
Lets make a scene we wont soon forget

Motif I


4 Years
10-26-2014, 09:51 PM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2014, 11:14 PM by Motif I.)

Ever since Chord had told her of the new lands, of the cave hidden behind the waterfall, the strange bridge that appeared and connected these two lands together, she had been consumed with a desire to see it by her own eyes. It was a week since Chord had told her the tale, but she left now with Bass's blessing and the promise to return a few days hence. She blossomed with the freedom, an almost childish lighten in her golden eyes as she stepped free of Abaven lands and the responsibilities of leadership for the time being. She went in the direction Chord had spoken of until she found herself at the remarkable bride. She stood at its edge for a moment, sweeping her tail against its surface, before looking out across its length and the new lands. She was here, in this place that so few wolves had explored, here in this place that touched right into the core of her adventurous nature. She threw back her head and let loose a howl, a call that spoke everything of her lyrical name, its song began soft and delicate and ended on a note of strength, the fire of the temptress beneath. Laughing now, she lowered her head, threw herself forward and ran across the bridge. Her paws left a dance of sea spray behind her and her lithe body danced against the earth until her paws touched earth against the other side. She did not stop here however, she kept on, chasing the falling sun as the day wound to its end. There was the promise of moonlight already against the sky, and bright stars peering through the rays of sunlight, promising her that... tonight would be magical.

She ran until she touched a place that the star and moonlight could barely reach. Beneath the thick canopy of grape vines stood an earth dark and unknown to her. The fearless woman took one look at the arching roof that loomed above, and plunged into its depths. She was hit first with the silence of the world below. She could hear her breath, the rhythmic beat of her paws, even the swish of her tail that danced in light excitement behind her. She threw back her head and arched her back, owning the darkness and the silence and she defied it with her head held high.





8 Years
Extra large
10-26-2014, 10:45 PM

The dark beast would rest within his favorite of places. The silence of the dark cathedral would lure him here day after day to commune with the goddess he worshiped. Silently he would lay, a peaceful ray of light shining down from the canopy delicately before his massive paws. Surrounded by the sound of nothing but his own breathing he would easily take in the disruption of another being. As she stepped foot into his grove the light he lay before would disappear. Bright sun-hewn gaze would open as her scent made its way to his nostrils and the alarming scent of northerner would overwhelm him. He would lay there silently as he debated about what to do, if he moved she would easily find him, but staying where he was eventually she would walk right into him.
With his brother having been wounded so recently he would take no chances, he would confront the she wolf first, learning from his brothers mistakes. He?d face the threat instead of turning tail and hiding. With the utmost confidence the brute would rise from his earthen throne, massive stilts bringing him up to his full height as he lifted his head proudly and waved his decorated tail over his back. Hackles would raise as he stared at her, reserving the growl until she made the first move. He?d stand tall and await her reaction.

"Yoruban" "English"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Motif I


4 Years
10-26-2014, 10:54 PM

She would catch movement from the near distance as she strolled through the darkness. She could see glints of him in the bare moonlight that trickled down from above. She saw flashes of his dark tones, of silvers, and the deep yellow of his eyes that blinked out from the distance as he rose. Her breath caught in her throat as she watched the beasts movements, not from fear, but by the sudden realisation that struck her, that even in the dim lighting she could see his beauty. She could see the feathers he wore in his hair, their lighter color catching in soft rays of moonlight and glinting silver across the greys in his bare chest, he was a massive beast, he towered above her, but his form struck her as lithe and beauty, he filled his size beautifully, his muscles where well toned beneath his fur, and all this was just what she could see in the darkness!

She knew, in those flashes of light, those pools of starlight that struck him, that she wanted him. She took a step forward, and still she did not feel fear. She was a leader, a victor in spars, she was her own woman, and she was a woman who knew exactly what she wanted. Her tail began to sway gently from side to side in a rhythmic dance, her back arched, showing her small body, her curvy frame in splashes of silver as she moved yet another small step towards him, as through she was afraid she would scare him off. She did not want this prize piece of flesh, this beauty of man to run from here before even got the chance to properly see his beauty, to touch that delicately soft looking coat, run her tongue against.. she pulled herself from that before she could sigh lustily after him. Instead she stopped there, making no more moves forward and eyed him up and down in a long, suggestive movement, ?My.. what strong muscles you have.. my dear? she purred softly, looking up at his towering form through her lashes as she waited for him to speak.





8 Years
Extra large
10-26-2014, 11:12 PM

He?d watch as she caught sight of him, her breath catching slightly in her throat as he pulled himself up to his gigantic height. From the bits of moonlight that struck her features he?d see as she took him in, her eyes holding a hunger he?d not yet experienced before. Still wary of her motives he would find a curiosity of her bubbling forth, his still frame would remain stoic as she stepped forward, the sound of her feet meeting the earth swirling up to his ears softly. The way the silver light reflected off her would accentuate her feminine curves, she would easily boast these attributes as she trained her sights on to him. The innocent boy would for the first time, realize the feelings of lust.
He could hardly deny the butterflies that danced in his stomach as she took a step closer, his mind returning to embarrassing moments with Gwena. The feelings seemingly so similar. His skin would turn red and he?d feel a heat rushing up from his blood as their yellow eyes would come to meet. She?d stop before him as strange words would pour from her lips, a stark reminder that she was from the north. However her meaning was clear as she gazed up at him through her lidded gaze. He wasn?t experienced enough to realize her seduction, but already he?d be trapped in her gaze. "You should go," He?d whisper as he realized she could only bring about trouble. With her alluring gaze and irresistible perfume he wouldn?t realize he?d already been ensnared.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Motif I


4 Years
10-26-2014, 11:21 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2014, 11:21 PM by Motif I.)

He would remain still, and tall as she moved, unmoving, unblinking this Goliath watched her. He was not yet even speaking and she found her heart beating faster in her chest. There was something about him, so different, so alien from the boys that she knew, that she could not even put her thoughts into words. His gaze never left her, and his stillness, his sheer calm and strength shown simply by standing their in silence was alluring all in itself. She did not know the questions that truly went on beneath his face, he hid it too well for her eyes to catch. As she watched him he would speak, his words sending a small shiver to curve down her body. She could not understand the words, but man, she didn't even want to. She just wanted to hear him speak again, she wanted to hear those sweet strange tones pool from his lips again. She moved one step closer, tilting her head in a cocky movement as she kept her eyes upon him. ?Its okay baby, you don't need to speak English for what I have planned for you? she shivered again to hear her own words in the darkness, did she really have plans for him? She stopped herself from laughing, it didn't matter if she did or didn't, he couldn't catch the meaning of her words and run if she indeed kept her word.

She titled her head again, this time in a move that indicated herself. ?Mo-tif? she purred,l putting it into two syllables as she finished gesturing her own body, and flicked her eyes upwards and downwards, nodding her head towards him to see if he would understand her meaning and give forth his own name. She wanted to know what to call him, what name to sound into the darkness that could indicate this beauty before her.




8 Years
Extra large
10-27-2014, 12:08 AM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2014, 12:09 AM by Shai.)

He could practically feel her shiver as the movement of her skin disturbed the air around them. Shai would become completely unnerved at her presence, his knees would become weak as he felt warm and nervous in his skin. As her graceful form was lifted but a step further he?d almost take a step back. He would hold fast, he had a home to defend. Skah had been mauled by one of these intruding northerners, how did he knew she would not do the same? From his chest the thought of a growl would bubble deeply, his gaze sharpening as soft words would drip from her sinful lips. She?d tilt her head curiously, obviously in need of knowledge. He?d asked her to leave, but he realized she couldn?t understand his words.
He?d realize she?d say her name, the delicate word slipping from her tongue with ease as she motioned to herself. The gentle curves of her body would be flaunted before him again, and the need to see her off would diminish. Instead he?d be filled with a feeling of want, not that he would even realize the emotion. She?d nod towards him curiously, seeking out his own calling. "Shai," He?d return her whisper as they disturbed the silence that had hung around them. With the giving of his name he would sigh deeply, his rigid form softening slightly as she convinced him to get to know her. Still, he?d hold her in suspicion, knowing full well the unpredictability of the northern wolves. "Motif," He would say in a breath, uncertainty in his voice. What did she want here?

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Motif I


4 Years
10-27-2014, 01:31 AM

He was so still, she could almost call him assured, unwavering by his stance and his inability to turn his eyes from her. She could feel that gaze on her skin, and it caused her tail to flick lazily at her ass, for her toes to dig into the earth, for her own eyes to tease him. She did not of course know that his own mind was confused, uncertain, she could not see it on him and could not see through the beauty of his skin. She was captivated herself, by the soft whites that haloed about his eyes, softening his gaze upon her. She realised with a start that the two shared the same tone of eyes, that same dancing sunlight, although his held more depth, more tones and colour then her own. She continued to watch him, these two strangers did nothing but stare at each other and stand in the darkness and the silence. She could see the realisation come to him as she gave him her name, and at last he would utter a single word that she could only assume was his title. ?Shai? she would repeat, memorising the strange sound from her head to her heart ? she knew she was never likely to forget it, and she liked how it tasted against her tongue ? even if she liked it better coming from his husky, strange accent.

Now for the first time she would see a crink in his armour, see his shoulders flex and relax in the darkness and she found herself staring at the strong, lean muscles of his legs, her lips parting lightly as she took in his raw muscle, his size and strength. He would say her name then, uttering it into the silence, and her lips would curl upwards into a dangerous smile, a smile that promised him he would not want her to leave tonight. She stepped closer to him then, a question in her eye, watching him to see if he would shy away from yet another crush to his personal space. They where closer now, she could see him better then ever in the darkness, the curves of him, the blue of his strange decorations that lay still in the non-existent wind, and the soft shades of silver that gave shape to his darkness. ?Oh, my boy, do you know how delicious you are?? she breathed, her voice barely to a whisper, but she knew he would hear it in the still air.





8 Years
Extra large
10-27-2014, 10:37 AM

He may have appeared every bit unmoving and strong, but on the inside he felt himself crumbling before her. His knees were wobbly, his stomach a flutter with butterflies, and his heart threatened to beat out of his chest. Similarly colored gazes would meet and stare, two very different creatures having come to meet in the silence. Her gentle lyrics would echo his name, and oddly enough he?d find his lips curl up slightly at the sound. He was relaxing and he knew it, though his brain would scream at him at his mistake he would continue unheeding. She?d continue to study him, lidded gaze traveling over his form as he found himself doing the same to her. He was becoming captivated by her sweet voice and gentle eyes, the femininity of her curves and the sway of her back.
The corners of her lips would pull up as he repeated her name in a whisper. The promise with which was held in her smile would both excite and concern him as she took yet another step closer. Curiosity would keep him from moving now, what was this proposition she held for him? He could see her better now, the long lithe limbs of the warrior she was, the sinewy muscle that coiled beneath her seemingly impossibly soft pelt. She would breath those strange words again, the tone of them speaking much more clearly than the actual meaning ever would. Her closeness would continue to break at his resolve as the temptation to touch her became real. He?d take in a deep breath as he watched her, unable to communicate verbally with her he?d move his tail slightly. The sound of his beads would jingle melodically, coaxing her closer as his eyes drew in a hunger for her.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Motif I


4 Years
10-27-2014, 03:57 PM

His roving gaze sent goosebumps up her skin, her hairs wavering at its passing. Did he like what he saw? Did he see her curves and soft tones, the silvers that haloed the edges of her coat, the strange markings that she bore on her face. Did he see these and think, 'I want her' or did he take her in and simple see a stranger? She was leaning towards her first guess, that smile upon his lips seemed to tell her he did not wish to walk from her. So long as she could keep him curious, interest, she did not think he would leave this place, and that was good ? she could not stand to see him go now. He was a Goliath of a wolf, tall and calm with dark shades accented with beauty and silvers. Oh, he truly was a marvel to look at and she could not get over it, this exotic beast with a tongue that danced in a language she had never heard before.

Her movement did not startle him, he did not back away from her and she took that as an invitation, watching the beckoning movement of his tail and the other half of her lips would curl upwards as her expression became ever more lustful and dangerous as she prowled the last steps towards him, stopping two paw lengths before him watched him before curling her body around as she got closer, to give him the full view of every piece of her. Let him see her long, lush tail that was close enough she could flick it against his ass if she so chose, or her brilliant eyes that stared up at his larger form through long lashes. He had welcomed her in, beckoned her closer and now she was here before him, and she would not turn from him ? that had never been an option, even at the start when she had seen his colossal form rise from the earth. Her eyes danced with the melody of his beads as their last jingle died out. ?And now what will you do with me?? she teased him, her voice ever softer, their closeness would ensure he caught her sound, even if he could not decipher the words.





8 Years
Extra large
10-27-2014, 09:32 PM

She?d ensnared him, and though he hadn?t quite comprehended such facts he knew he felt a pull towards her. She was very much different from the wolves that lived within the goddess?s lands, her markings unique and her accent so different. His resolve was waning as he felt his defenses start to fall, finding her presence was becoming much more comfortable. She seemed so capable and yet so small an innocent. Only recently had Shai?s mind been allowed thoughts of being with a she wolf, and because of such Motif would very much have the upper hand during their encounter. Not that he?d even find realization of this. Motif would surely be aware of such, as he had not moved at all. With his tail dangling uselessly once again he?d become caught up in her movements, his body freezing as she took the last few steps to his form.
She?d look up at him, her form insubstantial compared to his colossal being. Had real thoughts been going through his head the stunned wolf might have thought to lower himself to the ground so she didn?t have to strain. However her luscious frame would encompass his thoughts, her closeness blurring his reason and tearing down any previous resolve. She would offer her form to him, putting herself on display. He?d feel his jaws part as his awestruck look would overcome his features. His eyes would wander over her perfect frame, his conscious completely submitting to her every whim. The silence and peace of the cathedral would be broken once more by her sweet voice. In response to whatever question she?d asked, (He didn?t know what it was, but it was a question and the underlying tones would send a shiver up his spine.) the massive wolf would close the rest of the distance between them. He wanted to feel her heat mingled with his own, he wanted to show her an affection he?d never realized was there to give. "Motif," he would say quietly as he nuzzled her ears tenderly, taking in her pleasant perfume. He?d breathe deeply as the contact would send a crazy feeling over his skin.
For a moment a thought of Gwena would interrupt his thoughts, her sweet face and wonderful nature would almost be enough to rip him from the trance Motif had put him in. But as quickly as it had come, the thought would disappear, making way for thoughts of the girl beside him.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Motif I


4 Years
10-27-2014, 09:48 PM

He would become utterly still again, to the point where she could clearly see the rise and fall of his breath, hear the utter softness of it of the silence they had found here. He had frozen beneath her gaze and it gave her a feeling of power, that she could so enrapt him, that she could capture a beauty like this. She was not so still, her two front forepaws needles the ground in slow, mesmerising movements, her tail would sway and her eyes would dance and watch him. Everything about her told him what she had planned for him, if only he knew how to read such body language.

She would watch each movement he made as he unfroze, as his lips parted and she could feel his breath through the short distance between them, feel it on her forehead and tickle against her cheek as he looked down at her shorter being. At last, she would break him and he would move to full the last distance between them and his colossal being would be wholly there and she could compare herself against his bulk. His muzzle would move against her ears and she would part her own lips, a thrumming building in her throat to mimic the sound of a purr as she raised her head and welcomed, encouraged the movement of his caressing touch. Her name would leave his lips once more and the beauty of it would captivate her. Oh how she wanted this boy, she had never seen such beauty before, or such grace in one so monumental. Her swaying tail would gently lash out against him, sipping against his rump, then his back legs, before brushing against his own appendage and the sweet sound of his bells would jingle through the silence. She threw back her head and drank in the sight of him before moving her rump to press against his, sliding her shoulder against his side, above his fore-paw and moving her head to press into his neck, a part of him that her shorter status could easily reach. She nuzzled first before turning her affection into soft love bites, nipping at his skin, with gentle, teasing movements. She would move her head back further and her tongue would slide out to tease against the underside of the point of his chin, first licking then grabbing the skin between her teeth. Her eyes found his as they did so, her golds flashing with emotion, and fire, and a dare, daring him to best her movements.




8 Years
Extra large
10-27-2014, 10:53 PM

She?d encourage his touch, molding herself to him as she leaned into the tender caress. He?d find his sunny orbs eclipsed as the enjoyment was plain on his features. She might have ensnared him, but it was obvious he would make no more effort to fend her off. He?d forget about the possibility of deception, of the thought that she would turn to attack him at any minute was long gone. She would purr under his touch, the sound only egging him on. He?d find his tongue sneaking from his lips as he gently pulled it across her dark ear. He?d feel her tail against his flesh three times as she grew more bold with each touch. His heart would flutter and from his lips she would draw forth a surprised gasp from him.
Her intentions would become more clear to him as he realized all along what she?d been doing. Every movement she made would beg him to divulge in her delicate form, and as he would become more aware he?d realize how much he wished to comply. With the mind of a horny teenager the now almost three year old would press into her form. Motif would rub against his side, tempting him to overwhelm her smaller body. Before he could act on his urges she would nuzzle into his neck, the feeling causing his heart beat to pound on his chest. Her nuzzles would turn into nips, involuntarily from the depths of his chest a pleased growl would rumble forth. She?d work up to his chin, her teeth taking his sking as she would demand his gaze.
He wanted to give into this forbidden temptation, he wished to feel her surrender beneath him. He could feel the anxious build up within his body that she would cause, and he?d realize she?d be the only one to relieve those feelings. He?d growl once more as he pushed himself against her just a bit harder, waves of need would start to roll over his skin as shivers. "Motif, what have you done to me?" he?d ask in a needy groan, his muzzle reaching to nibble at her ears. His inexperience showing through terribly.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Motif I


4 Years
10-27-2014, 11:10 PM

He was enjoying her touch, she knew it from his breath and the feel of his muscles beneath her touch, she knew it from the beautiful gasp that escaped his lips and she pushed her head into the tender touch of his tongue against her coat. She felt nothing strange about the embrace of a stranger, she knew from the moment she saw him that she wanted him and know she knew, with a burst of pride that he wanted her too. She did not realise that maybe, something had triggered her heat, that she was overcome with desire, but even if she knew she would hold no regrets, this boy was a beauty, he was magnificent and sleek and powerful. He was a panther, to the cats she uselessly played with and she wanted him in every way, to claim him and to feel his muscles, the warmth of his skin. She was getting her wish now, as he welcomed her embrace, encouraged it.

The growl she would hear from him would excite her, her nips would increase, and she would bite a little harder at his chin, growling softly, playfully beneath her breath as she did so. She would feel him respond, push harder into her body and she would rub her head against him playfully, happily. She herself would groan in pleasure when she heard his speech once more, those strange words roll of her tongue, and a sentence that had started with her name. She could only imagine what he said to her, could only imagine it was words of encouragement and want, certainly that was what his body was telling her. ?Oh Shai, you are utterly magnificent? she cooed softly to him, pressing her form against him, curl the base of her hind paw into his, trapping him to her as he nibbled at her ears. She nuzzled her head deeper into his chest, finding warmth and comfort there to add another level to his mystery and beauty. Yes, they where both trapped now, they had gone to far forward to turn back from this.

Walk "Talk" Think




8 Years
Extra large
10-28-2014, 09:56 PM

She would push him harder, molding herself around his form as they shared their warmth within the cold autumn night. He?d breathe in her sweet scent and would find himself enjoying her exotic presence. He wanted her, his thoughts occupied simply by that, why she?d found him or why she wanted him would remain a mystery to the dark wolf. Still, with his defenses falling he?d find himself giddy as he held her. Her own little sounds of pleasure would leak from her delicate jaws, such vocalisations would excite him, causing his tail to thrash behind him. He?d find himself moving his arm around her shoulders, he?d draw her into his stomach into a tighter embrace as he nuzzled her cheek and moved to kiss her softly on her muzzle. Her voice would whisper into the darkness again, he?d only catch his name as she spoke. He wished they could speak, but instead he would enjoy the language of her body. She?d press into him, nuzzling him closer. He?d pull her in, feeling the build up of their relationship becoming unbearable. "I want you, Motif." He?d whisper into her ear, finding a nervousness in his belly. He?d curse his inexperience, his instincts failing him as he struggled to take the lead.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Motif I


4 Years
10-28-2014, 10:39 PM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2014, 10:40 PM by Motif I.)

Amusing the silence and the sounds of their entwined bodies came also the soft jingle of his beads as his tail moved behind him and she curled her appendage with him, allowing them to sway together as one, a great banner that flew behind their equally entwined bodies. He would draw her yet closer and she would welcome it, curling in against his strong chest, enjoying the feel of his muscles beneath the pressure of her body, knowing he was a mighty beast would only draw a smile from her lips, he was all hers now, tonight. His tender caress would move to her muzzle as he gently kissed against its length and she shivered in pleasure at the touch. If he made her weight much longer she could only imagine what she might do, how she might tackle him to the ground and roll about in the dust with him.

He would speak again, and she would imagine he felt the same way, a purr building in her throat as she whispered ?My Shai, and I want you, I want all of you, now? she growled, want rich in her tones as she nipped at his chest, thrashed her tail against his and melted her body further into his. She nuzzled at his chin, inviting him, commanding him, to go over her, telling himj to encompass her body with his own.





8 Years
Extra large
10-28-2014, 10:51 PM

She was so close, their heartbeats would begin to beat as one as she shifted her tail to wave with his own. The feel of her was too much as need boiled up within him and caused a heat to overwhelm his body. He loved the little shivers that would course over her skin, his own would follow as he shook underneath the pressure of the need of his body. She would purr, whispering what he would only guess was a similar statement as he. The sultry lyrics would dance about his ears as he felt her give herself up to him, to ask him wordlessly to relieve the both of them To indulge in her pure form and partake of her voluptuous cup. She was so inviting, welcoming him to enter the threshold and meld them together. The seductress command would not be ignored as he lost his mind to her. With little effort he would find himself surrounding her lithe little frame. He?d feel her hips against his groin and tremors would race over his form. He?d take in one last breath before taking the plunge, nuzzling her softly he?d give into the temptation and join them as one.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Motif I


4 Years
10-28-2014, 11:04 PM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2014, 11:04 PM by Motif I.)

At last, as she had dreamed from the moment she had seen him he would take the plunge, she could feel him moving, positioning himself as she colossal beauty moved to cover her form. She gasped softly, encouraging him as she moved to nibble at a fore-paw, her tail waving gently behind her with pleasure and want. ?Shai? she whispered, her voice deep with desire and lust and all the things that seemed to drive the pair tonight. She had wanted this exotic, alien beast and she had gotten her wish, the pair of them where beautiful together as they melted into one and her paws scrambled at the earth as she arched her back and let nature take its course




8 Years
Extra large
10-29-2014, 01:19 PM

She?d eagerly accept his touch, forming herself to him as they finally joined together. Shai would lose himself in that moment along with his values, all for Motif. She would make Shai feel like every second was worth his betrayal, though he would not think of their actions as such right then. The tall man was much too encompassed within the beauty before him. Her soft gasps and moans driving him on through the night.
Reluctantly he would part from her, releasing his grip he?d realize he wasn?t near done with her presence. Though it was very much obvious Motif had gotten her wish, Shai found his affections were not yet sated. He?d continue to surround her, he?d hold her close to his breast. His heartbeat was erratic and his breathing labored as he fell to the ground on his side, hoping to bring the princess with him.
He?d land with a huff, a contented sigh flowing from his lips as he moved to groom Motif?s fur. He?d dote on her, nuzzling her gently as he enjoyed these moments after with her.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Motif I


4 Years
10-29-2014, 02:28 PM

He had been a more then perfect lover, and she had gotten her wish. At last, the hormones that had been driving her to this moment where sated and fell silent in her head. She had expected, anticipated the perfection of Shai inside her but what she had not expected was how he would react afterwards. He would hold her close to him and tumble gently to the ground, pulling her with him.; well surprised that he wanted more to do with her, she did not resist the pull. She felt the dirt ground soft beneath him, but his own coat softer pressed to all points of her side. He was hot from their activities and the heat tingled down her spine. The soft huff of his impact on the earth would send her yet another shiver, and then he would begin his attentions on her. In utter truth, she had never in her life been dotted on by a male that was not her blood, at at first she tensed at this strange new direction the night had taken, but then she melted in his arms. Her lips uttered soft cooing noises, now from a totally different pleasure as she curled against him and enjoyed each moment of dotting he placed upon her, the only problem was, these actions and the feeling it brought to her was not lust, but love.





8 Years
Extra large
11-02-2014, 04:12 PM

The moment would fully encompass him as the tall wolf found himself indulging within the sweet chocolate form of Motif. The buildup and release she had offered him would consume his thoughts as he held her to his chest possessively. He?d never imagined he would so spontaneously take a lover like that, and that night he would not regret her presence in the least. He?d enjoy it, he?d enjoy her and the time he was given with her. The girl would easily fall to the earth within his grasp, her form offering no resistance. At first he would wonder if she would accept his affections, her form would freeze like he was being strange. However he wouldn?t have time to think on her movements as she pressed into his furnace of a body and let herself indulge in his touch. She?d encourage him with her breathless coos and he?d place tiny kisses on her neck as he wondered what it was that had brought her to him and how long he?d be able to call her his own.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]