
Birds of a Feather

Twig I


01-19-2014, 01:49 PM

The sounds of young birds had brought her to a marshy wet land. She was searching for a easy meal, and it seemed young birds would do the trick this evening. It was getting on to be twilight, the sun was starting to disappear behind the horizon. The darkness was setting in, and the birds had not quite made it home to their nests. With a victorious smirk the she wolf would sneak her way to the various nests that were laid before her. A buffet of young birds was open for her dinner.
Slate colored paws would quietly approach the young animals, her jaws slightly damp from the anticipation. She would lick her lips as she peeked into the contents, four sleeping chicks would greet her. Their size was rather large, it seemed that the four of them would create an excellent meal. She would lean in to grab them all quickly as she heard the alarming call of another bird. The young ones would suddenly spring awake, but it was too late. Twig would grab all four necks into her slavering jaws and then made a break for the shallow woods.

I can talk!


01-23-2014, 08:38 PM

Erebos sat quietly at the wood's edge, barely beyond the marsh itself. His icy gaze rested on the willow at the center of it all as the songs of birds floated to his ear. It was a good day. He had recently joined Seracia and found himself in a state of happiness - true happiness, for once in his life. His hallucinations had been toned down substantially, coming less frequently and tending to be simple and innocent, like butterflies or flowers where there were none. He felt completely in control of his mind. He felt alive.

A sudden movement would break him from his thoughts, his eyes snapping to focus on another black and white form running toward him. His tail would thump on the ground and he would bark to alert the wolf of his presence, as she was probably too caught up in her escape from an angry mother swan to notice him sitting there by the trees.


Twig I


01-24-2014, 04:03 PM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2014, 04:04 PM by Twig I.)

She had her catch, now all that was left was the escape, which would be slightly harder than anticipated. Behind her furiously flew the mother of the meal that dangled between her jaws. She was the winner, it would just depend on Twig's ability to escape and the swan as to when she would enjoy the meat. She would try to escape through the underbrush of the wood, hopefully it was thick enough to dissuade the avian from following. As she made one last burst for the wood however she would hear someone bark. Violet gaze would widen as she realized she was headed right for another wolf. It was possible the event would turn out in her favor after all.
She would veer off so as not to collide with the man, fast enough that the swan would be confused as to which figure she needed to follow. "Run!" She'd squeal with her mouth full, warning him about the swan that was soon to be occupied with his face. She would leap into the undergrowth, pushing herself under roots and foliage as she hid herself from the enraged bird. Sorry 'bout your kids sweetie, but I gotta eat. A smile would wedge itself onto her features as she wondered absently what had happened to the man she had led the swan to.

I can talk!


01-26-2014, 02:20 PM

Amused by what was happening, he would follow her command and run, in the same general direction that she had but slightly off to the right. The swan paused behind him, obviously confused by the diversion, and he chuckled as he dove through a gap under the bush before him. He squeezed himself through and waited a moment to see if the bird would continue to pursue him before heading toward where he had seen the other wolf run.

He would approach from somewhere off behind her and bark to alert her to his presence. A wide grin was plastered on his maw as he breathed heavily, trying to refill his lungs with the air that was lost in his short sprint. Quite daring, I must say, to choose the children of an angry bird for lunch. Wouldn't have been my first choice, but I commend you on it.

ooc;; sorry so short x.x


Twig I


01-30-2014, 06:14 PM

It seemed her ploy would work better than she had anticipated, the swan became very much confused as both wolves disappeared into the brush. After a few strangled cries she would move off, hopeful to find the chicks back in the nest. Once she was completely gone she could hear the rustles of brush as the man who she had inadvertently included into her plan appeared a little ways from her. His bark of approach would alert her as well and she would turn to greet him. Quite daring, I must say, to choose the children of an angry bird for lunch. Wouldn't have been my first choice, but I commend you on it. he seemed quite amused by her antics as he caught his breath.
Twig would also fight to catch her breath as she let the limp fowl slip from her jaws. A smile would form on her lips, an unusual occurrence while she was around strangers, "It was really nothing." She'd let a small giggle form on her lips before nosing one of the four towards him, "Here take this, its the least I can offer after putting you through that." She wouldn't be indebted to him after he was forced to help her keep them.

"Talk" Think "You"