up but gave a sort of a huff that due to its tone could have sounded rather unimpressed despite the fact it was out of a degree of mistrust directed to the male. "Impressed or not it is no major feat. I am small so must make up for my lack in size using the land around me only seems like the obvious thing to do. If many wolves were small as I perhaps you would know many who hunt in such a way. The method has some risks of course, the doe must be danged before it is brought here so it cannot jump." She wasn't about to show this stranger an injury, a weakness on herself but that didn't mean she couldn't share her methods. If he had any hint of the injury perhaps he would just mistake it from blood of the feast even if he saw it.

Her confusion with this male grew as he smiled. What reason was there do to do such a thing was she amusing him? No one should smile at a wolf who was making it clear they would get hostile if the distance between the two shrunk. Her suspicion for this male grew as he said he only came here from curiosity. She was a curious wolf herself but not so much as to barge onto others just to find out how they made a kill. He gave more away as he spoke, he had a mate then and perhaps something more judging by the time of the year. That smile she understood, though she acted emotionless she understood emotions and what it meant to have a mate though she never had one herself. However burning off exes energy? Again odd, a thing she didn't understand. He wasn't a pup after all and should have have more than capable of controlling himself.

The male went from odd to suspicious as he gave his name, Birch, along with his intent on creating a pack. Maybe that was why he was so odd, he wanted to be an Alpha. She visibly stiffened at this, Alphas were not her favorite thing, they were wolves of power, too much power most of the time and they let that power go to their head. A family wolf or not, an alpha would most likely hold their power though blood just like her old Alphas. "I see, well that explains a few things." She said with more chill to her voice than before. As much as she disliked the idea of this possible tyrant before her he seemed to still be somewhat respectful as again he spoke.

"Odd? Yes, very. What wolf seeks out a kill out of curiosity? What wolf must leave their family to burn energy and does not have control of their energy level? And what sort of wolf would ever want to be an Alpha." Her voice was even yet her eyes grew harsh at the word 'alpha'. Even so, she showed no anger at the male just a distant coldness and she spoke with noting but blunt honesty. There was no reason for anger yet and even if there was she would be weak if she showed such a thing. At his last words she stepped back down to the belly of the doe, she could step back and eat for now somewhat comfortable. There was no way she would give her trust to anyone she just meat but she knew she could eat without fear of attack.

Quickly she took a few mouthfuls then looked back at Birch. Just because there was no clear sign of him attacking she wouldn't truly take her eyes off of him. The males assurance he would offer no grief seemed polite, and that was something she respected. Scarfing down a few more bits she looked at him. "Stay or go if you like, it is no real matter to me. We are social creatures by nature so company is not the worst thing in the world even if we are strangers with noting between us but a sort of tension I cannot deny sometimes I like conversation. Besides, I will not be able to eat all of this and I would hate for what I leave behind to go to waist." It was a logical reason enough for her to have the male stay around a little while longer. In all honesty he doubted if the male would stay or not due to her seemingly aggressive nature. She would not blame him if he left but due to his rather odd nature would not be surprised if he stayed.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."


03-27-2014, 07:31 PM

What Is Life For, If Not For Joy?
The female hardly let her guard down, though Birch did not blame her. He was an... Odd male for sure. He had never, ever, met a wolf like himself, not really, though he was sure that they were out there. But he didn?t mind if their paths didn?t cross. One pup-like adult wolf in any area was more than enough. Sometimes he wondered if he shouldn?t try to change how he was... But... He felt that things were meant to be this way. He was as he was for a reason, and he would remain that way for as long as he lived, passing on his views to his children just as his mate would pass on hers. Together he was certain they would be strong, whether they became alphas or not, and no matter the paths they chose to take in life.

The huff was caught, and for the first time since meeting the smaller wolf Birch showed something different then his calm and curious nature. A bit of a saddened look would cross his face, almost as if he was a pup being scolded for doing something wrong by a parent. As she spoke it almost did seem as if she was more of a parent speaking to a pup, at least in a way. Her tactics, in her own eyes, might have seemed obvious, but Birch would not have thought of such things. He was more of the thought smaller wolves simply hunted smaller prey... Especially if they were the size of this female.

The sense that he was appearing more as an annoyance was coming onto Birch, though he wasn?t convinced to leave just yet. He would leave if she wanted him to, or if he felt he had really, really annoyed her, but as for now he remained where he was, smile faded, watching her with a more calm and serious look than before. His bouncy, energetic movements were gone for now, as if her words had reminded him that he was indeed an adult, and he should act more like one. It was something he had always had trouble doing... And spending time as a loner, and then being in a pack that had simply accepted him as he was, he had grown set in his ways.

When she spoke again there was more of a chill to her voice than before... And Birch would tilt his ears back some. Even still he simply looked more... Pupish. Don?t do this Birch. Don?t do that Birch. What you?re thinking and planning is wrong Birch. For a moment he would advert his gaze, as if he half expected to be yelled at for mentioning the fact he was planning on becoming an alpha alongside his mate. A sigh would leave him as the female would continue, realizing, at least for the moment, that he truly was an oddity. He wasn?t really... mature in some ways.

When she finished speaking Birch would look to her, keeping his voice calm, still respectful, though moreso held in check than before... As if he was still waiting for her to explode in anger or something of the sort... As if he had experienced such a thing before. ?Yes... So I?m odd... So what? Maybe it is strange to seek a kill for the sake of curiosity... But a ravine is not necessarily a normal place to make one. The danger of the wolf themselves falling into the ravine after the prey is always a possibility, especially if they don?t know the lay of the land... And, as I said before, I?ve never heard of another wolf using your tactics, though that isn?t saying that there are not any others out there.? He would shake his head.

?It wasn?t really the kill that truly interested me I suppose... But wanting to make sure the wolf behind it was still okay. Some might call that shady, but my life, since my family was forced to split apart and go our separate ways, has been dedicated to helping others who are too weak to help themselves, or who might meet a stroke of bad luck.? He looked the female directly in the eyes as he said this, honesty shining within his eyes.

?As for the matter of my energy I have always had a high energy level since I was a pup... And... I suppose you could say I wasn?t taught the so called proper way of behaving. I was accepted however I acted, and so I guess in some ways I never truly grew up. I still love running around and romping just as a pup would... And while some do not approve of this... The wolves I have been with in groups, pack or not, have, and so I never changed... And I never will.? The last bit was added on almost defensively, though he didn?t raise his voice and still kept that matter of respect in his voice.

Now came the last matter. Birch would give a soft sigh as that matter came along. ? for your last question, I can only assume that your coldness towards the idea of any wolf holding such a position means that you have had your share of bad experiences of tyrants using that power to control others as pawns. Perhaps that is too bold to assume... But it is what I see.? Yes... Birch could truly have his serious moments when the need arose.

?As I mentioned before... My family was forced apart... By wolves who were like that. We didn?t have set borders... And because we were too close, being among different packs, I suppose we were seen as a threat. So why then would I want to be an alpha? It is not something I have necessarily sought out as my destiny... But when I met my mate she had a dream, to create a pack... And a pack, a real pack, acts as a family regardless of blood. I want to be an alpha alongside her to restore honor to the name, so I can use my power to protect those I care about... So I can protect all of my pack, blood related or not. They are my family... And it is my duty, whether I am an official alpha or not, to protect them with everything I have until my last breath leaves my body. Their problems, their sadness, their joy... All of it is part of mine as well.?

Perhaps, now that he had spoken, the female could see that he was not quite as bad as she might think a possible alpha to be. Perhaps she would see Birch was merely as he was, a loving male with an open heart, the desire to protect what he cared about, the will to do whatever was needed of him, regardless of cost, and the wish to simply live life helping others. Life was short, far too short, so rather than spend it being cruel to each other and causing grief he found it much more rewarding to bring happiness to those he met. A life was better remembered in love than in hate.

The female would speak again, saying that he was welcome to stay. Wolves were indeed a social sort of creature, for the most part needing others, at least at times, to help them through their lives. He would dip his head, silently thanking her for her will to share her kill once she was finished with it. Even if she could not finish it all it was still her choice what to do with the meat, and Birch wouldn?t have asked her to share had it not been what she desired. His purple eyes watched her still, a bit of an underlying emotion within them... Hinting at what he feared more than anything. Rejection.

Live, Love, and Laugh For Today

Because Tomorrow You Might Not Have The Chance


04-22-2014, 10:45 AM


For some reason the male looked sad. She wondered why. But at least the male didn?t leave yet, it?s not like she truly wanted to be alone again but she didn?t mind if she was. Something seemed to have change in the male, he acted more like an adult and less excitable. Even so, he looked like he was being scolded by her words almost like a pup in trouble. As the male spoke she went back to her meal, her ears twitched every now and then. Pulling out a piece of meat and snapping it up she turned back to him.

It was true, this was no normal place to make a kill and any wolf less confident in themselves would never risk such a thing. ?Yes, this isn?t a place others would hunt, it is reserved for those who are sure in their steps, in their every move, one who can control so much as their every though.? She nodded slightly as she spoke able to see the logic in that. Yes it was an easy thing to think of a kill her but to do it? Maybe it was more rare than she first thought. As he went on she went back to her meal before a brief pause in the male?s words.

Looking up she met his eyes thinking over his words. Kind wolves, those that cared for others were not truly rare but one who cared enough for another to actually get active was not common. [COLOR=blue][B]?I suppose, there could be foolish wolves that try a kill like this, ones who do not know each step they take and end up as worse off as their prey. Helping them would be, well not natural but the right thing to do.?
The male was being honest with her so she was being honest with him. Not that she let her guard down, no she would never do that on a first meeting, but she didn?t exactly reject or ignore what the honest male had to say.

To think of a wolf who was always like this, always like a pup full of energy and running about. It indeed wasn?t proper, Isabella imagined for a moment if ever wolf acted like this and frowned at the thought. What a pawfull that would be, a world with no discipline, no respect and non-stop chatter. No she much prefer the proper way of things yet would not argue the way this wolf acted. ?Change is not always good. Nature is nature, I am who I am and you are who you are. We may not like it but there is no way around it.? Her cold logical words made it clear she may not have practically liked the wolf but she would do her best to accept his pupish ways.

Now he spoke about being an alpha, being in a pack. ?No, it is not a bold assumption, the alphas I have seen have been noting but vile, fools with no respect no tact no care, only blood and power.? Pausing she turned back to her meal as he went on but intend none the less. A pack without borders? A pack of closeness? It was a novel idea but it was something that had little chance of working, with no order what was there in a pack? The male?s idea of a pack wasn?t that bad though, family with power to protect, one that shared in each other?s lives and were bonded like a true family. Isabella was surprised, she didn?t think this male had that much seriousness in him.

With her belly full, she paused a moment to groom her legs and chest before stepping over what was left of the carcass. ?Not a bad idea, not at all for a pack but you know there is more to being an Alpha than just having a good idea. Other packs will interact with yours and to deal with them you must be a responsible Alpha. All of this?.pup like behavior, this bouncing around this playfulness. That would only be seen as a sign of weakness or worse, disrespect to another pack. I have seen my share of official meetings and been part of delegations. The idea is a good one but you need more than hope to make a pack, you need responsibility.?

Isabella debated on whether or not this male had responsibility, or any hope of having it. If not maybe his mate did, she hoped she did for if this pack was formed and such disrespect was seen war would break out. At least it would have with her old Alphas had they faced someone like this. Licking her lips she had said all she wished to for the moment and moved aside, finding herself a place to sit on a relatively flat area of rock. She could tell this male didn?t want to be chased away, not to be shunned, maybe he even feared it. Though she didn?t really understand the feeling she wouldn?t want to harm his male without good cause. ?The remainder of the meal is all yours, better this one live on in us than rot here.? With that said she set about to grooming herself more to get the blood and scent of death out of her fur.

"My words are for all.""My thoughts are not."


04-28-2014, 04:08 PM

What Is Life For, If Not For Joy?
He would listen, quietly, as the she-wolf spoke. A wolf who was confident and sure of their skills would be the sort to hunt here... Birch knew for sure that he was not that sort of wolf. Though he knew how to hunt... He wouldn?t risk it in a place such as this. His light purple eyes would trail upwards for a moment, a soft sigh leaving him. Was it caution that held him back? Fear? Knowledge that his own, for the most part, lack of seriousness would likely get him hurt?

He would frown a little more, looking back to the she-wolf as she mentioned that helping another wolf who had gotten injured trying to hunt here wouldn?t be the natural thing to do. For Birch helping others... Doing the right thing... It had always been the natural thing to do. It was what he was supposed to do... What everyone needed to do. Far too many wolves would simply turn their backs on those who needed help just because they were strangers... And that could very well be the difference between life and death.

Maybe he just didn?t want to think about what would happen if he was in their situation and no one would help him. Why was it, really, that he chose to help others in need? It could put him in danger sure... But... It had always been the path he had chosen. Being more chivalrous. Being the knight for those unable to defend themselves or those they cared for... Lending the helping paw to those in need. Birch was a wolf who wore his heart on his sleeve... So ready to sacrifice to help others.

He couldn?t remember ever feeling any different... Like he was caught in time from when he was still with his family. Perhaps Birch didn?t change because he was still clinging to his past... His beliefs. The she-wolf would speak, saying that change was not always good. Things would be as they would be, for whatever reason that was. So even if it wasn?t the norm... It wasn?t necessarily wrong to be as he was. Birch was going to be no other wolf other than himself... Though, perhaps, time would finally mature the male. Maybe... Fatherhood was the step he needed to accomplish this.

Birch would give a small nod as she spoke of the alphas she had known... Though he would lower his ears once more when she spoke of his pack. It was true that he and his mate didn?t want a pack of the sort she was used to he could see a lot of truth in her words... And a seed of doubt would be planted within him. What if, when ?owyn finalized the pack, truly got it running, he ruined things for them with his more puppish ways? He might not have been the one that would be in the primary alpha position but... He was still her mate. The one who was supposed to be beside her and her support. The thought of letting her down... Of letting his friends, his pack down... He didn?t want to think about it.

Birch would give a sigh. The words of the female would surely be reflected on... ?...You?re right...? He wouldn?t meet her gaze at the moment, his own holding a thoughtful look within them as he mulled over her words... And stressed about them as well. If anything... Birch knew he had to try harder... To reflect upon himself and try harder... To work at becoming the alpha he needed to be to help ?o keep things running smoothly.

When the femme spoke again Birch would look to her again, giving a nod and a small smile. ?...Thank you.? He would pad over to the kill, teeth working to first cut off a hunk of meat for his beloved. It took some time, though Birch refused to take even a single bite for himself until ?owyn?s meal had been set aside first. He wouldn?t be able to linger here forever... But he did hope to share in this other female?s company just a bit longer.

?You speak knowledgeably, miss... Thank you... For sharing what you have with me... And... For pointing out things I hadn?t considered.? Birch was unable to keep his gaze upon the female as he said the last sentence, though there was sincerity in the brute?s voice as he spoke... Even if it was more of a somber and almost... Saddened tone at the moment.

Live, Love, and Laugh For Today

Because Tomorrow You Might Not Have The Chance